Heroes of the Storm - HGC North America :: Even in Death vs Roll20 esports :: Discussion Thread

HGC North America :: Even in Death vs Roll20 esports :: Discussion Thread

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:05 PM PDT

Previous match thread: HGC North America :: Team Naventic vs Tempo Storm :: Discussion Thread.

Remember to upvote the thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!


The match was planned to start at 16:00 PT / 1:00 CET, 5 minutes before this post was posted, so it should be starting very soon.


Community challenges

HGC resources


Even in Death vs Roll20 esports
Batterry warrior - support buds
FrozenX ranged/flex - flex Glaurung
HaoNguyen support - warrior Justing
Homicidal melee/flex - flex Prismaticism
Lutano ranged/flex - melee/flex Goku

Match format

Matches in the HGC league are best-of-5.

Each team bans one battleground. Then, the "home" team chooses a battleground for the first game. In the following games of a match, the losing team of the previous game will have the choice for battleground selection or first hero pick in the draft.

Battleground bans

  • Even in Death: TBD
  • Roll20 esports: TBD

Game version

HGC Phase 2 Week 3 is played on the June 28 balance patch, which is the current live patch.

Match reports, VODs

Website Link
Master League -
Twitch -

For feedback about the match thread, please contact /u/lerhond.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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[HGC] Mind your surroundings!

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 11:11 AM PDT

Stitches' Gorge description "Cannot be used on massive heroes" is probably the most misleading and unclear description in the game

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 05:35 PM PDT

When I first saw it I thought "Oh, I guess I cannot eat fat heroes like Cho'Gall then" (mainyl because even though I'm Stitches main I've faced them mianly when I've picked Bile as more ideal ult). Then I could, and I was left wondering what that means, untill over the time I noticed that apparently I was not able to used it on Tychus' Odin or Tassadar's Archon.

So why not just change it into something like "Cannot used on heroes transformerd my ultimate abilities"?

submitted by /u/Pernaman
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Made another Hots comic

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 11:45 AM PDT

"He makes me play HotS" by Ekaterina Shapovalova (x-post /r/SympatheticMonsters/)

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 09:40 AM PDT

I was browsing my feed and came across this, I wanted to share because I thought this subreddit would enjoy it. I'm not entirely certain which one is supposed to be the monster there, to be honest.

The source is here.

submitted by /u/DrowningInMercy
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The only way how you can run from Illidan

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 10:34 AM PDT

Blizzard needs to stop crunching everyone in Diamond 3

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 12:59 PM PDT

Game I just lost in Diamond 3. (everyone in the game was diamond 3 or 4)

  • My teams highest ranks ever achieved: D3, D2, D4, D4, Masters (me)

  • Their team highest rank ever achieved: 1k mstr, 1.5 k mstr, GM 124, d2, d4.

I get that we are all around D3 hell currently, but can the matchmaker be reasonable about how good a player has been in their career when making teams?

submitted by /u/SullySauce
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I love this game so much that I drew my favorite hero as a doodle during a lunch break, tweeted it, and one of the concept artists loved it!

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 11:47 PM PDT

So I went back and colored it and I wanted to share it with the community! https://i.imgur.com/qZ8gVRJ.png

Thank you for the fun game!

submitted by /u/shutupandsuckmyclit
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TIL you can kill the pigs on cursed hollow

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 11:47 AM PDT

Why are your games region locked Blizzard?

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 06:02 AM PDT

Except for overwatch. I would love an answer because i dont see a logical reason. At least not one that doesnt affect overwatch more than hearthstone and HS is region locked while OW isnt. Its 2017 blizzard, i dont think there is a reasonable expanation for it. Most fighting games arent region locked which suffer much more than any blizzard game while playing at long distances.

submitted by /u/NECKBRE4KER
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Extremely toxic players in HL. Reports work?

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 09:39 AM PDT

There is HUGE problem with toxic players in game, especialy in HL.

2 games in a row i got matched with the same guy and he goes toxic instantly -reason? "Ban" according to him is bad - response? He throws 2 games in a row (i had the pleasure to get matched 2 with him 2 games in a row).

First game - goes streight into the tower, when we say to report him goes super toxic - bad words, "mom talk" - but realy out of the line (i hope your mom get cancer and staff). 2nd game he saw my nickname and i told everyone about him - goes super toxic from the start of the game and afk. Game drops him 2 times (!) and he still plays HL after that.

Does blizzard want to do something? Guys name "consored nickname", guy have twitch channel which he shared with me when i asked him why he is like that. "censored twitch adress" and title of the stream - "[GER] HL TROLL | Besoffen wie ein Schwein LUL #BIERLIEBE | Illidan only! ".

Guy is obvious game ruiner.

Now - to the point. This guy only made me write that post.

Blizzard should implement something like "reports" and counteraction tab, where You can see what is the state of report - if mod saw that, rejected, banned etc. Also the "spammer" reporters should be punished. This could lead to the situation where sociaty will be more "conservative" will giving reports. Users which have like x% good reports should be consider "good" and their report should be more impactful etc.

EDIT: removed nickname and twitch adress so it hopefully wont be removed. I want to talk about report system not starting witch hunt :)

submitted by /u/KuterPStragow
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Sam Braithwaite, HotS Esports Lead: “The game is at a really, really good place, maybe the best it has ever been”

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 07:10 AM PDT

Abathur's attack speed talent does not affect his monstrosity!!!

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 12:09 PM PDT

Since one of the latest patches, his attack speed talent no longer affects his monstrosity. Please please please fix this! This problem has reoccurred in previous patches, and then resolved again.

submitted by /u/BORNintoMUSIC
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Please separate skins from tints in loadout menu!

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:16 AM PDT

Hei reddit, since 2.0 came out, i really like having more than 3 tints possibly for each skin (or mount).

.. but i really dislike the lack of clear overview the new loadout menu has. And with recent new skins having 5 or more tints, this will even get worse.

So i would vote for separating skins from tints somehow!
Like chosing skin first, then chosing tint.

(of course you still need to get all tints separately via chests / shards)

submitted by /u/nakno3
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Lootboxes appear on wrong Server

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 02:24 AM PDT

Today I received my Email that I won 5 Lootboxes. As I logged in (EU), I didn't saw any. Checking reddit, someone suggested looking in other regions. So I logged in the US-Servers, I got 5 Lootboxes.

I never played on US-Servers anytime before and well, this doens't make all too much sense to me. Does anyone know where to contact Blizz for this? The ticket-system has no sector that would be helpful for that problem.

submitted by /u/LethargicEnsemble
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Suggestions for more brawls like Pull Party.

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 06:35 PM PDT

Pull Party seems to be the greatest brawl ever in HOTS so I started thinking about what other heroes could be used in their own mini-games. These mini-game brawls are easy to jump into and play as they feature 1-2 abilities only but are also (hopefully) fun because they venture far away from the usual gameplay of HOTS.

  1. Sgt. Hammer Minesweeper - Attack/Defend style brawl where 1 team has to lay down mines and the other team has to capture a point. Defenders have limited time to setup their mines and have low cooldown on their mines.

  2. Probius Cannon Defense - 5 players vs AI brawl, Protect your core against waves of minions and bosses by using only cannons and pylons.

  3. Stukov Sumo Showdown - 5v5 brawl, all players start inside a large circle and have to push the enemy heroes out of the circle to earn a point, first team to X points wins. All players have the shove heroic and it's on a low cooldown.

  4. Falstad Gustball - 5v5 brawl, 5 minute games inside a small arena type map with 2 end zones. Get past the enemy team and into your end zone to score a point, all players have gust on a short cooldown and barrel roll only.

  5. Gazlowe Laser Tag - 5v5 brawl 5 minute games, takes place inside a medium sized maze map with a base at each side. 1 point for each enemy killed and 5 points for destroying the enemy base. The enemy base respawns a short time after being destroyed. All players only have Gazlowe's laser skillshot and it's on a shorter cooldown.

What brawl mini-games would you like to see? These brawls should honestly be available all the time under custom games just like Starcraft and IIRC Warcraft.

submitted by /u/ianjh06
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My own take in the post 2.0 state of the community

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 06:04 AM PDT

There are a lot of threads on this very same topic already. I choose to believe that since it is such a touchy subject, Blizzard has so far chosen to remain silent about it. Words cannot do much to alleviate the problem. If they could, then reasoning with the seemingly ever-increasing amount of toxic and selfish players could be resolved in a speedy manner.

Great work has been done in the last two years to improve the game. Not only 2.0, which let's face it, mainly increased the games attractiveness from afar, but in game design. Heroes have gone through countless reworks, most if not all (yeah okay, some of you don't like Tyrande) making them much more fun to play. The game has come a long way.

And it still has a long way to go.

Mainly, and this is, quite evidently, the point I wish to address, in terms of how to handle the more "volatile" members of our community. From both game design and marketing standpoints, HotS has made great strides. In how to handle toxic players, it has made none. In that, the game has a major balance problem. It is getting to the point where I feel something is broken. Efforts to stem the influx of bad behaviors can be modest in a game that has a small yet solid community. Once the game grows in popularity, by the joint efforts of the aforementioned, modest measures in community handling are not sufficient anymore. Not by a long shot.

I don't write on reddit much. The place is flush with contributors. I'm not needed. As such, this is a personal – and somewhat selfish - endeavor. I am worried that I will soon, after about three years, have to stop playing HotS. I don't want to lose my love for this game, but I can see it happening.

I started playing League of Legends in the US beta, in the Spring/Summer of 09. Though initially not very popular, people deeming HoN the superior MOBA, and true successor to DotA, I stuck around. I believed Riot had created something special. The game grew in popularity. Despite efforts, such as the Tribunal, to address problematic players, the enormous influx of new players meant that more often than not, games would revolve around being verbal shitfest, my team spending more time hurling insults at each other than actually playing the game. I felt like the community I was in was mostly comprised of rutting, babbling baboons, desperate to establish superiority by yelling the loudest. My love for the game gradually faded. LoL became a synonym of having a shit time, suffering through other players' nevrosis. I quit League of Legends in 2013.

I'm in my mid thirties. I play the game to enjoy myself. I have no interest in verbal jousting while in game, especially not when revolving around insults. I rarely, if ever, speak in game. It detracts me from the action. I do however occasionally try to reason with my feuding teammates. It rarely works. They just encompass me in their little wars, or ignore me, and keep on insulting each other.

I started playing HotS once I was finally given access to the beta, somewhere in the fall of 2014. I had played a few games on a friends' alpha account before. Burned out by LoL, for a very long time I contented myself with careless, casual QM play. It suited me fine, as involvement and concentration were not truly required. With the ludicrous team comps QM enforces, most players accept that this mode is not for tryhards. QM is dangerous though, as it doesn't teach you what the game is truly about – teamplay. It also encourages self-centered play, which to this day, is something I'm still trying to unlearn in ranked.

About a year ago, I moved to ranked. Now, my efforts in ranked have been modest. I'm rarely in the mood for it, and my friends only play QuickMatch. In my first season I placed Diamond 3, though my knowledge was quite subpar at the time. I got lucky. I hovered around Diamond for the rest of the season, not playing much overall. I wasn't so lucky in the next, and went on a huge losing streak in my placement games, resulting in my placement somewhere around Gold 2. Somewhat disheartened, I didn't play much there either.

One thing remained constant in these seasons, despite the losing/winning streaks. The atmosphere was seldom toxic. Players would offer advice, would occasionally be exasperated by a too eager player's constant overextending, but verbally, things rarely got out of hand.

Things have changed recently, as has been made obvious by many threads, and very much for the worse. It seems a game is now decided on the draft screen, more often than not. And not by draft quality. If not, then the first few minutes of the game suffice. If players haven't started bickering over their picks on the draft screen, the death of one of them is what sets them off. It is becoming increasingly rare to have a team of mild-mannered, polite and reasonable players. It seems everyone has a chip on their shoulder.

To illustrate this, a short example. A Genji (no, really) started whinging about someone else's pick on the draft screen yesterday. The map was Hanamura. What ensued once the game loaded was 13 minutes of players insulting each other amidst a heap of staggered deaths. Thirteen minutes of pain.

This morning's pleasant surprise was this very same player (picking Raynor this time) launching a huge rant about the Tassadar pick above him.

Oh no. Not again.

Sure, again. I mean why not?

Once the game loaded, he expressed his surprise. He had picked Raynor. He thought he was picking Tychus. This amiable player, ever the charmer, just quit the game leaving us with a bot. No insults at least, you say. You'd be wrong. The game revolved around our Zagara picking up Raynor's legacy, and relentlessly harassing Tassadar for his pick. I'll spare you the details.

This is just one example of what happens in roughly 75% of my games. I'm hovering around Gold 1, Platinum 5 after placement games that placed me Gold 3 with 7 victories, 3 defeats. Occasionally, I get a few good games with nice players, that see me rise. Only to fall back in the midst of players insulting each other.

Amusingly, I attribute victories more to the fact that rather than performance, what made us win is that the opposing team was most likely too busy fighting each other to pay any attention to us.

What is truly revolting is feeling powerless. My rank seems to be defined not by how I, or others play, but how people will behave. It's not about performance, teamplay or mastering game mechanics. It's about praying that your team doesn't tear itself apart. Or that the opposing team does it before yours does.

I believe that's not what HotS was originally about.

And so, this overly lengthy post comes down to this. I am worried. I am being conditioned to expect such behavior. This has a direct impact on my desire to play the game. As with LoL in 2013, I fear I will soon no longer have the desire to boot up HotS. You've made great efforts to make the game better and more attractive, Blizzard. You have an awesome game on your hands. Please, do something about the players you've convinced to play your game. Do something FOR the players that would like to enjoy your game in a more..serene, setting. I'd like to enjoy the game as it's meant to be played. Right now, this is not possible anymore. Ranked brings out the worst in competitive players. Especially the more immature ones. Something must be done to rein in such behavior.

I won't offer solutions here. This is already way too long a piece, and I'm sure game developers are much more knowledgeable than I am. This was simply an effort to contribute what I can, before my draw to this game dies completely.

Edit: Thanks for the answers guys. For the ones offering to team up, that's pretty cool, and a good idea; I should mention however that I'm on EU however, not US.

submitted by /u/WarHamsterQueek
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I reached Gold 2 today

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:10 PM PDT


I will probably get demoted anytime soon, I just wanted to play because next map pool look awful to me.

I'm a mediocre player but this feels really good. Gold 3 was my highest rank.

I just needed to share this since I don't have any friends :)

submitted by /u/Fate611
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Friendly reminder: As an old player you can still complete the "Challenge" on the options tab to earn a free Starter Loot Box

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 07:09 AM PDT


It's 5 minutes and it's free, just in case you didn't know, and it can be done even by veteran players(just done it now after playing for 2 years).

Also it seems to always give you a Stimpack(7 days usually), pretty good if you have some spare time and want to level a bunch of heroes :)

submitted by /u/redskull94
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First time being legendary in the MVP screen! :D

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 01:53 PM PDT

Kinda proud of it as it was my 2nd Cassia game ever :) http://i.imgur.com/IL5lNAv.jpg

submitted by /u/Slyylyy
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Brawls where you only pick your ult should also give you the level 20 ult upgrade

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 02:17 PM PDT

Just a thought. Would make matches a more fun I think.

submitted by /u/CptnKickass
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Looks like summer loot boxes are always awarded on NA servers instead of the region ppl actually play at?

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 01:49 AM PDT

So.. I read about several people they got an email about winning summer loot chests and didn't find any after logging in. They however found them on NA server.. although not actually playing there. Can more people confirm this?

EDIT: So according to comments:

  • this happens to a lot of people, even if they have NEVER played on Americas before, but there are people on EU that got chests

  • customer support seems to be divided: some transfer chests to EU, some say "no its NA only". If the last happens to you I'd suggest to just try again

EDIT2: Blizzard Response in the other thread. They are looking into it and probably early next week trying to fix the problem: https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/6m03hs/lootboxes_appear_on_wrong_server/djyhnuq/

submitted by /u/TheNurph
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Skin Idea: Farmer Cassia with Fluttering Chicken for Ultimate (Ball Lightning)

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 12:14 PM PDT

I think this would be a neat idea. Cassia didn't really get a whole lot in terms of cinematics, mounts, sprays, and announcing like some of the other recent heroes so a new skin would be awesome.

submitted by /u/GrahamCrackerDragon
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A Chromie Compilation I made

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 11:29 AM PDT

[DATAMINING] All currently unimplemented skin & mount tints.

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 12:36 AM PDT

Figure ya'll probably want to see them. different videos cause of hard drive space. Some particles & cloth may looks a bit wrong, cause getting the textures to work in this fashion required some fuckery. Textures should all be as they should be tho.

Alarak through to Cassia

Xul through to DvaMech

ETC through to Medivh

Murky through to Zul'jin

Mounts, doesn't include unbuyable stuff like the esports 2017 battlebeast

Also, this is only current up to Stukov PTR. Some further stuff may be added next major patch after Stukov, like D.Va got new tints for each skin in both the Stukov & Malthael patch.

submitted by /u/Spazzo965
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HGC Genji juke

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:50 PM PDT

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