Civilization - The himeji castle photo inspiration never stops in the civ reddit :)

The himeji castle photo inspiration never stops in the civ reddit :)

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 09:33 AM PDT

Sometimes I like to wonder race against the AI

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 11:51 AM PDT

A Spy? An Imposter? If you really are William, then this is the wrong army!

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 12:42 PM PDT

Finally beat the game on Immortal difficulty!

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 08:15 AM PDT

Taking a quiz and I saw someone I recognised

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 12:14 PM PDT

It's not about winning, it's about sending a message

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 09:16 PM PDT

Just bought civ vi in the steam sale....

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 04:15 PM PDT

And there are buttons off screen! The start game button is one of them. Oddly the everything else is to scale apart from some of the buttons just aren't there. I'm playing on an old 720 tv (I know, but needs must) tried google but couldn't find an answer. Can't change the res in game either! Tried changing the start up res in the app options but nothing works. Any help?

submitted by /u/culum101
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[Immortal] AISpain just played me like a fiddle

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 09:23 AM PDT

I (Russia) spawned pretty close to Arabia and Spain. Arabia is buying up land around the pass between our two civs and refuses open borders - so war it is (still very early game, only upgraded unit is archers). Spain and and Arabia are enemies/sad faces, so ONE TURN after I declare war on Arabia, so does Spain - in the same stroke declaring friendship with me.

Since these two things happened simultaneously, I cannot see that they also declared war (though I can't say I'd have seen this coming), I accept the friendship, thinking that it would be better not to get fucked halfway through this war by Johnny Come-Lately.

I take the city Arabia established between the mountain pass, and figure, 'what the heck' my units are healthy enough and I have a road to their capitol, let's march on it. I get the capitol down to about 2/10s health, but my units are taking a real beating and I'm actually about 50/50 if I'm going to be able to get it. Just in the knick of time, Arabia offers a pretty generous surrender, and I take it.

IN MARCHES MOTHERFUCKING SPAIN, who I cannot stop because of our declaration of friendship, taking Cairo and immediately denouncing my troops by their border. TROOPS WHO WERE YOUR ALLY WHO YOU JUST SHANGHAI'd DUDE.

Icing on the cake is that Arabia uses this newfound 'peace' to AGAIN forward settle on my capitol.

I was planning to practice my science/culture win (not sure which till I see the city-states), but fuck these guys - let's salt the earth.

submitted by /u/thefalseidol
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Manhattan project ruining AI civ's GPT.

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 05:18 PM PDT

So I've been on a one man mission to buy out all of the other Civ's uranium stocks and while doing it I noticed that all the civs that got the Manhattan project complete where all like -100 GPT when they used to be about 50 GPT before. What's causing this and is it normal?

submitted by /u/Antfere
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[Civ 6] Having trouble with early game military - what is your strategy?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 10:58 AM PDT

Often, I'll see people say that a good viable strategy for emperor and higher in Civ 6 is to expand as early as possible by taking out the nearest civ, which sounds good in theory but I often find myself having trouble doing it quickly or effectively.

For example, I recently played a game as Gilgamesh and pumped out half a dozen warcarts and sent them to fight Teddy Roosevelt, but he was able to pump out a bunch of archers quickly. I finally took a couple of cities, but it took ages and I fell behind pretty badly in the game by focusing on getting more military units to overwhelm Teddy. Every time I had a chance to actually assault a city, another batch of archers would spring up, and I'd have to dispatch those lest my warcarts get killed.

What's your method for early game conquests? How many units do you usually have ready to go when you attack cities? Any general advice would be really helpful! Thank you

Quick edit: Forgot to mention I usually play standard speed, though sometimes I'll go for online speed. Standard-sized maps, or large maps. Usually continent, occasionally fractal.

submitted by /u/babrooks213
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Npc talk

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 05:59 PM PDT

Are the npc dialogues random? I had queen elizabeth call my army weak and moments after that she called it really strong.

submitted by /u/Kidm9
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Is this mod possible?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 02:08 PM PDT

I'd like to fund development of a mod that simply reports data on the results of the game. Steam name, civ, and type of victory.

From there, I think it would be pretty easy to establish rankings, and civilization relative strengths.

I think this would be a first step towards helping develop a more cohesive multiplayer community that doesn't rely on discord servers.

submitted by /u/Nolagamer
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[Civ V]Multiplayer Issues

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 04:31 PM PDT

Cant find a solution anywhere and we have tried just about everything we can think of. Thanks in advance.

We can all connect and start the game fine. Turn 1 goes by no problem and then we get the loading screen. When we start turn 2, half the players will have swapped civilizations and have control of the warrior, but the capital will be missing, with only a road on that tile. We have tried leaving, rejoining, swapping hosts, etc. Cant get it to stop. Never had this issue before.

submitted by /u/Frank_Hampton
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Can't connect to Multiplayer session in Civ 6

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 06:26 PM PDT

I dragged my ally into a war they clearly weren't prepared for

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 08:40 PM PDT

I'm having one of the most calm and collected Civ games I've ever had

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 12:10 PM PDT

Right so this is me vs 7 AI. So it's an archaepelago map, which already means that until about the renaissance no one is going to be attacking anyone, so the early turns were full of peace and trade and research agreements. However everyone is industrial and we're all still friends. In fact, all the AI has just set up a bunch of defensive pacts with each other, effectively turning the world into one huge armistice. No one can attack anyone else and no one has had any interest in attacking since early on. Spain had previously wanted me to smite the Mayans but I told her no and she just didn't attack at all.

This is on Emperor difficulty btw, so I'm not seeing any reasoning for them to be so peaceful. No one has even denounced another person. The only one who hasn't got a defensive agreement with anyone is Babylon, and that's because no one had met him until we had all formed our pacts.

I'm thinking about starting a world war soon. I'll post pictures if I do. Just thought I'd share this ridiculous match.

submitted by /u/Pixelizedmario
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[Civ 5] Can I force end my turn?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 03:51 PM PDT

So I'm going for a culture victory and it will take me 2 turns to build a museum yet the game is forcing me to choose my dig site action. Is there a game mechanic or a mod that lets me wait 2 turns before I choose the dig site.

submitted by /u/Antfere
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How well would Civ 6 run on an i7-7500U with external GTX 1070?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 05:29 AM PDT

I'm looking for the most portable ultrabook to travel with and take back and forth to the office, but would love to be able to play Civ 6 on ultra high settings on my large monitor at home.

I'm interested in this Asus zenbook, but is the dual-core i7 really going to hold me back compared with a quad-core option?

submitted by /u/somanyhellos
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Computer illiterate: Is my computer capable of running Civ 5 or 6?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 01:46 PM PDT

I realize this may seem silly to many on this sub, but I'm a total goof when it comes to knowing things about my computers. I genuinely don't know the difference between RAM, GB, and all that stuff. Now with the preface out of the way:

I used to play Civ 5 on an XBox years ago, and recently purchased it again via Steam on this computer that I have at home. Whenever I'd get to around 600 or so BC, the game would freeze and crash on me. Even after returning to the same game via autosave, it would immediately crash again if I tried to go to the next turn. So my question is, is my computer not capable of running a game of Civ 5 (or 6's) magnitude? I wasn't really sure how to diagnose the problem, so any pointers or advice would be much appreciated.

submitted by /u/NucciGualtieri
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[Civ 6] Mamluks + Great Scientist + ... = profit!

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 12:51 AM PDT

We're leaking in r/todayilearned

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 12:40 PM PDT

(Civ 6) Militaristic City State Production.

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 11:50 AM PDT

Hi all,

Does the bonus production of militaristic city states count towards the production of civilian units such as builders and settlers? Or does it only add bonus production militaristic units. More envoys will increase the production of encampments when you're building units. Again, does it affect civilian units or just militaristic units.

submitted by /u/7dizzy
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[Civ 5] Importance of Aqueducts

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 05:18 AM PDT

Hi guys,

I've just started playing on Immortal difficulty. Really enjoying the added challenge, but have a couple of questions regarding build order.

How important are Aqueducts and Gardens? Are Markets and Barracks more important (considering they contribute to National Wonders)?


submitted by /u/blindoldeman
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