Overwatch - Overwatch World Cup Group Stage Talent Team and Where to Watch |
- Overwatch World Cup Group Stage Talent Team and Where to Watch
- Something interesting to do with Doomfists ult
- I Played Doomfist with a wired up Boxing Glove and Motion Controls! (Rising Uppercut Included)
- What would've happened if Terry Crews really voiced Doomfist?
- Huge post from Jeff Kaplan about his opinion on balance, the dive meta, and heroes in general.
- Mei Eats a Popsicle
- So that's why they created doomfist's ultimate!
- If I'm going down I'm taking you with me....
- Doomfist's highlight intro reveals what he REALLY is...
- Genji-Cat meets Reapfield
- Jeff offers a personal perspective on Overwatch's current balance.
- PTR Rocket Fist nerf (Distance reduced ~9m)
- [Bug/Exploit] I found an easy OOB/On-top-of-Map Exploit with Doomfist on Nepal
- my best hack as Sombra
- The most accurate video about Doomfist's reveal.
- Using Doomfist's E on a Mei wall instantly fills his shields (Footage from A_Seagull's Newest Video)
- I drew Doomfist while waiting for the PTR to download
- Doomfist WILL be getting a Summer Games skin & 67 other cosmetics! [Data Mining]
- How to kill Mercy in Competitive
- Steps to take before posting a buff/nerf suggestion
- Ana can heal an ulting Doomfist in the high skies by shooting the "critical" sign
- stupid edge!
- How to climb to GM using Doomfist's Ultimate
- TIL you can melee before Translocating with Sombra to break free from stealth and ult much faster
- Seagull's wish came true
- Overwatch as an anime (Hokuto no Ken)
Overwatch World Cup Group Stage Talent Team and Where to Watch Posted: 07 Jul 2017 01:41 PM PDT
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Something interesting to do with Doomfists ult Posted: 07 Jul 2017 01:19 PM PDT
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I Played Doomfist with a wired up Boxing Glove and Motion Controls! (Rising Uppercut Included) Posted: 07 Jul 2017 07:06 AM PDT
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What would've happened if Terry Crews really voiced Doomfist? Posted: 07 Jul 2017 07:31 AM PDT
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Huge post from Jeff Kaplan about his opinion on balance, the dive meta, and heroes in general. Posted: 07 Jul 2017 01:36 PM PDT He just posted this on this link: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20757706588?page=2#post-27 [quote="207560785091"]I've been reading the feedback regarding the current metagame and a general desire for "radical" balance changes to mix things up. I'll offer some of my personal perspective but I'm a little nervous doing that for a few reasons. Even though I am the Game Director and a spokesperson for OW, I don't make decisions in a vacuum and I am only one part of a very awesome team. Not everyone on my team agrees with me and we have different opinions on the state of game and balance overall. We do have a lot of alignment, but we talk things through – a lot. And we don't always agree. So I know this will become the "official" response on the subject but I am really offering this from a very strong personal viewpoint first and foremost. The most controversial thing I'll say here (hopefully) is that I believe the game is currently balanced. What I mean is that I don't feel like there are any heroes who are way too strong to the point of breaking balance. That doesn't mean that I personally don't think there are some problems with heroes. While I believe moving Roadhog away from a 1 shot combo was a necessary thing we had to do, I'm not entirely satisfied with where he's at right now. I also think we need to do some brainstorming when it comes to Mercy's resurrect, for example. The ability is extremely powerful in a very unfun way for both Mercy and everyone playing against that Mercy. But it's not doomsday. These aren't game breaking issues. They are better fixed slowly and carefully as the overall game is not ruined by them. I'm just using these as examples. But I think the game is balanced. Statistically, the things that are most unbalanced aren't what you think they are. Symmetra and Torbjorn win rates are not balanced. They are too good. But this is why we don't balance on statistics alone. I don't sense a great community uproar over the fact that Torb and Symmetra are "overpowered" right now (at least, statistically). As I said last week, the perception of balance is more powerful than balance itself. I really do not like summarizing the feedback from a large community because I think it's unfair to so many people. But in general, I am getting the sense that the real issue people are feeling is that the "meta" does not shift as frequently as they would like. My sense is that players start with the pro scene and work their way down and base this feedback mostly on pick rates. In the pro scene, it's true that the teams settle into using a subset of the hero pool. We tend to see high level (let's just say the top 3rd of all players) competitive slowly catch up to the pro scene with some considerable lag of weeks if not months. The rest of us – the vast majority of us – don't really play this meta at all but we're aware of it either through community discussion or because we enjoy watching the pro scene. There are a lot of ways the meta can change but if I had to boil it down to three main ways (that we see in video games at least) I would point to 1) something changes with the balance 2) players innovate new strategies 3) the game forces meta change through mechanics. To comment on all 3… I like when the meta changes on balance only when the game is not balanced and something was adjusted to make the game more balanced. Another way of putting this is, I do not agree with the philosophy that we should just make balance changes solely to shift people off the meta. The game team should be constantly evaluating balance and making changes that are actually needed because a hero is unbalanced. But making changes to a hero because their pick rate is too high or too low is not my idea of responsible game balance. Symmetra's pick rate is very low right now. We could make changes to make her a "must pick" in the meta (and thus shifting the meta) but I feel like, if anything, I am concerned about Symmetra's balance and worried that when she does eventually make her way back into the meta she is not balanced properly. So to summarize: balancing heroes who are unbalanced is good, balancing heroes just to make them picked more or picked less is not good (in my humble opinion). Regarding the meta changing because players have innovated a new strategy – well – this is the best-case scenario. We've seen this happen time and time again. This usually happens in a pro tournament where a team pulls out a new strategy and performs well. This was how triple tank rose into fashion. Innovating out of a meta is extremely hard. All players are very different. Some are highly creative and some are excellent at executing. Some at both. Having the time and freedom to innovate on strategy is difficult no matter what level of play you're at. Pros have busy schedules and it's not always easy for them to practice new, out of the box things – especially if their tournament schedule is hectic. But when all is said and done, to me personally, the meta shifting because players innovate is the best possible outcome. Lastly, a game can force a meta shift through mechanics. The MOBA genre has huge hero pools yet without pick and ban systems teams would inevitably play the same comps over and over. The game – through the mechanics of picking and banning – is forcing variety. We could do this in Overwatch. We could prevent certain heroes from being played some or all of the time or we could let your opponent prevent you from playing your desired hero. We could also force you or allow your opponent to force you to play a hero you don't want to play. Personally, I am not a believer in these systems for OW (while I understand and respect why they use them in MOBA). I prefer to think that OW allows you to be creative which is different than forces you to be creative. I don't want to watch the best Genji player in the world play Zarya – I want to see him/her play Genji. And also, seeing how many of you "main" heroes because you love them, I don't want the game – or your opponent – telling you you're not allowed to play that hero. We recently added 6v6 Elimination to the Arcade and I think the mode is strong enough to exist in Quick Play and Competitive. That mode is a good example of a mechanical "forcing function" where the game causes shifts to happen in pick rates and team comps. The winning team is forced to play 18 diverse heroes. I would be willing to bet that if that mode was considered competitive, eventually a meta would settle in where 18 heroes were mostly picked and 7 would be rather neglected. Again, I don't think this is horrible or the end of the world – I think it's reality. There are games with a set meta that evolve very slowly or remain stable for long periods of time and this doesn't mean the game isn't balanced or fun or fun to watch. Most of the pro sports fall into this category. TF2 was largely played Demo/Medic/Scout/Scout/Solider/Soldier and that was sort of just… accepted. It was fun to play and fun to watch. Baseball isn't terrible or broken because every team puts their strongest batter 4th in the lineup. But maybe I am off on what the expectation is from players here? I know the desire – and mine too – is that during every match of Overwatch all 25 heroes are viable at any time. The reality of gamers and video games is that any perceived (whether real or not) advantage is going to cause players to assume that they must play hero x over hero y. A professional Overwatch player will not player hero x if he/she thinks hero y is even 1% stronger. We can balance the heroes to equality but if there is the slightest perception of advantage, it won't matter. Looking at the perception of the meta, it's obvious that "dive" is the predominant strategy. Correction. It is the predominant strategy being used in the professional scene. The majority of Overwatch players play Quick Play as their primary mode. The top 6 picked heroes (over the last month) in Quick Play are Genji, 76, Hanzo, McCree, Mercy and Junkrat. For the statistical majority of Overwatch players who are not pros and don't play Competitive, this is your meta. It drives players crazy when I post stats like that because they want to know about Competitive and not Quick Play. The point I am trying to make by posting Quick Play is that the numbers show that that is what the majority of players are actually experiencing which is different from perceiving. But looking at Competitive only… here are the top 6 picked heroes: Mercy (by a long shot), 76, D.Va, Lucio, Ana and Genji. Interestingly, number 7 is Reinhardt. Next tank after that is… Wi… no Roadhog. So in the past month in Comp, that's what you've been actually playing. But let's talk about the elite players… maybe the top 3rd of all MMR. Their top picked hero over the past month was…. Ana. Yes, Ana. I don't mean to discount your fatigue with the "dive" meta but I also want us looking at from a realistic standpoint. Dive itself is an interesting comp. It's fun to play and watch. It features super high skill heroes doing very OW things. Watching top Genji's and Tracers is fantastic. I don't think dive comp is bad but I think what players want is to see more comps in addition to dive comp. I too would love for this to happen. But in a non-forced, non-damaging way. I don't think we should just throw a balance grenade at the heroes to change pick rates. And I don't think long-term for the game it's good to start imposing restrictions on you as to what hero you're allowed or not allowed to play. I think we also need to be careful about demanding drastic change. A few months ago we nerfed D.Va and we faced the ire of many very upset players who thought we "ruined" the hero and she would never be played again. There was mega thread after mega thread demanding she be buffed. We held our ground because we believed she was fine. We did not touch her. And now she is one of the dominant heroes in the dive meta – clearly not in need of a buff. Players think that every change we make to hero has the intent of buffing or nerfing that hero. Changes to heroes are usually made to make the game better. That's what we were trying to do with Roadhog. Our goal wasn't a nerf – our intent wasn't a nerf. Our intent was to try to remove a behavior that had become "not ok" with our player base – the one-shot combo. Maybe he needs to be adjusted again? Probably. I am just using this as an example that not everything is super black and white. There is a gray area in making the game feel good. Sometimes we need to hold our ground and not make dramatic swings to the game. I know this post will be met with a lot of disagreement. The desire for dive comp to go away will not be satisfied from some of you until Winston and D.Va are nerfed into the ground. But we're not going to do that. We are going to make balance changes to heroes when they need it – and we do this more frequently than you give us credit for. 3 months from now there will be a new meta. If you're the type of person who feels like the meta should shift every 2 weeks, then you'll probably be sick of that meta and wishing it was back in the good ol' dive comp days… I just caution against wanting change for the sake of change. The meta will shift soon enough.[/quote] [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 07 Jul 2017 02:57 PM PDT
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So that's why they created doomfist's ultimate! Posted: 07 Jul 2017 05:34 AM PDT
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If I'm going down I'm taking you with me.... Posted: 07 Jul 2017 10:58 AM PDT
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Doomfist's highlight intro reveals what he REALLY is... Posted: 07 Jul 2017 11:40 AM PDT
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Posted: 07 Jul 2017 09:30 AM PDT
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Jeff offers a personal perspective on Overwatch's current balance. Posted: 07 Jul 2017 01:47 PM PDT | ||
PTR Rocket Fist nerf (Distance reduced ~9m) Posted: 07 Jul 2017 05:28 PM PDT
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[Bug/Exploit] I found an easy OOB/On-top-of-Map Exploit with Doomfist on Nepal Posted: 07 Jul 2017 06:27 AM PDT
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Posted: 07 Jul 2017 12:35 PM PDT
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The most accurate video about Doomfist's reveal. Posted: 07 Jul 2017 08:11 AM PDT
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Using Doomfist's E on a Mei wall instantly fills his shields (Footage from A_Seagull's Newest Video) Posted: 07 Jul 2017 02:00 PM PDT
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I drew Doomfist while waiting for the PTR to download Posted: 07 Jul 2017 09:36 AM PDT
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Doomfist WILL be getting a Summer Games skin & 67 other cosmetics! [Data Mining] Posted: 07 Jul 2017 02:51 PM PDT TL;DR - Doomfist will be getting FOUR cosmetics for the Summer Games event, he will most likely be getting a skin and obviously a spray or two. He will have a total of 67 cosmetics, excluding Summer Games ones. Hey team! I have very recently got into doing some data mining, and this is my first time delving deep into the Overwatch game files, so I do apologize for any errors! Summer Games: After a fair bit of data mining (for someone that's never done it before), it's safe to say Doomfist will be getting 4 Cosmetic Items during the Summer Games event, as you can see here. Based on previous event cosmetics, 4 seems to be a fair amount and usually means an event-specific skin is on the way for said hero. I can only assume that these event-specific cosmetics would be a;
General Release Date Cosmetics: Not only that, but Doomfist is set to have a total of 67 Cosmetics at launch as you can see here also. To save confusion, the cosmetics under ACHIEVEMENT (3 items) will be his;
The cosmetics under STANDARD_COMMON (7 Items) will be his;
and the remaining 57 Items, under COMMON (57 items) will be all the other remaining voice lines, emotes, skins, etc. Disclaimer! If you want to make a video about this, please just give credit to 'Zenofy' (Me), that's all I ask! [link] [comments] | ||
How to kill Mercy in Competitive Posted: 07 Jul 2017 06:19 AM PDT
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Steps to take before posting a buff/nerf suggestion Posted: 07 Jul 2017 05:37 AM PDT Since buff/nerf posts are the most popular thing on this sub, after whining and Doomfist, I've decided to create a simple infografic for you lovely folk. It's more or less a pre-posting checklist and it could really help some people to not shitpost, so we could all have a better experience over here! Lookie here: http://imgur.com/a/WSCzF [link] [comments] | ||
Ana can heal an ulting Doomfist in the high skies by shooting the "critical" sign Posted: 07 Jul 2017 07:23 AM PDT
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Posted: 07 Jul 2017 05:12 AM PDT
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How to climb to GM using Doomfist's Ultimate Posted: 06 Jul 2017 07:21 PM PDT
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TIL you can melee before Translocating with Sombra to break free from stealth and ult much faster Posted: 07 Jul 2017 08:00 AM PDT Have you ever had the need of using stealth to move quickly to the point, and then using your translocator to jump in and ult, only to be disappointed in how slowly you break from stealth before ulting? I've got the solution for you. This is how you normally would approach a team fight: https://gfycat.com/ShySelfishHummingbird But if you punch right before you translocate, you will break free much faster! Like this: https://gfycat.com/GiantNiceDogwoodtwigborer Hope nobody knew this, because then the last 15 minutes have been a waste, haha. EDIT: I forgot to credit /u/Skrimiche :) [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 07 Jul 2017 06:11 AM PDT
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Overwatch as an anime (Hokuto no Ken) Posted: 07 Jul 2017 11:00 AM PDT
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