Dota 2 - ZOTAC Cup Masters Day 2 Match Discussion

ZOTAC Cup Masters Day 2 Match Discussion

Posted: 30 May 2017 02:57 PM PDT

ZOTAC Cup Masters

Organized by ZOTAC, ESL and BATTLEFY

Need info on the event? Check out the Survival Guide

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Day 2: 31 May

ID Team 1 vs. Team 2 Result Cntdwn PDT EDT BST CEST SGT AEST
- - - - - - - - - - - -
SF-B vs. 09:50 18:50 21:50 02:50 03:50 09:50 11:50
LR1-2 SNG vs. DB 11:05 20:05 23:05 04:05 05:05 11:05 13:05
LR1-1 vs. 14:30 23:30 02:300 07:30 08:30 14:30 16:30

Semifinals B: Team NP vs Fnatic

Game 1 Winner:

Result:   1:0  

VODs: Game 1

Loser's Round 1-2: Singularity vs Danish Bears

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   1:2  

VODs: Game 1 | Game 2 | Game 3

Loser's Round 1-1: Digital Chaos vs WarriorsGaming.Unity

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   2:0  

VODs: Game 1 | Game 2 | Game 3

submitted by /u/D2TournamentThreads
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Slithereen Crush's description says it only affects 'land units' but it seems to affect even flying units such as Batrider during Firefly

Posted: 31 May 2017 05:26 AM PDT

Good Guy GabeN

Posted: 30 May 2017 11:52 PM PDT

Hi NYC dudes and gals! THIS Saturday (June 3) I'm hosting a Dota 2 LAN event in a skyscraper next to the Freedom Tower for our community! Whole Foods catering, coffee, and Red Bull included! We're bringing the Dota 2 scene together and hope you can join. :)

Posted: 31 May 2017 06:36 AM PDT

Hi /r/dota2!

Thank you for checking out my post. Our first LAN of 2017 had RECORD attendance & we filmed an epic hype video there as well as a photo album up.

This is the first of what I hope will be a monthly event for the NY area Dota 2 scene! We will be gathering THIS Saturday, June 3rd, and will be playing Dota 2 (as well as several other PC esport titles) from 11:30am-5:30pm. This event does NOT have a prize pool though we are looking to have competitive events in the future! Here's photos of the awesome space where we'll be hanging out!

As is tradition, I will do my best to reply to any & every comment. So AMA! Also feel free to to ask me any questions in our Facebook messenger chat room / fambase.

How the LAN works

The LAN starts at noon on Saturday - its a Bring Your Own Computer (BYOC) event - hosted at Verizon's HQ. Come as a team or solo - it doesn't matter, we are just bringing the community together for some good times!

We're structuring it as a round robin tournament, but it is really about hanging out and meeting the Community! Feel free to ask me any questions. Come alone or bring a few friends :)

You can sign up here.

What to expect

Here is a hype video that pretty much sums up what we're about and shows off our venue!

Red Bull delivered to your seat as you set up. Enjoy included coffee, tea and beverages. Midday refuel on included Whole Foods catering to power 5 epic hours of gaming. We're all about immersing you in the gaming Community.

  • Immerse yourself in the NYC gaming community at our LANs and after-parties: the friendliest and most inclusive gaming community

  • A premium venue with clean and comfortable seats, a blazing fast ethernet connection (Verizon FIOS, duh!) and corporate-grade wifi. (It was 300+ Mbps down / up last time).

  • Totally WORTH bringing your own laptop or desktop computer (we do not have any monitors - you will have to bring your own.)


  • Are the Red Bulls to drink or just for the commercials?

  • What do I need to bring? Our event is BYOC, so we need you to bring your computer, monitor or any other peripherals. We recommend you use a rolling suitcase. In the future, we would like to have spare PCs / monitors for use.


Entry $30** online. Buy your ticket online - we have room for 16 teams.(You can sign up here.)


Social Media Links


We usually have about a dozen dedicated folks helping to make things happen. We're already full for this coming event, but let us know if you want to volunteer for a future event at or message me in our Facebook Messenger chat room

Sponsors & About the Ticket Price

** We dont want to be charging $30 per person and are working out a way to reduce the cost or gain sponsorship. As it stands, we are currently even going to lose money @ $30 per person, but hopefully can get Verizon to lessen / reduce the venue fees or have other sponsors help fund these awesome events. The rent by itself is already more than $30 per person, FYI.

For this event we are partnering with the following amazing NYC-based start-ups:

submitted by /u/StopTheVok
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ex-Thunderbirds are now Planet Odd

Posted: 31 May 2017 08:47 AM PDT

Wise Proverb spoken by The Axe.

Posted: 31 May 2017 07:51 AM PDT

Machine will be hosting EPICENTER. Here is the whole broadcast team

Posted: 31 May 2017 09:43 AM PDT

SingSing ganks as support Anti-Mage

Posted: 31 May 2017 07:35 AM PDT

Colosseum still unplayable

Posted: 31 May 2017 06:42 AM PDT

There is a bot account that's keeps queing for Colosseum games, not accepting them then immediate requeing. Because Colosseum is played by only a few people it is impossible to find 2 active lobbies so you get always matched with the bot account.

This issue isnt new, it was posted a few times before, but seems like the abuser changed the account:

edit.: formating

submitted by /u/z0li
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All ti1 winners will be at EPICENTER

Posted: 31 May 2017 07:47 AM PDT

An update on the Manila Masters to the Community

Posted: 31 May 2017 03:53 AM PDT

Sorry, I have not forgotten you. It was a very tiring event and it took me a few days to get all the facts straights.

I have received confirmation that a member of our staff has indeed, for a period of time, incorrectly asked for Mineski Infinity Membership. This was a wrong action on his side, which was corrected immediately afterwards, but unfortunately not until after the damage was done and people were wrongly removed from the queue.

Mistakes were also made in allowing non-ticket holders (VIP's and Special Guests) to cut in line, which overloaded the queue and had the side effect of removing the human factor of the signing sessions

I want to personally thank you for pointing all these out. Certain staff members determined to have committed acts that go against our organization's overall push for a fun esports event have been removed.

I did not go into esports for all these years only to see our passionate fans get wronged in our events. This is why I will contact each and every VIP fan that paid for their tickets over the coming weeks to provide necessary compensation. As I have a long list to go through, you can also reach out to us directly at

I have made sure that you will be offered a Php 1000 discount in either any ticket class of your choice at the Manila Masters 2018 or in the SecretShop PH.

We have taken the actions to change the way our signing sessions will be handled in the future so that the spirit of why we do this remains intact.

We have already made the decision of upgrading the lightning system to have the railing as high as possible. We will also work on a new way for the sound design as this year design was better for blocking the sound from the team [on top of the noise cancelling solution we use on the player booth] but still blocked the view for some of you.

I also thank you truly for the lengthy feedback thread with all the points that we will take into account for the next Masters.

submitted by /u/MskiLon
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It's been more than a year now, but I still want a Gordon Ramsay Announcer Pack

Posted: 31 May 2017 09:51 AM PDT

I posted this a while back and got tremendous support for it, but it's been more than a year and Volvo hasn't even considered it...

This could serve as an inspiration for the Announcer Pack commented by a redditor

  • All Pick: "Wake up you doughnut"

  • Spawning: "Shame, this could have been successful"

  • Game Starts: "Here we go, try not to panic- that will use too much of your limited brain power"

  • First Blood: "Black pudding anyone?"

  • You give first blood: "We already have one donkey, don't need another"

  • You die: "I wouldn't be upset if I were you - I'd be embarrassed"

  • You die: "Oh brilliant, you've died again and now it's a buffet"

  • Last hit: "There might be hope for you"

  • Enemy rampage: "Someone needs to take control of this digusting mess"

  • Enemy kills Roshan: "At least someone's not pissing around"

  • Double kill: "Two birds with one stone, bravo"

  • Tower dies: "Your middle tower was over seasoned, and now everyone's salty"

  • Tower dies: "I hope you like your towers over easy"

  • Godlike spree: "Godlike? You mean Gordonlike?"

  • Level up: "Is this where you get serious?"

  • Barracks Die: "If I were you, I'd dig deep and wake up"

  • Ancient under attack: "For God's sake where is your fight ?"

  • Ancient under attack: "We're really in the shit now."

submitted by /u/11053755
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May 31, 2017 Update

Posted: 31 May 2017 11:52 AM PDT

Matchmaking Changes

  • As an experimental change for a few days, All Pick will now have 25 heroes randomly removed from the hero pool at the start of the draft before the ban phase. This change only affects Ranked Matchmaking.

Other Changes

  • In today's update we are changing how commands are processed in Dota to address some user input contention and improve responsiveness. Previously if you cast a spell and before it finished casting, you cast two spells afterwards, only the last spell would be cast. The order queue was only 1 deep effectively. This usually has no practical impact, except for things with really fast/instant cast time done in sequence. Here are a few examples of how the behavior would be different:

Example 1:

Axe casts battle hunger. While the cast animation is playing, Axe quickly uses a Blink Dagger and then Berserker's Call.

  • Old Rules: Only Berserker's Call is cast. The blink dagger order is ignored.
  • New Rules: Axe will use the Blink Dagger, then cast Berserker's Call.

Example 2:

Puck casts Illusory Orb. Puck then casts Dream Coil. While the cast animation of Dream Coil is playing, Puck quickly casts Ethereal Jaunt and Waning Rift.

  • Old Rules: Only Waning Rift would have triggered and Puck would not have teleported with Ethereal Jaunt.
  • New Rules: Puck teleports with Ethereal Jaunt and then casts Waning Rift in the new location.

This change applies generally to all orders that are issued when your hero is in another action (like during a cast animation or while stunned), and the order needs to enter the queue. Issuing a movement command or stop will still empty the queue same as before, if you decide you no longer want to issue the orders in the queue.

submitted by /u/wykrhm
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lets take a moment and appreciate the fact that dota has very strong female heroes and no fan service

Posted: 31 May 2017 12:21 AM PDT

yup there is qop but at least gaben isnt baiting us to buy erotic cosmetics,cough battle bunny raven cough

anyway im really happy that we have designs like legion,luna and pa

submitted by /u/berserk_samurai
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Have you ever tped out of an X marks the spot?

Posted: 31 May 2017 08:12 AM PDT

Have you ever tped out of a duel?

Posted: 30 May 2017 03:50 PM PDT

If you could bring one hero to life and let it roam free on your country who would it be and why.

Posted: 31 May 2017 05:49 AM PDT

Mine would be OmniKnight because he's the least harmful to people I guess.

submitted by /u/ofir20503
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Trench League Season 1 Grand Finals!!

Posted: 31 May 2017 08:16 AM PDT

Greetings 9k redditors! For those of you who do not know, The Trench League is a sub-3k MMR DotA 2 league created by Crypt1c, Sir 2BD, and Cactus. Its purpose is to provide a competitive opportunity for lower-tiered players who wish to practice teamwork, communication, drafting, and game mechanics. Also, the GRAND FINALS for Trench League Season 1 are happening THIS SUNDAY, June 4th, at 9:00am PST/12:00pm EST.

The Grand Finals will a best of 5 streamed to and casted by Trench League's very own casting dream team /u/break_the_sky and /u/ThePippyman (that's me!)

For more information on everything Trench League, check out these useful links:




submitted by /u/ThePippyman
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Meanwhile in 4k International MMR. A wild 8.9k appeared. s4?

Posted: 30 May 2017 09:22 PM PDT

AA's buff to move faster on ice vortexes from 7.06 is still not mentioned in-game and the buff icon is all wrong.

Posted: 30 May 2017 04:27 PM PDT

Invoker casts deafening blast on a squirrel

Posted: 31 May 2017 10:24 AM PDT

Very sexy boy

Posted: 30 May 2017 12:56 PM PDT

"I just went for one kill"

Posted: 31 May 2017 07:35 AM PDT

Ganking NP.SingSing

Posted: 30 May 2017 01:54 PM PDT

Anyone else getting the bug where there are green circles but heroes aren't there?

Posted: 30 May 2017 04:48 PM PDT

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