Posted: 31 May 2017 06:00 AM PDT







submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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In D2 the Cabal blow up our Tower... so I blew up their Flayer

Posted: 30 May 2017 08:14 PM PDT

Bombs... It's covered in bombs...



submitted by /u/destinypoop24
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And still we find new things to do in this game.

Posted: 31 May 2017 04:55 AM PDT

You have to give credit to this fantastic game. Even now after 3 years we still had a new experience in Destiny last night.

We'd just completed VoG, back in the Tower doing admin when 4 of us decide to take the ball / orb thing to the upper area of the Tower (where Saladin used to be when Iron Banner was on).

Myself and one other's goal was Saladin's old area. Our other two fireteam members took the opposite opening. We played football. 1 touch of the ball each.

We actually ended up with a crowd watching (a mighty 2 man crowd of non fireteam guardians).

After about 20 minutes the ball disappeared. So we played 'follow the leader' around the tower. We managed to get 9 of the 12 guardians in the tower to join in. All culminating in a circle outside the post master for a dance off.

GG to all you randoms that joined in with our tomfoolery. It was very entertaining.

This game... A social masterclass. :-)

submitted by /u/deanjackson88
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Just thought I would point out we are less than 100 days from D2's release. And also less than 100 days from...

Posted: 31 May 2017 09:33 AM PDT

  • marital strife
  • children wondering what is wrong with their dad / mom
  • me starting the climb up to the next pants size
  • being really tired at work for a solid three weeks
  • having a sore neck/back
  • 10,000,000 posts about how D1 was better in [X] respect and Rahool needing to break his lease and get a far bigger salt emporium
  • having a chance to win more than four games in trials [OMG!]
  • dominating n00bs in PvP generally and actually feeling like a decent player for a while
  • mountain dew experiencing a spike in sales
  • me single handedly keeping the Narragansett brewing company in business for 3q/4q 2017 [who am i kidding i already do that]
  • us all realizing that we probably need to start collecting and conserving motes, weapons parts, materials (or their equivalents) again. [SHIVERS]
  • but most importantly, having something new and awesome to play and explore for hours on end. having "unknowns" again and mysteries and whatnot. [and having 47 guides on reddit so i don't actually have to figure them out]
submitted by /u/negative-nelly
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Thinking back, how did we manage to defeat Crota?

Posted: 31 May 2017 08:47 AM PDT

With D2 on the horizon, I started thinking back on our biggest victories throughout thr first game. One thing I could not understand, is how we managed to defeat Oryx's son on his own throne world, hear me out.

Its explained through lore how we were able to end Oryx. The King gets his powers from the worm inside his body, this worm must be fed constantly or it will consume him instead. To this end, Oryx designed the tithing system, to which Crota was a big part of. By killing Crota, we break a really important link in the tithing chain, and this weakens Oryx sufficiently for the player guardian to be able to destroy his physical form.

However, Oryx is much stronger inside his ascendant realm, so in order to weaken him to the point of vulnerability, we end his entire court plus his two remaining daughters. Even though we sap him of a big chunk of his power through these acts, the King's true form still could have cheesed us through a simple body slam. Why he doesnt do this is also explained through lore.

Oryx's worm demands that he constantly explore and discover. Its possible that since most of his tithing chain was broken by the point of the final battle, Oryx was scared that his worm would turn on him if he didnt come up with a complex and contrived way to defeat the guardians.

Crota, however, is a different story. According to the Grimoire, his physical form was extremely powerful, as he managed to singlehandedly defeat the largest guardian army ever deployed. But when our 6 man team faces him inside his ascendant realm(he is supposed to be much more powerful in here than in the physical realm) he's kind of a pushover.

We can argue that Crota's tithing chain was broken by that point as well, seeing as we killed most of his commanders like Omnigul, Ir Yut, and the Fist, but what's stopping him from rushing our team and pooping on us with that 1-shotting sword of his? Is something preveting him from doing so? Or is the Monster of Luna just that dumb?

I understand that from a gameplay point of view, you cant have an invincible boss like that, but atleast Oryx's downfall was explained through lore. I dont think its explained for Crota at all.

submitted by /u/Edumesh
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My Girlfriend Drew a Picture of a Gorgon…

Posted: 30 May 2017 10:41 PM PDT

She's never heard of the Gorgon's Labyrinth so I was explaining it to her. This was her depiction of a Gorgon.

She's kinda the best. 😂

submitted by /u/b3ll
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I just want less load time for D2

Posted: 31 May 2017 05:28 AM PDT

Opens Destiny
Signs in
Character screen
Find a match, fly in
Map cinematic, team cinematic
Game time
Post-game stats, rewards screen
Back to orbit

I'd be fine with this if everything didn't take so long.
Maybe I've spent 500+ hours playing Destiny as a PvPer. It's not as bad with PvE. Nevertheless I've probably spent 50+ hours just queuing and that is something I'd like to see streamlined.

submitted by /u/pm-me-ur-feelingz
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[Tower thought] The way each Raid encounter starts actually fits in with the Lore

Posted: 31 May 2017 09:41 AM PDT

As a Y2 player, the only thing that bugs me about Vault of Glass was how all the encounters just start up immediately (I'm looking at you, Challenge Mode Atheon. Fuck you, give us some time to coordinate like literally every other boss). Especially since every single encounter in King's Fall needs to be triggered.

But after some thought, I've realized that the way the Raids actually operate fits in with the theme and lore surrounding it.

TL;DR We have to opt-in to fight the Hive, the Vex just want us gone, and we have to trigger SIVA's self-defenses to destroy it.


The Hive Raids

Crota's End and King's Fall both have us go into an Ascendant Hive's throne world and kill them. That's our mission, but that's not what the Hive have Throne Worlds for. The real purpose for Throne Worlds is to make sure that you have to actually be stronger than the Hive in order to kill them.

Throne Worlds are shaped and powered by their respective Ascendant Hive - they make the rules, and you have to follow them. Not only does this protect them, but it's also a form of Sword Logic - if you can't beat us by playing by our rules, then you aren't stronger than us, and you deserve to die.

Each encounter in CE and KF require us to "opt in" - we have to actually start the encounter. In doing so, we accept the rules that Crota and Oryx have laid out for us, and we buy into the Sword Logic. If we aren't going to play by their rules, we aren't going to play at all.


Vault of Glass

In contrast, the Vex don't give a hoot about Sword Logic. The idea of "if you're stronger than me, then I don't deserve to exist" doesn't, well, exist for them like it does for the Hive. The Vex just want you out of their Vault.

The Vault is basically a big computer, a place where the Vex use tremendous amounts of power to figure out how to do timey-wimey stuff. When we're in the Vault, Guardians are nothing more than a computer virus. You wouldn't expect your anti-virus to wait for the virus to do stuff - you want it to try its hardest to destroy the virus.

So that's what the Vex do. Atheon doesn't care if you don't have time to coordinate your next move before he starts blasting you in the face. Sword Logic doesn't matter. It just wants you to die.


Wrath of the Machine

The House of Devils doesn't follow the Sword Logic either, so in theory the encounters should start immediately like the VoG. But we're not just fighting Splicers, we're fighting SIVA, and SIVA has this little thing called a self-defense protocol (thanks, Rasputin).

SIVA isn't inherently dangerous - it doesn't inherently try to kill Guardians. We use SIVA in some of our weapons and armor, after all. And the Golden Age uses of SIVA were originally constructive, not weaponized. But it's also programmed to protect itself.

Enter the Guardians. SIVA is content with just chilling out and growing / building, until we start shooting at it. That's when its defenses kick in, and that's when it decides we need to die.

And the Siege Engine? Well, that's just Meksis getting frustrated that his minions are useless, so he decides to run us over with a Space Zamboni.


I know it's not a perfect explanation, and I know the real reason everything doesn't start automatically is because it's better for the players, but still, I thought it was cool how it all still sort of fits together. Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/Could-Have-Been-King
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Which raid do you guys think Bungie got right in terms of loot drops?

Posted: 31 May 2017 04:48 AM PDT

For me, WotM was raid loot drops done right, a rigid loot table so you knew which encounter the drop you wanted would come from, and the option for a second drop from the chest if you felt you needed it. I wonder how Bungie will further expand on this system in D2, or if they feel they "nailed it" in D1. What do you Guardians think?

submitted by /u/Phoenix_P04
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TIL that Mayhem Rumble doesn't count toward the record book "Rumble Tumble" milestone

Posted: 31 May 2017 12:15 PM PDT

Likely something everyone else already knew, but there you have it.

submitted by /u/BigFloatyThing
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(Fan Creation) I covered "Untold Legends" from the OST on 7-string guitar - Thought you all might enjoy!

Posted: 31 May 2017 09:01 AM PDT


Hello r/DestinyTheGame! I arranged a progressive rock/metal version of Destiny's "Untold Legends", my first time doing something from this really cool soundtrack, and thought you all might dig it! Feedback welcome of course, and let me know if there are other great Destiny tracks worth turning prog-metal!

submitted by /u/Swiggles1987
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Eirene with Triple Tap and Casket Mag available this week from the Gunsmith!

Posted: 31 May 2017 05:15 AM PDT

The triple tap and casket mag combo allows it to fire off 7 shots without reloading.

With this perk combo, it can out-dps the ex machina against non fallen enemies.




Condor SS2 / Aquilla SS4

Triple Tap

Snapshot / Casket Mag

Life Support / Eye of the Storm

submitted by /u/Bryan_Miller
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Armsday Rolls, week 91 [2017-05-31]

Posted: 31 May 2017 05:35 AM PDT

Welcome to Armsday, week 91. This post is a compilation of all the weapon rolls. I want to hear what you think are the best choices, post in the comments. Here's a list of the available rolls this week. If you ordered ones I didn't please post the rolls in the comments and I'll add them.

Useful Links:

New to Armsday?

For those new to Armsday, here's the basics: Each week you can order a number of weapons from the gunsmith, equal to your gunsmith rank, up to a max of 3. You can rank up by doing the weekly weapon tests. On the Wednesday following your order, you get to choose from a number of rolls (combinations of perks) on each of the weapons you ordered. Again, this number is equal to your gunsmith rank, up to a max of 3 possible choices. If you choose not to turn in your weapon order for a roll, you can hold onto the order and you will get access to 3 new rolls every week (until you claim the weapon). The orders never expire but do take up inventory space, and do count towards your max number of orders. At any given time the max number of orders you can have in your inventory is 3 per character. Below are the rolls available to those who ordered these weapons last week.

Thanks for your continued support for what we do here every week,


For Sale This Week: These are the weapons that are available this week for order.

  1. PDX-45 (Suros Pulse)
  2. Arminius-D (Häkke Auto)
  3. Tamar-D (Häkke Sniper)
  4. ARI-45 (Suros Auto)
  5. JLB-42 (Suros Rocket Launcher)

Test Weapons: These are the test weapons for increasing your Gunsmith Rank, that are available this week

  1. Häkke Test-A (Auto) - Cabal
  2. Omolon Test FR1 (Fusion) - Vex Minotaurs
  3. Häkke Test-A (Sniper) - double kills
  4. Suros TSP-10 (Pulse) - Vex
  5. Suros TSA-10 (Auto) - Crucible

Weapon Rolls: These are the rolls for all weapon orders. In Alphabetical Order

Aoife Rua-D (Sniper Rifle)
ARI-41 (Suros Auto)

  1. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SPO-57 - Feather Mag / Perfect Balance - Lightweight / Reinforced Barrel - Private Eye
  2. SPO-28 / SLO-12 / SPO-57 - Appended Magazine / Fitted Stock - Lightweight / Rifled Barrel - Hip Fire
  3. SPO-26 / SLO-12 / SPO-57 - Feather Mag / Hammer Forged - Speed Reload / Injection Mold - Private Eye

ARI-45 (Auto Rifle)

  1. SPO-26 / SLO-12 / SPO-57 - Appended Magazine / Perfect Balance - Speed Reload / Reinforced Barrel - Focused Fire
  2. SPO-28 / SLO-12 / SPO-57 - Feather Mag / Fitted Stock - Speed Reload / Rifled Barrel - Rodeo
  3. SPO-28 / SLO-12 / SPO-57 - Appended Magazine / Hammer Forged - Snapshot / Injection Mold - Focused Fire

Arminius-D (Häkke Auto)

  1. SD Thermal / GA Post - Surrounded - Focused Fire - High Caliber Rounds / Braced Frame / Hand Loaded
  2. LD Watchdog / GB Iron - Partial Refund - Spray and Play - High Caliber Rounds / Braced Frame / Fitted Stock
  3. LC Ranged / GA Post - Danger Close - Focused Fire - High Caliber Rounds / Braced Frame / Speed Reload

Cocytus SR4 (Scout Rifle)
DIS-43 (Suros Scout Rifle)

  1. SPO-26 / SLO-12 / SRO-41 - Feather Mag / High Caliber Rounds - Zen Moment - Snapshot / Reinforced Barrel
  2. SPO-26 / SLO-12 / SRO-41 - Appended Magazine / Fitted Stock - Icarus - Single Point Sling / Rifled Barrel
  3. SPO-26 / SLO-12 / SRO-41 - Oiled Frame / Hammer Forged - Luck in the Chamber - Single Point Sling / Injection Mold

DIS-47 (Suros Scout)

  1. SPO-28 / SLO-12 / SRO-41 - Casket Mag / High Caliber Rounds - Hip Fire - Lightweight / Reinforced Barrel
  2. SPO-28 / SLO-12 / SPO-57 - Appended Magazine / High Caliber Rounds - Unflinching - Single Point Sling / Reinforced Barrel
  3. SPO-26 / SLO-12 / SPO-57 - Feather Mag / Fitted Stock - Outlaw - Snapshot / Injection Mold

Eirene RR4 (Omolon Sniper)

  1. Condor SS2 / Aquila SS4 - Triple Tap - Casket Mag / Snapshot - Life Support / Eye of the Storm
  2. Condor SS2 / Faucon SS1 - Army of One - Reinforced Barrel / Snapshot - Clown Cartridge / Mulligan
  3. Yepaki SS2 / Faucon SS1 - Firefly - Injection Mold / High Caliber Rounds - Life Support / Eye of the Storm

Gaheris-D (hand cannon)
Herja-D (Pulse Rifle)

  1. GA Post / LC Ranged - Crowd Control - Unflitching - Snapshot / Fitted Stock / Oiled Frame
  2. SC Hold / SD Thermal - Crowd Control - Rodeo - High Caliber Rounds / Hand Loaded / Injection Mold
  3. GA Post / SD Thermal - Headseeker - Unflitching - Snapshot / Hand Loaded / Injection Mold

Jingukogo-D (Shotgun)
JLB-42 (Rocket Launcher)
JLB-47 (Rocket Launcher)

  1. Soft Launch / Aggressive Launch / Hard Launch - Speed Reload / Single Point Sling - Feeding Frenzy - Perfect Balance / Snapshot
  2. Soft Launch / Confined Launch / Hard Launch - Flared Magwell / Single Point Sling - Unflinching - Javelin / Quickdraw
  3. Linear Compensator / Confined Launch / Hard Launch - Flared Magwell / Heavy Payload - Reactive Reload - Perfect Balance / Snapshot

Judith-D (Hand Cannon)
Kumakatok HC4 (Hand Cannon)
Lyudmila-D (Pulse Rifle)

  1. LD Watchdog / GA Post - Last Resort - Rodeo - High Caliber Rounds / Injection Mold / Hand Loaded
  2. SD Thermal / GB Iron - Army of One - Unflinching - Snapshot / Injection Mold / Hand Loaded
  3. LC Ranged / GA Post - Army of One - Counterbalance - High Caliber Rounds / Reinforced Barrel / Hand Loaded

PDX-41 (Suros Pulse)
PDX-45 (Suros Pulse)

  1. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SRO-41 - Feather Mag / High Caliber Rounds - Icarus - Snapshot / Reinforced Barrel
  2. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SRO-41 - Appended Magazine / Hammer Forged - Zen Moment - Speed Reload / Hand-laid Stock
  3. SPO-26 / SLO-19 / SRO-41 - Feather Mag / Fitted Stock - Hip Fire - Snapshot / Hand-laid Stock

Strongbow-D (Shotgun)
Tamar-D (Sniper Rifle)

  1. [Void] ATA Scout / ATD Raptor - Private Eye - Feeding Frenzy - High Caliber Rounds / Snapshot / Appended Magazine
  2. [Arc] ATA Scout / ATD Raptor - Private Eye - Feeding Frenzy - Explosive Rounds / Quickdraw / Injection Mold
  3. [Void] ATA Scout / ATD Raptor - Outlaw - Guerilla Fighter - Explosive Rounds / Armor Piercing Rounds / Braced Frame

Thesan FR4 (Omolon Fusion)

  1. Spark IS6 / Torch HS2 - Grenadier - Hand-laid Stock / Snapshot - Unflinching / Eye of the Storm
  2. Candle IS2 / Torch HS2 - Hot Swap - Injection Mold / Enhanced Battery - Underdog / Danger Close
  3. Spark IS6 / Torch HS2 - Grenadier - Oiled Frame / Enhanced Battery - Life Support / Eye of the Storm

Tuonela SR4 (Scout Rifle)

  1. Candle IS2/Flash HS4/Impulse MS2 - Icarus - Single Point Sling/Feather Mag - Grenadier/Exhumed
  2. Spark IS6/Tourch HS2/Impulse MS2 - Icarus - Single Point Sling/Casket Mag - Zen Moment/Underdog
  3. Candle IS2/Tourch HS2/Impulse MS2 - Replenish - Snapshot/Hand Laid Stock - Grenadier/Eye of the Storm

Uffern HC4 (Omolon Hand Cannon)

  1. SureShot IS / FastDraw IS / QuickDraw IS - Third Eye - Braced Frame / Extended Mag - Life Support / Eye of the Storm
  2. SureShot IS / FastDraw IS / QuickDraw IS - Zen Moment - Injection Mold / Lightweight - Icarus / Eye of the Storm
  3. TrueSight IS / FastDraw IS / QuickDraw IS - Third Eye - Braced Frame / Single Point Sling - Outlaw / Underdog

Uzume RR4 (Sniper Rifle)
Zarinaea-D (Häkke Auto)

  1. GB Iron / LB Assault - Army of One - Rangefinder - High Caliber Rounds / Hand Loaded / Braced Frame
  2. GA Post / SD Thermal - Crowd Control - Glass Half Full - High Caliber Rounds / Fitted Stock / Braced Frame
  3. GB Iron / LD Watchdog - Crowd Control - Rangefinder - High Caliber Rounds / Speed Reload / Rifled Barrel

Weapon Roll Template: click source at the bottom of post to see mark up formatting.

Weapon Name (weapon type)

  1. S1 / S2 / S3 - C1P1 - C2P1 / C2P2 - C3P1 / C3P2 / C3P3
  2. S1 / S2 / S3 - C1P1 - C2P1 / C2P2 - C3P1 / C3P2 / C3P3
  3. S1 / S2 / S3 - C1P1 - C2P1 / C2P2 - C3P1 / C3P2 / C3P3

S = scope / barrel mod
C = column
P = perk

Thanks to these guardians sharing their data:








submitted by /u/wileykyoto
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Sentinel Fanart

Posted: 31 May 2017 10:50 AM PDT

2 out of 3 of the newest supers drawn. Just one more to go. I am so hyped for this game. For those keen eyed people who know my stuff, yes, this is totally a similar design to my Titan. Of course it is ;)

Dawnblade if interested:

submitted by /u/ZaezarDraws
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"When You Give a Sparrow Flyer a Universal Remote" (Montage)

Posted: 31 May 2017 06:08 AM PDT

This is not mine. This montage was made by Jigidi Jack which some of you may know as the "grandfather of Sparrow Flying". He's the one that brought Sparrow Flying into the mainstream in Destiny.

His montages are always perfectly edited and hilarious and since he doesn't have a has a wildly inactive reddit, I figured I'd share it for him. Tell him I sent you :)

Enjoy guys!

"When You Give a Sparrow Flyer a Universal Remote"

by Jigidi Jack


Also, if you want to learn how to Sparrow Fly, I made a little 3 minute tutorial video a few months ago for beginners. You can watch it here:

For more advanced stuff, check out Jigidi Jack's channel!

submitted by /u/JewBoy300
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I made a little thing - simple VR walk about of some destiny ships

Posted: 31 May 2017 08:27 AM PDT

Almost forgot I made this a couple of weeks ago. If you're a vive owner, you can walk around and take a look at some ships of Destiny in VR. It really gives you a sense of appreciation for detail of the 3d models that you can't really feel from the 2d flat screen.

submitted by /u/viveaddict
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I can officially delete my titan...

Posted: 30 May 2017 03:36 PM PDT

This is why I love this map. (I did it again on my friend! Two in one day!) This mademyfriendquiteupset

Edit: Front page? Mom get the camera!

Edit 2: Literally just did the same thing again. I'm pretty sure I'm God

Edit 3: The second Imgur link

submitted by /u/Thunderstrike892
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What is your favorite strike from D1?

Posted: 31 May 2017 12:03 PM PDT

3 years of playing destiny (including the beta) and I'm surprised to say that my favorite strike is still vanilla "The Devils Lair". It might be the nostalgia or the layers involved in completing it (god I miss taking down the walker without an OP sniper), but I love the hell out of that strike.

submitted by /u/X-Warlord
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Massive Breakdown of How to Prepare for Destiny 2's PvP

Posted: 31 May 2017 08:50 AM PDT

Massive Breakdown Podcast Episode 45: How to Prepare for Destiny 2's PvP - for those who don't want to read, or prefer to listen!

This breakdown is going to be a little different from the normal ones I do, in that it's not really a heavy numbers and stats write-up. Instead, it's a generally lighthearted attempt to help people prepare themselves for the changes that are upcoming to Destiny's PvP environment. As someone who was fortunate enough to get a chance to experience these changes firsthand, I can say it was absolutely a shock to the system how different (and yet still the same at its core) D2's PvP felt from the current state of the Crucible. Over the course of the day I played dozens of rounds, and I began to get a feel for the way things worked. When I got back home several days later and started playing D1 again, I was struck once more by how the two models contrasted.

As such, I've recently decided that I want to start modeling my playstyle in Destiny 1 to mock-up to what will be available in D2, and so I've come up with this short list of ways you can prepare, and help to make the transition much smoother. I want to stress that these tips and tricks are by no means meant to be the end-all guide to prepping for D2, simply because we know a lot can change even between now and the beta. They won't make you a god in PvP or be the only possible way you'll survive the coming changes. They're mostly meant to be a fun way to show you a small taste of what D2 Crucible is like in D1, and to help you see how to not rely on some of the things that won't be available for us in the future.

First thing you're going to need to change is your weapons loadout. In D1, we have a primary, a special, and a heavy. In D2 we have two primaries (one elemental and one kinetic) and a power weapon. This means snipers, shotguns, and fusions are no longer able to be carried along with an LMG, rocket launcher, or sword, but now must be used in place of them. This is a huge change, but honestly in my experience it absolutely worked out for the better in terms of gameplay (with the stipulation that I'm not sure exactly how they plan to successfully balance all the options in the power slot). Sidearms and SMGs (basically 100/2 ARs with less damage) are now considered primary weapons, so in your first two slots you now have the choice of ARs, SMGs, PRs, SRs, HCs, and sidearms. In the last slot you have rocket launchers, swords, snipers, shotguns, and fusion rifles. LMGs seem to have been totally removed from the game. To mimic this I've been doing the following:

  1. Primary slot: HC, PR, SR, or AR
  2. Special slot: Sidearm
  3. Heavy: Rocket launcher (without Grenades and Horseshoes) or sword

Now thankfully, this is already basically what a lot of people run due to the current special weapon ammo meta. The biggest change may be needing to get rid of the LMG in the heavy slot, or removing the perk Grenades and Horseshoes from your rocket launcher of choice. The reason I suggest not using G&H is because I have a very strong feeling (based on conversations had at the reveal) that this perk will not be in game come D2. They've made a strong push to get rid of perks, weapons, and mechanics that they felt were either the only choice or gamebreaking, and G&H is definitely the first of those two. If you really, really don't want to run a sidearm in your secondary slot, then feel free to use a sniper, fusion, or shotgun, and just ignore your heavy. The drawback to this is you won't get the feeling of having two "primary" weapons, and the special ammo economy in D1 is much more generous than it is in D2, so if you find yourself relying on your special you're not going to have done yourself any favors.

The second thing you'll want to do is start focusing more on your ability cooldowns. Now, obviously we won't have the same abilities that the classes will have in D2, simply because they've added a new one in and changed some of the supers around, but we can focus on the timing (supers and subclass perks we'll talk about in the next section). What I noticed in the gameplay was that grenades and melees took a much longer time to come back after usage. We're talking was seemed to be between 40-55 seconds, depending on perks, Compare this to currently when I can get both my grenade and melee back in 30 seconds if I spec my gear correctly. This was one of the first things I noticed in the gameplay itself, and had a huge affect on how and when I chose to use my abilities. As such I recommend staying between tiers 3 and 4 on all cooldowns, and do not hit tier 5 on any of them. Realistically, going down to tier 3 on all would probably be the best bet, but I know not everyone will want to give up their tier-11 or tier-12 builds, so I just suggest staying at 4 or lower. You'll still get them back slightly faster, but it may be slower than you're used to which will give you an idea of how the limiting feels. I also recommend not using too many perks that give you boosts to those cooldowns, but that's personal preference.

The last thing we're going to talk about today are the subclasses we can use, and what perks (and exotics in some cases) we can use on each one. As of right now, it looks like we'll be getting Gunslinger, Arcstrider, Voidwalker, Dawnblade, Striker, and Sentinel in the fall D2 release. I say this because we've seen no evidence at all that the TTK subclasses will be coming back. As such, for the most part we're not going to recommend using Nightstalker or Stormcaller, and we're going to use Sunbreaker only as a poor-man's version of Dawnblade. Similarly, it appears Bladedancer has been swapped out in favor of Arcstrider, and since no one has any gameplay of that, we're going to hold off on using Bladedancer, regardless of them being basically melee-super subclasses. Voidwalker as well we have seen nothing of, so we'll wait to make plans using it. What this means is we're going to be playing as Gunslingers for Hunters, Sunsingers/Sunbreakers for the Warlocks new Dawnblade, and Strikers for Titans. Below, I'm going to list the perks you should choose for each subclass, as well as any special recommendations that I think may help (keep in mind that armor, agility, and recovery will now be part of the armor perks themselves, and so you can choose what you want for those):

Hunter - Gunslinger


  • Your choice of grenade (they all come back)
  • Your choice of jump (they all come back)
  • Gunfighter (going to combine this one with Gunslinger's Trance to make a poor-man's D2 Gunslinger's Trance)
  • Knife Juggler (Knife Juggler comes back in the second tree option)
  • Gunslinger's Trance (combine this with Gunfighter to try to mimic the D2 version, which gives you decreased Golden Gun cooldown with precision kills, as opposed to increased stability)
  • Chain of Woe (Chain of Woe also comes back, but now speeds up your allies' reloads too)
  • Special recommendations: Start using Achlyophage Symbiote. It won't get you up to 6 shots or take the duration of Golden Gun down as much as the Six Shooter perk will for D2, but it will give you an extra shot and knock a second off of the timer.

Warlock - Dawnblade


  • Solar or Firebolt until Super, then Fusions (all three come back, but keep in mind fusions can no longer one-hit kill, so relying on them all the time will be detrimental to your game)
  • Balance Glide or Focused Control (remember you can no longer Warlock surf in D2, so using Focused Burst to increase your movement speed isn't going to help you)
  • Radiant Skin (Dawnblade does get some damage reduction while active, so use Radiant Skin here, but stay away from Fireborn at all costs)
  • Brimstone (trying to mimic Igniting Touch, which is anew perk that causes the enemies to explode)
  • Radiant Will (increases the duration of Radiance, which I'll explain later)
  • Angel of Light (allows you to hover in the air by aiming your weapon, and will be our version of D2's Risen Angel)
  • Special Recommendations: Because we absolutely cannot ever make the Sunsinger Super function like Dawnblade, we're going to try to do the next best thing. We'll use Brimstone and Angel of Light to give us the feel of the melee and in-air combat, and then we'll pretend like Radiance with Fusion grenades is our flaming sword. If you use Heart of the Praxic Fire or Starfire Protocol to decrease grenade cooldowns in Radiance or give you two fusion grenades, respectively, and then you use Radiant Will, you should be able to through around the same number of fusion grenades during your super as the Dawnblade can through swords. It won't be quite the same feeling, but as direct hits with both will kill and enemy, and they both have a fair amount of tracking, it's going to be the best we can do.

If not having the super just is too hard for you to work with, you can also partially emulate Dawnblade using a Sunbreaker, although outside of the super the results won't be as satisfying.


  • Fusion grenades (the only option here, I'm sure you'll be disappointed. Just don't abuse them! Try to only stick people you or a teammate have damaged!)
  • Increased Height or Catapult (Just like with the Warlock jumps, you can no longer skate, so try to avoid the temptation)
  • Forgemaster (just allows you to throw more "blades" and cause bigger explosions)
  • Melting Point (ignites people you hit, which is half of the Dawnblades' Igniting Touch melee perk)
  • Fleetfire (enemies you kill with your fire grant you increased movement and reload speed, which is basically just like D2's Firestarter, except Firestarter has to be melee kills only)
  • Simmering Flames (when super is charged melee and grenades recharge faster, but the only reason you're playing Sunbreaker is for dat super, so you should never let it stay charged)
  • Special Recommendations: If you're looking for exotic armor, go with Empyrean Bellicose or Twilight Garrison. Empryean will count as the Sunbreaker's version of Fallen Angel, while Twilight Garrison's in-air dodge will work to be like the Dawnblade's Blazing Dash. As you can see, the Dawnblade is basically a combination of the Sunbreaker and SUnsinger subclasses, and running either one of the two with the listed setups will give you part of the feeling.

Titan - Striker


  • Your choice of grenade (they're all coming back, but remember that Lightning grenades now take time to arm after they hit a surface)
  • Increased Height or Catapult (as previously mentioned, no skating!)
  • Aftermath (goes one-for-one with the D2 version)
  • Amplify (unfortunately we don't have anything like this or D2, but since all it does is reduce your super cooldown, maybe just shave off some Intellect from your build)
  • Aftershocks or Transfusion (we have versions of both in the new Striker skill trees, but Aftershocks is the one that goes with the other perks we are choosing as part of a package deal. However, if you don't want to use it and instead want Transfusion I won't tell anybody)
  • Shoulder Charge (Shoulder Charge makes a comback in D2, so it's definitely what you want to go with here)
  • Special Recommendations: I would just stay away from exotics in general for this build, since we don't want to get bonus grenades with Armamentarium and the Striker won't have in-air dodging. Unfortunately nothing is going to get us close to the Striker's improved Super, so you'll just have to use your imagination here.

And now for the last two pieces of the pie. Use Jolder's as your artifact, since there's no sprint cooldown, and then get a group of friends and play some 4v4 custom games! If you can't get a big enough group then try to go into 6v6 with a 4-man fireteam and hope Bungie's MM and the low population does the rest. Enjoy!

submitted by /u/Mercules904
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Title system in Destiny 2

Posted: 31 May 2017 10:31 AM PDT

I think a title system would be amazing for D2

(Insert guardian name here), Slayer of Oryx or Bane of Crota. Dr. (Guardian, for getting rid of the siva plague) Chronomaster (guardian, for killing atheon)

And then titles like Keeper of the Garden, ones involving key story missions.

Then move onto Collector, for exotics, and Hoarder for legendaries, or engrams. Even Apprentice Cryptologist.

Loremaster for capped grimiore.

Stuff like that would be so badass. Only viewable in social spaces/character inspection so as to not end up like world of Warcraft, all the people with a long ass names on the screen.


submitted by /u/Sacrificer_XVII
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With D1 drawing to a close, what were your best Noob moments, whether it be recently or as far back as the alpha?

Posted: 31 May 2017 12:50 AM PDT

Mine was in the public beta. I looked away from the tv for a moment and that moment was when the game told me how to go to orbit. I missed it, and so I couldn't work out how to change areas. I ended up quitting back to character selection every time I wanted to go somewhere else.

submitted by /u/ParrotSTD
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Thank you r/Destiny I couldn't have done this without you.

Posted: 31 May 2017 06:14 AM PDT

Thank you to a very helpful group of Guardians for answering questions and giving advice on how to complete my book. Thank you for helping do this.

edit: so sorry, r/DestinyTheGame

submitted by /u/Griever2112
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Gunsmith is selling PDX-45 again!

Posted: 31 May 2017 04:38 AM PDT

Go pick this beast of a PVP Pulse up from him guardians!

submitted by /u/leotmiller
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"Types" of exotics, favorites from D1, and speculation of what we'll see in D2

Posted: 31 May 2017 07:58 AM PDT

My friends and I recently had a great conversations about exotic weapons and armor. We debated which was 'best', which lead to a discussion about the types of exotics we liked in D1 and the ones we'd like to see in D2. I was thinking this would be interesting to discuss here as well.

For exotic armor, my favorite ones were the ones that modified our Supers in meaningful ways. Helm of Saint 14 for the blinding bubble, Celestial Nighthawk for the Spartan Laser, and Purifier Robes for taking revenge on tbaggers in Trials. Call these the Super Exotics (creative, I know)

My friend (a hunter main) prefers the Movement Exotics. Bones of Eao, Twilight Garrison, Dunermarchers, Transversive Steps. He prefers the 'set and forget' nature of exotics that give you a passive boost or clear movement advantage.

His brother preferred the Boost Exotics. The ones that either boost existing abilities (double grenades via Sunbreakers, Armamentarium, Young Ahamkara's Spine) or make you slightly better at something than a mirror of you without the exotic equipped (Heart of Praxic Fire for DPS or Crest of Alpha Lupi for orb gen)

So my question to you guys: which of these three groups (Super, Movement, Boost) do you like the most? There are obviously more nuanced exotics and more in-depth ways of categorizing them all, but we had a great time arguing the merits and faults of each.

For D2, I personally would love to see exotics that focus on Supers and class abilities. A Titan helm you can use to modify your shield wall (let you shoot though it, make it unbreakable, let it modify your ammo type, etc.). A Hunter boot that reloads the entire fireteam when using a reload-shadestep. A Warlock chest piece that turns Nova Bomb into a continuous stream of void energy. Stuff like that.

One thing I'm concerned with is the rise of 'extra perk' exotics. With the change to the perk tree that seems to be coming, having an exotic that grants a perk from another tree would feel kind of lazy; taking away choice only to replace it at the expense of an exotic slot.

Thoughts? Can't wait for D2. Concerned with some stuff (4v4 PvP top of the list), but ridiculously excited for everything else.

submitted by /u/Thirty_Votes
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