DayZ - Lovely day for a swim...

Lovely day for a swim...

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 01:15 AM PDT

Brian Hicks Interview Part 2 - via Pitstop Head

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 05:12 AM PDT

Late to the meme

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 08:07 PM PDT

Planned toxic weather?

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 05:48 AM PDT

Dayz Is Back For Me (Story Time)

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 12:34 AM PDT

Over the last year or so I have kept trying to enjoy the game (loved the mod,) but constantly getting shot across fields or in the woods and dying instantly has turned me off.

But today I tried a new 1pp server today and all that seems to have changed. My first life ended like all the rest, but I met a few friendly people first.

My second life is what's going to keep me playing.

I spawned south of Berezino and crafted a bow. I started heading south with the intention of playing the hero. Halfway through an apple orchard I came across two men with fireaxes picking apples, I approached them cautiously and hailed them from a distance. Before I had a chance to draw my first arrow they were on me like a pack of wolves.

My first arrow went wide left because I fired it too early. They were almost on top of me, my fight or flight instincts kicked in and I bolted. I ran and ran with a soundtrack of cackling laughter and two men begging me to let them have my delicious meat.

By the time I passed Factory I had put some distance between us. I risked a glance back and saw them descend on a guy with a pitchfork. Pitchfork dude fought valiantly, but was defeated.

I hid in Solnichny until they had cooked and ate there fill of poor pitchy. My trusty bow and I made or way to Dolina looting along the way; on the hunt for a burlap sack.

In Dolina I left a building only to be brought face to face with a man standing in the road with a double barrel. I brought my bow to full draw and almost let loose, but something stopped me. We exchanged friendlies and without another word we were a team. I bowed down zombies and he watched my back as we looted our way to Staroye. I gave him ammo for his blaze and he gave me a p1 with a mag and rounds. We had created a bond and a trust.

We split up at Staroye to search the town and I was soon beset upon by a "police" man. Being held at shotgun point I went along with the man. He said I had killed his townspeople and was taking me to the station.

We were almost at the station when I felt it, the gut wrenching "gtfo" feeling. He stepped into a building to lock up one of the townspeople that had escaped it's house and I took the opportunity and ran. I ran back to my newfound partner and told him of the man at the station.

We decided to scope out the situation before we took action against this dilusional man. I snuck down to the station while Jesus covered me from above. Out of earshot Jesus found dead bodies stripped of all their belongings.

The officer was telling me to turn myself in and we would sort this out inside. BANG I took cover, but before I could return fire Jesus came off the hill and told me about the bodies and how he shot the man.

We broke down the door and found zombies in the jail cell and the gear of at least 3 other players stacked neatly in an office. It was clear that he was dispensing his own justice in this town.

We took what we could salvage and get out of dodge headed for electro, hunting a deer along the way. Unfortunately the dawn was breaking and the server restarting and we parted ways.

I'll never forget you Jesus Christ.

If you read this, Godspeed

  • Jack Menhoff
submitted by /u/Rellincat
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That tree came outta nowhere!

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 07:57 AM PDT

Is CR527 Carbine bugged? Shooting too high.

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 07:45 AM PDT

I've found CR527 rifle, and since I had the mag on me with a few rounds I decided to take a few pot shots for fun (I was already double carrying a mosin and an AK).

I took a shot at a zombie at across the airfield (the short distance) and bullet landed waaay to high. First I thought my zeroing is wrong, so I lowered it to 200m then 100m but bullets were still landing the same. It was as if bullets start to fly after the recoil knockback as that was aprox. where they were landing.

Then I tried a shot with mosin and it landed perfectly where I was aiming ranged at 300m, so it seems there is a problem with CR.

I wanted to post a video of it, but sadly my PlaysTV client bugged and wasn't recording the session. I tried to record it again, but server was down and I left CR on the floor :(

submitted by /u/Olfasonsonk
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What happened with the loot?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 07:11 PM PDT

Or lackthereof?

Just a few weeks ago I was having a blast with this game, but ever since .62 I have noticed a severe lack of loot. I'll be lucky to find a cooking pan at best, I haven't even found an axe yet. I've been running around for 3 hours.

What did they change?

submitted by /u/ATIVITA
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Multiple Characters on public hive?

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 08:13 AM PDT

I started playing 0.62 and wondered why I have 3 different characters at the same time ... each restricted to different servers.

Can anybody explain to me what happened there and why I cant play with my one character on all the other public hive server?


Character0 is restricted to the servers ...

Character1 is restricted to only this server ...

And Character2 is restricted to some other servers ...

ps.: Sry for my bad english

submitted by /u/B0WS4R
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Posted: 11 Jun 2017 07:31 AM PDT

How to Autowalk/Run in 0.62?

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 07:14 AM PDT

Hello everyone!

Anyone here has a method yet for autowalk in our beloved running simulator? until 0.61 I used the Steam overlay method, but this is not working anymore.

please help me out here, the Game is literally unplayable for me in this state since my arm already hurts from gaming, holding the same button for hours is not very helpful.

submitted by /u/aquilaPUR
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.62 American Helo Spawns?

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 07:10 AM PDT

Do the smoking american helo crashes spawn anything right now on .62 stable? I came across one that was BONE dry which is odd.

submitted by /u/-Neph-
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Russian dashcam footage seems very familiar.

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 07:09 AM PDT

Game restarts itself when trying to join a server. Am I alone?

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 07:00 AM PDT

Since the 0.62 Exp. release, I'm experiencing this weird behavior. It occurs in this order:

I execute the game

Game opens, click Play or Choose another server.

Server starts loading, but right before me spawning, the game will close itself and open again.

Try again to Play or choose server

Game will finally spawn

If I close the game, the next time that I execute it again, I will go trough that autorestart again and again. It's very painful when you use to play in high pop servers and you need to wait a queue, cause you probably need to wait that queue x2.

Am I alone in this? There is any known fix?

submitted by /u/Lijazos
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Spawning in at the same spots

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 11:18 PM PDT

Okay so i searched the forum but found nothing relevant. Why do players always spawn in the same general area? I've found that no matter what severs i join i ALWAYS spawn in the middle of nowhere in between svetlojarsk and solnitchny.

Every. Single. Time... Literally. My friend i play with almost always spawns in the Kamenka area. I thought they were supposed to be random? Are spawns locked to your steam ID or something?

submitted by /u/Noversi
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PC receives less frames on .62

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 06:42 AM PDT

So since the new update hit, kinda sucks for me to enjoy as I now get 30/40 frames on low, beforehand I got around 50/60/70 which was pretty playable.

Since I have no current money what can I do to heighten my fps but at least 10?

submitted by /u/amdtek4
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PSA; Suppressors not always working.

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 06:38 AM PDT

Some friends and I were playing last night, and his scorpion had a suppressor. However, I heard every shot as if the attachment was not there. We tried removal and re-attaching it, still loud as normal. I'll submit it to the tracker, just wanted to warn you all, to him, it was suppressed. Also to another friend it was suppressed.

submitted by /u/Dilusi
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Key binds not working?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 11:50 AM PDT

i used to have two buttons on my mouse i used to Toggle View and Freelook. They got erased with the update, and now it wont let me bind them...

submitted by /u/WHAT_R_U_BUYIN
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A quick strawpoll on the 64 bit client I wanted to get some answers about

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 11:37 PM PDT

Big Tits group last night, 7 of us had fun on U-SUK server but got disconnected. 10/10 lets play again! (pic inside)

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 02:21 AM PDT

Character not showing on the launch screen?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 09:37 AM PDT

Hi all, recently re downloaded the game after a rather lengthy absence and cant seem to see my character on the main screen. Anyone else having this problem and is there a fix?


submitted by /u/GarethAUS
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