World of Warcraft - Official Guild Recruitment Thread

Official Guild Recruitment Thread

Posted: 06 May 2017 03:05 AM PDT

Are you looking for more people for your guild? Are you looking for a guild? Put your recruitment posts here! Don't forget about /r/wowguilds in the meanwhile; sometimes you can't wait a couple of weeks to find a guild.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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I almost didn't want to turn them all in, it's so beautiful.

Posted: 06 May 2017 08:51 AM PDT

Have you ever heard of the tragedy of Elisande, Leader of the Nightborne?

Posted: 06 May 2017 09:56 AM PDT

I thought not. It's not a story the Nightfallen would tell you.

She's a Suramar legend, Elisande was an elf so powerful and so wise she could use the Arcane to gaze through time into the future, manipulating the endless possibilities therein. She had such a knowledge of Chronomancy, she predicted a future where her people were safe, free.

She was so powerful, the only thing she was worried for was to keep her people out of danger. Which eventually, of course, she failed. She taught her First Arcanist everything she knew then her First Arcanist mounted a rebellion and sieged her city. Ironic, she could see the future, but she couldn't predict her own death.

submitted by /u/Forum_
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The Cenarion Hold infantry in Silithus is really hardcore

Posted: 06 May 2017 06:43 AM PDT

"...but I need to finish Suramar"

Posted: 06 May 2017 12:34 PM PDT

So a guildie in my guild likes to hop on Discord while he's working. He's a fun guy to have around, but this happened earlier today that nearly killed me.

He's on Discord on his phone while he's on his way home from work. He gets home and his wife greets him saying she needs him to go food shopping with her. He says he's been up since 6am and doesn't want to. So then she starts yelling how he'll be on WoW for the rest of the night. Well, little did he know, he forgot to log out of Discord and uses voice activation.

Her: "I just need 2 hours of your fucking time!"
Him: "but I need to finish Suramar"
Her: "...excuse me..."

It's been a while since I laughed that hard.

submitted by /u/Thumpasaur
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All I wanted was to save 3 seconds of run time

Posted: 05 May 2017 11:18 PM PDT

His words are always so relevant even to this day

Posted: 06 May 2017 11:16 AM PDT

Raiders in a nutshell

Posted: 05 May 2017 06:58 PM PDT

Our own class representation on the Broken Shore is very cool, but it would be better with more variety.

Posted: 06 May 2017 05:17 AM PDT

During the 7.2 intro quest called "Armies of Legionfall" Khadgar calls out all champions and their Class Orders. A pretty big amount of troops help us throughout the questline, but when we finally set up there it looks like it was only our %classname% Order merit.

This isn't a Draenor campaign, where lorewise there is only one Commander of each faction, there is, I believe, atleast 12 Champions and in eyes of a Player - all other players are his fellow colleagues and/or the best representatives after the Player.

The very simple solution would be to keep the player's class at something like 40-60% representation and cycle through different "scenes" each day.

Like as Mage you can see a Draenei Mage and floating books near the Flight Master, as Shaman there are two shamans and fire elemental during some ritual, etc.

At the well in the middle there are moonkins for Druids and Ashtongue for Demon Hunters, etc.

All of those can be cycled with each day(or different time measurement that is), we're at war after all, troops are dispatched back and forth, everyone have a task that needs to be done. It opens a room for imagination, lets imagine that Legion brought some Mage Hunters, so at that day we can see Hunters or Demon Hunters.

submitted by /u/obsydd
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I knew it was going to be worth saving titan essences

Posted: 06 May 2017 12:29 PM PDT

May I present the best Raid Cool-down

Posted: 06 May 2017 03:06 AM PDT

what is the oldest macro you have on your client?

Posted: 06 May 2017 09:49 AM PDT

i was thinking of making a macro to target and stab couriers and then remembered i did something similar during Wrath

submitted by /u/egosumFidius
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WarcraftDevs on Twitter - Fixed disconnect upon leaving Warrior class hall!

Posted: 05 May 2017 05:11 PM PDT

The best thing in legion so far.

Posted: 06 May 2017 03:09 AM PDT

You know what grinds my gears?

Posted: 06 May 2017 01:16 AM PDT

M+ or M0 groups that only "Need healer gogogo", then I join, and nobody bothers to move their asses to the instance, hoping for a port...

I mean seriously. By the time you are 4 man, fly there. Save time. Don't rely on the last one to join, to be the first one at the instance....

submitted by /u/Potpourri87
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Must have healing addons?

Posted: 06 May 2017 11:39 AM PDT

I'd like to pick up healing and am wondering if there is any "must have" or useful healing addons i should grab?

submitted by /u/iSleek
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Mages will understand...

Posted: 05 May 2017 06:54 PM PDT

My adventures of trying not to get banned in RBGs

Posted: 05 May 2017 08:16 PM PDT

There's a lot of misconceptions about Fury Warriors at 30% haste. TL;DW: Nothing happens at 30% haste.

Posted: 06 May 2017 02:13 PM PDT

[Question] Draenei products for a friends birthday.

Posted: 06 May 2017 01:03 PM PDT

Hey everyone, my best friend has her bday coming up soon and she really loves draenei and everything they're about (crystals, magic, etc).

I'm having trouble finding her gifts related to them. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/CalbandPals
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Is tab-targeting broken for anybody else on the ghost enemies in Karazhan recently?

Posted: 05 May 2017 07:58 PM PDT

I run a upper kara M+ last night, and I couldn't attack any of the ghost enemies in the beginning. I assumed it was lag or something, but then I realized that it was because most of my rotation abilities are macros that have /targetenemy (which is basically the same as pressing tab) at the beginning. Normal tab targeting does not work either.

I was able to attack if I clicked on the nameplate to target and then clicked the abilities in my dungeon journal spellbook.

I'm going to submit a bug report if it happens again. Needless to say this is a pretty big problem as we were running a +10 and I couldn't DPS at all until I figured out this workaround (and even after that it was sub-optimal).

Anybody else run into a similar problem? Has this been an issue for a while and I'm just now noticing it?

submitted by /u/elguapo1991
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Why does Enhancement shaman feel so weak / bad to play right now?

Posted: 06 May 2017 09:26 AM PDT

So I had some time off work and decided to level a few alts. I leveled a Demon Hunter, an Unholy DK and a Frost DK (different factions, don't judge me) , a Retribution Paladin and an Enhancement Shaman. My main is Destruction warlock and i've been playing the game since 2004. I consider myself an above average player at best, nothing special. I played enhance as a main through MOP and WOD. I shelved it for legion, and was hoping now with the catchup to return to a spec I loved.

But it so far, is a terrible experience. I have never died leveling on any other spec, able to cleave down entire swaths of enemies and do relatively cool shit. On enhancement shaman, I felt like I was walking on glass. I could only do 1 or 2 mobs at a time, and usually ended most fights with very low HP and out of mana. Knowing that enhance is gear dependent, I shrugged it off and pushed on. Died atleast 10+ times while leveling and it was very frustrating.

Now, at 110 after catchup, my enhance is sitting at i863. I am having the exact same issues in 110 content that I did while leveling. I can't really do big pulls. I can't solo rares/elites. without bloodlusting and getting a bit lucky. In huge AOE trash pulls in raids, i'm bottom of the barrel. On single target fights, I either noodle around at 175k dps or the lottery hits right and I can burst upwards of 500k. It's inconsistent and feels bad.

Now, lets talk about the rotation. I'm spamming rockbiter, and hoping my abilities proc so I can actually use them. I have to avoid mechanics mercilessly or I take a shit ton of damage and healers stop healing and I die. It feels bad to play.

The bit of world pvp i've done has been abysmal. I haven't taken the class into arena/bg's yet but basically, if I get stunned I die within 5 seconds with no answers. If I don't get stunned, i'm just kited because I can't ranged snare without maelstrom. If I do get close and don't get any procs, Its just awkward. My self heals are like 8% hp and I melt in seconds.

Did something bad happen to enhance, or am I just not getting the legion style of this spec? It feels literally bad to play.

submitted by /u/JCARPX
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Are Warcraft novels any good?

Posted: 06 May 2017 01:49 PM PDT

I read the original Warcraft novel like 20 years ago and enjoyed it. There's wow novels now... just wondering if they are worth it

submitted by /u/CzarTyr
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100-110 Fastest way?

Posted: 06 May 2017 10:28 AM PDT

Whats the fastest way to level from Level 100 to Level 110? (Demon Hunter)

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/JLN1337
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List of spec RNG mechanics?

Posted: 06 May 2017 12:50 PM PDT

After realizing the RNG of my rogue, I've decided I want to get a good list of all the RNG each spec has to deal with, and list if it has to do with their rotation or not. I'm gonna post my (incomplete list), if you can post your own class/specs rng elements, I can add them to this post.

*Unless crit has an actual gameplay change, it will not be listed

*This is based purely off my own knowledge, hence being as incomplete as it is. Please help by adding your own in the comments



  • Chance to get Heating Up (Crit Based, Affects Rotation)
  • Chance to increase Crit for up to 5 people
  • Chance to reduce Phoenix's Flames cooldown (Affects Rotation)


  • Chance to get Arcane Missiles (Affects Rotation)


  • Chance to get Fingers of Frost (Affects Rotation)
  • Chance to get Brain Freeze (Affects Rotation)
  • Chance for Unstable Magic (Talent)



  • Random increases to damage (Mastery Based)


  • Chance to generate Soul Shards with Agony (Affects Rotation)
  • Chance to refund Soul Shards with Soul Conduit (Talent, Affects Rotation)
  • Chance to refresh Unstable Affliction instead of expiring
  • Chance to generate Soul Shards with Doom (Tier, Affects Rotation)


  • Chance to make Call Dreadstalkers free on Shadowbolt or Demonwrath (Affects Rotation)



  • Chance to create Shadowy Apparitions on Shadow Word: Pain ticks (Crit Based)


  • Chance to gain Power of the Dark Side on Shadow Word: Pain ticks


  • Chance to reset Holy Fire with Smite



  • Chance to get Power of Goldrinn on Starsurge


  • Chance to duplicate Rip
  • Chance to gain extra combo points with abilities (Crit Based)
  • Chance to deal bonus damage with Thrash


  • ?


  • Chance for free Regrowths (Affects Rotation)



  • Chance to get Bag of Tricks / Poison Bomb on Finishers
  • Chance to get extra combo points with abilities (Crit Based, Affects Rotation)
  • Chance to apply poison with AAs
  • Chance to double rupture damage


  • Rolling the Bones (Affects Rotation)
  • Chance to gain Opportunity on Saber Slash (Affects Rotation)
  • Chance to gain Blunderbuss on Saber Slash


  • Chance to generate combo points with AAs (Affects Rotation)



  • ?


  • ?


  • Chance to increase Vivify healing with Renewing Mist (Affects Rotation)
  • Chance to spread Renewing Mist on target swap or cast

Demon Hunter


  • Chance to refund fury with Chaos Strike (Crit Based, Affects Rotation)
  • Chance to reset Felblade (Affects Rotation)
  • Chance to generate fury with Demon Blades (Affects Rotation)
  • Chance to generate extra fury (Legendary)


  • ?



  • Chance to gain Marking Targets (Affects Rotation)
  • Chance to gain free Aimed Shots (Affects Rotation)

Beast Mastery:

  • Chance to reset Dire Beast with AAs (Affects Rotation)


  • Chance to gain Mongoose Bite charges on Pet AA (Affects Rotation)



  • Chance to overload spells (Mastery Based)
  • Chance to reset Lava Burst with Flame Shock ticks


  • Chance to get Stormbringer (Affects Rotation)
  • Chance to get Windfury
  • Chance to get Stormlash
  • Chance to get Hot Hand (Talent, Affects Rotation)
  • Chance to get Stormflurry


  • Chance to refund mana (Crit Based)



  • None


  • ?


  • ?



  • Chance to Enrage with Bloodthirst (Crit Based, Affects Rotation)


  • Chance to get Tactician on spending rage (Affects Rotation)


  • Chance to reset Shield Slam with Devastate (Affects Rotation)
  • Chance to reset Shield Slam with AAs (Talent, Affects Rotation)

Death Knight


  • Chance to pop extra wounds (Affects Rotation)
  • Chance to increase rune regeneration speed (Affects Rotation)


  • Chance to get Killing Machine (Crit Based, Affects Rotation)
  • Chance to get Rime on Obliteration (Affects Rotation)
  • Chance to refund a rune (Affects Rotation)


  • ?
submitted by /u/xTraxis
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