League of Legends - IQ 200 Fiddlesticks

IQ 200 Fiddlesticks

Posted: 06 May 2017 06:52 AM PDT

Marines Esports vs. SuperMassive eSports / 2017 Mid-Season Invitational Play-In - Round 3 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 06 May 2017 02:29 PM PDT


Official page | EsportsWikis | Live Discussion | /r/LoLeventVoDs/ | New to LoL

SuperMassive eSports 1-3 Gigabyte Marines

With this win, GIGABYTE Marines progress to the Group Stage of MSI.

SUP | Wiki | TW | FB | Sub
GAM | Wiki | FB


Winner: Gigabyte Marines in 24m
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
SUP ziggs kennen leblanc khazix syndra 35.7k 6 1 I1 I2 B3
GAM galio caitlyn varus shen rumble 51.3k 24 9 None
SUP 6-24-15 vs 24-6-58 GAM
fabFabulous nautilus 3 0-5-3 TOP 2-2-10 1 gragas Stark
Stomaged lee sin 2 2-5-4 JNG 8-1-8 3 graves Levi
Naru taliyah 3 2-5-3 MID 5-0-15 4 karma Optimus
Zeitnot ashe 1 1-5-1 ADC 8-0-10 1 jhin Slay
Dumbledoge zyra 2 1-4-4 SUP 1-3-15 2 lulu Archie


Winner: SuperMassive eSports in 36m
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
SUP ziggs kennen leblanc lee sin graves 69.0k 21 8 I1 O2 B3
GAM galio caitlyn varus nautilus shen 58.8k 11 4 None
SUP 21-11-48 vs 10-17-30 GAM
fabFabulous rumble 3 11-3-4 TOP 1-3-6 1 gragas Stark
Stomaged ivern 2 1-1-15 JNG 3-6-5 3 khazix Levi
Naru jayce 3 3-3-8 MID 4-4-3 4 syndra Optimus
Zeitnot ashe 1 4-2-8 ADC 1-3-5 2 jhin Slay
Dumbledoge karma 2 2-2-13 SUP 1-1-11 1 lulu Archie


Winner: Gigabyte Marines in 36m
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
SUP ziggs kennen leblanc karma lee sin 57.4k 5 5 M1
GAM galio caitlyn ivern rumble fizz 69.2k 19 8 M2 I3 B4
SUP 5-19-10 vs 19-5-43 GAM
fabFabulous shen 3 0-4-2 TOP 0-1-10 1 gragas Stark
Stomaged graves 2 1-4-1 JNG 4-0-10 3 khazix Levi
Naru ekko 3 2-6-1 MID 9-1-3 2 syndra Optimus
Zeitnot varus 2 1-3-3 ADC 5-2-9 1 ashe Slay
Dumbledoge lulu 1 1-2-3 SUP 1-1-11 4 zyra Archie


Winner: Gigabyte Marines in 22m
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
GAM galio ivern rumble shen nautilus 44.6k 21 7 M1
SUP ziggs kennen syndra karma ahri 32.1k 5 0 I2
GAM 21-6-48 vs 5-21-10 SUP
Stark gragas 1 2-2-7 TOP 1-4-1 4 maokai fabFabulous
Levi graves 3 5-0-8 JNG 2-5-3 3 lee sin Stomaged
Optimus lissandra 3 5-1-12 MID 0-3-2 1 leblanc Naru
Slay varus 2 8-2-8 ADC 2-4-1 1 ashe Zeitnot
Archie lulu 2 1-1-13 SUP 0-5-3 2 zyra Dumbledoge

G Gold K Kills T Towers
I Infernal O Ocean M Mountain
C Cloud E Elder B Baron

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If you're interested in helping out with making threads, message /u/linkux18.

submitted by /u/DJGoatie
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Patch 7.9 Maokai Is Fine...

Posted: 06 May 2017 08:05 AM PDT

Olaf is Volibear

Posted: 06 May 2017 10:54 AM PDT

How has this flown under everyone's radar for so long? Olaf is clearly Volibear.

After doing an extensive google search, nobody has every proposed this question, or even banded to together to conspire against it!


According to Lore, Olaf is a berserker, and Volibear is an electric bear. According to Norse mythology, berserkers drew their power from the bear and were devoted to the bear cult. According to wikipedia, the berserkers were subject to fits of frenzy in battle. They would howl like wild beasts, foamed at the mouth, and gnawed the iron rim of their shields. To "go berserk" was to "hamask", which translates as "change form", in this case, as with the sense "enter a state of wild fury" AKA TRANSFORM INTO A FREAKING BEAR.


They are both from the frieljord. The are both "allies" (a term I use loosely because most people hate themselves). Volibear is from ursine village, and last time I checked, bears DONT MAKE VILLAGES NAMED AFTER THEIR GENEALOGY. Olaf used to live in bear dedicated village because he is a berserker (again, norse berserker mythology).


One of the most chilling pieces of evidence is found in game: olaf quote "to action!" vs voli quote "to war!" shows how olaf went insane and became a war hungry bear, rather than a social activist. Volibear also says "Battle is in my blood", and olaf literally uses his blood (hp) to fight you. Listed on the Olaf wiki page, his final quote is "Urge to kill, rising!", a sentiment which shows that this was his last grasp at humanity. He bear now.


Now this is where things get technical on the summoners rift: olaf runs at you, volibear runs at you. olaf has a low hp passive, volibear has a low hp passive. olaf throws lightning, volibear throws lightning. olaf throws axes, volibear doesnt have thumbs so he throws people. olaf goes crazy when you press r, volibear goes crazy when you press r. olaf wears a helmet, VOLIBEAR (a bear) WEARS A HELMET. All these are facts and cannot be a understood as a coincidence.


TL;DR: olaf is volibear because he go crazy

submitted by /u/AniviaPls
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Hi, I'm That Jewelry Designer. Rakan and Xayah are finished!

Posted: 06 May 2017 11:59 AM PDT

Literally never stopped working on these for a good while.


I'll start with Rakan and then move to Xayah. Rakan's design is meant to be a ring insert, where Xayah can sit in between showing off how Rakan is protective. But I had to make it flashy as well for the obvious reasons, so he's made of 18kt Yellow Gold with bits of 10kt Rose Gold for accents. His full tail is designed on the top part of the insert and is accented with Pear Emeralds (and one round because of size) to show off the green colors in his tail. Moving down that half of the insert, you'll see his skull laced with Rose Gold feathers to compliment Xayah and Marquise Rubies for his red feathers.

On the other side of Rakan's insert, it's based off of his belt. With rope texture, and his Q feather added on to accent the piece further, holding an Aquamarine and one more Ruby. Both of these are held together by sections of the Lover's Leap recall.

With Xayah, I kept her's a lot more toned down and slimmer but not without something to make it pop. Her entire ring is based off of her feather and is made in 10kt Rose Gold. The 10kt is because I wanted to darker hue of pink/reddish tint on the ring rather then straight pink itself. Topped off with her skull as well and Rakan's feather to compliment it even more. I made sure to add in resemblance to her hood but using a trillion cut Rhodolite Garnet. That Garnet also gives the purplish red hue rather then sticking something else in there that might make it brighter. And to finish Xayah off, the area under her stone is the Lover's Leap recall symbol.

All and all, both of these rings together would end up costing a whopping............. $3670. RIP.

I also have the process of these being modeled recorded so hopefully soon I can get that pieced together. If you'd like to follow some updates and view previous works, check out my facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/ThatJewelryDesigner/

I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did! And of course, please vote for the next champion in the comments!! I'm ready for the next one!!

submitted by /u/Xplo85
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TSM: LEGENDS - Season 3 Episode 11 - Vancouver (Spring Finals)

Posted: 06 May 2017 01:01 PM PDT

[Skin idea] pool party Illaoi (with picture)

Posted: 06 May 2017 11:33 AM PDT

I made this for fun two days ago https://www.reddit.com/r/LoLFanArt/comments/695p6g/original_poolparty_illaoi/ and I see here is someone talking about this skin idea , so I add how skills work to finish it .

http://i.imgur.com/xBKTVyK.jpg hope you like it xD

submitted by /u/lcomicer
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Apdo Analysis by Midbeast (OCE Challenger player) - Possibly the most informative LoL video I've ever watched

Posted: 06 May 2017 08:33 AM PDT

I'm a gold 5 mid main on the NA server, I've been playing for a little over three years so I've been around enough that its hard for me to find resources that actually make me feel like I'm learning anything. But holy shit, this video made me feel like a bronze 5 scrub.

Midbeast does an incredible job of dissecting every single decision made by Apdo, from micro techniques to items to map movement. It literally felt like being inside the head of a Challenger player. This game in particular blew my mind because how Apdo carries a game as Kassadin when his team feeds early on, a scenario I would normally write off as a "well I did my best but my team sucks gg". And he does it without racking up a shit ton of kills or pulling mind boggling plays, just consistent farm, lane pressure and macro movements.

Enough rant, enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LhXRetQit8

submitted by /u/_TR-8R
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Does Zyra breathe carbon dioxide or oxygen?

Posted: 06 May 2017 02:46 PM PDT

Plz I need to know thenk.

submitted by /u/Dragathor
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PSA: You can get two Summoner Icons by playing the new game mode Dark Star: Singularity.

Posted: 06 May 2017 01:54 AM PDT

The first one is to play with two friends (as a 3 man squad) and win a game. It will reward you this icon.

The second one is to get 33 kills across all Dark Star: Singularity games you play. You will be rewared with this icon. This means you can get 15 kills the first game, 8 kills the next game and 10 kills in your third game, and you'll qualify for the icon.

Icons should appear in your account by 30/5/17 07:59 BST.


Edit: Corrected the links to the images.

submitted by /u/SondreG
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/r/LoL Survivor Round 38

Posted: 06 May 2017 08:27 AM PDT

Playoffs are here! Results will be hidden and will be shown at the end of the contest. Don't want people to get influenced from previous rounds. VOTE ONE CHAMPION YOU WANT OUT
Round 37 - Jinx 20.5%
We asked advocates to send a great play from their champion, at max 1 minute long. Everything from a funny play to a pentakill.
Ashe - #BackDatAsheUp - "Hail Mary Arrows Carry: ROX Pray Stops SKT Duke's Teleport During the Worlds 2016 Semifinals."
Braum - #BraumIsHere - BioGod
Nami - #BubbleYourButt - The Sea Holds Fearsome Creatures... And Them
Taric - #TrulyTrulyOutrageous - Cucking Yasuo
Tristana - #Can'tHandleTheBandle - Cannonballs to the Face
Flair up, hashtags up, defend your champion, it's playoff time!
ANNOUNCEMENT: Tomorrow 15:00 CEST Edition like every Sunday, please advocates send me your submission before 12:00 CEST. Thanks!

submitted by /u/vcbvcb14
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Fun fact. If SUP wins tonight MSI group stage will have more Europeans than Koreans.

Posted: 06 May 2017 03:50 AM PDT

There is 9 (+2 substitute) Koreans at MSI group stage but if SUP manages to win vs GAM there will be 10 (+2 substitute) Europeans at group stage.

submitted by /u/MrPraedor
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Why does Ohmwrecker still exist?

Posted: 06 May 2017 01:49 AM PDT

This item was purchased even less than Sword of the Occult (which was removed partly because nobody bought it). It is almost as if Riot doesn't want this item to ever be relevant, but they feel obligated to keep it in the game because of Ohmwrecker's (the player) contributions to expanding the player base.

Ohmwrecker has a very confusing thematic identity. The stats make it only attractive to tanks, and the health regeneration is only really useful when behind or even in lane. In addition, Ohmwrecker is very gold inefficient when compared to other completed tank items, so buying it early puts you are a disadvantage. However, the active can only be used effectively while ahead, because it requires a turret dive to be useful. While the active could have playmaking potential, the stats just don't match up with the intent of the active. In the end, Ohmwrecker is just a very poorly designed and balanced item.

There have been multiple suggestions for making this item viable.

  1. Add an active to buff allied turrets.

    • Since the item's stats are all focused on defense, it only makes sense that the active should have a defensive use. Why would you ever buy this item when you can buy more damage and kill the enemy under turret 3 seconds faster?
  2. Turn the item into a single-use consumable.

    • Making the item a fairly expensive consumable (somewhere in the realm of 500g) would make for an interesting dynamic. Buying the consumable would be worth the investment if you could pull off a successful dive that secures either multiple kills or a kill and a turret. It would also be a useful purchase in the mid-game to help break those pesky high-waveclear turtle team compositions (and give you a better chance of successfully diving that Heimerdinger).
  3. Give the item damage stats.

    • Ohmwrecker is clearly meant to be used for diving. At the moment, buying the item does nothing for your dive potential unless you are massively ahead. The health and armor are useful for tanking turret shots, but if you buy this item early you probably don't have enough damage to kill the enemy before the turret starts firing again. You end up taking more damage from buying Ohmwrecker over a damage item. It is only really worth buying on tanky supports that are massively ahead (meaning only on Alistar when you took all of the kills). Changing the defensive stats to offensive stats makes the item more attractive to divers. Even just giving a small damage boost while in enemy turret range would help to shift Ohmwrecker towards being an item for divers.

TL;DR: Ohmwrecker is a terrible item that should reworked or removed. It is thematically confusing and poorly balanced. Riot should consider changing it by buffing the active, making it a consumable, or changing it to a damage item.

submitted by /u/LenadTheGreat
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Platin is no Difference from Bronze after all

Posted: 06 May 2017 04:58 AM PDT

What is your unpopular League opinion?

Posted: 06 May 2017 04:30 AM PDT

Mine is that Yi takes skill to play efficiently. Suck it up.

submitted by /u/Zeusan_Pls
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Theory: Teemo carries an advanced form of Gnar's Rage Gene

Posted: 06 May 2017 11:25 AM PDT

Since the dawn of man, we have sought to prove that Teemo is an unforgiving sociopath. Well, today, I present an inclusive theory that will allow you to say "yes, as a fact, that yordle is a loony." I'll keep each section short as possible and answer any questions in the comments.

TL;DR: Teemo carries a modern "Rage Gene," which causes him to shut down emotionally when in danger rather than act out. This reflects the societal nature of the modern yordle.

Pre-requisite things to know

  • Lissandra obeys the Watchers who forced the yordles to emigrate across Valoran, as known by Gnar's lore. All the way across, like the Animals of Farthing Wood. Unfortunately none of them got hit by cars.

  • Yordles of yester (cool name for a band) are nothing like their far descendants in Bandle City. They carried something called the Rage Gene which allowed them to fend off predators--Gnar's passive ability.

  • Bandle City and its inhabitants, lore wise, are scientific and political in nature. They share other differences from their ancestors, such as walking on two legs.

Other Yordles and rage

What is rage? Uncontrollable anger. But let's open up the definition to say that rage here is anytime a passion "rages," meaning it is out of control.

  • Heimerdinger: converted his pitching invention into a weapon after one impromptu field test.

  • Veigar: enraged almost all the time, caught in a whirlwind of vengeance and not feeling tall enough in comparison to the Noxians who captured him.

  • Ziggs: massively obsessed with loud noises and explosive force.

  • Lulu: Neutoric in her convictions to protect the rainforest, not "totally there" to use a subjective term

  • Rumble: humans got him down, so he went to a scrapyard and constructed a battle mech. Reasonable reaction.

Maybe they don't turn into beasts anymore, but these modern yordles obviously have a short fuse. It's part of their schtick, after all. Short and cuddly and too much for you big folk to handle. And yet...

Teemo and rage

He isn't really angry. Ever.

He is passionate about his job, and "serious, dead serious" when it comes to doing it, yet is able to hold conversations and enjoy time away from it as well. The closest to his situation is Tristana, yet she has less temperance during battle, using explosive weaponry. Funny how those two bonded so well...

In primordial times, becoming a giant beast was great. You could smash any predator and escape from harrowing situations. Yet fast forward millenia, to the rise of of Demacia, Noxus, Ionia, Piltover, Zaun... and Bandle City. It's no longer wise to "hulk out." To settle down and transition, yordles needed a new form of ruthlessness to match their close-knit society. One that used poisons and mushrooms without any concern for the casualties, rather than tooth and claw. One that subsisted for far longer by being patient. Patient to a reptilian level.

Teemo and his unstoppable rage

A stereotype often tied to sociopaths (and I'm not reflecting on its real-life veracity) is that they are a sort of "post-human," capable of processing what we call emotions and sways with Cartesian efficiency (down to a science). Teemo, the Swift Scout, is a post-yordle. Imagine a Ziggs who, when not enjoying the exploding horizon, is able to settle down and enjoy the peace and quiet. Imagine a Veigar who is capable of hiding in plain sight, squashing his urge to domineer and destroy. A Rumble who managed to stomach his urge to rebel, instead waiting for just the right opportunity to let go on the bothersome humans.

That's the yordle weakness: being too passionate for one's job all the time. It creates problems. Setbacks. Teemo doesn't have that passion until the Rage Gene inside of him activates it. And then it consumes the scout in a sort of transformation: his intentions become far more monstrous than Gnar could ever manage in his beast-form, his emotions are shoved aside so he can complete a rough task. Worse than any Noxian, more devoted than any Demacian. Willing to get dirtier than a Zaun sewer-rat and capable of wielding technology on par with Piltover's finest. And as for Ionians? Balance isn't in his vocabulary.


Next time you see Teemo prancing around top lane, singing about the scout's code, remember... this is a creature that can shut off his inhibitions in an instant. He won't be guilty when he kills you. He won't regret throwing your life away, and he certainly won't be upset to watch your slow death by poison. The rage inside of him won't allow him to feel those things. When he hurts you... he. Feels. Nothing, except for the genealogical whispers of yes, good job and more, more, more, MORE. MORE. MORE. MORE.

Have a good game! :)

submitted by /u/Papaya_Dreaming
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Describe a champion only using emojis, and let others guess which one it is!

Posted: 06 May 2017 07:39 AM PDT

Why is everyone talking about tank meta when Shen, Nautilus, Poppy, Mundo, Maokai and Trundle are all in 10 lowest win ratio on toplane?

Posted: 06 May 2017 08:34 AM PDT

We here about tank meta, but the true is that there is no tank meta at the moment. I would even say that right now ADC and bruisers are much more powerful becouse you need only one tank item to be super strong.


submitted by /u/wisakoy
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Faker vs. Crown 1v1

Posted: 06 May 2017 01:49 PM PDT

After playing Singularity, I wondered what a game mode for my favorite champion would look like. I present to you; Singing Spires.

Posted: 06 May 2017 09:55 AM PDT

Singing Spires would be a game mode in which all 6 characters (3v3) play as Bard. The map consists of 6 separate, unconnected spires in a star shaped pattern with one at the center. Each spire is a round platform with a pillar in the center, and they are separated by the cosmos, through which there is no way to travel except for Bard's Magical Journey. Stars twinkle and galaxies shift and breathe in the background of the map.

Now for the gameplay. Singing Spires is a game mode about collecting chimes, chaining together efficient pathing between spires, avoiding hazards, and assisting teammates, all while disrupting your enemies' ability to collect chimes. It is a fast-paced gamemode, with a lot of potential for clutch moments and big plays.

In order to win a game of Singing Spires your team must be the first to collect 100 chimes between all 3 players. As a result, chimes will spawn at a significantly increased spawn rate of 3 every 15 seconds, but they will only last for 45 seconds, forcing the player to plan carefully in order to maximize their chime accrual.

The effect of the chimes also changes drastically in this game mode. First and foremost, each chime a Bard collects reduces the cooldown on their Magical Journey by 2 seconds. This means that a Bard cannot simply wait for one platform to have a huge amount of chimes, and then harvest that platform, because they'll be wasting the mobility potential those chimes provide. Additionally, for every 15 chimes that a Bard collects that Bard gains a charge of Tempered Fate, which rather than effecting a specific area, will in Singing Spires effect the entirety of one spire, freezing it for 2 1/2 seconds, and removing both allied and enemy chimes from it. Lastly, at 0 chimes Bard's meeps will deal damage in a small cone (equivalent to 15 chimes in normal gamemodes). At 10 chimes the size of the cone will increase (equivalent to 35 chimes) and at 25 chimes it will increase again by about 50% to a massive cone. Meeps will spawn only every 30 seconds for each Bard, but their power is greatly increased in that any chimes belonging to a Bard are instantly collected when hit by their meep cone, and any chimes belonging to enemy Bards are destroyed. Bards can of course not attack chimes directly, however, and must line their attack up with an enemy Bard in order to make use of it.

Just like in Singularity, Bards can take damage, but cannot die from damage. Instead, a Bard's movement speed scales with their remaining health, scaling from 60% at 1% health, to 125% at 100% health. Caretaker's Shrine heals for 25% health if used instantly, or for 100% health if charged. Bard's Cosmic Binding works as normal, being able to stun enemies on each other, the edges of spires, or the pillars at the center of spires.

The final mechanic of Singing Spires is what makes it the Singing Spires. While playing you will hear the whispers and singing of the meeps in the background. Over the course of 60 seconds meeps will begin to gather around a single platform, with more and more arriving. Their song will grow louder and louder, which will attract more and more chimes, significantly increasing the chance that chimes will spawn on the platform they are surrounding, and greatly reducing the chance that chimes will spawn on platforms that are far away. However, the platform they surround will also begin to crack and waver, and at the end of the 60 seconds their song will crescendo, breaking the spire, and sending it tumbling into the cosmos, along with any Bards and chimes that were left on it. Any Bards that fall into the cosmos will be placed on a 10 second respawn timer, and the spire itself will reform after 15 seconds. The meeps will then begin gathering around another platform.

The combination of the ever increasing chime spawns on the platform promotes conflict between teams of Bards, while forcing caution with the ever-impending collapse of the spire. It also allows for clutch plays; such as getting a key stun or Tempered Fate on the platform just before it's going to collapse, and trapping enemy (and potentially allied) Bards on it as it falls away into the cosmos, just as you Magical Journey away to safety.

All in all, Singing Spires is a gamemode that accentuates the best aspects of Bard; the chime collecting minigame, the ability to make clutch plays saving yourself, your teammates, or damning enemies, the ability to travel quickly and smoothly, all while allowing for both incredible amounts of teamplay and coordination, as well as individual clutch play.

TL;DR Bard gamemode in which one plays Musical Chairs on platforms, collects chimes, fights and denies enemy Bards, and feeds into the incredible mystical mystery that is the almighty Bardo.


submitted by /u/Admiral_Ackbard
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Dark Star Orianna & Kha'Zix loading screen, updated Sejuani and Maokai splash arts in 4k (3840 x 2160)

Posted: 06 May 2017 08:07 AM PDT

Im bringing you another set of splash arts, fresh out of the oven. All the splash arts are upscaled to 4k. If you are looking for the dark star orianna & kha'zix splash arts, take a look a this post.


Splash Art Link
Dark Star Orianna & Kha'Zix Login Screen here
Traditional Sejuani here
Sabretusk Sejuani here
Darkrider Sejuani here
Totemic Maokai here
Festive Maokai here
Charred Maokai here
submitted by /u/MadJ0hn
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Thought New Zac was Stupid then I did this

Posted: 06 May 2017 06:02 AM PDT

Gigabyte Marines vs. SuperMassive eSports / MSI 2017 Play-In - Round 3 / Live Discussion

Posted: 06 May 2017 09:01 AM PDT


Official page | EsportsWikis | Countdown | /r/LoLeventVoDs/ | New to LoL

MSI will be played on Patch 7.8, with Xayah and Rakan disabled.

Today's Match Up

Round 3 / Strawpoll

Gigabyte Marines vs. SuperMassive eSports

11 AM PDT / 3 PM BRT / 20:00 CEST



Team Information
NA Team SoloMid EsportsWikis // Lolesports
LMS Flash Wolves EsportsWikis // Lolesports
A#1 SuperMassive eSports EsportsWikis // Lolesports
B#1 Gigabyte Marines EsportsWikis // Lolesports


Match Date Match Up PDT EDT BRT CEST KST Result Discussion
R2 - Match 1 Wed 3 May TSM vs. GAM 11 AM 2 PM 3 PM 20:00 04:00 3-2 TSM
R2 - Match 2 Thu 4 May FW vs. SUP 11 AM 2 PM 3 PM 20:00 04:00 3-0 SUP
Round 3 Sat 6 May GAM vs. SUP 11 AM 2 PM 3 PM 20:00 04:00 3-1 GAM
  • All matches are Best of 5.

  • All times are APPROXIMATE and should be used as a general guideline.


Round 2 Advanced Teams
vs - \ Round 3 LCK - SKT
vs - NALCS - TSM
vs - / GPL - GAM
  • Winners of each match will join the Advanced Teams.

On-Air Team


  • James "Dash" Patterson

  • Eefje "Sjokz" Depoortere

NA Casters

EU Casters

LCK, LPL, and IWC Casters



Play-In Stage (April 28th-May 6th)

  • Round 1 (April 28th-May 1st) - Two groups of four teams; first place in each group advances (SUP, tbd)

    • Double round robin
    • All matches are Best of 1
    • Tiebreakers will be held if necessary
  • Round 2 (May 3rd-4th) - First place from each group (SUP, tbd) plays either NA representative (TSM) or LMS representative (FW) in a Best of 5. Winners move on to the Group Stage

  • Round 3 (May 6th) - Loser of each Round 2 match play each other in a Best of 5. Winner moves on to the Group Stage

Group Stage (May 10th-May 14th)

  • One group of six teams
    • 3 from Play-In Stage
    • EU LCS, LCK, and LPL representatives -- G2, SKT and WE
  • Double round robin
  • All matches are Best of 1
    • Tiebreakers will be held if necessary

Knockout Stage (May 19th-21st)

  • Semi-Finals (May 19th-20th)

    • Top four teams from group stage advance to the Semi-Finals
    • Matchups: 1st vs. 4th and 2nd vs. 3rd
    • Both matches are Best of 5
  • Finals (May 21st)

    • Best of 5 match between winners of each Semi-Final
    • No game for 3rd place.

The official MSI ruleset can be found here.

Prize Pool and Overall Standings

Position Prize Pool Percentage Share Min. Prize (USD) Teams
1st 40% $400,000 Winner of Finals
2nd 20% $200,000 Loser of Finals
3rd-4th 10% each (20% total) $100,000 each Losers of Semi-Finals
5th-6th 5% each (10% total) $50,000 each 5th-6th in Group Stage
7th 2.5% $25,000 Loser of Play-In Round 3
8th-9th 1.50% each (3.0% total) $15,000 each RED, LYN
10th-11th 1.25% each (2.5% total) $12,500 each DW, VP
12th-13th 1% each (2% total) $10,000 each RPG, ISG

The four teams advancing to the Knockout Stage will earn their region Pool 1 seeds at the 2017 World Championship.



Contact us | If you're interested in helping out with making threads, message /u/linkux18.

submitted by /u/epicxkidzorz
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Your opinion on League of Legends security. Does it need a 2 step verification?

Posted: 06 May 2017 01:35 AM PDT

What is your opinion about the current security League of Legends has? Do you think it needs a phone number verification?

submitted by /u/Jmmys
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