Smite - [PC] Patch Day Discussion/Bug Report Megathread - "King of the Kappa" 4.2

[PC] Patch Day Discussion/Bug Report Megathread - "King of the Kappa" 4.2

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:45 AM PST


The new patch is here! There were a few changes in this patch - what are people's thoughts?

  • How is Kuzenbo? Is he fun? Underpowered? Broken? Needs more testing?

  • AMC, Nox, Fafnir, and Jing got damn good skins. Which is/are your favorite?

  • Clash got some updates to how the buffs work. How will this affect the Clash meta?

  • The Shuriken tree got some nerfs from its ridiculous state. How are these items now?

  • Chiron, Chronos, Skadi all got buffs, whereas Nike, Sylvanus, and Tyr got nerfs. In addition, Xing got some bugfixes. How do these gods feel now?


submitted by /u/Srixis
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There is no escape from ElChapo...

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:13 PM PST

So Kuzenbo is voiced by Mike Pollock; voice of Dr. Eggman...

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 10:18 AM PST

HiRez Patcher Update - "By hitting play, patches will suspend & auto restart once you're done playing!"

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:32 AM PST

[Suggestion] How the new void camp should look

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:57 AM PST

NShadow's Season 4 Duel Tierlist

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:21 PM PST

Hey guys! This is my first impression of Season 4 Duel's tierlist! Let me know your thoughts, and I hope this helps players trying to get into the game mode!

As you can see, SS is stacked, and the S+ gods are also insanely strong, so Duel is in a rough state right now, given that there aren't enough bans to get rid of all the top picks. It's pretty overwhelming, but I'm trying to be optimistic. There's some potential for pretty much any god with the proper use of tier 2 sunder, lol. It's that good. (I also love being able to blink all over the place late game with the consumable blink) (I know most people hate it) (It's really fun though)


Youtube video explaining it:

As always, you can catch me on or my youtube (linked above), so hit me up on either one, or on here with questions/comments! <3

submitted by /u/_NShadow
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"Barra is forever doomed to have a stinger in his butt, man" - Incon

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:46 AM PST

Community Balance Feedback | 4.2 King of the Kappa

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 10:39 AM PST

Link to the Feedback Form

Hey everyone!

Season 4 has been out for about a month for PC and hit our Console guys today, so we wanted to reach out and get feedback on how everyone is feeling about the current state of God Balance, Item Balance, and a few questions about some of the new features that came to Season 4.

For those familiar with the Feedback form, you should note that is has a new look and allows for more selection on which gods you feel are strong, rather than limiting it to only one. Let us know how you like this new format and we will continue to update it to get the best feedback possible.

As always, feel free to add as much or as little information as you feel you need to. All of it is hand read (I love decoding secret binary messages people leave me) and discussed in balance meetings.

Thanks for taking the time to provide feedback!

Link to the Feedback Form

submitted by /u/PonPonWeiWei
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The diamond xbal skin is horrendous!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:24 AM PST

Not just my opinion here, the new xbal diamond skin is garbage, it looks like he's wearing tin foil into battle, + where are the spots on the pelt he's wearing, easily one of the worse redone diamond skins, his golden and legendary are fine though

submitted by /u/Skingtons
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NA Relegation Stats!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 03:38 PM PST

Relegations happened this last weekend and it was our first taste of pro Season 4 play. I previously posted the stats for the EU side of things (Which you can see here: ) and now it's time for the NA stats. Remember, if you see any issues or have any suggestions/criticism, make sure to let me know. Let us begin!

God Stats - Solo

God W L % K D A KDA
Ravana 2 1 66% 11 4 18 5
Ratatoskr 1 2 33% 14 5 21 4.9
Vamana 5 1 83% 19 14 55 3.321
Cabrakan 2 1 67% 6 7 27 2.786
Nike 0 1 0% 3 2 5 2.75
Sobek 0 1 0% 3 5 9 1.5
Tyr 4 4 50% 14 29 57 1.466
Sun Wukong 2 4 33% 15 23 36 1.435
Hercules 1 1 50% 2 4 6 1.25
Bellona 0 1 0% 0 6 1 0.083

The big boys of the solo lane in NA is definitely Ravana, Vamana, and Cabrakan. All 3 had a very good showing, and showed the difference in picks between EU and NA. Europe valued the big team fight gods like Cabrakan, Bellona, and Hercules highest while NA stuck with back-line bullies such as Ravana, Vamana, and Ratatoskr. Sun Wukong also was played quite a bit compared to EU who didn't even touch him. Nike had a pretty good showing in the one game she was in but it wasn't enough to pick up a win. Tyr should also get a mention for his amount of play, even if he didn't perform all too well.

God Stats - Jungle

God W L % K D A KDA
Susano 1 0 100% 7 1 4 9
Ne Zha 1 0 100% 4 0 10 9
Ratatoskr 1 3 25% 24 13 29 2.962
Thanatos 3 4 43% 26 18 37 2.472
Mercury 1 0 100% 2 3 7 2.375
Serqet 8 4 67% 58 42 81 2.345
Thor 2 2 50% 12 14 32 2
Ymir 0 2 0% 4 8 9 1.063
Awilix 0 2 0% 1 6 4 0.5

The jungle picks were also very different from their EU brethren. While EU picked up big teamfight assassins like Hun Batz, Ratatoskr, and Susano constantly, NA liked a little more single-man burst coming from the Thanatos and Serqet. Ratatoskr saw his fair share of play but his results weren't great (Probably because nobody ever bought boots on him Kappa). Another thing to focus on from this weekend as a whole is the fact that Thor is definitely not valued as much in Season 4. Maybe we'll see more of him when the SPL starts.

God Stats - Mid

God W L % K D A KDA
Janus 4 1 80% 28 3 53 18.167
Thoth 2 1 67% 6 1 20 16
Nu Wa 2 1 67% 14 4 16 5.5
Izanami 2 0 100% 6 3 8 3.333
Agni 2 1 67% 9 10 31 2.45
Posideon 3 4 43% 20 22 56 2.182
Chang'e 0 1 0% 1 3 8 1.667
Zeus 2 3 40% 12 14 21 1.607
Scylla 0 1 0% 3 5 8 1.4
Ullr 0 1 0% 0 3 3 0.5
Ra 0 2 0% 0 7 6 0.429
Isis 0 1 0% 0 4 0 0

Janus and Thoth are actually monsters right now. Pro play or not, both of these gods are immensely strong in their current state and these stats just prove it all the more. I mean just look at those KDAs. Both have 10 HIGHER KDA than the next best. Balanced right? Speaking of the next best, a bit of a dark horse popped up on Sunday, with Nu Wa performing quite well. Ra and Isis both had a rough showing not obtaining a kill or a win (Which is surprising considering how good the clear is from both of these gods).

God Stats - Support

God W L % K D A KDA
Bacchus 1 0 100% 0 1 15 7.5
Sylvanus 4 4 50% 11 23 81 2.239
Geb 7 6 54% 3 35 121 1.814
Fafnir 0 1 0% 0 2 6 1.5
Ymir 3 1 75% 5 18 26 1
Sobek 0 1 0% 0 3 5 0.833
Khepri 2 3 40% 1 18 27 0.806
Sun Wukong 0 1 0% 1 4 3 0.625

Sylvanus had a huge amount of participation in relegations, which was expected. Who wasn't expected to see this much play was by far Geb. He was one of the highest participating gods in the entire tournament and alongside Sylvanus, he dominated many of the teamfights he participated in. The two gods had very good results which show why they were played so much. Khepri and Ymir both did pretty good as well, even if the stats don't show it as much. Also, who made the decision to play Sun Wukong support? Who thought that was a good idea?

God Stats - ADC

God W L % K D A KDA
Vulcan 2 0 100% 9 0 12 15
Ah Muzen Cab 1 0 100% 7 0 11 12.5
Medusa 1 0 100% 5 1 5 7.5
Cupid 3 1 75% 15 6 21 4.25
Ullr 1 0 100% 1 1 6 4
Anhur 3 3 50% 17 12 44 3.25
Izanami 5 4 56% 32 19 42 2.79
Apollo 1 3 25% 11 8 17 2.438
Freya 0 1 0% 3 2 1 1.75
Rama 0 3 0% 4 7 9 1.214
Artemis 0 2 0% 2 10 14 0.9

Be ready for a lot of AMC and Vulcan ADC in your casual games because Snoopy made them look like top tier picks. Cupid was another pick that performed very well considering most people think of him as an average at best hunter. Izanami and Anhur both saw a lot of play due to their high clear and both did relatively well overall. Apollo did not have the best weekend which is surprising since he is currently very strong with the new item changes and the buff to his clear. Lastly, we can tell Marvalz did not participate in any games by the rather poor stats coming from Rama.

God Participation

God Class Picks Bans Pick/Ban %
Thanatos Assassin 7 9 94%
Sylvanus Guardian 8 8 94%
Izanami Hunter 11 5 94%
Geb Guardian 13 2 88%
Thoth Mage 3 12 88%
Zeus Mage 5 9 82%
Ratatoskr Assassin 7 7 82%
Serqet Assassin 12 2 82%
Nike Warror 1 13 82%
Apollo Hunter 4 9 77%
Janus Mage 5 6 65%
Tyr Warrior 8 3 65%
Vamana Warrior 6 4 59%
Ymir Guardian 6 4 59%
Posideon Mage 7 3 59%
Vamana Warrior 6 4 59%
Sun Wukong Warrior 7 1 47%
Khepri Guardian 5 3 47%
Anhur Hunter 6 1 41%
Cupid Hunter 4 2 35%
Ra Mage 2 3 29%
Cabrakan Guardian 3 2 29%
Rama Hunter 3 2 29%
Artemis Hunter 2 3 29%
Thor Assassin 4 1 29%
Agni Mage 3 1 24%
Hercules Warrior 2 2 24%
Awilix Assassin 2 1 18%
Freya Mage 1 2 18%
Nu Wa Mage 3 0 18%
Ravana Warrior 3 0 18%
Sobek Guardian 2 1 18%
Ullr Hunter 2 0 12%
Medusa Hunter 1 1 12%
Bacchus Guardian 1 1 12%
Vulcan Mage 2 0 12%
Fafnir Guardian 1 1 12%
Hun Batz Assassin 0 2 12%
Athena Guardian 0 2 12%
Neith Hunter 0 2 12%
Scylla Mage 1 1 12%
Bellona Warrior 1 0 6%
Isis Mage 1 0 6%
Odin Warrior 0 1 6%
Nox Mage 0 1 6%
Chang'e Mage 1 0 6%
Ah Muzen Cab Hunter 1 0 6%
Susano Assassin 1 0 6%
Ne Zha Assassin 1 0 6%
Mercury Assassin 1 0 6%
Hou Yi Hunter 0 1 6%

NA saw a lot more diversity in the god pool compared to EU with not a single god showing 100% P/B rate. They also had quite a few different priorities like Thanatos, Geb, Izanami, and Serqet where EU would much rather pick up Hercules, Khepri, Freya, and Ra.

Player Stats - Solo

Name Team W L % K D A KDA KP
Whalrus Gabe 3 0 100% 10 2 26 11.5 77%
Meerkat Gabe 1 0 100% 3 0 10 8 72%
Uzzy Noble 4 3 57% 17 18 48 2.278 74%
KikiSoCheeky NeilMah 3 4 43% 21 22 52 2.136 67%
MrMakey Enemy 3 1 75% 3 11 30 1.636 70%
Copebby Cope 2 5 29% 18 24 42 1.625 78%
Mangoh Astral 1 4 20% 15 22 27 1.296 59%

The top dog of the solo lane is definitely Whalrus. He showed here that his days of the Randozos are behind him, and he wants to be the best of the best. Uzzy had a pretty good performance as well, showing that he can be good on both PC and Xbox. KikiSoCheeky did well, even if it wasn't enough to get him back to the SPL. We also saw the unexpected return of Meerkat, who did great in the one game he was in. Will we see more people getting solo'd by Meerkat? We'll have to wait and see.

Player Stats - Jungle

Name Team W L % K D A KDA KP
Cynosure Gabe 4 0 100% 15 4 31 7.625 70%
Varizial1 Enemy 3 1 75% 16 5 28 6 88%
Skeeledon NeilMah 3 4 43% 36 27 51 2.278 80%
fineokay Astral 1 4 20% 28 20 35 2.275 84%
elchapoo Noble 4 3 57% 34 24 36 2.167 72%
Mexiety Cope 2 5 29% 27 25 32 1.72 82%

Cynosure and Varizial led the stats in the jungle, which is to be expected seeing how well their teams did. This is a good sign for Cynosure, considering he's a newbie to the SPL. Skeeledon had a good performance overall, even if his team didn't make it through. Is Skeeledon the problem? Probably not. elchapoo did pretty average overall, missing a lot of abilities early on in the day. Hopefully he can pick it up in the SPL and show what all the hype is about.

Player Stats - Mid

Name Team W L % K D A KDA KP
Hurriwind Gabe 4 0 100% 11 4 27 6.125 63%
Khaos Enemy 3 1 75% 12 6 32 4.667 81%
Venenu NeilMah 3 4 43% 26 16 54 3.313 65%
Sheyka Astral 1 4 20% 15 11 37 3.046 74%
MLCSt3alth Noble 4 3 57% 22 17 38 2.412 70%
Viper Cope 2 4 33% 16 22 39 1.614 70%
Fearno Cope 0 1 0% 0 3 3 0.5 60%

Hurriwind and Khaos showed exactly why they play in the SPL and why they will continue to do so. Hurriwind ripped people apart on one his signature gods, Janus. Khaos had some HOT plays on Agni (get it?) and even brought out the Nu Wa for 2 games (Would the hot plays pun work for her?). Venenu and Sheyka both did very well considering neither of them moved past relegations. MLCSt3alth did not have the best showing, doing very well in his wins, but struggling pretty hard in his losses. Fearno made a short-lived appearance as well but was replaced by Viper after having a pretty bad game.

Player Stats - Support

Name Team W L % K D A KDA KP
Eonic Gabe 4 0 100% 3 4 45 6.375 78%
PainDeViande Enemy 3 1 75% 5 12 33 1.792 63%
NeiruMah NeilMah 3 4 43% 7 25 62 1.52 58%
Wubbn Noble 4 3 57% 1 20 58 1.5 73%
Balentine Cope 2 4 33% 2 16 44 1.5 64%
Leftsyndrome Astral 1 4 20% 3 20 39 1.125 65%
Viper Cope 0 1 0% 0 7 3 0.214 60%

Eonic returned from his coaching position to the duo lane with his old partner in crime, Snoopy. This proved to be a good decision as they dominated everybody they faced. PainDeViande also continued to performed very well, even after a pretty bad split near the end of last year. NeiruMah, the namesake of NeilMah, showed that he is a very strong support as well. Balentine also played pretty well after he was subbed in for Viper, who only lasted one game before moving to the mid lane.

Player Stats - ADC

Name Team W L % K D A KDA KP
Snoopy Gabe 4 0 100% 21 1 28 35 73%
Pandacat Enemy 3 1 75% 17 6 23 4.75 67%
DayToRemember NeilMah 3 4 43% 26 13 44 3.692 62%
Wowy Noble 4 3 57% 18 14 28 2.286 59%
FaymousHate Astral 1 4 20% 10 16 37 1.781 74%
sops Cope 2 5 29% 14 16 22 1.563 43%

The Snoopy show has returned. This man was a NIGHTMARE to all who opposed him, only dying once, and ending with the highest KDA of anyone in BOTH regions of relegations. He owned the long lane, putting off-meta picks like Vulcan and AMC at the top of the scoreboard. After him, came Pandacat who is showing that he deserves to be considered among the top ADCs in the scene. DayToRemember, one of the top up and coming Smite players, also did very well. Hopefully we'll see more of him in the future.

Team Stats

Name W L % K D A KDA
In Memory of Gabe 4 0 100% 65 15 167 9.9
Enemy 3 1 75% 53 40 146 3.15
NeilMah 3 4 43% 106 103 263 2.036
Noble Esports 4 3 57% 82 92 208 2.022
Astral Authority 1 4 20% 71 89 175 1.781
Cope is still the problem 2 5 29% 74 112 186 1.491

In Memory of Gabe and Enemy Esports won in convincing fashion, putting them back into the SPL rather easily. Noble had a much tougher path through relegations, having to participate in 2 tiebreakers to win their spot. NeilMah actually had better stats than Noble, but ended up barely getting edged out of the SPL. It's likely we will see some of the players on this team back in SPL sometime in the future. Astral Authority did not perform at all, even after doing extremely well in Open Bracket. Cope is the problem, the underdogs, did much better than they were expected to, picking up 2 wins people doubted they would even get 1. Maybe if they forced the issue more, they would have made it in.

Interesting Stats

  • The team that got first blood won 53% of the time
  • The team that got first tower won 71% of the time
  • Order side had a much higher win rate than Chaos, winning 65% of their games
  • NA Relegations saw the first ban pass of Season 4 by Noble Esports

Congratulations to In Memory of Gabe, Enemy, and Noble Esports for making it into the SPL! I'll be continuing this into the SPL, starting later this week. I tried to add some more personality this time, so make sure to leave any feedback you have. Any errors? More memes? Less memes? More stats? Less stats? Let me know, I appreciate any and all responses! Thanks for reading!

Spreadsheet Links

submitted by /u/Skyhall
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Skin concept: Night Terror Scylla

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 04:47 PM PST

Jumping in the level up area in jungle practice should level you once instead of having to spam left and right to get to level 20.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:16 PM PST

Valentine's Hou Yi sketch. Yeah, it's sad.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:36 AM PST

Terra's Heal

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:45 PM PST

I know it's been said before, but I feel like I can't stress it enough, Terra's heal needs to be buffed. For S4, they were trying to bring in incombat healing, and Terra with Rod of Asclepius cannot heal in combat, because her healing stone thing takes two basics to take down. It's stupidly easy to deny all combat healing for Terra. Her healing stone thing needs to take at least more hits, or, if needs be, become invincible, but last a shorter time. It is impossible to do any incombat healing at the moment. Please HiRez

submitted by /u/Ponkadonk
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Shout out to HiRez for sending my friend a replacement for his stolen loot bag!!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:18 AM PST

Khepri Valentines drawing

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:27 PM PST

What's your favorite combo and why is it blink > whiff fearless > die?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 03:30 AM PST

Not that I would ever do that...

submitted by /u/drumline17
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I Actually Love the S4 Changes

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:13 AM PST

I know there's been a lot of hubbub going on about this already, but I just got the patch on console, and I have to say I LOVE the changes they made to Conquest in S4.

Before anyone says that I just got lucky or that I don't get it or whatever, hear me out. Yesterday I played 7 games of Conquest, with a 5-man team of friends every time (rotating in and out), and went 2-5. My first four matches were absolutely stomps. Teams we came up against were also 5-mans using great strats and had obviously done their homework (got matched up against a GM once, while I'm here chilling in gold, since I never play ranked, so that was fun), and we got murdered, I understand the snowball meta, or at least I thought I did. I'd heard all about it coming in and moaned about it when my team was down. But then, after four straight losses, my team and I stopped playing like it was S3 and got with the times. Then, suddenly, S4 became a lot of fun.

Most of the things people are saying about S4 right now are true. You can snowball. You can get invaded. Early pressure is key, etc. But it's a LOT of fun. The game is a lot more tactical now, in my opinion. As opposed to just sitting in lane for the first five minutes, there's a lot of rotations, making sure you farm effectively, and the small skirmishes that can break out around buffs/harpies/elementals make the early game waaaay more interesting. Sure, if you don't farm well you can get snowballed and lose, but I'm honestly okay with that. Waaaaay too many of my games in S3 were 45+ minutes long. Evenly matched teams could stalemate to well over an hour. Most of my matches yesterday were, on average 25-35 minutes. That's a much better length, in my opinion.

The early pressure gods are strong, yes, but hasn't that always been the case? Early game in Smite has sort of always taken precedent, it's just a factor of how teams can abuse leads. Think: power pot meta, golden bow meta, sol/magical hunters w/waveclear meta, etc. This is just an extension of that. You can still play low-clear lategame gods, you just need to plan your team around them, because, with everyone focusing on early game so much, if you can get a hypercarry to late game, they will absolutely dominate. I lost my last game yesterday because my team was so early-game oriented that our damage dropped of too much by the time we were full build to out-damage the enemy carry/mid, who were getting owned in the early game but toughed it out until they got six-slotted and started wrecking us in key teamfight after teamfight.

Also, I love how diverse the new starts are. There's a lot of variety you can do, and I'm sure it'll evolve as the season progresses, but right now we've been starting 2-1-2 with everyone starting in lane and then clearing camps, rotating in and out (I'm sure there's better things this was just working for us). It's a lot more diverse in the jungle, which opens the door for innovation and new strats to pop up. It's exciting! To a big extent, Hinduman was right; we've been playing the same game for 2 years. I'm excited to try a new one!

TL;DR - Completely average players gets stomped and goes 2-5 on first day of console S4 (with a 5 man premade), still appreciates the diversity in start strats and rotations that S4 brings, and is excited about the future.

submitted by /u/JPLWriter
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Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:02 PM PST

turtles can spread salmonella :p

submitted by /u/adamscus
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Thoth Skin Idea: Toucan Sam

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:23 PM PST

Ability 1: Fruitloops of different colors.

Ability 2: Says something about the slogan. "Just follow your nose!"

Ability 3: Cereal box outline.

Ability 4: Fruitloop changes colors as it charges.

The whole idea is that it'd be a more colorful skin. Maybe change him around for non copyright reasons but a toucan would work in my eyes. If anyone wants to draw it, feel free.

submitted by /u/ll_SPEED_ll
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Skin Concept - Winged Heart Nike (Happy Valentine's Day!)

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:53 PM PST

A console plebs thoughts on S4.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:23 PM PST

I'm not sure how many care, but I really wanted to write out some feedback on S4. Just get my thoughts out on paper so to speak, and I figured this was the best place to do it. I would love for everyone else to share their thoughts on S4 so far with me down below, and who knows; Maybe someone from Hi-Rez will read this. So I'll break it down to pros/cons to make it simple.

Pros: - I like how there isn't a real "start" in conquest. Jungle goes mid, jungle goes eles, jungle goes solo, proxy a wave and go steal camps; It's cool to me. My team and I have done silly strats and different stuff all day yesterday, and we've found some that we really like.

  • I really like how good a junglers clear feels on camps. Not much else to say here, just feels nice.

  • I love oracles and the portal demon. Not even for just their uses, it's just nice to have another thing to take for exp/gold. I feel like it keeps it fun.

  • I love the different starts. Especially with relics. I love playing solo and going things like sunder, med, curse (cant remember the actual name for the slowing relic), or even bracer of undoing. It feels different and nice, I don't feel limited like I always have to go teleport/sprint or wrath/teleport ect.

  • The new starter items are really cool! Some are better than others, and I think rangdas mask is a little useless.. but its cool. My favorite is swift wing. I wish it was a little bit cheaper, but it's so good to me. Play solo > get sunder > get a kill > use extra gold from being ahead to get swift wing > dont lose farm due to getting to lane fast > keep lead. It's fun to me!

Cons: - Not a fan of the clash exp change, it feels like arena. I don't think I'll be playing too much clash this year sadly ):

  • Shuriken tree was a mistake in my eyes. I've never liked crit meta, and I feel like it's even worse now. Whyyyy did they give this tree attack speed? On crit? Especially when one has a passive for giving attack speed anyways?? I don't understand. A mercury hit me 4 times for over 2k damage yesterday when I was a guardian with physical defense, I don't get it. I feel like hunters can go also go mid/solo no problem now. Mid was always a thing, solo sometimes a thing. But you get what I mean. Remove the attack speed from this tree, please. I don't know anyone who thinks this was a balanced idea.

  • Thoths stun. :C

  • I'm not sure of a fix to this, but I'm just not a fan of the level 1 fight/clear meta. If you're up against an izanami/sylvanus, you just cant out clear that. This is a little frustrating because although we could play and win with bad clearing gods, I don't know if we could do this against high level players.

  • Teleporting ritual. delet dis. It's just silly and doesn't require smart play or anything. 4/5 of us died in a fight because we got greedy, and we should be punished for that. however our Khepri stayed alive, we respawned, all teleported to him, wiped their team and took phoenixes.

  • No real crit counters. This bothers me with how strong crit currently is, you'd think we'd get some form of counter item. Nemean lion doesn't even do the job because you just die before they take significant damage. I guess I need to play kuzenbo and use my 2 + thorns + nemean or something :C Plus I was shocked when I realized they buffed crit, but took away legion helms crit passive. A little silly to me.

  • Personal pet peeve, but I want a different emblem between duel and joust. I know duel is kind of the odd one out for ranked, and gets a lot of shit about it. I get it. But duel players are dedicated to duel, and believe it or not; we work hard and have fun to climb our ranks. I know that duel will never be balanced. I know that duel will probably remain to be the joke of the community to some people. That's fine. But I dunno, can we at least get our own emblems? Got GM duel players wearing their frame and people think they're a GM joust player, lol. It's really small, but it'd be really nice for us to get a little recognition from Hi-rez. It already makes me a little sad they never talk about duel, even in S4 patch notes they talked about frames for joust/conquest, and they didn't even all know if duel would be included or not. Bums me out a tiny bit.

I'm sure I'm forgetting a good bit of pros and cons, but it's time for work. Thanks for reading, and please let me know about your thoughts on S4 down below! Let's all work together and help Hi-Rez craft this season into something we all truly want.

Happy Valentines day!

submitted by /u/TogetherWeRide
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Can we add accolade for killing Apophis?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:02 AM PST

Even Bull Demon King has his own accolade and Apophis doesn't seem to count towards Fire Giant accolades, so can he have his own as well? Just saying.

submitted by /u/Aramey44
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Read like a book :^)

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:39 AM PST

We need a text box if season 4 is gonna work on console

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:03 PM PST

Its impossible to communicate to the team what to do and where to be. There is no planning unless you 4 or 5 party queue. I love the new start changes but we really need to be able to communicate the game plan to the whole team effectively. Allow us to plug in keyboards for at least lobby chat if they really dont want us using them during the game.

submitted by /u/White_Bread21
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I think HiRez doesnt realize you buy much slower in console

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:31 PM PST

In S3 I hated the Clash timer, I couldnt buy in time most of the time even though I KNEW exactly what to buy. I think they are not realizing we dont have a mouse and keyboard, we cant click straight away and search items we have to SCROLL all the items just to find the ones we want, is SO MUCH slower.

Now in S4 I dont have a single clue what to buy and they lowered ALL the timers in all the modes. This is sick, I had a match in an arena where one of the enemy waves reached my portal when I was still buying (and so was my team lol).

submitted by /u/BlackTorito
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