Pokémon GO - Whiny Wednesday - A Complaints Megathread [Meta]

Whiny Wednesday - A Complaints Megathread [Meta]

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 04:06 PM PST

Good morning /r/PokemonGO,

Today marks the middle of the week, and now is time to share all your complaints. Complaints regarding the sub, pokemon go, or any other stuff you wanted to get off your chest.

Thoughtful complaints are still allowed to be posted to the subreddit any day of the week, but now there's a for those low effort small complaints you have. Keep in mind, the low effort complaints should be posted here only, they will be removed if they are posted to the sub.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Looking for my Valentine

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:02 PM PST

Tomorrow I leave for my Poké Vacation

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:37 AM PST

I planned a trip to catch all the regional mons. I am starting with 3 days in Paris, then 3 days in Sydney, then the last 3 are in Japan. I'm 8 mons away from completing my dex and I hope I get them all. Anyone have any tips on places to visit in these areas that will spawn the regional mons?

submitted by /u/PokemonPappy
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Dying to catch a Chansey during the event, walked for 6 hours today and found nothing. Went home, was cooking and I felt like checking my phone and there she was, in a lone pokéstop 2 blocks from my house. Got there in the nick of time because it despawned in my brother's phone. Very satisfied.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:08 PM PST

Before Gen 2- Would love a 10k egg event

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:18 PM PST

I think this would benefit everyone involved. I would love to see maybe the week leading up to Gen 2 feature a bonus drop on 10k eggs, so all of us players out there who are missing the Hitmons, Lapras, Aero and the babies can make up lost ground on our dex before the 10k pool becomes diluted with Gen 2. This also helps players who have already completed the dex but need more candy/ competeive Pokemon, and same goes for those who may already have multiple of each. Finally it's good for Niantic because I would easily drop 20$ right away on incubators.

Now I'm not saying 10ks have to be as common as 5ks, but I would expect to see a 10k every 1-2 out of 9-10 eggs, granted we still have to walk it and the other eggs we get. Just throwing this out there, but seems like a huge win-win and a great way to kick off the spring and Gen 2!

Edit: This also helps rural players, as one stop into their nearest poke stop area can provide them (hopefully rates are high enough) with a few 10ks to hatch when they can't frequent stops or spawns

submitted by /u/Karumarian
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Anyone Collect Pokemon as Souvenirs from Where You Visit?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:12 PM PST

I definitely want to catch ALL the Pokemon -- who doesn't? I get the starter Pokemon and catch enough to hold places for their evolutions, as well as to power up my Pokemon (and their evolutions). I keep the top ones [of each kind] with the highest CP. However, I like to keep Pokemon from all of the places that I visited -- I even catch Pokemon while I'm visiting a place and will keep that particular one over one with a slightly higher CP. Does anyone else do this?

submitted by /u/thrifty-chick
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[Complaint] Spoofers have discovered a new way to drive me insane.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:22 PM PST

This is not a complaint regarding Niantic per-say. I know they are working hard to make the game the best it can be. Still, this new issue is starting to break the gyms for me. It's frustrating and I want to bring some attention to it. My fiance and I are the only Instinct players in a rural Valor town. Normally, it's not a big issue. Sure, there are a bunch of valor players, but I can take them down on my daily walk and collect my coins every day. They can too. Everyone benefits, right? Well, spoofers have discovered this Valor hotspot and have been trickling in. First it was just a little irritating. I had to take down a few extra Pokemon a day. No big deal. Now, it's a big issue. The gyms are taken by the time I walk out of the parking lot. What's worse? They leave the gyms empty so that I cannot determine which players are legitimate once the valor players start adding their Pokemon. I can put my pokemon back in but it's taken back immediately and at this point I don't think I have the resources to fight back. I can't even report this because I have no idea what player it is.

submitted by /u/CanyonWrn
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Handmade Pokemon Go valentine my friend made for me!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:08 AM PST

Please help a fellow PoGo player!! #JUSTICE4GRANDPACHEN

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:19 PM PST

As our community here knows, on January 26th, 2017, Jiansheng Chen, 60, was killed in his own neighborhood in Chesapeake, Virginia. He had gone to the local clubhouse to train his Pokemon, as he played PoGo to bond with his grandkids. He was sitting in his parked van when he was SHOT AT LEAST FIVE TIMES through the windshield of his van by a neighborhood security guard. There was NO CONTRACT for ARMED services with Citywide Protection Services, only unarmed. The neighborhood has since terminated their contract with Citywide Project Services. The company and their lawyer have claimed self defense. There haven't been any details about the case except information from the lawyers of either side. There STILL have been NO ARRESTS!

Very few people have heard about this case. Even local news is underreporting about Grandpa Chen. They only care about trees falling into people's houses and dog bites.


Help us "report" about Grandpa Chen. The media isn't talking about it enough, so let's help Grandpa Chen's family out. There's a poster/sticker going around for #JUSTICE4GRANDPACHEN. I will link the files down below for everyone.


We're posting these flyers up in high traffic, high visibility areas, ESPECIALLY at PoGo spots and gyms. Anywhere where they can be seen by many, many people! More people need to be made aware of Grandpa Chen.


A6 4X6" (STICKERS) 600 DPI: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4lyas2sn8zv6jin/A6-01.png?dl=0

LETTER SIZE 8.5 x 11" (FLYERS) 300 DPI: https://www.dropbox.com/s/upc8yh6llmadwyd/8_5x11-01.png?dl=0

POSTER SIZE 11x17" (POSTERS) 300 DPI: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1disp7nkntkixx7/11x17-01.png?dl=0

WEB PNG 1240x1748 px: http://i.imgur.com/sV1mtQ2.png


Post these flyers up in Poke Spots, gyms, high traffic areas, sticker bomb (use vinyl stickers for max effect) legally acceptable surfaces (we are not condoning vandalism, please don't vandalize), print small postcards you can leave around for people to pick up (like the kind you see stuffed into the frames of subway ads in NYC), and share on the web, etc. You can tweet, share on facebook, etc, use the hashtag #JUSTICE4GRANDPACHEN


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JusticeForGrandpaChen

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Justice4Liang

Petition: https://www.change.org/p/justice-calling-for-prosecution-of-the-killer-of-the-unarmed-60-year-old-pok%C3%A9mon-go-player

Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/justice4grandpachen

Also tweet at the local police station!

The events surrounding this shocking tragedy and the conflicting and confounding allegations now asserted by this security firm is all the more reason for you to tweet the City of Chesapeake, the Chesapeake Police Department, and the Chesapeake Sheriff's Office and urge them to expediently conduct their investigation and recommend the Commonwealth's Attorney Nancy G. Parr bring a formal criminal charge. Justice deserves no less.





Picture of Grandpa Chen's van and bullet holes: http://i.imgur.com/3FD2PJU.png

Thank you guys, please, please, PLEASE help a fellow Pokemon Go player and his family out, wherever you are!

submitted by /u/Hyceate
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Sssooo.... I Did A Thing (Unfinished)

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:47 PM PST

Lure Modules Length Extension Until 18th!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:01 PM PST

Valentine from my 8 year old daughter!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:15 PM PST

Wondering how my mons are coping in gyms

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:07 PM PST

As a rural player and no gyms in the neighbourhood (nearest pokestop 8 km!) I go into town (25 km) every other week to battle. When I'm home again, my mons placed in gyms, I really wonder how they're coping. Trainers who live near gyms can check how many battles their mons won but I can't! The only information I get is that they are defeated. But a good trainer wants to know how her/his trainees are doing, right? Wouldn't it be a good idea to add this info to the game?

submitted by /u/Waaigirl
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I got a Porygon!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:11 AM PST

I'm a free-to-play, rural, but frequent player. I'm also a math teacher, so since I downloaded the game I really wanted to get a Porygon. I have never seen one in the game and was hoping this event would help that out some, but still no. I saw one in a gym by the local library yesterday, so I was hopeful, but still have yet to see any in the wild.

But, on today's run my 5K egg hatched one in my free incubator! Not sure if hatching pink pokemon chance was enhanced by the event or it was just coincidence.

Anyhow, which Pokemon is your favorite for non-combat reasons? Have you caught it or maybe it's another generation?

submitted by /u/Calcdave
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(Idea) Pokémon cry

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:16 PM PST

How do you feel on the idea of when pokemon popped up you could here there cry so you wouldn't have to look at your phone everytime a Pokémon pops up an you would also be able to filter out the pokemon you don't want to catch with your go plus

submitted by /u/2menbutunhuman
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I think I won the Snorlax Lottery. What are the chances?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:26 PM PST

For this who liked the valentine day event, what reasons do you have? For those who hated the event, what reasons do you have?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:54 AM PST

I personally loved the event because I was able to catch some new mons I have never seen in the wild (Porygon, Wigglytuff. However no Chancy yet). I also liked the double candy (not sure if other events do that too, first event I've been a part of). The lure thing was cool, but since there aren't any pokestops near me that I can waste 6 hours at, I didn't even partake in the adventure. I think the next even should make incense last 6 hours and should explore some new mechanics like bonus poke balls from stops, or higher percentage of stops dropping 10k eggs. Or maybe something crazy like all eggs hatched give out 10k egg rewards, or maybe that all eggs hatched have a chance to give out mew or some other Pokémon no one has seen yet! Just my thoughts, what are your's???

Edit: Title says "this" not "those" sorry!

submitted by /u/Th3K00n
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Q: has pogo changed your perception of distances? I remember before pogo - I would take the car to my gym as it was 1.5 to 2k from my home.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:32 PM PST

Since pogo - I now walk briskly there and back easily because it's "only" 2k away.

I have lost a lot of weight from pogo and I think the main reason is it has helped change my attitude to walking.

submitted by /u/mobilebloke
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[question] Mons can drop cp when evolving?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:25 PM PST

[idea] Fishing Mechanic

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:17 PM PST

So I've thought about this for a few months now but haven't really proposed the idea. Now that we have confirmation from Hanke that it's time for PoGo to add depth and more than just the catching mechanic, it's a perfect time to offer up this idea. Fishing!!

It's a huge part of the main series game, so much so that there were 3 different types of fishing rods (until Sun and Moon). For PoGo, the idea stands that you would have to approach a body of water by 100m or so (like catching) to be able to click a fishing rod button from your bag.

This mechanic would become a lot more fun and meaningful as more gens come out and the water type pool becomes more diverse.

However there is something I can't seem to figure it out: it's cost! Surely you shouldn't be able to spam it and get free Pokémon! One idea is that you can only fish in a 50m radius once per half hour, and if you run out of area of water on your screen, you're out of luck. Maybe buying a fish rod costs 50 coins and each use lasts half an hour.

Would you guys enjoy a new mechanic (new content/play style) like this? Any objections? Curious to know what the PoGo community thinks of it. :)

submitted by /u/thepride325
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A lesson in teamwork - Seed your gyms for success.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:10 PM PST

There is a gym next to my office that I have never seen held for more than a few hours. It usually gets captured, a high level defender gets tossed in, maybe a couple more after that, and then it gets knocked down. Almost two weeks ago, someone took that gym and put a 1600 CP Egg in it. Then came a 1700 CP Kingler. I kept the theme going with a 1834 Tauros. The next morning, the gym was at level 7 and stacked with a variety of strong defenders. Two days later it was level 10. Right now it is at 52000/50000 and my Tauros is still in it, waiting for trainers to prestige and hold the gym.

I guess I'm trying to say that, sometimes, setting a gym up for success with a decent group of prestige ready Pokémon pays off much more than just throwing your heavy hitters in there. I've never had an individual defender last more than two days until now. Give it a try next time you take a gym and maybe it will pay off for you too.

submitted by /u/Robots_Eat_Children
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(DISCUSSION) Rare to you, common to others

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 02:04 PM PST

There's some pokemon that I never see out here that I don't consider super rare. I've only seen one digglet ever. I haven't caught a DoDuo since July 27th. I've caught 142 pokemon and before walking my vulpix during this event I only had 9 candies. What are some pokemon you never see yet you don't consider that rare?

submitted by /u/smcmahon710
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Event Pokemon should be nest pokemon

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:02 PM PST

If Niantic is ok with us collecting a lot of a given pokemon during an event, should they also be included as a possibility for nests? With 100 new pokemon coming out in Gen2, could they add event pokemon that are not currently nest pokemon onto the nest list? I am thinking those rare pokemon that don't have too big of an impact on gyms and many people have trouble finding. Diluting the spawns with new pokemon is only going to make it harder to find them. I can understand if people wouldn't want Chansey in a nest because of how easy it would be to stockpile Blisseys, but people who are willing to spend that time are already doing it during this event. This would help some communities(biomes), at least those large enough to have nests, that are only getting a few of the spawns during this event. Thoughts?

Porygon being in a nest wouldn't mess up the game meta too badly. I've gone out three nights trying to find one during this event and no luck so maybe I am just being salty. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/tomego
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The Story of the Dragon

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:01 PM PST


My phone is vibrating due to the unique notification of my scanner app. Wow, that must be something special, since i've set really strict rules to my filter. And lucky me is sitting at lunch with my family. Deep down, I'm hoping that it's just a Chansey and not a... you know, I've never seen a Dragonite since launch. I live in a rural town with about 5,000 inhabitants.

Quickly I put out my phone to take a look at the notification. It's there. I start calculating and panicking. Could I get there in 21 minutes? Probably. But I need to finish lunch first. Yum, yum yum, urgh.. yum...

While PoGo is starting in my pocket, i run out to my bike and get going. A few hundred meters through town centre, then downhill, probably very close to the speed limit of that road. over a bridge and uphill again. I know exactly where it is. Here i need to leave my bike behind and run up that path in the forest.

Oh man, that's so exhausting. I shouldn't have eaten so much. Ugh.. Running changes to walking and heavy breathing. Now I'm up there. Just a few hundred meters from here, it's floating around. I start running again as it appears on my sightings list.

Now I've finally reached the spot, take out my phone again and start waiting till it spawns. And I keep waiting. Can it be? I open my sightings list again. It's gone. Dragonite is gone. I fall to the ground.....

3 days later. It's 8 pm. I'm sitting in the kitchen with my mum, trying to explain captchas to her. And there it is again.


Dragonite. In the middle of town, near the cemetery. Time till despawn: 28 minutes. I put my shoes and jacket on and head to the 40%-IV-Dragon. There it is. 548 CP and still a frighteningly red catch ring. My Razz Berries and Ultra Balls keep flying towards him. Several minutes of shaking and breaking balls. Is he going to flee and never come back?


submitted by /u/gabrielasslab
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