Overwatch - Is this the end for Reinhardt? Will Symmetra's Photon Barrier make it in time?!? Find out next time on Dragonball Origins Edition

Is this the end for Reinhardt? Will Symmetra's Photon Barrier make it in time?!? Find out next time on Dragonball Origins Edition

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:47 AM PST

I'm going to stand here swinging my hammer, and if you get killed, it's your own fault.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 11:47 AM PST

When you finally kill the enemy team's carry

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:20 AM PST

Stairs of death [CTF NEPAL]

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:45 AM PST

"Payload Speed Modifier: 5.00"

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:02 AM PST

The Ole' Bait and Switch

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:32 AM PST

There is a dirty trick people are doing in competitive that others should be aware of.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:11 AM PST

Edit: This is on Xbox one party chat. I wasn't aware other platforms had a party chat feature.

Tried posting this in comoetitiveOverwatch sub but it was removed

So you will start a game of comp and start selecting your characters and talking to your team. Then you get a party invite from someone. You join and they say voice chat doesn't work for them and ask what your game plan is/team comp. I noticed he was actually on the other team and I left every time I matched with him(3 times). I didn't really think of it.

What he is actually doing is pulling your IP to hit you off incase you beat him. I proceed to get hit offline for 5 minutes and can't rejoin even after resetting my router. This was the 3rd time it's happened and I didn't realize he was hitting me off until the 3rd time. He has personally hit me off 3 times and made me lose 7 games by also hitting team mates offline. I've lost over 300 Sr because of this cheap trick.

Always check who is inviting you to a party. If they are on the other team do not join. Try and warn your teammates too. This is in High masters/GM. I was top 500 but lost it because of this rat.

submitted by /u/I_Have_3_Legs
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I drew a D.Va mech driver skin

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:19 AM PST

PTR Hook - not sure if Lucio or Roadhog

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 01:38 PM PST

When I heard of the Winston buff...

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:21 AM PST

Winston for the gymnastics gold!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:00 AM PST

Winston should be able to click his bubble shield again to take it down early, starting the cooldown faster.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:27 AM PST

I think this would be a fair buff

submitted by /u/Jake120196
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Angry scientist waves goodbye as he flies to his death

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 05:01 AM PST

TIL Symetra can catch the pumpkin Reinhardt smashes

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 11:33 AM PST


Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:53 AM PST

Taimou as Widowmaker OGN Apex highlight

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 03:51 AM PST

Nanoboosted Bastion Has From 85% up to 92.5% Damage Reduction!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:48 AM PST

So i saw this video and decided to figure out how the damage reduction works for bastion. So ->


Considering that dva ult did 144 damage, and considering the fact that armor reduced the damage dealt by 5, means that dva ult did 149 damage.


149 damage that should be 1000 at point blank from dva, means that bastion took 14.9% of damage.(85.1% reduction in damage)


Which means that the damage reduction bonus is additive, not multiplicative(as i thought), 35%+50%=85%, that .1% difference is probably due to the fact that dva ult was not literally on top of him and the damage was not 1000 but a bit less.


Nanoboosted bastion has 85% damage reduction, and if you hit him on his armor and for less than 10, then his damage reduction is 92.5%.


My suggestions to countering nanoboosted bastion: RUN

PS cue the terminator theme


Edit: I got a dev reply!

We've actually implemented a damage resistance cap, but it didn't make the initial PTR build. It should be in the latest PTR build from this morning, however. Currently the cap is set to 70%, but it is easily adjustable if needed.


My thoughts: at 70% damage reduction, and ignoring armor(lets ignore it for now), bastion effective HP (we'll call it eHP) will be at 1000.


So bastion will be at 1000eHP ignoring armor. Also, every heal dart from ana will heal bastion for 250eHP, that's 312eHP/s for ana's attack speed.


OR if bastion is under the effect of ana's grenade, she will heal him for 375 eHP with every heal dart, which is 468 eHP/s with her attack speed.


Zen's ult is 300hp/s, think about it. Ana will heal bastion per second more than zen's ult will heal regular targets, and that's w/o her nade. With her nade, she will heal bastion 56% faster than zen's ult... with her primary fire...


If the damage reduction from armor is applied after passives+buffs, which is likely the case judging by the linked video, then the damage reduction is 85% even with 70% cap for every shot that landed on armor and is less than 33.3 initial damage. Which means bastion will actually have 85% damage reduction for every shotgun and every fast firing hero, which includes: Genji, Reaper, Soldier, Sombra, Tracer, Bastion, Torbjorn RMB, Widowmaker SMG, Dva, Roadhog, Winston, Zarya, Ana, Lucio, Mercy, Symmetra. Which is 16/22 heroes(if we count torb and widow). The funny thing is, bastion's armor makes him more effective against tank busters, such as reaper and hog.


So we have bastion at 1000 eHP with 468 eHP/s heals, and that ignoring bastion's armor and the second healer... still, cue the terminator theme!

submitted by /u/iSinner_
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Quick Play vs. Competitive [Comic]

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:58 AM PST

A Roadhog is most dangerous when it's cornered!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 02:56 AM PST

So apparently the Cake my Siseter made for me got hacked by Sombra

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:12 AM PST

Heres the Cake my Sister made for Birthday http://imgur.com/g1ZuaM8

Screwed up the Title D:

submitted by /u/JigokuKarasu
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If you are Australian DO NOT play Competitive during this weekend.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 11:26 PM PST

The current heat wave hitting the country is forcing the electricity companies to turn off power to some places because the current infrastructure of the country can't support all the people with their air conditioners.

If you do decide to play, expect leavers for that reason.

This isn't a joke btw.

edit: Wow guys, thanks! this is my top post ever! And i read all 500 or so of your comments, it's nice to feel that my top post is a PSA rather than a shitpost!

submitted by /u/talkinglama
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Not all heroes wear capes

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:08 PM PST

Damn that PTR Bastion sure is op

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:07 AM PST

I dont like how treated I am because I'm a kid.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:16 AM PST

I had a game where I was told to go and uninstall my game just because I'm 12.. It isnt fair how I get called bad words and apparently the reason we lost.. I mean, have you thought about other feeling? I am almost about to cry thinking about this. I dont like this. But I still plays this game since I know theres people who still likes me even though I am young. Just please think about how you treat other people. I'd rather have everyones shit on me than other people than me getting shit. (P.S I know there are beautiful people out there. I also know not everyone like this) Edit: Holy fuck! Ty all for the support! I love you guys <3. Edit 2: Btw iGenjiiING is my username. Tell me if seen me before! Edit 3: HOLY CRAP! Front page.. Edit 4: I dont answer much but I look at all of the replies I get just do you all know

submitted by /u/BenjiiDaLoki
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On the PTR, some CTF Maps are at an alternate time of day. Eg Lijiang = day, Nepal = night,

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 03:11 AM PST

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