Civilization - Mid-game barbarians in a nutshell [Reupload]

Mid-game barbarians in a nutshell [Reupload]

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:47 AM PST

Not-quite-official list of bugs and desired changes to Civilization VI

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:53 AM PST

Hi there folks,

Recently I have recalled a comment made by /u/FXS_PeteMurray. So I will begin by encourage you to report any bugs you encounter (including listed below) to

In this list I wanted to summarize frequently reported errors, glitches and/or missing features*. I also encourage all of you to post your propositions which I will attempt to include. Remember - be nice.

*"Missing" is a tricky word. Please do keep in mind it could imply an idea for a mod.

Also sorry for błędy mi no eenglish native

✔ Team multiplayer (officially confirmed)

✔ Steam workshop (officially confirmed)

✔ Moding tools (officially confirmed)

❌ No restart button in game menu (can be changed by mod 1, 2)

❌ No Civilopedia in main game menu (can be changed by mod 1, 2)

❌ "Alert" option for units sometimes not working

❌ No map with a record of players' controlled lands is shown after winning the game

❌ When defeated no information about actual winner is given

❌ AI ("warmongerer!", not upgrading units, general aggressiveness, lack of war tactics, unnatural generosity while trading sometimes, being paranoic about their agenda, often spams various deals - thanks, /u/Bolaumius, "don't settle near me!" - thanks, /u/roidereem)

❌ No details about Unique Unit and/or Unique Building on loading screen

❌ City attack button is hell on Earth

❌ Some notifications can't be dismissed by first mouse click

❌ WASD to control camera

❌ City production queue (thanks, /u/Stickittome)

❌ One click to repeat last trade route (thanks, /u/Stickittome)

❌ Add change cards to the action list before end turn (thanks, /u/Stickittome)

❌ Show us how a city's religious population will change by spreading religion (thanks, /u/Stickittome)

❌ Add "AQUARELLE FOG OF WAR" option (sepia and subtle colors or something) - terrain is often too difficult to identify (thanks, /u/chazzy_cat)

❌ Previously built item display colud be wrong (may show what was built 2 things ago) (thanks, /u/chazzy_cat)

❌ No "hall of fame" (thanks, /u/chazzy_cat)

Rather technical section:

❌ Often the game starts with camera not being centered on your units -->

❌ Game can crash while exiting --> (often depends on pc but thanks, /u/chazzy_cat)

❌ Scrolling edges with mouse colud get buggy --> (thanks, /u/chazzy_cat)

❌ Great admirals exert zone of control and can't be killed, or even pushed back if the enemy has lost all of their coastal territory nearby --> (thanks, /u/Suzarr)

❌ Newly placed map pins often overwrite existing map pins --> (thanks, /u/Suzarr)

It-would-be-really-cool-if-some-of-those-will-get-implemented-or-modded-to-game section:

💬 Better policy cards

💬 Unique responses (no more "Goodbye")

💬 Districts take really long to complete

💬 Classical music (a mod, maybe?)

💬 UI (can be changed by mod 1)

💬 Leaders revoiced (Catherine, Jadwiga etc.)

💬 Minimap overhaul (Please, just do it! from)

💬 Show zone of control on unit selection (thanks, /u/Stickittome)

💬 Show remaining production number required when mouse hovering over things being built (thanks, /u/Stickittome)

💬 Keep narrator talking when clicking OK but add a menu option to shut him up permanently (thanks, /u/Stickittome)

submitted by /u/Kacu5610
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Looks like We're Leaking Again

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:32 PM PST

Ziggurats, ziggurats everywhere...

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:06 AM PST


Posted: 10 Feb 2017 01:47 AM PST

WTF are you supposed to do with all these religious folks in your land. And how can you even compete with those numbers.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 05:02 PM PST

Civ VI Mod: The Kingdom of Hyrule, led by Princess Zelda

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:22 PM PST

[Civ VI] Brazilian fleet ready for a "diplomatic" mission

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 12:02 PM PST

So I was a huge fan of Total War. I have been eyeing Sid Meier's Civilization games for awhile. I'm about to make a purchase on it. Knowing that I was fan of Total War would you think I'll enjoy this game?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:51 AM PST

Bingo Bongo, not a smart man is Kongo

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:48 AM PST

What are some of your most memorable wars?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 05:47 AM PST

Whether it's offensive, defensive. Who was involved, what occurred? What was the battlefield like terrain wise, and how did it effect the battles? What was the outcome like, and how did this affect the rest of the game?

I'm an incredibly passive player, seldom going to war. But I had had enough of Brazil and their antics for my past few games. So, I revved up my Sumerian War-Carts and plowed down three of his cities, including his capital. After that he was out of the game, and I could pursue my Science Victory in peace.

submitted by /u/SnowCoffee72
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The Great Pyramids of Zanzibar

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 01:39 PM PST

civ 6 civilization idea

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 01:37 PM PST

leader Genghis khan

Leader ability yam: trade routes ignore terrain costs

Civilization trait nomads: land units may set up encampments and heal as if in friendly territory and get fortified bonus when defending but consume two food per turn

Unique government kahnate: replaces monarchy 4 military slots but no wildcard slot

unique unit keshik: replaces knight stronger but has more maintenance.

give me feedback

submitted by /u/Tylopole1
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Does wars of religion, red card from Reformed Church civic work if you don't have religion?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:43 PM PST

CIV VI officially on Linux! It's also - 20% on Steam

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 12:10 PM PST

Any chance there will be Civs of the month, for Civ VI?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 01:41 PM PST

It was one of my favorite recurring threads for civ v, and I bet we could get some good discussions out of it.

submitted by /u/ThinkOfTheGains
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When should I be getting a second city?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 03:35 PM PST

I feel like I'm always very slow to get another city up and running so wanted to see when you all were building them.

My normal plan goes something like this:
-Found first city asap
-Get a scout built so I can see what's around me
-Ooo I need some culture, better build a Monument
-Crud, there are barbarians up around me, let's get another warrior
-Hmm but this land needs some tune-ups, worker time!
-Bleh now there are more barbarians, better get an archer for a bit of ranged support
-It sure would be nice if my city was growing quicker, let's get a granary too
-Okay time for another city!
-Well heck, my ideal spot has an encampment on it, better get another fighting unit or two

And then it's turn 40+ before I even have the second settler placed. Plus side, my first city is doing pretty well by this point but I kind of feel like I should be pushing harder for more cities sooner, thoughts?

submitted by /u/vladmech
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Excellent Strategy.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 03:35 PM PST

Hey everyone. I have a strategy I love. We can all agree founding a religion is important, and when the AI is turned up high enough, sometimes it can be impossible to found a religion. But when I play Poland or one of the Greece's I use the wild card policy for 2+ great prophet points a turn and build a holy site and shrine in my first city by chopping trees for extra production, after I build a small military and found my first expansion. It has been very successful in getting me a religion fairly quickly. I usually get the food or production religious building. The opportunity cost in terms of potential land is decently high, but Gorgo and Jadwiga are both exceptionally good at taking land at low cost or with larger benefit.

submitted by /u/Happyfuz
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Why I'll never beat VI on deity.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:12 PM PST

(Civ6) Open-ended, sandbox style game, with AI.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 03:04 PM PST

I'm interested in the idea of an open-ended game, with no victory conditions set and no turn limit. Just play the game, survive, etc. I have no idea how the AI will react to not having any end-game goals. Will the still play competitively? Should I set a score victory for some unreachable year? If I set it as domination only, it will likely be non-stop wars, which isn't entirely what I want, but I don't want a game that's war-free. Am I asking for too much, or is this doable?

Edit: tl;dr Will the AI become stupid if I turn off all victory conditions or do I need to leave score victory up?

submitted by /u/olordrin
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[CIV 5] Challenge for the best civ 5 players: immortal/deity, max civs, max CS, random personalities, huge map, normal speed, domination only win

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:46 PM PST

How many turns would you need for a win ? I would love to see an LP on this scenario.

I've seen LPs on deity with wins in 250 or so IIRC, but this map would be way more crowded, so you often can't pick your angle of attack, you have to attack through difficult terrain, the AI is up your ass from the start, not much initial space to expand, hard to keep your borders well defended, you won't have too much of an advanced notice when the AI backstabs you. And the random personalities make it so you don't know what to expect from each AI.

Anyone willing to try this ?

submitted by /u/Bronn_Bronn
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[MOD REQUEST] Would it be possible to have a mod for the civ of Wadiya ? Civ 5 or 6, preferably 6.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:23 PM PST

I really liked the Buccaneers in Civ Battle Royale 2. I would like to see more silly civs, and I think it would be hilarious to be able to play as Admiral General Aladeen.

I haven't given much thought to special abilities and units (perhaps Wadiyan Democracy, that reduces unhappiness for each of your own military units that are within 2 hexes of the city), but I would like to also see added Nuclear Nadal as a great Scientist/Engineer that gives you a boost towards a nuclear related tech/building.

submitted by /u/Bronn_Bronn
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Civ VI now available for Linux....

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:07 PM PST

Repeat: Civ VI available now on Steam for Linux

submitted by /u/linuxhiker
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