League of Legends - C9-TL Baron steal

C9-TL Baron steal

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 03:49 PM PST

Did Blood Moon Jhin kill Challenger Ahri?!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:59 AM PST

Look at this Challenger Ahri splash art: followed by the jhin You can clearly see Ahri's tail on Blood Moon Jhin!

submitted by /u/MaxEpicness
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Divine quotes from Faker's last stream tonight.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:44 AM PST

Faker (1/3/1) : I'll actually try from now on.

(dies 20 secs later)

Faker (1/4/1) : OK I'm giving it real.

  Huni : Shut up. You're already doomed.

(few minutes later)


Faker (1/7/3) : I'm really really gonna try from now.




Faker (3/10/4) : I'm gonn...  

Huni : Do you even have fingers, seriously?


Result : http://imgur.com/a/QDpd3

submitted by /u/skchyou
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I've mastered the wonderful art of ks

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:33 AM PST

Fnatic vs. Team Vitality / EU LCS 2017 Spring - Week 4 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 12:43 PM PST


Official page | EsportsWikis | Live Discussion | /r/LoLeventVoDs/ | New to LoL
NEW: Subreddit Discord

Fnatic 2-1 Team Vitality

FNC | Wiki | Web | TW | FB | YT | Sub
VIT | Wiki | Web | TW | FB | YT | Sub


Winner: Fnatic in 30m
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
FNC jayce ivern syndra tahmkench corki 61.8k 15 11 M1 M2 C3 B4
VIT rengar camille leblanc ryze orianna 44.7k 7 0 None
FNC 15-7-29 vs 7-15-13 VIT
SoaZ gangplank 3 4-1-4 TOP 0-1-4 1 shen Cabochard
Broxah lee sin 2 1-0-10 JNG 1-4-4 1 khazix Djoko
Caps varus 1 5-2-8 MID 3-6-1 3 cassiopeia GBM
Rekkles miss fortune 2 2-3-3 ADC 2-0-2 2 jhin Steeelback
Jesiz zyra 3 3-1-4 SUP 1-4-2 4 malzahar Nukeduck


Winner: Team Vitality in 39m
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
VIT zyra jayce varus ryze corki 77.2k 18 10 I1 M2 B3 M4 B5
FNC rengar lee sin olaf graves rumble 63.1k 4 3 None
VIT 18-4-37 vs 4-18-11 FNC
Cabochard shen 2 1-1-11 TOP 3-4-1 3 gangplank SoaZ
Djoko khazix 3 9-0-6 JNG 1-4-2 1 ivern Broxah
GBM leblanc 1 3-3-5 MID 0-4-3 1 camille Caps
Steeelback jhin 3 4-0-5 ADC 0-2-3 4 sivir Rekkles
Nukeduck malzahar 2 1-0-10 SUP 0-4-2 2 miss fortune Jesiz


Winner: Fnatic in 40m
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
FNC jayce rengar khazix syndra fiora 79.8k 19 12 B2 I3 B4 M5 B6 E7
VIT varus leblanc camille poppy gangplank 66.8k 11 3 C1
FNC 19-11-45 vs 11-19-27 VIT
SoaZ maokai 3 4-1-10 TOP 1-5-7 3 shen Cabochard
Broxah ivern 1 2-5-13 JNG 0-5-6 1 graves Djoko
Caps malzahar 2 3-2-8 MID 4-3-3 4 xerath GBM
Rekkles kennen 3 8-2-7 ADC 3-1-6 1 jhin Steeelback
Jesiz miss fortune 2 2-1-7 SUP 3-5-5 2 zyra Nukeduck

G Gold K Kills T Towers
I Infernal O Ocean M Mountain
C Cloud E Elder B Baron

This thread was created using lightbinding | Contact us

submitted by /u/palomani
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Congrats on sOAZ for being the first player ever to play 250 EU LCS Games !

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 11:06 AM PST

They just showed it on scren for FNC vs VIT game 2.

submitted by /u/Iddys
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Splyce vs. Misfits / EU LCS 2017 Spring - Week 4 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:46 AM PST


Official page | EsportsWikis | Live Discussion | /r/LoLeventVoDs/ | New to LoL

Misfits 2-0 Splyce

MSF | Wiki) | TW | FB
SPL | Wiki | Web | TW | FB | YT


Winner: Splyce in 38:08
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
MSF zyra varus ivern urgot shen 75.2k 17 11 O2 M3
SPL Rengar leblanc camille cassiopeia syndra 63.9k 11 4 M1 B4 M5 I6 B7
MSF 17-11-41 vs 11-17-22 SPL
Alphari jayce 2 1-3-8 TOP 0-5-8 4 sion Wunder
KaKAO lee sin 2 3-2-8 JNG 1-5-2 1 khazix Trashy
PowerOfEvil orianna 3 7-0-7 MID 5-3-3 3 corki Sencux
Hans sama draven 3 6-2-7 ADC 5-2-2 1 jhin Kobbe
IgNar malzahar 1 0-4-11 SUP 0-2-7 2 lulu Mikyx


Winner: Misfits in 34:05
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
MSF zyra varus ivern sivir ashe 66,6k 18 10 C1 B2 O3
SPL rengar leblanc lulu tahmkench syndra 54,1k 7 2 None
MSF 18-7-43 vs 7-18-10 SPL
Alphari camille 1 3-1-6 TOP 2-4-1 2 shen Wunder
KaKAO lee sin 2 5-0-7 JNG 1-3-2 1 khazix Trashy
PowerOfEvil orianna 3 5-2-9 MID 1-3-1 4 ryze Sencux
Hans sama jhin 2 5-2-7 ADC 2-3-3 3 caitlyn Kobbe
IgNar zilean 3 0-2-14 SUP 1-5-3 1 malzahar Mikyx

G Gold K Kills T Towers
I Infernal O Ocean M Mountain
C Cloud E Elder B Baron

This thread was created using lightbinding | Contact us

submitted by /u/TDaotje
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GBM Mid, Nukeduck Support for VIT in today's match against FNC

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:36 AM PST

Schalke 04 vs Paris Saint-Germain Trailer

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:48 AM PST

2/11 PBE update

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 12:50 PM PST

PSA for under 30 players/accounts: Blood Moon gamemode gives xp equal to other modes but only lasts ~12 minutes. Leveling up with this mode is very quick!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 05:43 AM PST

LCS Finals will be played in Hamburg

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:05 AM PST

Just announced in EULCS liveshow

Edit: Thanks to /u/Jordumus: http://puu.sh/tX0Dq/2c8edc0d92.jpg

submitted by /u/Gerbentjeeuh
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Hecarim's E should be Flashable/Dodgeable

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:06 AM PST

Hecarim is really strong. Even though we know that how hard he can snowball through the game, i don't think he is that super broken. However the most frustrating thing about playing against Heca for me, how is E damage/knockup part still happens even when you flash away within that animation. For example. It should be changed to like, when Riot decided to make Fizz Q and Irelia Q were dodgeable spells. I think this kinda a change would be nice for him to give us a slight outplay chance, without touching his other numbers.

submitted by /u/resonmis
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ADCs: Attack Damage, Attack Speed, Lethality, and the current meta: (long)

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 12:27 PM PST

(Or: Why Lethality the Stat isn't the problem, it's the meta in which ADCs are trying to exist)

Hey folks,

I'm gonna preface all of this by saying that I'm just a D4 shitter. I am no challenger player. But I've been playing this game since beta and have seen all of the changes it's gone through. I feel like I have a decent grasp on the flow of league and as an ADC main and dirty lethality abuser I've seen how the last few years have treated marksmen.

The Common Complaints in the current meta seem to be:

Lethality items are king, spammed on most ADCs and even just about every AD assassin and some bruisers. Hell I was in a game yesterday in which SIX people rushed ghostblade/EoN as their first two items. Yes, lethality items are incredibly strong, but I don't think their strength on ADCs is symptomatic of the stat itself.

Tanks are too strong (Disagree mostly. SOME tanks are busted but definitely not the class as a whole)

Only certain ADs that can abuse lethality are viable right now (I feel the strength of Varus, Ashe, Jhin, MF, etc has less to do with items and more to do with their kits)

ADCS deal no damage for the first 25 minutes of a game (I feel like the lethality spam evolves partially to remedy this)

A 6 item ADC is broken beyond belief (If you stay alive, absolutely. You'll kill everyone)

OK: so here's my take on the state of ADCs, why only certain ADs are seeing so much use, and why everyone and their mother is building Lethality items. I'll list them out briefly, and then go into detail:

  • 1: Being in auto-attack range is a goddamn death sentence.
  • 2: Edge of Night gives you the ability to fuck up once and not instantly die.
  • 3: As long as attack speed isn't needed because you aren't bothering with auto attacks, lethality items are the only ones that make sense to pick up.

Alrighty: Let's break it down in detail.

1: Being in auto attack range is just begging to get killed. So I've got the EU LCS game going on in the background, and I've also been taking a look at some of the results from of the other games and LCK matches. Let's look at some of the picks from EDG vs GT: You've got Maokai, Lee Sin, Azir, Kled, Khazix, Ryze, and Malzahar.

For the first 20 or so minutes of the game (and significantly afterwards for some of them) if you as an ADC find yourself alone with any of those champions, you're dead. Instantly. BUT, ADCs are for teamfighting! Let's ignore the painful reality for many ADC players that you feel so damned helpless for the first half of the match. Let's instead focus on a teamfight situation. So let's say these two teams are skirmishing in mid, both trying to feel out a potential fight.

As an ADC, if you get within auto attack range, you are dead. I'm watching the Vitality vs Fnatic game right now. We've got Shen, Khazix, Leblanc, and Malzahar on Vitality. Getting in range to auto attack any of those champions as an ADC can and often does get you immediately killed. It's not always just damage. Sure if you step too far forward, Leblanc/Khaz could kill you with one rotation. But a Malz ult, shen taunt, Maokai root, poppy-dash, Ryze W, Lee Q, Camile ult, etc etc, could instantly leave you locked in place and blown up. (Seriously go look at the ENTIRE list of LoL champions and think to yourself as an adc "how many of these could lock me down if I got within auto range") And it's not JUST the ability range itself. Chances are before a big teamfight the enemy initiators or supports have flash. I don't think any ADC could out-range a Maokai flash W with autos.

So what's the solution? Just like how you can't ever be alone as an ADC, during these initial skirmishes and teamfights, you've got to be hiding behind your team. The popular adaptation from many ADC players and pros is to simply pick botlane champs that don't need to auto attack or get within auto attack range at all.

What are the most popular ADCs in diamond right now? Varus, Jhin, Ziggs, Ashe, MF, Ezreal and Caitlyn. The first 5 don't need to auto attack to deal damage. They are safe to sit back and sling spells from miles away and still contribute SAFELY to the fight. Caitlyn obviously wants to auto, but still brings poke, zoning, and security through her kit, and Ezreal can contribute poke and mobility. These champions aren't busted because they can use the strong lethality items. Instead I posit that they are simply the champions that can most effectively exist in this highly dangerous meta and still do their job (damage from a distance), and that lethality items simply happen to best compliment that playstyle. It might not be as fun or as glamorous to hide miles away popping Varus Qs, Ashe Volleys, or waiting for a good spot to drop your MF ult, but it's simply overall more effective than risking trying to land some autos as Sivir or Jinx and getting caught for it. It's guaranteed damage that you can put out from a distance, compared to potentially-greater damage that is very likely to result in death.

Which brings me to my next point:

2 & 3 : Lethality items simply fit this playstyle well, even if the stat itself isn't busted, and Edge of Night is a get-out-of-jail-free card for a very stressful class of champions.

As an ADC, there's a lot of pressure riding on you to carry lategame teamfights. But the early/midgame is so stressful. There's a good chunk of the early game where anyone on the enemy team (even those mage supports) can kill you from full health if you get caught off guard. Lee can dash, ult-Q-Q you. A single cocoon from an Elise with runic and sorc shoes is going to get you killed for sure. Khazix/Rengo will tear you a new one. Hell fking Zyra or Malz can tear you down from full HP instantly if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time. The enemy midlaner or toplaner can likely insta-bop you if you get caught out of position.

And as we've already established… you aren't building to be auto-attacking in later fights. (Seriously tune into LCS, see how much autoing the ADCs are doing compared to just firing spells or being ult-bots) So items that give attack speed aren't necessary. You need items that give you AD and utlity. All of the lethality items give that to you in spades AND provide lethality, a very strong stat that makes you a squishy-deleting machine. Ghostblade makes you passively faster, gives you CDR, and an active to let you run the fuck away from spooky junglers.

And then we hit Edge of Night. This item is INCREDIBLE. Again, as an ADC there's a lot of pressure on you to deal damage to carry lategame fights. But you're so goddamn squishy that fucking up EVEN ONCE can lead to you being instantly dead and losing your team the game. Getting hit by even a single Ahri charm, or a LB chain, Lux Q, Xerath stun, any type of hook… etc. I don't care if you can dodge them 9/10 times. Sometimes you fuck up, eat a skillshot, and are instantly dead, potentially losing the game.

EDGE OF NIGHT GIVES YOU A MULLIGAN. And it's preventative, not reactive! And it gives you SOLID utility and offensive stats, unlike banshees! (and a lower CD to boot that's not reset by damage lmao) This item just takes SO much pressure off of you to play perfectly. It's incredible. Pop it before an MF or Jhin ult so you're harder to interrupt. Or just pop it before a teamfight to make the enemy dedicate just a little bit more effort into stopping you. It's wonderful.

The existing lethality items bring to current SAFE AD champions all the stats they need. As soon as you throw out the notion that you've got to rely on auto attacks, the stats Crit and Attack Speed become worthless. Once you get rid of all the items that grant these stats… look what you're left with? Of these remaining items, the lethality items are simply the most appealing. (And this is ignoring how crit as a stat needs to be stacked before it really starts to kick in)

But lethality doesn't do shit against tanks! So what if you can't kill tanks? You'll become a squishy-deleting machine. And I don't care if that Sion or Malphite has 500 armor. They won't do a goddamn thing if all their carries are dead. If you, as an artillery-piece ADC can kill the enemy's mages, assassins, and ADCs, their tanks don't matter. And hell, I'm seeing a LOT of solo Q games without many tanks anymore. Everyone's running bruisers, burst-mages, AD-caster carries, and assassins.

When given the choice between relying on auto attacks, putting yourself in horrendous danger, and being stuck with expensive and late-game item builds versus being able to deal damage SAFELY and reliably with only 1-2 items... it's a no brainer. As much as I enjoy auto attack based champs, I can't deny how frustrating it feels. You can come out of lane 6-0 as Jinx, but it won't matter much if the other team's got a Naut, Vi, or a fed Ahri. But if you were instead playing Varus of Ashe, you could still contribute from miles away. Safely.


-There's nothing inherently wrong with lethality items. (Though perhaps some bruisers should have their kits looked at due to how effectively they can use it.) It's a fantastic stat built for assassins and AD burst champs, and is only abused by ADCs because:

-Getting in auto attack range is a deathwish, meaning…

-The most popular ADCs are ones who can do their job from really far away, relying on abilities instead of autos. Hence Varus/Jhin/Ashe/Ziggs/MF are dominating

-These champs aren't so reliant on autos, making attack speed and crit less important, hence:

-They all stack the incredibly useful and utility-providing lethality items, not wasting any gold on "traditional" adc items!

Addendum: I'm watching game 3 of Vit vs FNC right now. Steelback on Jhin fighting around baron is too terrified to even auto attack DAISY. When he finally does, he gets jumped on by Maokai and has to blow both sums to survive, dealing almost no damage. This is unbearably frustrating gameplay for ADC mains.

submitted by /u/TreeOfMadrigal
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Meddler with some follow up thoughts on Marksman

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 11:33 AM PST

We are Marty Strenczewilk (of Splyce) and Todd Merry (of Delaware North). We're here to answer your questions about our announcement yesterday. Ask Us Anything!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:03 AM PST

Hi Reddit! By now, we're sure most of you have read the official announcement of our partnership with Delaware North and the TD Garden. We're also sure that you have a lot of questions! Here to help you with some of those questions today is Marty Strenczewilk, co-founder and owner of Splyce and Todd Merry, the Chief Marketing Officer of Delaware North.

Marty's username is /u/lazerchickenzzz and Todd's username is /u/HuskarDu

Marty's Twitter

Todd's Twitter

Delaware North's Twitter

Splyce website

Splyce Twitter

Splyce Facebook

Splyce Instagram

For reference, you can check out Marty's previous AMA from a few months ago, but today is focused on answering all the new questions about this exciting partnership and what it means for the future of Splyce and esports.

More information about Splyce and our history can be found on our about page.


Marty and Todd will start answering questions at 10:00 AM EST and come back throughout the rest of the day.


Thanks for all the great questions so far! Marty and Todd will continue to come back through the day and answer what they can.

submitted by /u/SplyceCM
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Broxah graduates from Fnatic Academy

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 05:59 AM PST

Useless fact: Riot calls the "low spec mode" in the League Client Update "potato mode"

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 01:31 PM PST

So if you look into the files of league and see the LCULocalPreferences.yaml file, it reads potatoModeEnabled. Just wanted to share this useless piece of information to you guys :/

Mildly interesting

submitted by /u/IDerMetzgerMeisterI
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The level requirement for the practice tool is Lv.10. So don't waste time making an account to play on another server.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 12:30 AM PST

:( like i did

submitted by /u/Muhon
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Liquid LoL | Squad - Chapter 1

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 12:20 PM PST

Aether Wing Kayle (Amigurumi) that my wife made to a client.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:10 AM PST

Hello League Redditors, i just want to share this amazing amigurumi that my wife made to her client, i'm very proud of her improvement and i decided to post it here.

  • Aether Wing Kayle photo:


If you guys can give us positive feedback it would be appreciated (don't be rude please, she's pregnant).

Also you can help us sharing or liking our Facebook fanpage:

We also got Jinx, Riven and Ahri design that we made previously.

I hope you guys like it.

TL;DR: English is not my main language so i'm sorry if any mistake were made typing this.

submitted by /u/ImMoonlight
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The faces and voices for the League of Legends Intel® Extreme Masters World Championship broadcast

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:11 AM PST

First time after 3 years of playing I had to wait to log in to the game.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 03:55 AM PST

Not salty about it, exactly the opposite reaction. Brought back old memories where I was position 10609 in waiting line and had to wait 30 minutes just to get logged in.

submitted by /u/RealmDevourer
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NA LCS Spring Split 2017 | Week 4 - Day 1 | Live Update and Discussion Thread

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 02:13 PM PST


Make sure to PM us suggestions/questions!

NOTICE: Keep the threads to LCS discussions. If there are any mistakes in the thread (such as countdown, schedule, timezones) PLEASE, PM us instead of posting in the thread! That way we can react to it faster and the thread stays about LCS.

We're going to continue hosting IRC chat for this Summer split. To join us, simply click here, enter a Nickname of your choice and press Connect. Alternatively, you can connect using your IRC client of choice at irc.xertion.org:6667 and join #TournamentThreads.

Notice: Start of the season - 10 bans on pro-play


Rank Team Set W-L Matches W-L Streak Last Five Information
1 Cloud9 6-0 12-2 5W 5-0 EsportsWikis // LoL Esports
2 FlyQuest 5-1 11-3 2W 4-1 EsportsWikis // LoL Esports
3 Team SoloMid 5-1 10-7 5W 5-0 EsportsWikis // LoL Esports
4 Phoenix1 4-2 10-4 1L 3-2 EsportsWikis // LoL Esports
5 Counter Logic Gaming 2-4 6-8 1W 2-3 EsportsWikis // LoL Esports
6 Team Liquid 2-4 6-9 1W 2-3 EsportsWikis // LoL Esports
7 Echo Fox 2-4 6-10 2L 2-3 EsportsWikis // LoL Esports
8 Immortals 2-4 5-10 2L 1-4 EsportsWikis // LoL Esports
9 Team Dignitas 1-5 5-11 5L 0-5 EsportsWikis // LoL Esports
10 Team EnVyUs 1-5 3-10 1L 1-5 EsportsWikis // LoL Esports





Day 1 Game PST EST GMT CET IST KST AEDT Result Discussion
Stream 1 C9 vs. TL 15:00 18:00 23:00 00:00 04:30 08:00 10:00 1-0
Stream 1 IMT vs. DIG 18:00 21:00 02:00 03:00 07:30 11:00 13:00 0-0
Day 2
Stream 1 CLG vs. EFX 12:00 15:00 20:00 21:00 01:30 05:00 07:00 0-0
Stream 2 P1 vs. FLY 12:00 15:00 20:00 21:00 01:30 05:00 07:00 0-0
Stream 1 TSM vs. NV 15:00 18:00 23:00 00:00 04:30 08:00 10:00 0-0
Stream 2 TL vs. IMT 15:00 18:00 23:00 00:00 04:30 08:00 10:00 0-0
Day 3
Stream 1 CLG vs. P1 12:00 15:00 20:00 21:00 01:30 05:00 07:00 0-0
Stream 2 EFX vs. TSM 12:00 15:00 20:00 21:00 01:30 05:00 07:00 0-0
Stream 1 FLY vs. C9 15:00 18:00 23:00 00:00 04:30 08:00 10:00 0-0
Stream 2 DIG vs. NV 15:00 18:00 23:00 00:00 04:30 08:00 10:00 0-0
  • All times are APPROXIMATE and the schedule should be used as a general guideline.

  • All matches will be played on 7.2.



submitted by /u/TournamentThreads
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