Learn Dota 2 - My Dad is a 100mmr player. How can I help him?

My Dad is a 100mmr player. How can I help him?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 12:10 PM PST

First of all, I am a 1.2K mmr player, but I know a lot about the game mechanically. I know about creep agro, I know every spell, I know about stacking, pulling, some power spikes, I know about smoke ganking when they're about to get a good item, map awareness, etc. I obviously cant pull any of this off in my own game otherwise I wouldn't be at such a low mmr, but the point of this is to explain that I can tell this all to my dad for mechanical improvement. I havn't told him a lot of the advanced stuff because I don't want to confuse him.

Anyway, so the problem my dad has is that this game is not remotely intuitive to him. He struggles with very basic things like using items in a teamfight, or doing more than one thing at once. He can be looking at his hero, but he cant be looking right next to him at the teamfight. If he looks at the teamfight, he loses track of his hero. He doesn't hear any audio cues, and he also struggles with more complicated items like armlet. He only knows two heroes, Wraith king and Crystal maiden, and I'm trying to find other heroes for him that are simple on the face of it, such as sniper, but that aren't first picked in every game leaving him with no idea what to do.

So, do any of you have tips for him; and which heroes should I suggest he learn?

submitted by /u/thecooldude101
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request to have weekly hero discussions again.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 04:18 PM PST

since 7.02 is out we need an updated list and tips and trick to share and discuss, hero talents and such.

submitted by /u/lester_pe
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Just a reminder that dota is 50% mindset & attitude.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 04:24 PM PST

i just got out of my 20th low prio this month (literally) and after playing 150 low prio games in one month i said enough was enough. i had tried being totally silent (by force), i tried being fake-nice, i tried it all.

basically i know and knew i am much better than my mmr so i decided i'd try my best to lead all my teams and tell them what to do if i thought it was necessary.

i usually hate on these threads where i am not directly teaching or learning about an aspect of dota but honestly this is so important you guys just don't tilt, don't rage, and work hard and you will gain mmr.

everyone has lost games but since i started practicing with more goals (being a leader and improving on some heroes and working with my team) as opposed to grinding MMR i've won every single winnable game.


submitted by /u/asgdota2
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So I know "Anti-Mage=Anti-Fun" is kind of a meme, but holy shit.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:54 AM PST


I was the Axe in this game and I was up against not one, but two mana burning illusion heroes. I could get really good blink calls, but by the time AM or PL was low enough to dunk I would be out of mana and they'd escape.

I picked up an early(ish) BKB, but of course that doesn't have 100% uptime. And on top of all of this no one on my team spoke English, so communication around pushes and grouping was difficulty.

Any tips for this kind of situation in the future?

submitted by /u/metallizard107
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Undying Zombies + Auras = Viable?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:19 PM PST

With Helm being remade into a pusher/attack speed/support/why-does-this-item-give-so-much-HP-regen item, could one justify building the item on Undying for the purpose of giving all of his zombies potentially +35 attack speed with a hellbear? Also could one justify the use of other similar aura items to buff waves of talented zombies (They do about 80 damage with your talent) in a teamfight in a late-game scenario? Or are the zombies too poor at scaling to justify the purchase and stick to vanguard or greave rushes?

submitted by /u/Jewdii
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Is global winrate a factor in matchmaking balance?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:28 PM PST

I started playing ranked again with disastrous results, and started winning games again after switching from US server to EUW. I figured it was a placebo effect until I looked through Dotabuff later and noticed that in my EU games, most of my teammates' global winrates are around 48-49% while in the US they were usually 45% or lower, and this seemed to be very strongly related to how they fared in the match. Even when I won on US, the worst players were the ones with awful winrates. Usually I also have one person that's higher than them, but the rest feed so hard that we lose whatever advantage we gained in the early game, or throw the game every time out of hubris. In comparison, the difference in decision making on EU is like night and day and I feel like I am winning with my team, not for them.

My global winrate is about 51%, so is it possible that the matchmaking system is pairing me with them for the sake of fairness? I don't have a problem now, since I can cope with the ping, but it does make some sense imo.

submitted by /u/advice-alligator
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Tips and suggestions for my 2K invoker

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:41 AM PST

Hey guys! I've been playing invoker for a while (140 games, 52% win rate) and although I'm much better now than when I started out, I feel like I'm not contributing too much to my team and I feel that I get 'carried' often. Here's a recent invo game that I played with my friends.

MATCH ID: 2992553218

I've watched its replay and find myself not contributing much to team fights until aghs. Our drafting wasn't that great either but I'd like tips on my gameplay. I didn't really last hit/harass as much as I should have and that's something I'm working on.

Any constructive criticism is appreciated. Thanks!

Some more matches to get a general perspective: 2994242509, 2992622074, 2992342619, 2990280369 My user is SGC.RV (might just be RV in some)

submitted by /u/cantfindusernameomg
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How to deal with 5 man pushes early on.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:52 PM PST

I'm at 2k MMR, something that happens from time to time, and I can never react to properly is when by the 10 minutes some ganks happen, and then there are 4 heroes on your safelane. The usual scenario: someone tps and get obliterated instantly, someone hides bellow the tower without being able to do anything, both mid and offlane are too late, we lose the tower. That usually leads to the enemy dominating our jungle and denying our farm. Usually I lead my team for stuff to actually happen, and this is something I always feel helpless against, if someone could explain how to play against that to me, that would be great!

submitted by /u/KantaSlaus
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New to DotA from LoL, would anybody be able to help me learn tonight?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:06 AM PST

IGN Defiantlydefiant

Just someone to show me the ropes.

I understand last hitting, denying, and a few heroes but things like timers on the runes (every two minutes) but when is ideal to leave for them or contest. Efficient farming between jungle and laning. Proper warding, the courier system, etc.

It'd be nice to have someone with experience to tell me about matchups and how to play them.

I played two games last night as Sven and PA and had a blast. So I'm looking to be here for the long haul.

Edit - I live in Eastern Canada, time zone -3:30 UTC standard time.

submitted by /u/DefiantOneGaming
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how to do well mid?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 06:03 AM PST

I really like heroes like ta and sf but sometimes I do very bad mid and then quit(yes :/) the game. i wanna fix my bad habit and at the same time learn how to do well mid so i can transition to a good late game.

submitted by /u/XxDirectxX
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How to effectively use smokes?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:27 AM PST

I just have a few questions about how to use smokes properly: 1. When should I get my team to gather for a smoke? 2. I been told I should solo use smokes to ward, is that true? 3. Are there any other good uses of a smoke besides the ways I just said?

submitted by /u/Frostbite999
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how to stack pull radiant safe lane hard camp

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:29 AM PST

tried finding videos or guides, cant find any, the timings i can find are for the dire offlane to pull that camp,not radiant.
i always fail the pull, sry for noob qstn.

submitted by /u/ch3rri_
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Stuck in 1.2k MMR.... Help?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:43 PM PST

So I've recently started to being my MMR grind to get to at least 2k by the time some of my friends get back from their trips overseas and I have been stuck at 1.2k for the past 3 months. I view myself as a fairly competent player and I never flame or tilt in game.

What tends to happen is that the other team out farms and out plays the majority of my team and we lose because none of us can output enough damage to take care of the cores on the enemy teams.

What I am thinking of doing is starting to play a mid hero (I usually just lane and hope that our mid is good enough to pull us through). What I want to know is what is a good hero to do this with?

Any help is welcome. Thanks

Edit: Competent does not mean that I think I am extremely skilled.

submitted by /u/NinjaNeb22
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Coming back to DotA, want to learn Rubick. Any tips?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:32 PM PST

I played DotA occasionally a couple years back but eventually kicked the habit. Now, I'm trying to get back in, and I want to find a few heroes to focus on instead of just rotating through random heroes in Single Draft. When I first tried DotA, one of my favorite heroes was Rubick, though I only occasionally played him: Out of the 7 games I have on record playing as him, 6 were wins. So, naturally, I feel he's a hero worth investing some time in to get those pro-MLG ult chains and hopefully not make a fool of myself.

I know a lot of the basics (though I'm admittedly not partictularly good at them) but I want to learn a few things about playing Rubick specifically;

1: What skills are important to learn as a Rubick in particular? I understand that generally he's considered a p5, maybe a p4, so it's obvious that I should probably be practicing the usual support techs of warding, pulling, stacking, etc etc etc. Beyond that, what else should I be interested in learning?

2: Rubick is a fairly situational hero, that much is clear. Where should I be looking to pick him, and against/allied with which heroes? Obviously anyone with a Big Scary Ult like Lich or Enigma is a good sign that Rubick might need picking, but beyond that I have no idea.

3: Are there any other heroes in different roles that I can play to improve my Rubick game? (those with similar mechanics perhaps, but different niches) Adding onto the above, I probably want to have a few different heroes in my roster for those games were Rubick would be pretty useless. Generally I play a ton of support (my farming skills are awful) but I'm looking to learn more ganking/core roles.

4: Item build guides. I pretty much follow them religiously and don't vary at all, and I know that's probably a bad idea. Looking at Rubick specifically, what are some good instances where deviating from the standard build might be in my best interest, either to counter a specific hero or just "laning/ganking/whatever phase went extremely well/poorly, here's what I'm gonna do in response".

These are some pretty open ended questions, but TLDR: I want to know more about Rubick and I'm having trouble finding the resources, any advice/tips/guides/etc etc etc I should be investigating?

submitted by /u/Alexor
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How to reach old torte builds?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:41 AM PST

I remember 6 months ago there was a 6.88 Oracle Support build on right hand side and it clearly explains how oracle skill combos should be. Now when i open 7.02 builds, i cant see it and new Oracle build does not explain these combos. Is there a way to find those old builds?

submitted by /u/killinginthenameo
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Need analysis for my Tiny mid

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 12:16 PM PST


I'm not a Tiny player. But as part of my daily challenge, I played this hero. I think I did pretty well all things considered, but I have no idea how I could have salvaged the game once the enemy team started ganking my team and constantly feeding on them

submitted by /u/You_NeverKnow
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Tb and Ck

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:34 AM PST

What is the difference between Tb and Ck? I feel that Ck is just bootleg Tb that can't farm. They both have relatively good laning stages for hard carries, some sort of disable (stun/slow) and mostly illusion damage. Right now, I feel that Ck is just Tb, only not as good, cups he can't farm. Am I right or just an idiot

submitted by /u/TheMutantHotDog
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What caracteristics a "natural BKB carrier" has?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:18 AM PST

I read many times that luna, PA or gyro are "natural bkb carrier", but I fail to see what makes a hero to be a natural bkb carrier. The way I see right now is that BKB is an item totally depending on the game, and less on the hero itself.

submitted by /u/fot1
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Lone Druid Mid Advice

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:18 AM PST

I love playing Lone Druid mid, but I'm very new to him. Do I use the bear to harass the other midlaner while last-hitting with the Druid? And more importantly, is LD mid even viable at all? I'm in a pretty low MMR range so any tips about how to play LD throughout the game in general would also be appreciated.

submitted by /u/InCactusMaximus
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What is the power-curve of a right-click Arc Warden?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:44 AM PST

I'm thinking about learning to play AW and wanted to know what you think the usual power-spike timings of a right-click Arc Warden are. I have him pictured as a hero that is very strong during the laning stage, falls of mid game and becomes an absolute beast in the late game when he's six slotted. Can he hold up with other typical ultra-late game heroes like spectre or medusa?

submitted by /u/Nhefluminati
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Next on All-Hero Challenge is Io, any tips?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:34 AM PST

Just to be certain off the bat: Most of my friends don't know what to do with an Io on their team any more than strangers would. I have practiced the hero some and do (sort of) know how to play him/her/it. Bracket is pretty low.

I know Io's R is one of his best abilities, but let's face it, at this level and without multiple people on voice, it's mostly just good for pissing your teammates off. So ... besides the basic support stuff in the laning phase - just sit in the back of fights using Q and E, plus spirits when the opportunity comes up?

In what kind of situations do you think it's OK to just "unilaterally" TP your (presumably unaware) ally across the map somewhere, besides saving them from an obvious death?

Other than simply waiting for a game where the enemy has a couple of obviously new players and hopefully we stomp anyway - is there anything I should do to stop this from being a truly dreadful experience for everyone?

submitted by /u/l33t_p3n1s
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Stuck at exactly 3.025k I've gone up and down but I've been hugging this mmr

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:26 AM PST

What should I do to improve?

submitted by /u/Damian4447
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Recently hit 2k mmr and I just keep falling need help, general advice is needed and welcomed.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:05 AM PST

I finally hit my goal of reaching 2kmmr after a big win streak and now I have just kept falling.

It would be 1 win ,1 loss but now I have lost 5 games in a row. A couple of them have been due to people raing,flaming or abadoning but I know I am doing things wrong because I feel like I am constantly drowning(if that is how to describe it).

In 1k mmr while I was climbing I felt comfortable and felt like I knew how to turn games round but now it feels like i know nothing anymore.

Anyway rant over, please tell me how to keep climbing. Thanks https://www.dotabuff.com/players/178820672

submitted by /u/Poddyd
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With the HoD nerfs, could you justify Echo Sabre on Juggernaut now?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:32 AM PST

Since HoD got a not insignificant nerf, do you guys think it's feasible to get echo sabre instead? Obviously, helm is still great because of the aura, but echo sabre gives you more solo kill potential along with more survivability. Maybe something like RoA > Yasha > Echo > Manta.

Haven't tried it yet but what do you guys think?

submitted by /u/ReaganxSmash
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