Guild Wars 2 - I'm not sure they boiled my bow long enough before stringing it...

I'm not sure they boiled my bow long enough before stringing it...

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:22 AM PST

The Best part of the patch for me. I "wood" like more content featuring her.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:03 AM PST

Patch notes Feb 13th

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:25 PM PST

New Player Guide: Gearing & Build Basics

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:20 PM PST

If you want to get into raids, then take initiative yourself.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:00 AM PST

I just want to share a the short success story of a guild mate. Feel free to scream "omg this is anecdotal and proves nothing!!1!" or similar lines, however I feel there is an undeniable difference between those who take it in their own hands and those who don't, and those who actually care and those who just whine.

Twenty days ago, this guy posted an LFG in /r/guildrecruitment seeking a guild to do raids with. He had zero experience thus far. I responded to his post and invited him to my guild, because I was hoping to build up a group of dedicated raiders to form a guild static.

My guild, despite having over 1400 players over 3 guilds that are purged every day for inactivity, had only really been able to start forming a proper group for raids. Half of us are still beginners, so we are making slow progress. Going at it for a few weeks, we are only able to clear Vale Guardian and Gorseval. My fellow raid officer and I grasped this truth pretty quickly, if you really want to get good, you have to seek out raiding on your own initiative.

And this new guild mate of ours did. Twenty days ago, he had no experience in raids. He doesn't have 200 LI or whatever ridiculous requirement you think raiders need. He had only started this game in November, and decided he was ready to take on raids, so he went to /r/guildrecruitment, following everyone's advice of finding a raiding guild. Realizing that just following our guild raids wasn't enough, he made his own groups in LFG and did the research required of new players on his own. Last week, he finally beat Matthias, the last boss he needed in the Forsaken Thicket before Wing 4 release. This week with the new raid out, he went out and formed his own groups and managed to clear at least Bosses 1-3, last I knew he was still trying Boss 4, but he may have beaten it by now.

Granted, he is a very fast learner and is a very active player. However, he demonstrates nonetheless that with persistence and the tiny bit of courage and initiative needed to form your own group in LFG that you can get into raids without some heavenly luck of being picked up by a good static. Maybe you just need to take a little longer than he does if you're not as active, but you certainly can succeed if just do it!

Back to our guild, no one in our core guild group has 100+ LI. I know we all hope to get a proper guild static, but it's easy to see the difference between those who truly care, raid on their own, and practice their rotations and those who don't.

Just a sidenote, raiding is much better with friends, so if you're raiding with your training guild or whatever, don't be shy. Speak up, joke with others, and make friends. You're much more likely to have a better experience, and much more likely to stick around.

submitted by /u/aixsama
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My account will be shut down....oh no. (1 year Hiatus as well)

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 11:19 PM PST

6 people and their golems VS Matriarch

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:31 PM PST

Doric Lumberyard NPC has some colorful language

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:55 AM PST

It's easy to forget how beautiful the maps are when you just want to get where you're going

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:45 AM PST

Revenant Meta? The ultimate kiter!

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:17 PM PST

I am posting on behalf of my girlfriend who has created the ultimate kiting build for Deimos. During the opening of Wing 4, we were able to progress to Deimos on the first night. From here on, we spent ages discussing the best ways of kiting the Soul Feast that spawns. The most common class for this was druid, but could this be improved upon?

I announce, the Kiting Revenant!

With two low cooldown skills to block Mind Crush, the ability to condense Soul Feasts on top of each other with ease and also being completely self sustainable. This has been tried and tested and has allowed for many easy kills due to the laid back kiting style the Revenant has to offer. This is the future of kiting!

Here is the link to the build, which I will go into detail - Click here for the Build.



  • Specializations

A majority of these are picked due to the other two being rather useless, which is why I will go over the important ones.

  1. Retribution (2 - 2 - 3)
  2. Salvation (1 - 3 - 1)
  3. Herald (3 - 1 - 1)

Retribution - Steadfast Retribution - 50% chanced to be healed on a 4 second cooldown? Pretty self-explanatory!

Salvation - Invoking Harmony - This is due to the very rare chance that you may get the green circle, having to swap with someone else. This will help you heal the party while they kill Saul.

Herald - Hardening Persistence - Used to increase your toughness for survivability, but be careful when using this as it can increase your toughness by 400 (10 stacks) and may draw aggro from the boss in doing so. Make sure to co-ordinate with your tank so that their toughness is high enough. This build maintains 6 stacks, so factor in 240+ toughness.

Herald - Elder's Force - This is used instead of Soothing Bastion, as when Soothing Bastion is activated, you stop moving which might not be beneficial.



  • Armour, Weapons and everything included

The main stat we are focusing here is Healing Power. Therefore, weapons, armour and trinkets can be a variation of defensive stats including Healing Power.

Weapon Sigils

Superior Sigil of Renewal - Heals you on weapon swap. This is a nice heal on top of all the other heals you have.

Superior Sigil of Transference - No real other good choice, this will increase healing effectiveness is in creased by 10% to help heal the party if you're required.

Armour Runes

Superior Rune of the Monk - 25% chance when struck to heal for a small amount on a 15 second cooldown, as well as +10% outgoing heal effectiveness to allies. The extra Healing Power is nice also.



  • Food and Utilities

Food - The go to food I picked here is Plate of Mussles Gnashblades. These give 10% damage reduction which is amazing for kiting and this build in general. The added boon duration is a luxury aswell.

Utility - I chose Furious Tuning Crystal for the extra Healing Power. You need to sustain constant damage from the Soul Feasts, so your heals need to count.



  • Breif usage of this build

Firstly, a very important point to be made is to make sure you're always nearby the Saul's Banner as this provides regeneration which greatly helps survival. This spawns on you. This banner along with Ventari regen and the occasional heal will help you survive most of the damage done by Soul Feasts and the debuff you get when you block Mind Crush.

Both of your off-hand blocks and Dragon Stance healing skill allows you to stand outside the shield provided during the Mind Crush attack. Your Shield 5 skill is on a low cooldown which is available for every Mind Crush attack, leaving Dragon Stance heal for overhealing the debuff. Sword off-hand skill 4 allows you to stack more Soul Feasts in one spot which is great for reducing the spread of Soul Feast.


And that's everything! If you do have any questions regarding this build, please feel free to comment.


Happy Kiting!

submitted by /u/FlameMino
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I have but one selfish wish; for my [Selfless Potion] to persist.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:29 AM PST

Just like my Hellenry Kielton/Gnalsh Trump Representation Button that persist through /deaths (4,517 on my guardian, and like 6300+ 8754 on my ele and counting), logins, instances, etc.

I want it to be part of my character just as much as the represent button and backpack are.

edit: deaths

submitted by /u/surrgue
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[BUG] Wing 4 Boss 1 CM Mote disables slotted items if you get to 99 stacks

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:55 PM PST

Heads up that if you get to 99 stacks on the first boss mote, it seems to disable your slotted runes, sigils, and infusions. Removing all the gear and then re-equipping it worked for myself, some people in my squad ended up just leaving the instance and coming back into fix it.
Noticed it when my sigil of concentration seemed to not ever be proccing. After checking hero panel, AR, and all bonuses from runes and sigils disappeared as well.

submitted by /u/Enko63
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Would be great if they could fix the jade home node, while fixing the other jade nodes...

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:10 PM PST

Why is hiding tabs not an option for your bank?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:52 PM PST

RAIDS or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:36 PM PST

A clever title to be sure but with all the talk about raids, accessibility, anecdotes, and the oversimplification of pros and cons serving as a detriment to unhealthy discussion I decided to share my own tale.

I will preface this by saying I have never raided in GW2 despite having the option open to me, finding a group or learning the mechanics is not my hurdle to leap. I am in a fun, friendly, and welcoming guild that supports how I want to play the game and likewise is about interesting interaction. Namely it's an RP guild but it's also a guild in general, I have my character and I have my look and I have my backstory and I enjoy looking at pretty flowers. This guild also does weekly raid runs where anyone is free to join, participate, and hope to get a clear before it's bedtime or something comes up or yadda yadda.

The point is is that I could get into a raid if I desired to, so please do not tell me to find a training group or find another guild or LFG, that's not my issue.

I will also mention that I did raid in FFXIV prior to getting GW2 from a dear friend, in FFXIV I was in a leading guild and I was also the first in my 'clique' to get full artifact 2 gear. I played the game semi-religiously up until a month after hard-mode/extreme-mode instances were released, IRL things came up and suffice it to say I didn't pick up the game afterwards.

Now, onto why I personally do not raid and why I think many others don't, some of which is no doubt related to ease of grouping but I digress.

I have poor reaction times and by poor reaction times I mean I have delayed responses to external stimuli and reduced response time when it comes to reflexes. I also have mild nerve damage, I forgot explicitly where but suffice it to say I have unsteady hands, slow response times, and a general inability to 'think on my feet' when the situation calls for it. This set in roughly after I had to depart from FFXIV and is a large factor in why I didn't attempt to return to that game, all my friends were aware of this issue and supportive. Hence why a friend got GW2 for me, it was during the first 10$ sale prior to HoT releasing and I was introduced to the game as a casual focussed experience with emphasis on story and characters. I had a great amount of fun completing my PS, finished my leveling from 40-80 with crafting and EotM trains and then I proceeded to shy away from dungeons. I even made a post on here asking for help on how to approach dungeons, I got great help from a very lovely individual and I completed my first dungeon afterwards with their help. It was great fun, however I never excelled nor did I feel a particular draw to dungeons, I completed a handful for tokens to get skins I wanted and I haven't really touched them since. I have likewise delved a little into fractals, only up to about level 20+ but I did do a level 40 one time without much hassle there, the hardest part of fractals for me were the cliffside one and the jumping puzzle one. Of course that was before the mild fractal rework where more mechanics were introduced, if I tried them again today I'd likely find them more challenging, though I don't doubt I could hold my own at least.

Regardless I cannot say the same for raids, I can barely handle when the Jade construct world boss uses an agony attack and when I do respond to it I've already taken several hits and am at half health or so. The fight with Caudecus was a literal nightmare for me and if I didn't have another player with me keeping me alive I'd likely have never completed the battle and merely contented myself with youtube. My hurdle for raiding is my own body/health, as far as I know there is no feasible way for me to 'get up and start raiding' without either buying a clear or being carried by friends. Neither appeals to me, I am tempted to drop 10$ on the game and buy a few clears for a chance at some of the skins but otherwise I'll abstain.

Now, there are options for me to get dungeon skins or fractal skins without punishing myself, namely unranked PvP reward tracks and slow methodical accumulation at low level fractals. Everything else is open to me, I can do world bosses without feeling like a limp carrot in a field full of crisp cucumbers and I like it that way, I have a lot of fun with world bosses and story developments. I've gotten the unlocks and achievements from 3/4 of the story episodes and I've even managed to 100% those 3 maps [Bloodstone, Ember, and now Doric]. Thankfully I was able to get a mesmer port for the JP in Ember Bay before it was buffed to require actually doing the whole JP to open the chest at the end, it's not something to be proud of but I did attempt the JP for 5 hours before the first checkpoint failed me and I gave up on it.

GW2 has never been closed off to me, I could experience the story in any fashion I desired and it was wonderful, there wasn't any stress to completing things and I could take it at my own pace.

This is not the case for raids, I cannot partake of that story even as the LW teases me about the White Mantle reviving him in some arcane ritual fueled by bloodstone. My Pact Commander will never defeat Xera moments before Lazarus is reborn, my Pact Commander will never see Matthias consume bloodstone to hulk out in a magically fueled rampage. I will have to settle with the off-brand iterations of things from the raids, namely the Sloth in EB, the Anomaly boss in BF [blood], the Abomination in BF [ice], and Caudecus in LD.

Now that aside I am okay with not doing raids, I would like to experience what they offer but I know the content isn't for me and will never be for me as I can't really overcome my hurdle. But I would like to see the introduction of a story/easymode with less tight tuning, then I could at least have a good attempt at doing a boss without being 1-shot because I couldn't react fast enough.

For others they may have similar issues to me, it's not uncommon for disabled players to seek out casual games where their hardships are less of a detriment to their experience. Some may not be able or are unwilling to socialize, GW2 is an amazing game but it does very little to actually bring players together as anything more than an anonymous blob. Some may not have good schedules for raiding, such as people on the graveyard shift or those with longer hours and less time they can devote to a singular task in a game. Some may lack the training to play multiple classes or may not be able to get their rotations down and feel intimidated by the pressure in raid settings to play not only very well but very well on multiple classes. I myself have a singular main I play with basically every other character I have just existing for daily PvP rewards or chests or yadda yadda, not really for playing or investing in. Back to the others it's usual to see many who can't seem to find a reliable group or those that can't find an actually helpful or welcoming group, it can be tough sometimes to find those things. I have seen many anecdotes about spending more than a half hour looking for a group only to have it fall apart after a few deaths/wipes before it just disintegrates, wasting their time. Then there's the rather seldom elitist encounters where a casual player will get kicked for not packing LI or AP to a sufficient degree to prove their worthiness. This in turn leads to people shying away from attempting at all because the musky stink of failure and blame is pretty rough for people to deal with, it's a common fear for social animals like humans.

Regardless I have seen all kinds of reasons for why some players do not engage in raids and the most common response I see is from raiders telling people that raids are easy. I have seen raiders telling players to just get up off their ass and start raiding because the difficulty is so low in GW2 raids that almost anyone can do it after memorizing encounters. I have seen people telling others to just find a raiding group, to start pugging, to NEVER pug, to skip raiding groups and just make one themselves, etc. I myself recieved two tips about raiding in the past, the first being that raids are EZ and I'm bad for not being able to do them, the other that raids aren't for me and I should just not attempt them.

I listened to the second piece of advice because it's accurate, raids as they exist right now are not for me, I am the metaphorical kid in the candy store with a taste for every single offering except the 'special' jellybeans kept in the back. I could spend my time gnawing on chocolate bars, chewing gum, sucking on jawbreakers in the back alley, or I could even fashion elaborate action fingers from licorice with icing for glue. But I can't get my tongue all over those very tempting beans, and every time I stop into the shop I'm reminded that there's a brand new flavor of jelly belly and a new givewaway for cool prizes to boot.

It's rough, so tell me, Reddit, what are your personal hurdles for raids, how did you overcome them if you did, and please no oversimplifications. I'm not here to insult WP for his opinion, I'm not here begging for EZ mode, I'm not even here asking for advice on how I could raid, I just want to hear your sides of the story.

We here on reddit are part of the vocal minority, it's something to embrace, raids themselves are a relatively minor facet of the game so please be vocal about it and most important of all is be descriptive. Try to play your role as advocate or detractor, you can find help for your problems from others that faced the same thing or you can get a better understanding of the myriad barriers that exist for all kinds of people. I don't think anyone here is just in it to ruin the fun of others or to try and drive raids/ANet into the ground Undertaker-style, so we should share and embrace those differences.

Stay safe, have fun, discuss.~

submitted by /u/Boa_Noah
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[Spoilers] First Boss of New Raid - Attack Patterns and Tips

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:09 AM PST


Earlier I posted some tips for second boss.

First boss of Bastion of the Penitent raid has the following two basic attacks which he repeats through out the fight:
Swing3 = Swing -> Swing -> Swing and shoot projectiles
Swing12 = Swing once or twice but no projectiles

The swings don't do much damage, the projectiles deal damage and knock you back.
If you stand in melee range, projectiles won't hit you. You can also block, dodge or reflect them.

He has the following overall attack pattern:

-> Repeat Swing3 X times (X decreases as fight goes on)
-> Swing12
-> one of the four mechanics:

  1. Green circles

  2. Teleport

  3. Slam & Rotate

  4. Shockwave - starts doing this at less than 20% hp

I. Starts with:

  • He does Swing3 pattern once to begin with and puts down one green circle.

  • Then he repeats Swing3 pattern 6 times and then does Green Circles phase.

  • Then he repeats Swing3 pattern 4 times and then does Teleport phase

II. Keeps repeating:
* Swing3 pattern ~4 times -> Swing once or twice -> Green Circles,

  • Then Swing3 pattern ~3 times -> Swing once or twice -> Teleport phase,

  • Then Swing3 pattern ~3 times -> Swing once or twice -> Slam & Rotate phase,

  • Then Swing3 pattern 1 time -> Swing once or twice -> Shockwave phase.

He does Shockwave phase only after 20% HP is remaining. He does Swing3 fewer and fewer times as his health decreases(or time passes?). Like, he does Swing3 only once before Green Circles/Teleport/Shockwave phase and zero times before Slam & rotate phase at low HP.


  • Stand in melee range to avoid projectile attack.

  • Agony people can stand close to boss, their red circles can overlap each other as long as the circles don't touch other players.

  • If all Agony people stand close together, it's easier to heal them all with one skill.

  • Use Special Action key to get to the green circle and also use to get back to the boss after.

  • Consider using Teleport/movement skills to get back to boss if knocked back while learning the fight(Lightning Flash for Ele, Blink/Sword 3 for Mesmer, Sword 2/Judge's Intervention on Guardian, Staff 3 on Druid, Rush/Sword 2 on Warrior etc.)

  • You can't block when his arm rotates but you can prevent the knockback using Stability.

  • If a player with Agony ends up on a green circle with other players, don't panic, stay in circle, the damage isn't huge, heal through or use defensive skills.

  • You do not take damage from a player with red circle when they're down, revive them without any stress :)

  • When he teleports around, wait near a green circle but don't go on it until he reaches the center, otherwise he might travel back to your green and knock you back. Try not to stand in the line connecting two greens either.

  • He creates a green right in the middle of the platform till he has 50% hp, main group can take that in the beginning half of the fight. Agony players can take the other greens. After 50% hp, main group can take first green, Agony players the rest.

  • Towards the end of the fight, be ready for Slam attack right after he completes Teleport phase. He will Swing once or twice and do Slam immediately.

  • Right after Slam & rotate, he spawns Green circles of equal sizes and no requirement on number of players. You have less time to get to these, so be ready.

  • If a player with Agony ends up at a big Green circle where the main group is there, you can stand at two edges of the circle so the red circle doesn't touch the main group.

  • You can sidestep the brown circles that spawn at his feet and teleport you.

  • This is not a DPS race, bring some defensive skills if you prefer.

Let me know if you have any tips regarding the first boss.

submitted by /u/TheWyzim
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While Jade Shard drops are disabled from gathering, here's how to get more Jade Shards

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:47 AM PST

I posted this in one of the many threads about this but wanted to make an own thread for better visibility:

You can get 5 shards per day per account for the dailies.

You can get 5 shards per story completion and 5 shards per map completion per character.

One time per account you can get 5 shards for the Not All Who Wander Are Lost achievement (getting to the chest in Melandru's Refuge).

You can choose 100 shards from the end rewards of the repeatable WvW/PvP Lake Doric reward tracks. Needs 80 Potions of WvW/PvP Rewards to burn through one track if you hoarded them.

You can still gather 3 shards per day per account from the Home Instance Node. You can join someone who bought the node in their instance if you don't want to buy the node.

One shard is an occasional map bonus reward.

You can get per day and per character:

  • 18 shards for karma from the heart vendors

  • 6 shards for Noran's maze (1 in the first chest, 5 in the second chest)

  • 3 shards for Harathi High Sage

  • 2 shards from the chest in Melandru's Refuge

  • 4 shards each for a successful kill of the 3 legendary bosses (Agatha, Immelhoof, Cairn) before they reach their respective location during a defend event or when they spawn after a successful assault event

  • 1 shard for the first successful defend event per day (Not sure what triggers this chest anymore. I definitely got 2 chests at Saidra's Haven, one with 4 shards for the legendary and one with 1 extra shard but it seems to be inconsistent at the other locations.)

That's 42 shards per character per day you can get in... mhhh maybe 2 hours? Needs a bit luck with the High Sage spawn and finding a zerg for it and it must be night ingame for Melandru's Refuge. But once you know the map a bit better and prioritise what you do on the map it's totally possible. It helps of course if you have several characters to do just the fast things.

Hope this helps while shard drops from gathering are disabled.

Edit: Some players might not be aware of this: you get the Jade Shards for the legendary bosses and the defend event from chests that spawn in the related localities. So, if you kill Agatha at Fort Evennia run back to Saidra's Haven and loot your chest there!

submitted by /u/Artumes
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Dramatic Deimos kill / Carried by NPC

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 10:56 PM PST

I have a hot chick

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:39 AM PST

I'm glad Anet added this, it's so cute hot chick

submitted by /u/Girluno
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Guild Wars 2 - Bastion of The Penitent Boss 1 & 2 | Getting in the Prison!

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:49 AM PST

My glowy Norn in the new zone. My eyes hurt.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:25 PM PST

This is the Cairn exploit that has been fixed.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:53 PM PST

[Suggestion] What's been bugging you, and you want it implemented now!

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:49 AM PST

Hi all! Just thought I'd like to see what the community wishes was implemented in Gw2. Since there's a huge number of requests and infinite possibilities, let's limit it to a maximum of 3 per user alright!

To start the ball rolling, I would love to see the following implemented:

  1. Customizable Keybinds for each character.

  2. A "Sent Mail" tab under the mailing system.

  3. Salvage all Rare and below Sigils option on any Salvage kit.

Feel free to discuss on each others' points and let's make this a super productive and interesting discussion! Try to maintain a positive approach here and as always, no flaming whatsoever!!!

submitted by /u/charrbie
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Black Screen Crashing

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:37 PM PST

I have been getting this crash ever since I've started to play again for the last two weeks. I still hear the background noise and the music but not anything else, the screen is black, I lose all input and am forced to close the game through task manager. After that, I keep getting a network error crash for a few minutes before being able to get back into the game.

It is a sporadic crash; sometimes I can play an entire day with no problems, other days I have to five up after an hour try trying, not being able to play for more then five minutes.

I have done every single thing from this post except plug directly into my modem, which is impossible without a one thousand foot cable.

I am running through a Google Home router and a Netgear Gatway CM600 modem.

My PC specs are here.

This is getting to the point where I literally can't play the game. Does anyone have anything?

submitted by /u/Aeikon
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Has anyone else seen a UFO in Lake Doric?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 11:38 PM PST

I really wish I had taken a screenshot so this didn't seem so made up.

Earlier today I was hanging out in the lumber yard waiting for night time (we could REALLY use some sort of world clock to keep track of the day/night cycle). I was doing a lot of looking into the sky to try to see if there was a way to tell if night was coming soon when I caught a glimpse of some sort of flying vehicle heading towards Divinity's Reach from the eastern side of the map. It had at least two lights on the underside and it was leaving a thin white trail as it flew along. It looked like it might have been a plane of some sort. It was completely different than the usual sight of flying bloodstone cannon fire, but was at a higher altitude than a player character can go (I doubted myself and thought maybe it was just a player with a glider I didn't recognize, but it couldn't have been).

Has anyone else witnessed this? Please say yes. Next bit of free time I get will be spent waiting to see if it ever happens again so I can get a screenshot this time. It happened during the day, about 10-15 minutes before night kicked in. I was on top of the crane in the lumber yard with the camera pointing towards Saidra's Haven with the shield around Divinity's Reach in view on the right.

Am I going crazy?

submitted by /u/jinxted
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