Hearthstone - Answer to Orange's tweet.

Answer to Orange's tweet.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:00 AM PST

Answer to Orange's tweet: https://twitter.com/HS_Orange/status/830157800919724034

Hello. I was your opponent from the 4th round who beat you 3-2. First of all I want apologise for my bad English (I'm not native speaker) and for this situation we had.

So I was in same situation as you and felt very tired because of the bad tournament organization, game delays and other awful things that happened to us yesterday.

I am honored to have fought against you.

I understand your reaction to my disconnects twice in games 2 (dragon warrior against dragon warrior) and game 4 (reno mage against reno mage) and I hope you understand that unstable WiFi is not my fault, but I can't agree with your words: "when he was very far behind in both games"

I have screenshots of those games and i want to share them. And I think you know more than you're saying. In DW's mirror I had the board (5/4 body,) 17hp+2armor (that I can't up because of the disconnect) and I have a great next turn (Ragnaros or Grommash depending on the situation) I don't know your hand but I know you have 16hp 5 cards and 7 mana. I think my advantage is really big. And I was very upset when the disconnect happened.

In RM's mirror I had 29hp, ice block and a good hand (Reno, Blizzard, Alex, Soulcaster, Antonidas, Firelands Portal) So... when you say "when he was very far behind in both games" it is not a true.

And "2/3 times my opponents reconnected without missing a full turn (once just a hero power)" it's not true again, because I couldn't do anything when I reconnected to the game and dropped Blackwing Corruptor on board. The Hero Power was not active, corruptor didn't do his battlecry and on the bottom left side 0 friends were shown online. I'm really trying to reconnect but it won't.

If you intend to keep your word, then keep it and attach your screens showing you have the advantage.

Anyway thanks for five great games (especially your beautiful Reno mage play with an early Burgle Bully and Kazakus Potion to resurrect it) and good luck.



submitted by /u/udushk
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Possible cheating at Europe Winter Play-offs

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 06:46 AM PST

HCT Winter Playoffs production has been abysmal.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 06:56 AM PST

Constant disconnections from the game, audio issues throughout, player cams not working. Definitely been a poor viewing experience.

submitted by /u/zaree15
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Chakki's take on the preliminaries

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:16 AM PST

Blizzards strategy with hearthstone has a lot of similarities to their strategy with WoW

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:59 AM PST

So I was thinking about blizzard's situation with its poor reputation in the hearthstone community, particularly Team 5s stubborness and Ben Brode talking a lot but not really saying much and it really opened my eyes to how this isn't the first time we've seen Blizzard do this and maybe it's time they actually opened their eyes on this based on how it went down last time.

I remember when WoW went through a similar phase very recently where Blizzard released expansion after expansion of bullshit cashgrabs and PR nightmares. They expected people to play a facebook game with their subscription mmo and when people got fed up and tried to bring back old WoW they went: "no, you can't do it because it's what you think you want but isn't what you really want. What you really want is warlords of draenor and garrisons". Their subscription count dropped to god awful amounts - a small fraction of what it was and they stopped reporting it. Luckily through merit of being very dominant in non-competitive market they were able to stay on top but FFXIV and other mmo numbers spiked hard in that period. They eventually opened their eyes to the bullshit and released Legion because why not try giving the players what they "think" they want.

Hearthstone is gonna go through the same cycle from what I see. Their playerbase will start dwindling. Still competitive in the market because they got here early, just like WoW, but a fraction of what it could be as people move over to games like shadowverse after frustration with their poor decision making every expansion.

Blizzard seem to have employed the strategy of "we have a dominant share of the market and therefore we can get greedy with the cashwhoring". Their constant mention of statistics and research and catering to the lowest common denominator hurt them last time so why do they not see the parallels this time. Both WoW and HS have a majority casual playerbase. Blizzard's logic was to make the game built around the casual playerbase because that's what their research said was the best demographic to focus on. And yet, they didn't understand that though the more dedicated players may be smaller in population, they're definitely louder and more influential. HS didn't get its big playerbase now because all the casuals picked it up. No, they got it because of a very successful closed and open beta campaign, where top streamers built the game up. It started getting a lot of views on twitch. What a lot of new casual players will see is the popularity of the game. They see it's top of twitch, they'll play it. They see it as one of the most downloaded games in the app store, they'll download it. If players see good reviews they will get the game. One of the big reasons players flocked from WoW to FFXIV is because of the universal praise it got in the media while WoW was constantly being slated. Both games actually are very casual focused, but the FFXIV team is still committed to their raiding scene and regularly hosting holiday and crossover events. Balance patches are far more frequent and though they're far from perfect, actually seem to listen to their players a lot more than the WoW team does.

And yet, despite seeing this happen before, the people that have helped them are the ones they want to screw over because the casual playerbase is more important to them because they're a bigger population. I really hope they come to the same realisation the WoW team did as quickly as possible.

Tl;dr: WoW went through a phase where the playerbase was getting dissatisfied with the new expansions not being what the less casual playerbase wanted while similar games were being universally praised and when they realised this they released Legion which helped regain a large amount of lost subscribers. HS going through something similar at the moment.

submitted by /u/LazyWings
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Production value of Eu prelims stream

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 06:56 AM PST

Anyone else notice the production value is much worse than in the past events. Like the audio is terrible, webcams aren't working and video quality isn't as good.

submitted by /u/ItsPieManHD
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Top Cards of the Week from /r/CustomHearthstone (02/11/2017)

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:48 AM PST


So I'm still trying out featuring the top 10 posts instead of just the usual 5 so any feedback you may have about this is still welcome. Some people seem to like seeing more cards while others have expressed their concerns of certain cards getting less attention due to the sheer numbers.

In other news, we're doing more discussion threads again over on /r/customhearthstone if you want to talk to others about various mechanics and aspects of the game. The current topic is on discard and interuptions.

Last Week

submitted by /u/Coolboypai
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Hunterace should have just played Jaraxxus and died to combo according to casters.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 09:22 AM PST

MSoG release ruined the wild experience

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:54 PM PST

Wild used to be an alternative game mode where we see decks using the older cards that were no longer playable in standard. Now wild is either pirate warrior, reno, jade druids, and a smattering of other decks...seems like there's not much point to not playing the MSoG decks, their power level is just so far above everything else.

submitted by /u/Arrian77
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Orange's twitlonger on Tavern Hero Final shitshow

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:53 PM PST

Blizzard made a pretty funny joke on the "Finding Opponent" screen

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 02:15 AM PST

How many people on r/hearthstone actually play on mobile?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:26 PM PST


Please vote. Just curious.

This thread has no agenda behind it, I actually enjoy the game.

I'm just curious as to this subreddit's leanings. I personally didn't have this game on my phone until I got a new phone and now I just play if I'm out and EXTREMELY bored.

This thread isn't about limitations or casual-ness of players. I played the game on my phone today and just thought of this question.

submitted by /u/tangoberry
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The casters for Pavel v Hunterace are doing my head in

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 09:22 AM PST

"He just played a 2/4 and passed with 10 mana he could've played jaraxxus!"

Look at the opponents hand please, he has the full combo he would've died if he did that that is the reason he didn't pick jaraxxus. It's fairly obvious and they haven't mentioned it at all?


/u/whitestarbg has created a post with a twitch clip highlighting the real frustration of these casters. Combo became relevant a couple turns later and they never mentioned in relation to Jaraxxus.


submitted by /u/Compactsun
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Did you ever hear the tragedy of Yogg Saron "Turns end?"

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 12:46 PM PST

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Yogg Saron "Turns end"? I thought not. It's not a story the Brode would tell you. It's a meme legend. Yogg Saron was a Dark Lord of the Memes, so powerful and so wise he could use the RNG to influence the boardstate to create wins out of newhere... He had such a knowledge of the RNG that he could even give you iceblock to stop on board leathal. The dark side of the RNG is a pathway to a stale metagame. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did (Thanks Brode). Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep (Troggs rule!). It's ironic he could save others from 4 mana 7/7's, but not himself.

Edit: https://imgur.com/a/v5ZW3

submitted by /u/toodumb2live2
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Poor Ireland

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 03:23 AM PST

So Ireland are not on the list of 48 countries for the global games, which is a huge disappointment to myself and others after grinding out points on ladder and tournaments for the past 3 months. Its also kind of a surprise to us since Blizzard have set up in Cork. Feels like ive just wasted 3 months of time to be honest

submitted by /u/ScullyV2
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Xixo's take on P4wnyhof representing Germany after the Gentlemen cup controversy in 2014

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:51 PM PST

Xzirez Finley Lethal

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:11 AM PST

How is it okay that the mods threatened to permaban Reynad for viewing this subreddit on stream?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:14 AM PST

Can someone explain how this is okay?

submitted by /u/D10Swastaken
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Tavern Hero Tournament disconnections, an opinion. (Possible spoilers inside).

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 04:07 AM PST

Hello guys, I was keeping a keen eye on HS_Orange and his performance in the Tavern Hero tournament, especially after yesterdays tweets. Sadly he got eliminated. Apparently a few opponents disconnected throughout the matches in the tournament.

Right, lets establish a couple of things. eSports has grown into a massive industry worth millions and millions of dollars. Event organizers know that the standards players and viewers alike expect are pretty high. They should know their stuff by now... Hearthstone is a card game, nobody in their right mind will tell you that a card game can be remade because of an issue with someones connection. It is unfair towards all players in that tournament (Its a dirty trick to win, AND IT WORKS!?!) It is simple to say, if you disconnect from the game, you lose. People will be upset when it happens, yes. But those who lose against 3 opponents who "disconnected" and then proceeded to win, will be even unhappier. The general public isn't impressed, players are angry and upset at how things went down, and those abusing the DC2Win strategy couldn't care less, because they're still in! I understand that for big games, quarter finals, semi's, finals etc. A remake could be done if its in an environment with a lot of spectators. (Twitch, live venue, etc). But it still remains trivial.

But lets not only put the blame for this triviality on the organizers alone. The players are also the blame. Those who use disconnecting to manipulate the match, are cheaters. Plain and simple. They're no better than someone using an aimbot, or a wallhack, or a script etc.

I think this concludes it. I just wanted to express my opinion on the whole thing. It baffles me that in an age where eSports is a major industry, people just can't get a ruleset right. And nothing changed in the competitive scene either. As soon as there's a rule to abuse, it will be abused...

Cheers for reading. Sorry if poor quality post. FuzzyDuckBug

submitted by /u/FuzzyDuckBug
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Return of the Bots?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 06:58 AM PST

I have been noticing a lot of opponents I am playing lately (particularly shamans and warriors) who have very eerily timed actions, and only split second hover overs for everything they do?

Has anyone else noticed lots of bots? I am getting the feeling the problem is coming back.

submitted by /u/diphling
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#1 Wild legend: talking about the meta

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:15 AM PST

Hi reddit.

Like many others I was bored with the standard meta this season. I decided to play wild instead to see if it was better. I ended up reaching #1 legend (proof http://imgur.com/a/qlLLK ), so it's fair to say I played quite a lot of Wild games.

I find the wild meta much more interesting than standard. Pirates and reno decks still defines the meta and the decks still exist. They are strong, but there are competitors (murloc pala, Egg druid, freeze mage, midrange shaman and more).

Furthermore, the decks have a lot of tech options making deck choice a big and entertaining thing. Murloc pala can use taunt-Nzoth package, Freeze mage can include reno/kaza, Reno decks have A LOT of options, midrange shaman can use jade or totems etc.

Maybe biggest of all you can counter aggro without paying a huge price (Zombie Chow, Sludge Belcher, Deathlord). This is why the meta is different. The meta has more control and midrange/combo decks to counter it.

The meta is not very different from standard, but I find it MUCH more fun. And quite often you face an innovative deck that you have never seen before because the meta is not very refined (even though tempostorm has made a snapshot. It's not accurate at all (egg druid tier 4?), but it's great to get some ideas.

TLDR: Wild meta is like standard meta, but with less aggro and better ways to counter it.

submitted by /u/sipiwi94
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Horrible casting by Sottle and Raven.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 09:34 AM PST

It really pisses me off when the casters talk bullshit to nearly 60 000 viewers. In the match between Hunterace and Pavel they nagged at him for taking shadowflame over jaraxxus from the operative discover. What player wants to be at 15 hp vs a 20dmg combo from leeroy?Even with taunt as protection the warlock can easy wipe the board. Get your shit together please!

submitted by /u/NP-Dev
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Cho'gall game ruining bug

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 12:56 PM PST


Couldn't play siphon or shadow bolt FeelsBadMan

submitted by /u/ScrdWarrior
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Hafu is joining Amaz and Amnesiac in Team NRG

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 09:20 AM PST

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