Hearthstone - 2017 HCT Europe Winter Playoffs | February 11 - 12

2017 HCT Europe Winter Playoffs | February 11 - 12

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:02 AM PST

2017 HCT Europe Winter Playoffs | February 11 - 12

Kicking off the 2017 Hearthstone Championship Tour is the first of 3 back-to-back regional playoffs, in which the highest scoring players of each region compete for a chance at advancing to the 16-man $250,000 Winter Championship this March.


  • Date & Time: Saturday, Feb. 11, 11:30 - 00:00 CET (UTC+01:00) & Sunday, Feb. 12, 12:30 - 21:45 CET (UTC+01:00). (Converted to your timezone)
  • Eligibility: Top 64 scoring HCT Winter point earners + top 8 advancing from the Feb. 10 Tavern Hero tournament.
  • Format: Best of 5 Conquest format, 4 classes 1 ban
  • Bracket: Standard Swiss Format over 7 rounds. The top 8 players with the best Swiss match record advance to the Round of Eight, a single elimination round to determine the top 4 who will advance to the $250,000 HCT Winter Championship in the Bahamas this March.


English: https://www.twitch.tv/playhearthstone


Polish: BlackFireIce
Polish: MkR
Spanish: OGSeries
French: ArmaTeam
Italian: GamingArena
Italian: Spaziogames
German: C4mlann
Russian: StarLadder

Links and Resources

European HCT Winter Playoffs Blog: http://eu.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/20483090
HCT Winter Championship Blog: http://eu.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/20410500/
European HCT Standings: http://eu.battle.net/hearthstone/en/esports/standings/winter/europe/?msogActive=true
European HCT Rules: https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/gallery/mg/MGBFGZFTLIPL1455317546019.pdf
Bracket (Will be filled shortly before the tournament begins): http://blizz.ly/EUWinterPlayoffsBracket


Bracket (Will be filled shortly before the tournament begins): http://blizz.ly/EUWinterPlayoffsBracket
Streamed games + VODs will be listed in a table below once the tournament starts.


The thread will be updated to the best of my ability.
The thread is written in a spoiler-friendly format. If you wish to avoid spoilers, do not read the comments.
If you have any corrections, additions or feedback, please send it to me as a private message.

submitted by /u/powerchicken
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Is Hearthstone a slave to its User Interface?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 03:23 AM PST

I remember a time not so long ago when the reason (or at least one of the primary reasons) for not adding any more deck slots to the Hearthstone collection was because the devs couldn't figure out how to implement it into the user interface. There was an interview with the art team about "the box" and how everything had to fit in the box and feel tactile and chunky. It made sense in a way but it never sat 100% right with me at the time and I remember thinking it sounded like a lame excuse not to add a simple feature.

Today I've just read one of front page posts where /u/iamtheconsolemasterr talks about the (rng) handbuff mechanics and I thought to myself why wouldn't they implement a mechanic where you choose a specific minion to buff? It's an obvious mechanic to implement and probably one of the first you would think of when you came up with the idea of hand buffing itself.

Why wouldn't they? hmmmm.

And then I thought the one difference between buffing a single minion and buffing minions at random (or all minions of a type) is that buffing a single minion requires additional input from the user. In the first case the system can automatically determine which cards should be buffed and all that's required is an animation to show the effect but a specific minion would require an additional interface widget similar to mulligan where the user chooses which card to buff.

This might sound like a tinfoil hat theory but my guess is that hand buffing a chosen minion was never implemented because the devs could not (or would not) change the interface to make it possible - perhaps choosing to implement the feature later in a future expansion.

If true then this is a worrying trend for me. Creating this kind of UI addition should not be a big job and should not prevent the implementation of a neat little game mechanic. Are new features and interesting new mechanics being curtailed because the devs are unwilling or unable to make (minor) changes to the UI? Is this holding the game back?

submitted by /u/Soup_Roll
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Rexxar: I'M BACK

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:41 AM PST

[Idea] I like listening to music while playing Hearthstone. I'd like it if the game didn't quiet my music when I launch the app on my phone.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:17 AM PST

EDIT: Turns out the solution is to side up (on iPhone) or slide down (on android) to get to your music then pause and unpause the song to return the sound to regular volume.

Thank you /u/Jewishswag and /u/Wildhorse89 for the solution!

submitted by /u/Upvote_Responsibly
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Pirate Warrior is the fun police... and that's good

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:24 PM PST

Sometimes in card games you see some neat things you can do, and you put together a list and go to play some games only to run into some misanthrope who is playing a deck devoted solely to making sure you don't get to do anything cool. Either he's blocking everything you try to do, or he's just face rushing you so the game ends before anything cool can happen. This is the fun police, hard at work making sure nobody has a good time. This is Pirate Warrior.

And while the format isn't exactly super healthy at the moment, and I'm certainly hoping to see some nerfs to the pirate package, I'm also in the apparently uncommon position of hoping that Pirate Warrior isn't hit too hard. Because if there's ever been a format that needs the fun police, it's this one.

The fun police are never popular, but they perform the critical role of making you take your hand off your dick and play a game of cards. Gadgetzan has so many insane value plays and engines, pirates are necessary to say, "you're going to interact early and often or you're going to die."

If your gameplan is to wait for Brann, Kazakus, Manic Soulcaster and say, "Just wait until you see what my FOURTH potion does," Pirate Warrior says, "I hope it's armor and AoE because I'm about to hit you for fifteen."

If your deck says, "I'm gonna spend turn 3 ramping and making a 1/1, and I can never fatigue because I have this 1 mana spell that refills my deck," Pirate Warrior says, "I can never fatigue because the game is over on turn five."

If you want to Brann into Netherspite discovering two Draconid Operatives, so you can discover your opponent's discover cards, and have an entire standard playset randomly generated in your hand in a circlefuck of value that would make Trump moister than a mage 4 drop, Pirate Warrior will hit you in the face with a fucking axe.

And Hearthstone needs that.

submitted by /u/gammon9
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I miss Patrons

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 01:22 AM PST

I started playing HS right before the release of GVG. I played casually and didn't spend any money on the game for a long time. After hearing everyone talking about this patron deck, I tried it. It was so much fun. I know it is OP but it required lot of calculation and foresight to play effectively. It is also relatively cheap to make (deathbite, patrons and emperor are the only expansive cards). Patron is the reason I started playing rank mode seriously and most importantly, I began to spend real money on this game.

I know losing to 30+ attack charging frothing is unfun/unfair. I know watching your board disappeared, while your opponents created a big board on the same time (and then killed you with a charging frothing) is frustrated. However, at least for me, patron is much more enjoyable than playing turn 1 STB followed by look tar ogar to the face.

I really like this game, but it is frustrated to me that Blizzard seems to prefer to design cards that support curvestone archetype. As a result, we have the meta of playing most powerful or aggresive minions on curve.

submitted by /u/hcw731
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Building Better Hearthstone Article 1: The Customer is Always Right

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 01:30 AM PST

TJ and thatsadmirable are doing a really good job casting the trinity series

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:46 AM PST

I have been enjoying the trinity series a lot lately and most of it is thanks to the casters who have been doing a great job so far. My hearthstone tournament viewing experience has not been great these past few months and one reason for that has been mediocre casting. Casters have mostly been dull and more importantly they were calling out plays after they have been made which made for a pretty boring viewing experience.

I was very skeptical of trinity series at first, but now I am enjoying it thoroughly thanks to TJ, thatsadmirable and kibler. Their casting is a perfect blend of insight, humor and wit. The team comm also greatly enhances the viewing experience! Listening to dog or chakki fuck around while their team mates are struggling to make the right plays is just hilarious.

Thank you guys and keep up the good work!

For those who have been skipping the trinity series. I would recommend checking it out.

submitted by /u/zero_midichlorians
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Turn 1 13/13

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 05:46 AM PST


I was casually playing some ladder on my phone when this happened. I have no words.

submitted by /u/pfcurrydumplings
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Thijs vs Djinni

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 01:36 AM PST

In Jan 2017, Patches, Small-Time Buccaneer, Azure Drake were all played in over 1/3 of ranked games. In particular, Patches was played in over HALF of the games at rank 1 and 2

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 12:03 PM PST

Hi guys,

Recently for a course project, I analyzed over 10000 ranked games from CollectOBot, and I want to share some interesting numbers.

The statistic shows that out of 1000+ unique cards been played, 3 cards, Patches the Pirate, Small-Time Buccaneer, and Azure Drake are the most played cards, all been played in over 1/3 of all games. The fourth most popular card is only played in 17% of the games, compared to Patches been played in the first turn in 20% of all games. You can find the top 20 cards been played here: http://imgur.com/xhVftxW

Since Patches is the signature card of aggro decks and it's almost guaranteed to be played before the game ends, I counted this card to check whether skilled players love aggro decks or not. It turns out that Patches gets more popular when you level up. At rank 1 and 2, over 50% of the decks run Patches. Now I understand why I didn't know pirate decks are such a big problem. I am usually playing at rank 18 - 19, where you see less than 10% pirate decks. The Statistics are plotted here: http://imgur.com/NTWIfIn

PS: I only counted the cards played by Worthy Opponents selected by Blizzard to ensure the data is randomly sampled

submitted by /u/trort
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As long as Jade exists, it will be unhealthy for the game.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 01:25 PM PST

The fact is is that it's just too good, especially given that the quality of the cards aren't bad. People rip on the Shaman cards but Malfurion's stuff is just as bad. The sad thing about Rogue is that they're actually balanced. (It might also help they have one less Jade card.)

I'm not looking forward to the Jade dominated meta. It was a very foolish mistake to create his archetype for three classes and make it so polarizingly powerful.

submitted by /u/RoboZygo
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Self-Protection Weapons

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:58 AM PST

Hey. What do you think about weapons which would damage any minion who attacks face? Such as this. It would be a good way to fight against aggro with no impact on board control.

As we can see a lot of frustration with current meta, such tools can be helpful...

submitted by /u/Mornugor
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Pirates - A Hearthstone Documentary

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 12:02 PM PST

Reno and Kazakus against agro

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 01:51 PM PST

Kibler's Menagerie Shaman is really fun to watch.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:51 AM PST

I want to see a Hearthstone+ tavern brawl

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:51 AM PST

This is an idea I thought since week 2 of tavern brawl

You deck size 40 Your health 50 Total mana 15 Total hand size 12

It just allows all decks to get a bit more breathing room with health totals and card totals and test what would Hearthstone be like with higher health/cards/mana? As in could team 5 make a lasting change to the dynamics of the game, that with the not power creep per se, but general strength in the new cards being higher and higher each expansion. This would be the way to test it live and see if it could be a good choice for the game to go through some new overhaul. Edit: the mana/hand bonus are unnecessary but fit right with increased sizes

submitted by /u/Possible_Ocean
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Just a friendly reminder to not do what I just did in the Tavern Brawl

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 03:54 PM PST

Winter EU Prelims: General Information and Deck Archetypes

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 01:12 AM PST

Toast: the hero need, but not the one we deserve.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 08:12 PM PST

The impossible daily quest.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 11:20 AM PST

Discuss: http://imgur.com/a/NZFJm

Edit: What was intended as biting satire into the state of the meta right now, actually turned into a productive conversation. Well done all!

submitted by /u/biggles604
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Please bring back Naxx

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:31 PM PST

Please Blizzard, bring back Naxx or at least give some sort of reason that makes sense as to why its gone. You didn't take it out of the game for people who already had it. Why stop selling it to new players? I don't care if the cards are only playable in wild or that you can craft them. I play during downtime at work where I may have to pause frequently so i can't play people. Adventures are great for that and it sucks I'm missing one. It's money we want to give you, why not take it?

submitted by /u/moeskeeter
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Huge Naiman mistake

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 12:40 PM PST

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