Civilization - Hurrah! Hurrah! we bring the jubilee! Hurrah! Hurrah! the flag that makes you free! So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea, While we were marching through Georgia.

Hurrah! Hurrah! we bring the jubilee! Hurrah! Hurrah! the flag that makes you free! So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea, While we were marching through Georgia.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 05:30 AM PST

Sid Meier's Civilization VI Launching On Linux Feb 9th

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 08:02 AM PST

Oh proud Europe...?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:01 PM PST

The worst (and most hurtful) denouncing reason [CIV VI]

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:43 PM PST

(Civ 3) It feels grand to have finally finished the palace!

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 08:33 AM PST

Spain (AI) settles Seville near Gibraltar rock

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 12:06 PM PST

Having spawned near the Huns I'd say I've got my Capital a pretty decent defensive line.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 05:30 AM PST

What's better than the Great Library, you ask?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:56 PM PST

Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Linux Releases February 9! | The Aspyr Blog

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:04 AM PST

It's coming up to Valentine's Day, so what is your best Civ-related chat-up line?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:08 PM PST

Conquered Osaka and found this hidden gem. Hojo, you did well.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:46 PM PST

[Civ V] Can anyone help me find the best spots to settle three new cities? Going for a 4-city Tradition start

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 10:46 AM PST

Do you ever RP your nations?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:28 AM PST

I was wondering if anyone else tries ro run their nations as if they were real countries, as in custom country/city names/religions, choosing policies based on if they would create your ideal country?

submitted by /u/Gojira085
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[V] Do you think Sweden is under powered?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:44 PM PST

Gustavus Adolphus was King of Sweden from 1611 until his death. With the aid of his Lord High Chancellor Axel Oxenstierna, he successfully fought wars against Denmark, Russia and Poland. In 1628 he intervened in the Thirty Years War on the Protestant side. The year 1631 saw him bring the Catholic imperial army to a bitter defeat at Breitenfeld near Leipzig, thus turning the tide of the war. In Nuremberg, Gustav Adolf opposed the imperial generalissimo Wallenstein for the first time. After the indecisive battle, Wallenstein moved north to avoid further conflict, but was followed and in November of 1632 the Battle of Lützen took place. Gustavus Adolphus was killed while leading a cavalry charge. The German people gave him the names "Der Löwe aus Mitternacht" (The Lion of Midnight) and "Der Löwe des Nordens" (The Lion of the North). His innovative tactical integration of infantry, cavalry, logistics and particularly his use of artillery, earned him the title of the "Father of Modern Warfare". So what does he get for that in CIV V? If you ask me, almost Nothing.

The alternative Cavalry increases a Great Generals Movement, and 15% combat bonus when stacked with a Great General. Oh and it only applies to the Hakkapeliitta. Woo fucking hoo if he didn't have that UA, that would break my fucking heart. (Hakkapeliitta derives from their Finnish war cry, "hakkaa päälle," which translates to "hack on.")

So what about his other Unique Unit? The Carolean, An elite army of Swedish soldiers, who served the Swedish crown from roughly 1660–1718. They were arguably the most effective soldiers of their time, the Caroleans were a small group, but made up for their fewer numbers with innovative tactics and staunch discipline. The Caroleans were strictly offensive troops, and never practiced nor drilled any kind of retreat maneuver. They would charge towards the enemy lines, only responding with their own fire once they were close enough to be sure to hit. The raging, all out charge demoralized many an army, and the Caroleans caused many lines of enemy troops to break and flee.

So how does this transfer to game? By giving March. Thats it. No bonus when attacking, no drill/shock, no extra movement to ensure they could charge after retreating enemies, no Blitz to give them extra attack power which would ensure their role as highly offensive units. They get March, which is arguably a more defensive promotion (or at least neutral) than it is offensive.

Adding to this, I've basically found no mods which actually make him all that much better. One adds a 20% bonus when 2 completely different unit types are next to each other, which is rare from my experience. The other one makes his friendly-ness on par with Ghandi, and 15% GP per friend.


TLDR; IMO: Nothing seems to really put him in a strong military position, even though he is "The Father of Modern Warfare". The benefits that the Hakkapeliitta get are arguably next to useless, and the Carolean don't seem to have been given much in the way of offensive traits.

submitted by /u/TotallyNotanOfficer
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Wonders in Civ VI

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 05:25 PM PST

Are there really any wonders that are worth building in Civ VI? The sheer number of hammers needed to produce them makes me think I will never finish them before the AI, so I never bother building them. It also just seems like a waste of turns for the bonuses you receive.

P.S. I'm currently playing on King, but generally played Immortal on Civ V.

submitted by /u/Istik56
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Garrison has too high priority for AI

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:13 AM PST

For AI, they want a garrion in ALL combat situations. I once took siege of a city with anti-tank crew in the garrison using 2 knights and an outdated siege weapon (forgot the name but it sure was outdated). I was able to force a good peace deal instead of getting totally rekt. Why? The AT crew went straight to the city and garrisoned there the entire time. All the time, garrison is king, there is no other choices, even when the city is at 20 HP and would be capture next turn.

It even gets worse. Garrison by definition is fortifying (lol, I made it up) which means those units will not attack under any circumstances. And yes, including ranged units. That is seriously dumb. I have pillaged encampment districts and taken cities with ranged units in the garrison without getting hit once (walls do attack though). They are literally sitting ducks. Well, except for certain cases such as when it would guarantee a kill. They think like melee units.

It is even more awkward considering barbarians have the balls to chase after ranged units if there is one near their camps (which leads to their demise shortly anyway)

submitted by /u/meanFalse
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City Walls Mod to Encompass an Entire City

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:54 AM PST

So, I haven't a clue how to make mods, but once Civ VI's workshop goes live would anyone know how to made a mod that would enable Medieval and Renaissance Walls to actually go around the entire city, including nearby districts? Even if purely aesthetic, it would look awesome for large sprawling cities to be all walled in, and not just the city centre.

submitted by /u/Breezertree
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Why can I not evangelize belief? Is this broken?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 12:46 PM PST

Walls after Civil engineering should provide culture

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:16 AM PST

Or toursim. Anyway, even though Renaissance wall is on the tech tree and Civil engineering is on the civic tree, they are usually not too far apart in the timeline. Why would I build those when they would shortly become obsolete.

Mod-able? I mean, it is very difficult to convince this to be in the official patch.

submitted by /u/meanFalse
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A History of the Civ Franchise

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:42 PM PST

(Civ 6) New player here, how do you do mid-game?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:39 PM PST

Hey guys! I picked up the game on sale in my local shop and I´m new to the franchise but I´m honestly loving the game. I never tried Civ 5 so I don´t know the comparison, but 6 really drew me in.

I have watched quite a few videos about early game and getting 1-2 cities running. I won my first game as America on Prince-Small-Continents through Scientific Victory. It was a cool game, had 6 cities at the end and made some allies, was constantly at war with France but I surrounded myself with City States and Allies so I was able to tech relatively in peace. It was a cool game.

And I tried my 2nd game as Queen Victoria, found a relic early on so I tried going for Religion/Culture. Except that I fucked up. I took too long to go to the sea and I ended up having to multitask my 3 cities on a (relatively bigger) island and Greece outfarmed me with spreading religion. I may still be able to win the game through culture somehow, but I already fell behind quite a lot and invested a bit too much into religion IMO.

The thing is: I always seem to break down when I start meeting other civs, getting a 2nd/3rd city up and running, failing to prioritize things and them declaring a fucking war on me because they don´t like the fact that I am building stuff. I also have no idea when to build what- "A trader is awesome, but I would like a builder and a settler sounds nice too, but then again I still need a Holy Site and fuck this city is starting to go low on housing and that build takes 15 damn turns wtf"...I also felt like my lategame with America was incredibly clunky, had way too many turns where I was doing nothing and just clicking "end turn" to finish some space tech.

Can anyone help with that? Is there a good guide somewhere about what to do when going into mid-game and how to take care of multiple cities and diplomacy? Or can you recommend a youtuber/specific civilization that I should be looking into?

P.S: This game is so addictive, I went to sleep at 5 A.M. :(

P.S.S: Why the hell does every single civ I meet not like me when they meet me? I literally haven´t had a single "good impression" when I met someone. And why do they start a damn war on me only to get blasted near my city walls and begging for peace a few turns later?

submitted by /u/Yourself013
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Is this a known bug?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:54 PM PST

How did Indonesia get a Unique Unit for a Civ not in my game? (I have complete kills on).

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:30 PM PST

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