Learn Dota 2 - I used to be 1 MMR. Now I'm at 300.

I used to be 1 MMR. Now I'm at 300.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:19 PM PST

This is me at 1 MMR:


This is me today:


What changed?

My mid play improved. I realized I could win mid at this skill level, and even though dota is lots of random variables, winning mid is one of them taken out of the equation.

I used Legion commander to get from 1 MMR to 100. Heals. Not dependent on a sane lane set up by your team.

My advice for getting out of the deep trench:

1) make sure your team has a mid. 50% chance they don't have a mid unless you make sure. 2) play flexible heroes, roles aren't well defined

submitted by /u/lookseedooso
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Does Armor really counter Armor Reduction builds?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:56 AM PST

Hey guys, so I was looking over amor in the Dota 2 Wiki, and was looking at how it scales logarithmically. I had not considered what this meant for armor REDUCTION builds, and how to counter them. I have heard from several people that, to counter armor reduction team comps, you should build armor, but it seems like that actually ADDS value to their reduction (See Damage increase of armor reductions as a function of existing armor). If the enemy team gets you down to ~ -4- -10, they receive a huge return in damage amplification. Past that, however, armor reduction gives diminishing returns. For example: if you have 0 armor when Slardar lvl 3 ults you, he recieves a 60% increase in damage reduction, but if you are at 16 armor, he gets a 135% increase.

So if you are building armor items that don't get you up to +10 or so armor AFTER the enemy team has applied their armor reduction, you seem to be only adding more output to their investment. I only see very high AGI carries being able to do this conveniently against a dedicated AR team.

Am I missing something, or is it generally more efficient to NOT build armor and just go for health or items that avoid AA's against this strategy?

submitted by /u/CaptainAtomi
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How do I build Lycan and when should I start pushing?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:13 PM PST

Currently, I usually just go 4-0-4-0 for good wolves and good regen. I generally start pushing once I get treads and HotD after grabbing an alpha wolf or the tankiest creep I can find. After HotD I usually get necro 3 then I'm kinda lost on what to get.

PS: have any of you guys read monkey king's responses? he actually gives a surprising amount of info on other heroes. He says things like " I've seen Xin and Kaolin. Where's your other brother?" to storm spirit implying there is a 4th. his responses to greeting both TA and juggernaut imply that TA and jug used to date. (I recommend finding a list of his voice lines and reading what he says to other heroes, its great)

TLDR: is 4-0-4-0 a good skill build? is brown boots>hotD>treads>necro 3>??? good? what items do i need to start pushing effectively?

Thank you

submitted by /u/Unit1238640
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Should I avoid certain items until I am more comfortable/knowledgably/skilled in the game?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 08:17 AM PST

So I have very recently started playing in the past couple weeks. Probably only have 10 bot games under my belt. I was playing a hero(can't remember who) and the guide I was using suggested getting 'Helm of the Dominator' and using it to stack camps.

I know a big part of the value for that item is the ability to get a second character basically, but I don't feel like my micro is sufficient enough to make full use of it, so I typically just skip it.

Do you think this is the right move? Some items I don't use to their fullest, but I can get most of the use out of it. But I feel this item requires good micro to use. I see Day9 using it all the time in his videos with purge, but Day9 is already great at micro because of his StarCraft experience.

What is the general advice here? Thanks

edit: Man that title gore haha knowledgably...woops...

submitted by /u/KunfusedJarrodo
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Who is Chi Long Qua?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:12 PM PST

i see this same name a lot in my game and even in /r/dota2

is this like John Doe in asian country?

I tried to google but best I could find was this


is he a pro player?

submitted by /u/ifeelum8
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Shiva's Guard on Axe.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 10:42 AM PST

I know it's a great item on Axe, the armor, INT and active help Axe a ton, but I wonder if it's also indirectly nerfing Axe considering he wants the enemies to attack him as much as possible during his Q duration and that Shiva debuff aura reduces the enemy's attack speed, making you miss quite a lot of procs???

I still admire it on Axe, but as rather situational than core.

Or is this completely irrelevant

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/DigiDoto
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What should I do when I first pick a carry but all of a sudden, everyone picks cores aswell?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:33 AM PST

The title says it all :v Such as this game. I actually tilted this game bec of my rage over the Weaver 2981441533

submitted by /u/Phenothetype
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Patriots Won, can only spam Chen for the next 2 weeks. How am I doing?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:48 PM PST

So, I was thinking on playing Chen or meepo, but I never wanted to get into keybinding. It was either chen or meepo so I took chen. A couple times I got the wrong button and sent me in with my creeps without knowing, killing me, but I still have a 100% winrate.


submitted by /u/Blizzy_the_Pleb
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What did I did wrong this game that we got so badly destroyed

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:43 PM PST

I'm on TB https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2982074790

I lost a lane to necro and then OD just destroyed everyone. How could I win this game? I bought hotd just to be able to regen life, and well attack speed is useful too.

At 30 minutes we were behind by 30k gold...

submitted by /u/jstq
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New player looking for advice on how to Duo effectively

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:36 PM PST

Hi there, folks. I'm new to Dota 2, though I have some Lol experience. I'm relatively comfortable with gaming in general, as well, so I'm hoping to pick things up relatively quickly.

My fiance is a big Dota 2 player, and pretty damned good. She tends to play either as a support character (favoring witch doctor) or a semi-carry (wind-ranger).

What I'm hoping to do is figure out which roles synergize best with what she enjoys, so that we can be a more effective two man team.

Secondarily, I'm hoping for some advice on characters to learn to play, that fit those roles. I know that things change pretty frequently, so I'm not asking for the current OP characters, but rather some stolid, tried and true picks that I can play without embarrassing myself too badly.


submitted by /u/shaidyn
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Tiny guides for 7.01..are there any?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:45 PM PST

Guides for Tiny that teaches

  • Where to lane
  • Itemization in the laning phase
  • In game play style - game strat

Who should I watch if I want to know/play Tiny better?

Edit: Grammar

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Solitude001
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I lost a game with my 5 stack that we shouldn't.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:34 PM PST

Unfortunately it was a scrim in a lobby so I can't give opendota/dotabuff, only match ID (2981972042). I was playing clock and we had a great early/mid game. Enemy sort of did some annoying split pushing with a invoker/UL strat but eventually we all have BoT besides our 5 disruptor. We took 1 bad fight and boom, they got megas. As a 5 stack we have realized that we commit too hard on fights not needed to. Our disruptor was warding aggressively when he got ganked. They were smoked as 5 and took him out, but me and alch were close enough to feel we needed to help. we do this too often where we try to save our support when it just means suicide, so now its a clock, alch, and disruptor dead for just a lion, with only alch having BB. We held for 10 minutes but eventually they just got enough push together and made us chose a fight or throne being hit, which led to the end of the game. If someone looks at the replay that would be great, or some advice on how to NOT over commit or other general stuff would be great.

Tl;DR: I'm in a 5 stack, lost a game that we commited hard on winning a fight we didn't need to take, lost because of it.

submitted by /u/Lavamites
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Is there a point to Ranked?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:01 PM PST

So I've recently calibrated into ranked and have found myself at 1.4k. This isn't a big deal, I know I'm not an awesome player. In this tier bracket however, games just aren't fun. I lose a lot (dropped to 1.3k) and my team seems to actively play against me. My unranked games are actually a lot of fun, I win a decent amount and I can play support with my team working in concert with it.

So my question is: is it worth it? Clearly I'm not grinding up MMR to get "out of the trench" and I'm having better games ignoring ranked all together.

Ignorable bitching: During my calibration games I won 8/10 playing in ~1.8k avg MMR games. Those were fun, but being placed at 1.4 really confused me. Again I usually play support, so I had very little kills but a ton of assists. My first two games at this level a player from one the teams abandoned. This last game, a Disruptor started the game out with an observer in the pull camp and Troll fed. Most games a player feeds and it just snowballs from there. That's the way it goes at this level though I suppose.

submitted by /u/HumblestMan
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Newb support - game 6

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:00 PM PST

On Sunday, I played my sixth game of Dota 2. Here's links to notes on my first game and notes on games 2-5 .

After five other games, I finally get the feeling that I know what I'm doing. There was actually a guy on voice chat saying that it was his second game. "We're all new here," I replied, and reassured him that we'd be OK. Then another guy said, "Uh, I'm not new..."

I was safelane support as Crystal Maiden again. I bought the courier, wards, and everything I needed. I even pinged to let them know where I was going to put stuff while on the team screen. :)

This was the first time that I felt like I knew what I was supposed to do, but it was also a game where I felt like they really didn't need me. :(

P.S. Shout out to /u/sstarlz - I keep missing you online. We'll get a game in together, but I'm still afraid that I suck too much :)

Game 6 log

  • I'm safelane support. Sniper and Phantom Assassin end up going bot, too. We're against Axe and Bloodseeker.
  • :45 - Pull, can't seem to connect to the camp of big creeps. I'm level 2 before their dual safelane or their two heroes in our lane get level 1. I swear that being away from the lane does good for our team. Even if I'm not getting the last hits, getting the XP (and robbing the other team of XP) seems to be a good thing.
  • 1:30 - They dive our tower to kill our safelane heroes. I root Bloodseeker and he has to retreat. Axe ends up dying in a 1v3, but a creep (or the tower) gets the last hit and we all get assists. :(
  • 3:15 - Pull, and can't connect again.

Other notes

  • How much of an effect did I have on the game? - This game, it felt like I didn't do jack for the first 10-15 minutes of the game. I helped my bot lane escape, and did some minor things, but I don't think any of that helped us win. I think the biggest thing I did was not die. You laugh, but I swear there are players that think they'll win 1v3 at the same level...
  • Game knowledge can win a game - In previous posts, I have been complaining that the tutorials aren't that good. People have been giving a lot of advice about learning Crystal Maiden builds, and things like that. I think a simple tutorial, like how invisibility works would work wonders for new players. Riki (on the other team) managed to get a few kills early. However, he also died a lot - once because he was near our tower and we could see him, and once because we figured it out and got a sentry ward in lane. He even died once in their safelane - he attacked our top tower, went invisible, and then died to tower fire. Shortly after being killed multiple times, around 12 min in, he ended up disconnecting and not coming back. "WTF?!?!?" I can imagine the Riki player shouting. "I was invisible! How did I die?!?!?"
  • This was the first game where I felt like I was carried. Sniper and Necrophos ended up being near invincible. I stuck around them and helped them get away a few times (or slowed their victims), but I honestly could have been on the other side of the map eating trees and we still could have won.
  • I don't have map awareness. This game felt like it was dragging. We pushed mid, and took out the tier 3 tower. I don't know why it was taking so long. I think the team was trying to get more kills instead of winning the game. I actually asked, "Hey, should we push bot or something?" Necrophos said, "Um, why? Do you not see that we're about to win?" I didn't. But I also think we could have won 10 minutes earlier... :(

Stats at the 10-min mark

Us Last Hits KDA
Necrophos 39/4 5/0/2
Sniper 12/1 1/2/3
Phantom Assassin 4/0 0/0/2
Io 12/4 2/3/4
Crystal Maiden 2/0 0/2/2
Them Last Hits KDA
Axe 13/0 2/5/1
Ursa 9/0 2/2/1
Troll Warlord 22/0 1/1/1
Bloodseeker 22/0 0/1/1
Riki 7/0 2/1/0

About me:

  • Played StarCraft and StarCraft 2 - random low gold (bottom 50%)
  • Played a little League of Legends - unranked
  • Watched some of the Rektreational but had no idea what was going on
  • Watched the newcomer's stream for TI4 and TI5
  • Started Dota 2 after watching Purge teach Day9 how to play Dota 2
submitted by /u/chayashida
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Core Venge alternate build concept, feedback welcome

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:29 PM PST

I sit at 4.6k atm.
The most common build of Treads Aquila Helm Pike is lacking in one particular aspect - GPM. If you don't push down towers and get kills, you'll just fall behind in gold against staple mids.

What I thought therefore, was to provide aura support and top it off with Aghanim. With just Vlads, Helm and Aghanim you'd field at least 3 auras, 4 if you are sniped since your Aghs illusion fields all auras, which can be fielded all the way up to 5 auras(Greaves, Helm, Cuirass, Pipe, Vlad's), 6-7 with your Vengeance aura.

Is it a good approach to a core mid lane or a dual offlane Venge?

submitted by /u/kfijatass
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I'd love a good roast of my gameplay. 1.4k support

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 12:47 PM PST

Played treant protector for maybe the second or third time in a pub, the hero honestly felt wildly overpowered in the early game. On the other hand, I know for a fact that many aspects of my support gameplay could have been improved, and I completely lost track of my items in the late game. Welcoming any feedback!

Match ID: 2978709345

submitted by /u/StacksOnDEKdom
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How could I win this game?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 12:44 PM PST

Pub game and i'm still learning to play carry.. so thought of picking ursa then ended up picking troll. Tried to push and end the game sooner rather than later. Got silver edge for mobility, escape and LS passive. Got blink in the end to try and catch TA but it was difficult.

Game ID : 2981673442

What items should I have gone instead? What hero should I have picked? How should we have taken high ground after all the towers and shrines were gone?

submitted by /u/chancetolive
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Soul Assumption Disjointing

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 12:21 PM PST

Hey guys, long time lurker first time poster.

I am a Visage main (3200mmr) and I had a question about Soul Assumption. It clearly states that it cannot be disjointed but in recent games I am seeing that storm ult and blink dagger are both disjointing the projectile. Anyone know if this is working as intended or a bug? I am trying to improve and just wanted to understand this move better.

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Anago
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As a support surely no amount of denying is worth being in lane and sharing with my carry.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:55 AM PST

I'm brand new at Dota and i'm trying to learn support first. I've played a few bot matches as carry and tend to do just fine. But i suck at support. Obviously the first step is play actual games. but boy do i wanna avoid ragers and people telling me im bad till i'm at least competent in knowing why what i did was a mistake. So any support tips would also be appreciated on the side.

But my question is I'm reading some guides atm (specifically - this one ) and it mentions that one of my main tasks as a support is to deny creeps. last hitting low hp friendly creeps. This also helps the lane "equilibrium."

Surely if I'm in lane with my carry to hit them denies, that means that me and my carry are splitting xp 50/50. so if a ranged creep is 90 experience. And my carry is last hitting he's earning 45 and i'm earning 45 (he gets a gold bonus but my understanding is that the thing that makes a carry sustainable in the early game is "winning" the lane by outlevelling the enemies, meaning XP is most important, right?.)

Anyways, we're sharing and i'm denying the enemy last hits which splits the enemies earned experience in half. so if i deny him our ranged whilst my carry last hits their ranged creep we all earn 45 experience. thus completely nullifying the point of the exercise as realistically the offlaner relies on sucking up rogue XP and will not need too much gold anyway because he's an offlaner so if he's levelling at the same rate as my carry and I then what's the point.

I dont see a reason why i as a carry should ever go into the lane. unless setting up or getting a kill. or placing a ward. or pulling to reset the lane.

submitted by /u/Krrrobins
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Bristle and Timber on same team

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:40 AM PST

I just had a game where I picked a bristle after timber. Got criticized for it, and we lost the game. Someone on the team blamed the picks. Can anyone explain why it was a bad idea to have both hero picks?

submitted by /u/nooby1234
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What are some tips and tricks to playing a better lone druid?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 10:48 AM PST

Just recently I learned he can pick up runes especially useful for bounty runes since you can farm safely and send your bear to steal enemy runes. Another one was the bear can tp on his own and thats an easy way to heal his hp.It should have been obvious but it has an ahah moment for me. Getting better at managing the bear in general as a second courier. Is there any technique for last hitting with him in lane? Its hard managing 2 damage sources and I haven't figured out how to make them land at the same time. I never use his ultimate because I play the ranged version. Is that ok.

Trying to break 800 gpm with him as of now.

submitted by /u/BurnsyCEO
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Can't stop losing

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:05 PM PST

So I've come back to dota2 recently. I started playing when the game came out played for a year or so and now I'm back and can't seem to win a game.

Today for instance I played two games both with clockwerk. Both games went well in lanning phase I got first blood and dominated the lane both times and still lost both games. In both cases some hero on the enemy team got fed and became stupidly strong and in the second one a jungle sand king from my team started feeding gems and couriers to the enemy team.

So I wanted to ask does anyone here have any advice? I know my items and heroes at least to a reasonable degree and I last hit and deny as best I can. Not sure what I'm doing wrong at this point.

submitted by /u/M3m1lm0n
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What neutral creeps should you attack first? Bigger or smaller?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:45 PM PST

When farming a neutral camp what is the most efficient way to kill the camp while minimising damage taken? I used to use the blanket rule of going for the bigger creep unless its the summoner so i get the skeletons to spawn.

When the change to creeps where some small creeps gained a stacking magic resistance buff sometimes I change this up if i need to nuke the camp with a spell so that they are out of the way.

Lately I've been seeing pros go for smaller creeps even if its not to get rid of the magic resistance. What's the new golden rule with this?

submitted by /u/jabso19
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How do I stop myself from blindly following TorteDeLinis builds?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:58 AM PST

Hi everyone! I started playing Dota about a week ago and it's going pretty good I think (about 30 games played so far). I also pretty much started at the perfect time to follow the Day9 purge thing going on on YouTube. Well last week it was about the fundamentals of Itemization, but I feel like I have way to little knowledge about the game (items, heroes, specific interactions) to make an educated decision if an item would be good in a certain situation.

But how would I go best about learning that? Do I just take a bit of time and read through all of the items? Do I just keep playing and put greater emphasis on what works and what doesn't and 'save' the information for next time? Do I watch higher MMR games and try to 'analyze' what a specific hero got depending on the situation? But all this stuff is pretty hard because I know next to nothing about the game yet.

Oh and if it helps I mainly play Ogre Magi (by far most played), Crystal Maiden, Luna, Phantom Assassin and Tide Hunter (because I looked up easier heroes for every role and these were the ones :D)

submitted by /u/Kopeeh
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Draft - who won?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:35 AM PST

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