Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 06:32 PM PST
Welcome to the latest Monday Megathread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.
This is an opportunity for the more experienced LoL players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!
Previous threads
If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.
Come check out our discord channel here!
If you are willing to learn, /r/SummonerSchool is always willing to teach.
Basic Mechanics explanation in our Wiki
New Player Guide by /u/The-All-Tomato
Other: Check out /r/lolstreams for all your streaming needs.
If you wish to talk about LoL in real time with other people, check out our IRC channel. Full info here --- Webchat here.
Please sort this post by new, so that you can see the newer, unanswered questions.
submitted by /u/AutoModerator This is an opportunity for the more experienced LoL players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!
Previous threads
If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.
Come check out our discord channel here!
If you are willing to learn, /r/SummonerSchool is always willing to teach.
Basic Mechanics explanation in our Wiki
New Player Guide by /u/The-All-Tomato
Other: Check out /r/lolstreams for all your streaming needs.
If you wish to talk about LoL in real time with other people, check out our IRC channel. Full info here --- Webchat here.
Please sort this post by new, so that you can see the newer, unanswered questions.
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C9 2017 LCS Roster Announcement
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 08:02 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/corylulu [link] [comments] |
Sources: GBM to jungle for Team Vitality
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 09:20 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Luschiss17 [link] [comments] |
ESG with the backdoor against fnc academy
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 11:18 AM PST
Which champion has the lengthiest ability description?
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 05:41 AM PST
Tl;dr Kalista, probably
I immediately ran into a huge problem that there doesn't seem to be one single source for what counts as an ability's 'description'. There's the tooltip in game, a description in the champion's overview page and a different description in the death recap. There's also a proper description on sites like lolwiki which explains how the ability interacts with items and other abilities. I ended up using this source because I could copy and paste the whole thing into Excel and I'm lazy - this seems to roughly correspond to the tooltip in game but misses some stuff off some abilities so isn't perfectly accurate. I counted up the number of characters it took to describe each ability, and my results are below.
Shortest ability - Riven's Ki Burst at 39 characters.
Longest Kit - Kalista (again) clocking in at 2950 characters. Second longest kit is Sion at 2813, surprisingly - he doesn't seem to have one single massive ability, but his whole kit is somewhat complicated (and he has an 'extra' ability when he revives) which adds up
Shortest kit - Singed at 500 characters; not a massive surprise
Cost vs complexity - There's no real relationship between IP cost and kit complexity - see here, although it might be fair to say that there is more variability in kit complexity with more expensive champions. What little relationship there is is probably better explained by the fact that newer champions are more expensive, in general.
Class vs complexity - Marksmen have the most complex kits, tanks the least. Graph. But don't read too much into that because if you give Kalista a more average kit then Marksmen are about the same as everyone else. Tanks still have the least complex kit no matter what you do or who you try to include as a tank.
Bonus fun fact - Interesting trivia: there are 684 unique abilities in League by my count. Of these, only 25 don't mention the champion casting them by name (and three of those are Kindred's abilities, which talk about 'Lamb' or 'Wolf'). Kayle, Lulu, Morgana and Nami account for half of the 'no name' abilities - what's up with that?
I'll paste the full results in the comments
submitted by /u/VerboseBeaver I asked this question a couple of days ago and nobody seemed to know the answer, so I went away and crunched the numbers myself.
I immediately ran into a huge problem that there doesn't seem to be one single source for what counts as an ability's 'description'. There's the tooltip in game, a description in the champion's overview page and a different description in the death recap. There's also a proper description on sites like lolwiki which explains how the ability interacts with items and other abilities. I ended up using this source because I could copy and paste the whole thing into Excel and I'm lazy - this seems to roughly correspond to the tooltip in game but misses some stuff off some abilities so isn't perfectly accurate. I counted up the number of characters it took to describe each ability, and my results are below.
Longest Ability: Kalista's Sentinel at 1062 characters. This is a case where the choice of source makes a huge difference; in the champion overview screen this ability is described as "Passively gain attack speed when near her Oathsworn ally, and deal bonus damage when striking the same target. Activate to send a soul to scout out the path, revealing the area in front of it", which is a piddly 191 characters
Raw results
Shortest ability - Riven's Ki Burst at 39 characters.
Longest Kit - Kalista (again) clocking in at 2950 characters. Second longest kit is Sion at 2813, surprisingly - he doesn't seem to have one single massive ability, but his whole kit is somewhat complicated (and he has an 'extra' ability when he revives) which adds up
Shortest kit - Singed at 500 characters; not a massive surprise
Release date vs complexity - There is a slight relationship between champion release date and complexity of kit. The graph here suggest that each additional day more that Riot wait to release the champ, kit complexity grows by 0.3 characters (so about 100 extra characters per year). The r2 value indicates that about 20% of a champion's kit complexity can be explained by looking at their year of release. Significance testing is for wusses. Also be aware that some champs have had major reworks since release not accounted for here, and Riot seems to have changed its style a bit recently and become a bit wordier in tooltips - Jhin's passive begins, "Jhin's hand cannon, Whisper, is a precise instrument designed to deal superior damage.", which tells you nothing about his kit complexity but takes up 86 characters. Edit: Thanks to u/mpekker I found a list of champion rework dates. Treating those reworks as basically being 'new releases' gives this much nicer looking graph - the big outliers like Sion fit a bit more neatly here
Cost vs complexity - There's no real relationship between IP cost and kit complexity - see here, although it might be fair to say that there is more variability in kit complexity with more expensive champions. What little relationship there is is probably better explained by the fact that newer champions are more expensive, in general.
Class vs complexity - Marksmen have the most complex kits, tanks the least. Graph. But don't read too much into that because if you give Kalista a more average kit then Marksmen are about the same as everyone else. Tanks still have the least complex kit no matter what you do or who you try to include as a tank.
Bonus fun fact - Interesting trivia: there are 684 unique abilities in League by my count. Of these, only 25 don't mention the champion casting them by name (and three of those are Kindred's abilities, which talk about 'Lamb' or 'Wolf'). Kayle, Lulu, Morgana and Nami account for half of the 'no name' abilities - what's up with that?
I'll paste the full results in the comments
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Tobias Fate Doing Tobias fate things ONCE AGAIN
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 04:40 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/iiFreeD [link] [comments] |
League ults but literally
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 08:24 AM PST
inspired by:
Aatrox decides to assume his true form but still acomplishes nothing
Ahri decides to dash away from (or into danger) but stops soon after
Akali headbutts you so hard it deals magic damage
Alistar becomes nearly invulnerable for a few seconds, then decides not to
Amumu suddenly stuns and imprisons everyone around him, then lets them go as he cries helplessly
Anivia creates a hailstorm to freeze her enemies inside it to death, then decides not to
Annie summons a huge flaming teddy bear she had it with her all along
Ashe fires an arrow literally bigger than herself but decides to not do it again
Aurelion Sol pukes and it looks kinda pretty
Azir decides to pull more sand soldiers out of his ass
Bard stuns his teammates so their enemies can escape in peace
Brand hurls a ball of ricocheting flame into his enemies that defies all laws of physics
Braum somersaults into the ground for astonishing results, then decides not to do it again
Caitlyn tries to recreate an interesting turn of events in U.S politics
Cassiopeia finds out she can scream so hard it turns people into stone, but doesn't do it again
Cho'Gath eats
Corki gets the very bright idea to shoot bigger rounds, then keeps shooting bigger rounds. Good thinking Corki. League ethiquette. Super simple stuff.
Darius realizes nobody can resist a two-handed axe blow into their face
Akali 2.0 headbutts you, then headbutts you again.
Dr. Mundo shoots up some PCP and refuses to die
Draven puts the beyblade anime to shame
Ekko hits the undo button
Elise transforms into your ex girlfriend
Ezreal fires a large ass magic bolt with infinite range out of his wrist, but doesn't do it again
Fiddlesticks shows us why a group of crows is called a 'murder'
Edit: Part 2:
submitted by /u/not_an_ottoman Aatrox decides to assume his true form but still acomplishes nothing
Ahri decides to dash away from (or into danger) but stops soon after
Akali headbutts you so hard it deals magic damage
Alistar becomes nearly invulnerable for a few seconds, then decides not to
Amumu suddenly stuns and imprisons everyone around him, then lets them go as he cries helplessly
Anivia creates a hailstorm to freeze her enemies inside it to death, then decides not to
Annie summons a huge flaming teddy bear she had it with her all along
Ashe fires an arrow literally bigger than herself but decides to not do it again
Aurelion Sol pukes and it looks kinda pretty
Azir decides to pull more sand soldiers out of his ass
Bard stuns his teammates so their enemies can escape in peace
Brand hurls a ball of ricocheting flame into his enemies that defies all laws of physics
Braum somersaults into the ground for astonishing results, then decides not to do it again
Caitlyn tries to recreate an interesting turn of events in U.S politics
Cassiopeia finds out she can scream so hard it turns people into stone, but doesn't do it again
Cho'Gath eats
Corki gets the very bright idea to shoot bigger rounds, then keeps shooting bigger rounds. Good thinking Corki. League ethiquette. Super simple stuff.
Darius realizes nobody can resist a two-handed axe blow into their face
Akali 2.0 headbutts you, then headbutts you again.
Dr. Mundo shoots up some PCP and refuses to die
Draven puts the beyblade anime to shame
Ekko hits the undo button
Elise transforms into your ex girlfriend
Ezreal fires a large ass magic bolt with infinite range out of his wrist, but doesn't do it again
Fiddlesticks shows us why a group of crows is called a 'murder'
Edit: Part 2:
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Painting Braum in VR - Merry Christmas!
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 08:55 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Nightgamble [link] [comments] |
Flame was Dardoch before Dardoch
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 08:11 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Wallabeebeatle [link] [comments] |
New Free Champion Rotation
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 09:04 AM PST
Icon | Champion | Price (IP) | Price (RP) | Difficulty | Date Last Free |
Garen | 450 | 260 | 5 | 2016-06-13 | |
Warwick | 450 | 260 | 3 | 2016-06-06 | |
Anivia | 3150 | 790 | 10 | 2016-08-15 | |
Pantheon | 3150 | 790 | 4 | 2016-08-22 | |
Zyra | 4800 | 880 | 7 | 2016-08-22 | |
Jinx | 6300 | 975 | 6 | 2016-10-17 | |
Nami | 6300 | 975 | 5 | 2016-10-17 | |
Quinn | 6300 | 975 | 5 | 2016-10-24 | |
Zac | 6300 | 975 | 8 | 2016-09-12 | |
Zed | 6300 | 975 | 7 | 2016-09-12 |
I am a bot. Feedback can be sent to /r/FreeChampionsBot
Beep Boop
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We've launched ARAM ranking service for League of Legends!
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 09:44 AM PST
ARAM ranked is available here!
To register for ARAM ranked, simply enter the name of the summoner on the top page! You can use various functions with this.
These various features should make your ARAM a little fun! Let 's meet with howling Abyss, everyone of Summoner.
Good luck and have fun!
submitted by /u/aram_ranked To register for ARAM ranked, simply enter the name of the summoner on the top page! You can use various functions with this.
ARAM ranked system
ARAM ranked automatically counts your ARAM battle results. For example, you can see the number of picks and the winning percentage for each champion, so you can analyze the champion's weak points of excellence, or you can grind by watching the number of plays! Also, the rating is calculated at the same time! This rating is a unique that has nothing to do with the rank of the Summoner's Lift. The rating is calculated by 3 points: win/lose, rating of allies/enemies and used champion's win rate. Players who are familiar with ARAM's skill are also advised to try "small rewards" distributed at the end of each ARAM ranked season.Achievements
As a function to make daily ARAM enjoyable, ARAM ranked original Achievements are available! When the ARAM victory record satisfies the certain condition , achievement is unlocked. Because the condition of the top achievements is hidden, it is one of the pleasure to look for it. ( statistics
For the enthusiastic Summoner who wants to study ARAM's unique strategy, there is ARAM data for each champion. Do you know the lowest winning champion in ARAM? It would be interesting to search a champ with a high pick rate and a low winning percentage. Detailed ARAM data is sure to be useful when you are wondering about builds and summoner spells! ( various features should make your ARAM a little fun! Let 's meet with howling Abyss, everyone of Summoner.
Good luck and have fun!
we are considering to run in EU, please wait for a bit:(
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My 1v5 pentakill without knowing wtf I'm doing
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 07:47 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/BigChodes [link] [comments] |
I did a pixel scene of Syndra dropping in on Zed for a midnight conversation
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 12:39 PM PST
When Syndra had requested an audience, Zed had expected her to arrive at a more reasonable hour. Nevertheless, he was not surprised by this late visit. The plans that they were about to discuss were certainly not to be talked about under the light of the day.
hey guys! it's been a while since I had enough time to do pixel art, but I'm back with another LoL one :D I originally wanted to do Zed vs Yasuo and have Syndra + another champion as a separate piece, but I thought the two big baddies in Ionia would meet up every now and then to plot up a takeover for Ionia. this one's a bit rushed so it might look a bit weird :'( sorry. crits are appreciated as always though, cheers~
other ones i gone and done: Vi and Jinx ; Bard and Soraka
edit: forgot to mention that suggestions are definitely appreciated! I'd like to do champion pairs so if you have two that you think would work well together, drop them in the comments :D
submitted by /u/VladBacescu When Syndra had requested an audience, Zed had expected her to arrive at a more reasonable hour. Nevertheless, he was not surprised by this late visit. The plans that they were about to discuss were certainly not to be talked about under the light of the day.
hey guys! it's been a while since I had enough time to do pixel art, but I'm back with another LoL one :D I originally wanted to do Zed vs Yasuo and have Syndra + another champion as a separate piece, but I thought the two big baddies in Ionia would meet up every now and then to plot up a takeover for Ionia. this one's a bit rushed so it might look a bit weird :'( sorry. crits are appreciated as always though, cheers~
other ones i gone and done: Vi and Jinx ; Bard and Soraka
edit: forgot to mention that suggestions are definitely appreciated! I'd like to do champion pairs so if you have two that you think would work well together, drop them in the comments :D
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EU Challenger Series Open Qualifier // Semi-Finals // Brackt, Live Update, Match Discussion
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 09:46 AM PST
Finals Bracket:
Fnatic Academy OR Euronics Gaming VS Team AlienTech OR K1CK Esports Club
Twitch Links:
Fnatic Academy vs Euronics Gaming [ENG] [ENG] [ESP] [GER]
Team AlienTech vs K1CK Esports Club [POR] [POR]
Fnatic Academy | Position | Euronics Gaming |
Kikis | TOP | Telefon |
Broxah | JUNG | Obvious |
Nisqy | MID | MagiFelix |
MrRalleZ | ADC | Holz |
Klaj | SUPP | k0koo |
Team AlienTech | Position | K1CK Esports Club |
FearlessS | TOP | Truklax |
Drifter 1v9 | JUNG | LeChase |
AT Aziado | MID | Lukezy |
BILLY XDDDDDDDDD | ADC | Minitroupax |
SIäyer | SUPP | EXPERlENCE 626 |
MATCH 1: TAT (Blue) vs K1CK (Red)
Winner: K1CKGame Time: 40:00
TAT | K1CK |
Ryze | Lee Sin |
Cassiopeia | Jayce |
Ivern | Syndra |
TAT | ||
Towers: 3 | Gold: 64.5 | Kills: 3 |
FearlessS | Poppy | 1-1-1 |
Drifter 1v9 | Rek'Sai | 0-4-1 |
AT Aziado | Orianna | 0-3-1 |
BILLY XDDDDDDDDD | Caitlyn | 0-3-2 |
SIäyer | Zyra | 2-5-1 |
K1CK | ||
Towers: 8 | Gold: 74.7k | Kills: 16 |
Truklax | Nautilus | 2-0-6 |
LeChase | Olaf | 4-1-4 |
Lukezy | LeBlanc | 6-2-6 |
Minitroupax | Jhin | 4-0-5 |
EXPERlENCE 626 | Karma | 0-0-9 |
MATCH 1: ESG (Blue) vs FNCA (Red)
Winner: ESGGame Time: 70:19BANSESG | FNCA |
Lee Sin | LeBlanc |
Cassiopeia | Ryze |
Syndra | Katarina |
ESG | ||
Towers: 8 | Gold: 119.2k | Kills: 21 |
Telefon | Maokai | 3-3-11 |
Obvious | Rek'Sai | 3-3-12 |
MagiFelix | Orianna | 6-9-12 |
Holz | Varus | 8-2-8 |
k0koo | Nautilus | 1-4-15 |
FNCA | ||
Towers: 10 | Gold: 124.8k | Kills: 21 |
Kikis | Poppy | 2-3-6 |
Broxah | Elise | 7-3-6 |
Nisqy | Viktor | 8-7-10 |
MrRalleZ | Jhin | 2-3-9 |
Klaj | Thresh | 2-5-10 |
MATCH 2: K1CK (Blue) vs TAT (Red)
Winner: TATGame Time: 36:54BANSK1CK | TAT |
Lee Sin | Olaf |
Jayce | Rek'Sai |
Syndra | Ivern |
K1CK | ||
Towers: 7 | Gold: 60.0k | Kills: 7 |
Truklax | Poppy | 1-0-1 |
LeChase | Elise | 3-5-2 |
Lukezy | Cassiopeia | 2-4-2 |
Minitroupax | Ezreal | 1-1-1 |
EXPERlENCE 626 | Karma | |
TAT | ||
Towers: 10 | Gold: 73.8k | Kills: 14 |
FearlessS | Trundle | 0-2-0 |
Drifter 1v9 | Rengar | 7-4-6 |
AT Aziado | Ryze | 2-1-7 |
BILLY XDDDDDDDDD | Jhin | 2-1-6 |
SIäyer | Thresh | 3-0-5 |
MATCH 2: FNCA (Blue) vs ESG (Red)
Winner: FNCAGame Time: 43:49BANSFNCA | ESG |
LeBlanc | Lee Sin |
Ryze | Shen |
Katarina | Syndra |
FNCA | ||
Towers: 11 | Gold: 80.7k | Kills: 14 |
Kikis | Poppy | 2-3-3 |
Broxah | Elise | 1-3-9 |
Nisqy | Cassiopeia | 5-3-8 |
MrRalleZ | Jinx | 5-2-5 |
Klaj | Thresh | 1-4-6 |
ESG | ||
Towers: 9 | Gold: 78.6k | Kills: 15 |
Telefon | Kled | 4-2-7 |
Obvious | Ivern | 0-3-14 |
MagiFelix | Orianna | 5-5-7 |
Holz | Varus | 6-1-4 |
k0koo | Nautilus | 0-3-11 |
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Dyrus trys out 0 dmg Tryndamere
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 05:52 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/cheezburga [link] [comments] |
Sneaky after Laning Phase
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:58 PM PST
If every champion in League was rolled back to their most OP patch, who would be the biggest nightmare to play against?
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 11:50 PM PST
I've heard rumors release xin is the biggest offender
submitted by /u/frantic_zombie [link] [comments]
Playing Ezreal with a Wii remote (and no mouse)
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 11:26 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/SendMeRammusRule34 [link] [comments] |
Tilterella with the 200 IQ jungle invades
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:04 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/rendermake [link] [comments] |
Selfie about reddit threads/posts
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:39 AM PST
Sentence to get 215 characters: looks very much like PR posts to me.
submitted by /u/TheBakke
Sentence to get 215 characters: looks very much like PR posts to me.
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There is currently a bug with the new client where nothing appears and its impossible to change masteries, sometimes impossible to ban or select champions at all, and sometimes access to nothing. This leads to a guaranteed loss of lp or a dodge in 100% of cases.
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 07:08 PM PST
I have provided a screenshot of this bug and I don't know where else to share it. it happens about 1/100 games or so as I've had it twice since the new client updated, once being unable to edit masteries or select masteries, and once just now not being able to edit or interact with anything.
As this has given me a loss of lp twice I feel like it should be looked into IMMEDIATELY.
The bug persisted and I was unable to interact with any champion select features. I could not, including to visually seeing, participate in any activities but chat and not a single asset from champion select activated or showed up other than audio cues.
Link to an example frame of the bug in action, which persists through the entire champion select.
I couldn't figure out how to crop to be completely honest, since the new microsoft paint is not the way i tused to be, so I blacked over everything that would give away or indicate anyone including my own's identity in game to avoid them being harassed if that would arise.
Note that this may be an isolated incident caused by a program I use, spotify, etc. and it may not affect you. That does not mean the bug does not exist as it has happened to multiple people. Please either help spread the word, (understand this to increase visibility and I want no compensation), share this bug, warn people about it etc. Or point me to the correct place to warn people about this bug.
It has occurred for me twice this season, about 100 games apart.
edit: My game files are now "corrupted" and I get insanely weird messages when trying to open league. Reinstall did not fix. this is possibly unrelated, but be warned the new client is buggggging out.
submitted by /u/TheStrongestRegular As this has given me a loss of lp twice I feel like it should be looked into IMMEDIATELY.
The bug persisted and I was unable to interact with any champion select features. I could not, including to visually seeing, participate in any activities but chat and not a single asset from champion select activated or showed up other than audio cues.
Link to an example frame of the bug in action, which persists through the entire champion select.
I couldn't figure out how to crop to be completely honest, since the new microsoft paint is not the way i tused to be, so I blacked over everything that would give away or indicate anyone including my own's identity in game to avoid them being harassed if that would arise.
Note that this may be an isolated incident caused by a program I use, spotify, etc. and it may not affect you. That does not mean the bug does not exist as it has happened to multiple people. Please either help spread the word, (understand this to increase visibility and I want no compensation), share this bug, warn people about it etc. Or point me to the correct place to warn people about this bug.
It has occurred for me twice this season, about 100 games apart.
edit: My game files are now "corrupted" and I get insanely weird messages when trying to open league. Reinstall did not fix. this is possibly unrelated, but be warned the new client is buggggging out.
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Competitive Ruling: Carlo “Looch” La Civita
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:50 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/all_my_rage [link] [comments] |
Fair to say assassin rework was a failure?
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 07:41 PM PST
Talon rework gutted him, zed rework made him even worse, lb rework made her permabanned, kat rework was fine but made her even more frustrating to play against, akali rework didn't make her playable, fizz rework removed all the skill in landing his ult and made him even more frustrating to play against... Rengar rework made him bad, kha rework made him permabanned. Lethality changes only made the items never bought anymore.
submitted by /u/zedbuffswhen [link] [comments]
Ex-CJ Haru joins Samsung Galaxy!
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:29 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/w0ndae [link] [comments] |
"OK Bro" Wickd (Camille)
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 09:27 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/3ttu [link] [comments] |
[cosplay] just finished my infernal diana cosplay! hope my diana mains are happy 😅😘
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 05:55 PM PST <-- album <-- more TOUGH diana
after excrutiating months I finish of my infernal diana cosplay! I am hoping you enjoy this, I make cosplay because I love seeing the faces of people who see their favorite champion, I am hoping there are some diana mains who this makes happy ❤️
submitted by /u/infernaldianacosplay <-- more TOUGH diana
after excrutiating months I finish of my infernal diana cosplay! I am hoping you enjoy this, I make cosplay because I love seeing the faces of people who see their favorite champion, I am hoping there are some diana mains who this makes happy ❤️
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