Monday LFG Thread - Find people to play with! | December 19 - December 25
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 09:00 AM PST
Ever find yourself looking for more people to play with? Post in here if you are looking for a team for competitive play or if you are a team looking to fill out your roster! You can also check out our Looking For Group Wiki Page!
If you believe something is out of place here please report it!
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submitted by /u/AutoModerator If you believe something is out of place here please report it!
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Telling people they should commit suicide needs to result in a silence, regardless of any other reports.
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 09:03 AM PST
Suicide isn't a joke & Shouldn't be treated the same as ' hey you're bad you dumbass' or stupid remarks of toxicity. there's a huge difference.
submitted by /u/SKTT1Nimmo [link] [comments]
Every time you type "GG" after the first lost teamfight, Santa gives you an extra lump of coal.
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 12:10 AM PST
I know I'm preaching to the choir here. I've seen dozens of posts nearly identical to this over the years. But by golly, it bears repeating. Typing "GG" after the first (or even second!) losing teamfight...makes you a bad, sad person.
On a certain level, I get it! No, really. There have been many times I've said out loud to myself "yeah, we're probably boned here". But I didn't type it! Because half the times that I've felt that exact sentiment, we pull off a nail-biting comeback! It helps no one and actively hurts everyone.
So, to the the Malfurion who typed "sigh" and "well, GG" and then left the game halfway through...I hope you have enough to light your fire this holiday season. You pessimistic Scrooge.
submitted by /u/Samael_767 On a certain level, I get it! No, really. There have been many times I've said out loud to myself "yeah, we're probably boned here". But I didn't type it! Because half the times that I've felt that exact sentiment, we pull off a nail-biting comeback! It helps no one and actively hurts everyone.
So, to the the Malfurion who typed "sigh" and "well, GG" and then left the game halfway through...I hope you have enough to light your fire this holiday season. You pessimistic Scrooge.
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Can catapults have a different minimap color again?
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 04:44 AM PST
I really liked the visual clarity it provided. Making both sides' catapult icons white dots was not optimal since you hardy could tell them apart, maybe just lighter blue and red dots?
submitted by /u/Kyosaii [link] [comments]
Snitch gets silenced on stream
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 07:33 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/D-K-L-A [link] [comments] |
The nerf Artanis got, Literally Unplayable
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:48 AM PST
The phase prism (E) on Shogun Artanis skin is no longer a Kabuki head, but good ol' basic Artanis prism.
Literally Unplayable.
Blizz pls fix.
Edit : Now stated as a feature. Also, guys, i drop this thread just to point out something and when I come back I'm on the front page, with blizz anwser as well.. Calm down !
submitted by /u/Gewelt Literally Unplayable.
Blizz pls fix.
Edit : Now stated as a feature. Also, guys, i drop this thread just to point out something and when I come back I'm on the front page, with blizz anwser as well.. Calm down !
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Heroes of the Storm: Haunted Mines Rework Spotlight
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 10:03 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/ThunderIrl [link] [comments] |
Behold Justice itself
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 07:33 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Classic_Smooth [link] [comments] |
Ragnar'Os Cereal
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 07:21 AM PST
Michele Morrow was sent this cereal box by a PR Marketing Company
Bonus: (Back)
submitted by /u/justifyleo (Front)
Bonus: (Back)
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I respect your efforts to purge HL, and make TL a more regularly played environment
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:27 AM PST
But honestly, stuff like this is why people do not play Teamleague or take it seriously:
No one will say this was a fun and even game. We lost lv 16 to 13
Some things to potentially improve:
submitted by /u/ToastieNL
No one will say this was a fun and even game. We lost lv 16 to 13
Some things to potentially improve:
- Make sure the matchmaker is at least remotely balanced. We understand that perfect balance is hard to acchieve with the smaller sample,. but the Bronze + Silver vs 2x GM is bar one, literally the most uneven composition. It is NEVER fair.
- Find a way to fix/improve the FCFS system for draft: spamming 'select' for Chromie Guldan as the first 2 picks isn't very good. In fact, this reinforces the annoying behavior you see in UD where people lock whatever hero they want to play like it's quickmatch, but this time with 3 others to fill the necessary roles. This time, you are guarenteed fillers as long as you spamclick Select.
- Give banning rights to the highest HL MMR player if there's placement players. We had a Silver 4 Guldan ban Samuro, and Johanna when they already picked ETC and we had a chromie/guldan.
- Don't match 3+2 v 5 if there is no voicecom, that's an uneven game from the get-go.
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Party Finder should indicate which mode you want to play.
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 06:47 PM PST
i use party finder to find people to play TL sometimes, and it's annoying when someone request to join and leave immediately because he was looking for people to to play QM/AI. my group also have to re-queue after he left which is frustrating after waiting for couple minutes.
submitted by /u/ExceedRaida [link] [comments]
Hero rotation: December 20th - 27th, Varian!
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 04:15 AM PST
- Li Li
- Diablo
- Li-Ming
- Kerrigan
- Zagara
- Gul'dan
- Azmodan
- Tyrande
- Varian
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New Hero reveal???
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 09:02 AM PST
I can't wait to find out who the next hero will be! I want another "Who's that pokemon!?" on Twitter - that was so much fun how they revealed Li- ming & Xul. The suspense and build up is half the fun!
submitted by /u/HTOutdoorBro [link] [comments]
[HotS]My HotS experience so far
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 07:01 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Kokosoul [link] [comments] |
Current Diablo is literally tankier than ChoGall...
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 08:19 AM PST
With 100 souls, he has basically the same amount of HP. On top of that there's resistance and a permanent spell shield. This would be funny if it wasn't a bit sad.
submitted by /u/Phoenixed [link] [comments]
Allow me to have background music turned off but ability music turned on.
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 03:24 AM PST
Recently Heroes have been getting music in their abilities (Varians banners and Gingerdread Nazeebo's Zombie wall). However I cannot hear these abilities in game as I have music turned down to 0.
Don't get me wrong I like the heroes of the storm theme music but it distracts me in game. So it would be nice to be able to hear the ability music but still have the background music off
submitted by /u/callum3133 Don't get me wrong I like the heroes of the storm theme music but it distracts me in game. So it would be nice to be able to hear the ability music but still have the background music off
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Santa Ragnaros from this subreddit's banner put a smile on my face
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 05:45 AM PST
As the title, I spent hours browsing this subreddit but I just realized that Ragnaros is prepping for Christmas
submitted by /u/housefanatik [link] [comments]
Carbot discovers the new Diablo
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 07:19 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/gunleg [link] [comments] |
Dear Blizzard, as a Rehgar ex-main, thank you for making Bloodlust a thing
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 03:12 AM PST
Level 20 Rehgar, played my preseason placements with him pre-buff.
Blizzard, I know we still have our differences of opinion regarding self-ancestral for Rehgar and self-cleanse in general. And I'm still angry at you for not making Rising Storm 10 stacks of 15%. But I want us to get past that for now. So, from the bottom of my heart, I just want to thank you for making red the new green.
No matter what comes after this, I will always remember this time fondly.
submitted by /u/norsesforcourses Blizzard, I know we still have our differences of opinion regarding self-ancestral for Rehgar and self-cleanse in general. And I'm still angry at you for not making Rising Storm 10 stacks of 15%. But I want us to get past that for now. So, from the bottom of my heart, I just want to thank you for making red the new green.
No matter what comes after this, I will always remember this time fondly.
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I think most changes to MVP/vote screens have been detrimental
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 06:14 AM PST
I must say that I liked the initial iteration of the MVP/Final screen much better than what we have now. Sure some people complained about having to lose some time of their lives on it, but to me it was nice to have some extra time to chat or comment the match and vote ofc. And this is all anecdotal, but most of my experiences with this chat were positive. Sure sometimes some people would get toxic there. But tbh, I'd rather have the fights after the game than during it.
It is true that MVP screen was a bit long and a skip button was nice to have. But I think that nowadays mixing the skip button with what becomes a leave button has turned into something that motivates players to leave ASAP. I really like the idea of that skip button, but I think that there should be some buffer time before the exit button appears. Not a lot of time but just a small time frame so that maybe more players get to vote. Nowadays voting is discouraged because skipping ASAP saves you time. I must underline the issue here, the current way it works, players are rewarded for leaving without voting because it is faster.
But what I think has had the most negative effect so far is showing that people are leaving the game. The "has left the game" messages almost overlap with the vote button for the MVP player and I don't really think this was necessary to have.
So how about this:
submitted by /u/vexorian2 It is true that MVP screen was a bit long and a skip button was nice to have. But I think that nowadays mixing the skip button with what becomes a leave button has turned into something that motivates players to leave ASAP. I really like the idea of that skip button, but I think that there should be some buffer time before the exit button appears. Not a lot of time but just a small time frame so that maybe more players get to vote. Nowadays voting is discouraged because skipping ASAP saves you time. I must underline the issue here, the current way it works, players are rewarded for leaving without voting because it is faster.
But what I think has had the most negative effect so far is showing that people are leaving the game. The "has left the game" messages almost overlap with the vote button for the MVP player and I don't really think this was necessary to have.
So how about this:
- Merge the MVP and voting screens. A lot of people's patiences run out after watching the long MVP screen. Instead just skip to the vote screen, but here's the trick: Make the other players appear 1 second after the MVP (some transition effect can be used).
- Then have it so for the first 10 seconds of this screen, the leave button doesn't appear until you vote. Once the 10 seconds end, you can leave without voting. OR if you are really in a rush you can leave the game manually (without using the button). Note how this isn't about forcing anyone to do anything, they can still choose to leave super quick, they are just not being encouraged to leave.
- Move the "has left the game" messages or the vote buttons so that they don't overlap.
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Posted: 19 Dec 2016 09:31 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/PatchYourselfUp [link] [comments] |
Ragnaros Q stacking tip
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:33 PM PST
Just a tip for solo laning at level 1 with Sulfuras Hungers, also useful for just clearing a wave fast. While the minion wave is approaching, aim Living Meteor so it lands on the back two archers and rolls WITH the wave. If you aim it right, one Q will then kill the archers and mage in one shot. Then wait until 2-3 of the footmen are within killshot of one Q, and hit em.
If done right, you will obtain 6-7 stacks and kill the entire wave extremely quickly. I see a lot of Ragnari throwing their Living Meteor against the wave while it is approaching, but it deals much more damage if you roll it back to front.
submitted by /u/DoctahDonkey If done right, you will obtain 6-7 stacks and kill the entire wave extremely quickly. I see a lot of Ragnari throwing their Living Meteor against the wave while it is approaching, but it deals much more damage if you roll it back to front.
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Hero Concept "Mccree, The first non AA-hero"
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 01:54 AM PST
Some time ago I read a topic of a Mccree Hero that was realy well written (linky below). Personally i have my own ideas about this subject and will post it here.
Hero: McCree (assassin) first no auto attack hero
Q = (6 charges), fire in a small strait line (like nova's snipe) for dmg, low cd (0,50s) (after the last charge 2 sec for reloading)
W = Flash bang, Stun the enemie for 0.5 seconds and blind them for 1 second (10sec cd)
E = Combat Roll= Roll away a short distance, resetting all charges
(D) toggle on/off = fire all remaining charges of your Q at the selected target (the targets will be random in a circle (like guldans rain of destruction) but depending on your range how big the circle will be, close is a small circle (easy hits) max range will be more like murky's pufferfish so you might miss some).
R1 High Noon= Channel for x seconds to select all enemie heroes in a large frontal cone. After finishing the channel, shoot every selected hero for x damage. Movementspeed is reduced drastically.
The ult charge can be the same as Tracer imo, i think that was a great concept for all OW heroes and it was a great disapointment for me that Zarya didn't had that in her kit. As for this hero, i think that not having a AA will make it special because he will be weaker against most tanks (see diablo and dehaka with 40% dmg reduction) but it will be a great assassin killer. Tell me if you like this idea, what can be upgraded and ofcourse what is a no-go in this concept. Cheers for reading.
(this was my idea/rip-off off the original original:
submitted by /u/PAD-NL Hero: McCree (assassin) first no auto attack hero
Q = (6 charges), fire in a small strait line (like nova's snipe) for dmg, low cd (0,50s) (after the last charge 2 sec for reloading)
W = Flash bang, Stun the enemie for 0.5 seconds and blind them for 1 second (10sec cd)
E = Combat Roll= Roll away a short distance, resetting all charges
(D) toggle on/off = fire all remaining charges of your Q at the selected target (the targets will be random in a circle (like guldans rain of destruction) but depending on your range how big the circle will be, close is a small circle (easy hits) max range will be more like murky's pufferfish so you might miss some).
R1 High Noon= Channel for x seconds to select all enemie heroes in a large frontal cone. After finishing the channel, shoot every selected hero for x damage. Movementspeed is reduced drastically.
The ult charge can be the same as Tracer imo, i think that was a great concept for all OW heroes and it was a great disapointment for me that Zarya didn't had that in her kit. As for this hero, i think that not having a AA will make it special because he will be weaker against most tanks (see diablo and dehaka with 40% dmg reduction) but it will be a great assassin killer. Tell me if you like this idea, what can be upgraded and ofcourse what is a no-go in this concept. Cheers for reading.
(this was my idea/rip-off off the original original:
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You should be able to queue a party invitation request to be send after the current game ends
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 03:34 AM PST
So, your friends are 5 minutes into a game, you decide to wait for them.
You can send them a message to invite when it's over, but they can forget or not read your message. Then you have to keep looking until the game is over to send an invite request.
How about you can just send a party invite request that will show up on your friend screen when the current game is over?
submitted by /u/CronoSmash You can send them a message to invite when it's over, but they can forget or not read your message. Then you have to keep looking until the game is over to send an invite request.
How about you can just send a party invite request that will show up on your friend screen when the current game is over?
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Raynor's Relentless Leader vs Diablo?
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 08:50 AM PST
When will relentless leader activate against Diablo's Overpower(E, slam over the back of diablo, stuns for .25s) and Shadow Charge (Q, knockback from rush).
For Shadow Charge, does it activate at all if you DON'T collide with the terrain? If yes, is it right on impact?
For Overpower, does it activate before you are repositioned and interrupt so you don't end up behind Diablo?
Full ability descriptions:
Overpower(E) - Grabs the target and slams it behind Diablo, dealing 160 (76 + 4% per level) damage and stunning for 0.25 seconds.
Shadow Charge (Q) - Charge an enemy, knocking them back, dealing 158 (75 + 4% per level) damage and grating Resistant, reducing damage taken by 25% for 2 seconds. If the enemy collides with terrain, they are stunned for 1 second and take 150 additional damage.
ANSWERS (thanks dizzyMongoose):
submitted by /u/lymph31 For Shadow Charge, does it activate at all if you DON'T collide with the terrain? If yes, is it right on impact?
For Overpower, does it activate before you are repositioned and interrupt so you don't end up behind Diablo?
Full ability descriptions:
Overpower(E) - Grabs the target and slams it behind Diablo, dealing 160 (76 + 4% per level) damage and stunning for 0.25 seconds.
Shadow Charge (Q) - Charge an enemy, knocking them back, dealing 158 (75 + 4% per level) damage and grating Resistant, reducing damage taken by 25% for 2 seconds. If the enemy collides with terrain, they are stunned for 1 second and take 150 additional damage.
ANSWERS (thanks dizzyMongoose):
- Shadow Charge will activate Relentless Leader after Raynor hits a wall and triggers the stun; Jimmy will still take the damage and be stunned. It won't trigger on a normal charge that doesn't hit a wall.
- Overpower will activate Relentless Leader on the grab; the grab will fail completely and Jimmy will neither take damage nor be flipped.
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I wish this was the Gul'dan model Blizzard had stuck with.
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:08 AM PST
I think they absolutely nailed the Affliction Warlock playstyle from WoW, but I wish they'd stuck with their original model for Gul'dan, straight from WoW.
Even if they couldn't use it because of country restrictions on skulls (cough China cough), at least give us the staff!
submitted by /u/yoloswagrofl Even if they couldn't use it because of country restrictions on skulls (cough China cough), at least give us the staff!
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