Survival Mode yields so many "moments," but at level 50 it's lost that spark. Has anyone else experienced this?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 05:50 PM PST
Survival Mode changed the way I played. At first it was frustrating, because I was used to Normal, which felt like surviving in a world full of defenseless children. Then with survival, suddenly I found the thrill of killing off a pack of hounds from the heights of truck bed because I had no other choice. I couldn't just go anywhere I wanted. I had to scout, plan ahead, or run away if things got too heated.
Survival Mode created moments. There was a pace and logical progression in the northern territories. Going into the city was tense, etc.
But at some point, probably around level 35-40, the fun and flow of Survival just became tedious. I found myself using Psycho Jets constantly, and I couldn't tell what quests were really at an appropriate level to create the moments I had been experiencing at the beginning. Everything's spread out, with sooo many quests, that I've lost track of what the hell I should even do next. I'm at level 50 now and feel I should start over.
Has anyone else experienced this "loss of flow" around level 50 or so?
submitted by /u/thegryphonator Survival Mode created moments. There was a pace and logical progression in the northern territories. Going into the city was tense, etc.
But at some point, probably around level 35-40, the fun and flow of Survival just became tedious. I found myself using Psycho Jets constantly, and I couldn't tell what quests were really at an appropriate level to create the moments I had been experiencing at the beginning. Everything's spread out, with sooo many quests, that I've lost track of what the hell I should even do next. I'm at level 50 now and feel I should start over.
Has anyone else experienced this "loss of flow" around level 50 or so?
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How can Nuka-Cola Quantum survive over 200 years without breaking down?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 01:23 PM PST
Nuka-Cola Quantum is said to be made with Strontium-90, which has a half life of 28.8 years. So by Fallout 4, only roughly 0.6% of the Strontium-90 should be left, yet in the game it's still good as new, albeit irradiated. Is this an oversight by Bethesda, or is there something I'm missing?
submitted by /u/Pukalo_Reincarnate [link] [comments]
0+ tattoos?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:59 PM PST
i keep seeing these "0+" tattoos on folks...i know for a fact i've killed several humans with this tat on their forehead, but i've still yet to screencap. has anyone else seen these?! what the deus are they?!
submitted by /u/Loki1913 [link] [comments]
I know I'm a little late, but I just got Fallout: New Vegas. What are some of the essential mods? There seems to be quite a few.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:02 PM PST
Fallout: New Vegas Co-Op YouTube Series
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:28 AM PST
Just discovered this Fallout Multiplayer Series on YouTube and wanted to share with Reddit.
submitted by /u/August2nd [link] [comments]
The Story and Themes of Fallout (1)
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 03:20 PM PST
Hey everyone, my friends and I over at our youtube channel have been doing a series where we talk about the story of a game and the themes of that story, we recently did one for Fallout 1 and I thought I'd share it with you wonderful wastelanders.
Here is a link if you're interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT8ZUJNtwCY
Thanks in advance for watching!
submitted by /u/awesomoore Here is a link if you're interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT8ZUJNtwCY
Thanks in advance for watching!
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Abernathy's wife hasn't been kidnapped 57 times
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:26 PM PST
I've just killed shitloads of mercenaries she's hired to try and escape my settlement.
submitted by /u/ZarquonsFlatTire [link] [comments]
What's your favorite radio station in any Fallout game?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:43 PM PST
How's the Vault-Tec Workshop DLC?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:10 PM PST
I've been looking for ways to get the most out of my fallout experience, and what really has interested me is the Vault-Tec dlc. How is it? Is it a good addition to the game? Hows the other dlc for that matter?
submitted by /u/alexmason32 Thanks!
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Could use some help picking Fallout 4 DLC to buy for Steam Winter Sale
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 02:20 PM PST
Sorry, this is a bit of a crosspost from /r/fo4 but hoping to get some feedback...
Here is my Steam Store: http://i.imgur.com/WxXuiVl.png
I have Fallout 4 but none of the DLC.
So I see that the ratings for the DLC are as follows:
Far Harbor 86%
Automatron 77%
Nuka World 49%
Workshop 36-38%
Ok so all bought individually it's $59.94. But the Season Pass, which gets a horrible 31%, offers everything for $41.99. I will save almost $20.
Or am I being an idiot buying Nuka-World and the Workshops? If I buy Nuka-FH-Auto individually (no workshops) it's $47.37 so Season Pass is still the best deal.
Or should I just buy Far Harbour and Automatron because they have high Steam ratings?
If it helps, I hate settlement building, I just like quests.
submitted by /u/vram1974 Here is my Steam Store: http://i.imgur.com/WxXuiVl.png
I have Fallout 4 but none of the DLC.
So I see that the ratings for the DLC are as follows:
Far Harbor 86%
Automatron 77%
Nuka World 49%
Workshop 36-38%
Ok so all bought individually it's $59.94. But the Season Pass, which gets a horrible 31%, offers everything for $41.99. I will save almost $20.
Or am I being an idiot buying Nuka-World and the Workshops? If I buy Nuka-FH-Auto individually (no workshops) it's $47.37 so Season Pass is still the best deal.
Or should I just buy Far Harbour and Automatron because they have high Steam ratings?
If it helps, I hate settlement building, I just like quests.
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I hated FO4 when it first came out, worth a retry?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 11:43 PM PST
Basically I hyped up 4 since it was announced and expected it to be like 3/NV but it was just missing that hype for me. Everyone still talks about how amazing it is/was and I seem to be the only person who didn't like it. Should I give it another try with an open mind? I feel like I missed something everyone else loved
submitted by /u/NizeDine [link] [comments]
What are your top 3 iconic moments from New Vegas?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:29 AM PST
I'm working on an artistic commission where the only prompt I was given was that the "[final recipient] is huge fan of New Vegas, so anything from that universe. I trust your judgement..." so on and so forth.
I could invent a scene, no doubt, but I would like to potentially strike a chord, which leads to the question: What do you find to be the most iconic moments of the game? These could be epic, funny, sad, anything, really. Just trying to get a feel for the field.
submitted by /u/TM_WE I could invent a scene, no doubt, but I would like to potentially strike a chord, which leads to the question: What do you find to be the most iconic moments of the game? These could be epic, funny, sad, anything, really. Just trying to get a feel for the field.
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Regarding the possibility of a Bethesda era Highwayman
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 04:32 AM PST
In Fallout 2, the highwayman was depicted as being a vehicle resembling a plymouth/chevy hybrid of sorts: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/7/7c/Highwayman.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/242?cb=20110616231954
However if it were ever reinterpreted by Bethesda, chances are it would probably be different from the Interplay Era Highwayman.
A potential candidate of inspiration for a Bethesda era Highwayman would be the Mercury XM Turnpike cruiser, a 1956 concept car (please dont remove this moderators):
Bethesda would most likely revamp the highwayman so it would better fit in with their interpretation of the retrofuturistic world of fallout, specifically the asthetics of fallout 4.
So what do you think? just imagine being able to drive a revamped highwayman?
submitted by /u/zerodoctor123 However if it were ever reinterpreted by Bethesda, chances are it would probably be different from the Interplay Era Highwayman.
A potential candidate of inspiration for a Bethesda era Highwayman would be the Mercury XM Turnpike cruiser, a 1956 concept car (please dont remove this moderators):
Bethesda would most likely revamp the highwayman so it would better fit in with their interpretation of the retrofuturistic world of fallout, specifically the asthetics of fallout 4.
So what do you think? just imagine being able to drive a revamped highwayman?
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What are "enemy mishaps" that are affected by luck?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 11:30 AM PST
I have a high luck character but I've never seen an enemy mishap. What are they supposed to be? I've heard about enemies having a higher chance to loose their weapons or be crippled, but is there anything concrete about how luck affects enemies?
submitted by /u/chillbrands [link] [comments]
Playing Fallout 1 for the first time, have a question
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 11:33 AM PST
When the timer for the water chip runs out, is the game over? I just sent a shipment of water back to the vault, extending the timer by 100 days.
Without spoilers, are there more ways to extend the life of your vault?
submitted by /u/mosstradamus Without spoilers, are there more ways to extend the life of your vault?
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What Fallout to play next
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:51 PM PST
Today I just finished Fallout New Vegas, loved it. Truly felt like you write you own story, however I am not sure what Fallout to play next, I have about 200 hours on skyrim aswell. I am thinking about buying a New Vegas Dlc because they are quite cheap right now or im not sure if I should buy fallout 3 although im not sure if it works on windows 10. I will play fallout 4 when it is cheap because I have heard it is watered down. Many also say fallout 2 is great so I would also like to play that. I would buy all 3 of those options however I am a bit poor could anyone suggest one of those options or another game similar to Fallout New Vegas
submitted by /u/NemTwohands [link] [comments]
Building tutorials
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:32 PM PST
So, i've found this tutorial video for this settlement. Any one knows some more videos or tutorials for the other settlements in the commonwealth?
submitted by /u/The_Big_Diogo So, i've found this tutorial video for this settlement. Any one knows some more videos or tutorials for the other settlements in the commonwealth?
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Downloading new vegas ultimate edition right now, any tips?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 05:57 PM PST
I am currently downloading new vegas ultimate edition, I was wondering if anyone could give me a few early game tips.
submitted by /u/MattAttack010 [link] [comments]
(FO4) Is there a mod that makes Deathclaws susceptible to freezing?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 03:16 PM PST
I find it really annoying that my freezing 10mm doesn't freeze Deathclaws even when I stack 4 crits on them. I've been scouring the nexus but I can't find one that does this specifically.
I didn't know what sub I should post this to, but thanks for any help in advance.
submitted by /u/breakinghorizon I didn't know what sub I should post this to, but thanks for any help in advance.
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FPS Cap Help - Fallout 4
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 11:23 AM PST
I can't stand the input lag caused by having v-sync on but if I turn it off my fps goes up to 200 and every event in the game starts going super fast. I downloaded "Fallout 4 Tweaker" in hopes of fixing this but there was no option of caping your fps there. I tried googling it and this post came up but I couldn't get "Rivatuner" to work. Is there a mod you guys can recommend that can help me out?
submitted by /u/NotSoSexyBeast [link] [comments]
Fallout 4 on ps4 is terrible
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:52 PM PST
Is it just me but I have fallout 4 on both PC and ps4, picked up the ps4 version for cheap as sometimes I like to play in bed and the frame rate is God awful. 30 FPS cap with dips below 20 fps and the fov is terrible I'm not trying to be all PC master race but how can people be ok with this??
submitted by /u/haiden721 [link] [comments]
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