[Firepower Friday] Your Weekly DPS Thread
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 04:25 AM PST
Please post any offers to help, questions, and logs in the appropriate class spot.
Classes: Death Knight | Demon Hunter | Druid | Hunter | Mage | Monk | Paladin | Priest | Rogue | Shaman | Warlock | Warrior
General DPS questions
submitted by /u/Babylonius Classes: Death Knight | Demon Hunter | Druid | Hunter | Mage | Monk | Paladin | Priest | Rogue | Shaman | Warlock | Warrior
General DPS questions
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WOWGIF: MRW a friend gifts me Mischief
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 10:38 AM PST
Hey /r/wow, a message for you.
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 07:26 AM PST
Hey /r/wow,
Please, remember that this time of year can be very hard on people, with the holidays very firmly here, and a few left to get through before the end.
Please reach out to friends/guildies, make sure that they're okay. Especially if they've been unusually quiet, or different recently. The seasonal depression, along with some people just being completely alone during what should be "happy" times, can lead people down very dark paths. Reach out, Talk, remind them that they are loved.
If you are in a dark place, and are feeling like you may consider something drastic, I BEG you to talk to someone; A friend, family, or, if you're not comfortable sharing details with people you are close to then use this link.
You can also, if you want to just talk, PM me here, I'll give you my battle.net info, and we can chat.
I'm alone for the holiday, which is the norm for me, so I'll have lots of time. And, for the record, I've been there. I know how you feel.
Be so very good to each other. /u/lag0matic (Pale @ Thrall)
EDIT: Hey! Thank you for the gold. I hope that this post helps just one person. That would make it worth it! <3
EDIT#2: I didn't have my battletag here, because I wasn't sure if it was allowed per rules, but, it seems that people are sharing them so Fadelyte#1652
Add me!
submitted by /u/lag0matic Please, remember that this time of year can be very hard on people, with the holidays very firmly here, and a few left to get through before the end.
Please reach out to friends/guildies, make sure that they're okay. Especially if they've been unusually quiet, or different recently. The seasonal depression, along with some people just being completely alone during what should be "happy" times, can lead people down very dark paths. Reach out, Talk, remind them that they are loved.
If you are in a dark place, and are feeling like you may consider something drastic, I BEG you to talk to someone; A friend, family, or, if you're not comfortable sharing details with people you are close to then use this link.
You can also, if you want to just talk, PM me here, I'll give you my battle.net info, and we can chat.
I'm alone for the holiday, which is the norm for me, so I'll have lots of time. And, for the record, I've been there. I know how you feel.
Be so very good to each other. /u/lag0matic (Pale @ Thrall)
EDIT: Hey! Thank you for the gold. I hope that this post helps just one person. That would make it worth it! <3
EDIT#2: I didn't have my battletag here, because I wasn't sure if it was allowed per rules, but, it seems that people are sharing them so Fadelyte#1652
Add me!
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Varian and Anduin Wrynn, enjoying a day in the snow by sledding down a hill on an Alliance shield. Merry Christmas /r/wow :)
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 10:41 AM PST
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Why do we spend an entire campaign rallying champions in our order hall, just to bench them because we can only have 5?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 06:17 PM PST
It doesn't make any sense to me that we can only have 5 active. Why is that?
submitted by /u/lordkevin89 [link] [comments]
I feel good right now.
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 09:26 PM PST
I met a guy tonight because he was doing a "Find me and get a present" Christmas game in Orgrimmar. We talked for a while, and found out his sub was running out tonight. My wife and I decided to take a chance on him, and gave him the gold to buy a token.
He bought the token, and ended up joining the guild and giving my wife a present for her part in buying him a token.
At the end of the day, you can say what you want, but I feel really good about helping him out. The holidays are stressful enough without being unable to play such a great game with others.
Hope you guys have a great holiday, and thanks for reading!
submitted by /u/a_gentleman_bastard He bought the token, and ended up joining the guild and giving my wife a present for her part in buying him a token.
At the end of the day, you can say what you want, but I feel really good about helping him out. The holidays are stressful enough without being unable to play such a great game with others.
Hope you guys have a great holiday, and thanks for reading!
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All Bear Emerald Nightbear raid!
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 02:10 PM PST
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Posted: 23 Dec 2016 10:16 PM PST
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Current State of PvP
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 07:24 AM PST
Hello Everyone,
I know that this post normally should belong to r/worldofpvp but I would like to gather some thoughts from the entire WoW community.
I am aware the majority of the playerbase for World of Warcraft focuses primarily on PvE and the game revolves around PvE first. However, with what just happened in Legion Season 1 for PvP titles, I fully believe that Blizzard cares about PvP extremely little to PvE.
Here is why:
Last season and still currently, there is no way for players to accurately know their ranking, and be able to predict what title they are going to receive. In the past the arena ladder was set up, so it allowed you to do so. However, this is not the case in Legion after the site has been changed. Members of the PvP community had to rely solely on sites such as Arenamate and Arenatracker, which have been accurate for many years.
Well when titles rolled out yesterday for US, most of us were quite surprised by the results. The websites were off by over 66%. Only 7 people on horde and 3 people on alliance got Hero. To my knowledge there are only 35-50 confirmed Rank 1 titles for arena. That title is awarded to the top .1%, which reveals that there were only 35,000-50,000 players who played 50 games and were above 1,000 rating.
So why are members of the pvp community upset?
There was no transperacy on Blizzards part. We want to see the numbers of the active pvp player base and the title calculations. If I had known that the rating I sat which was over 50pts above the estimated cutoff was not safe, I would have kept queuing until the very end. I sat that rating for over a week. I would much rather have kept playing and did my best to climb the ladder. If I got to my goal or not at least I would have kept trying, instead of thinking I was completely safe.
Well if these numbers and awards are correct then the pvp community is only a max of about 50,000 people out of the million subscribers who play this game. Shouldn't this shoot out a red flag something is terribly wrong? Only that many people ranked PvP somewhat actively?
Imagine if the rolls were reversed for PvP and PvE. Can you imagine on a mythic kill that only your top 75% of your raid got the achievement. Well for RBGs that actually happened, there were not enough Hero achievements awarded for even a full RBG team.
Lastly, which is the biggest thing for me, lack of communication from Blizzard. Seriously? lack of blue posts, blizzard still not answering or even acknowledging our questions. All, I wanted was post saying yes or no these results are correct, and the here is the total pool number, here are all the cutoff numbers. I know so many people on the verge of quiting WoW over this.
So finally we reach my questions for the r/wow community. Did you know these even happened yesterday before I or a member of the active PvP community said something? How do you feel about Blizzards lack of response? Do those of you who primarily just PvE care about what happened?
Thank you so much for reading and Happy Holidays!
submitted by /u/Solous78 I know that this post normally should belong to r/worldofpvp but I would like to gather some thoughts from the entire WoW community.
I am aware the majority of the playerbase for World of Warcraft focuses primarily on PvE and the game revolves around PvE first. However, with what just happened in Legion Season 1 for PvP titles, I fully believe that Blizzard cares about PvP extremely little to PvE.
Here is why:
Last season and still currently, there is no way for players to accurately know their ranking, and be able to predict what title they are going to receive. In the past the arena ladder was set up, so it allowed you to do so. However, this is not the case in Legion after the site has been changed. Members of the PvP community had to rely solely on sites such as Arenamate and Arenatracker, which have been accurate for many years.
Well when titles rolled out yesterday for US, most of us were quite surprised by the results. The websites were off by over 66%. Only 7 people on horde and 3 people on alliance got Hero. To my knowledge there are only 35-50 confirmed Rank 1 titles for arena. That title is awarded to the top .1%, which reveals that there were only 35,000-50,000 players who played 50 games and were above 1,000 rating.
So why are members of the pvp community upset?
There was no transperacy on Blizzards part. We want to see the numbers of the active pvp player base and the title calculations. If I had known that the rating I sat which was over 50pts above the estimated cutoff was not safe, I would have kept queuing until the very end. I sat that rating for over a week. I would much rather have kept playing and did my best to climb the ladder. If I got to my goal or not at least I would have kept trying, instead of thinking I was completely safe.
Well if these numbers and awards are correct then the pvp community is only a max of about 50,000 people out of the million subscribers who play this game. Shouldn't this shoot out a red flag something is terribly wrong? Only that many people ranked PvP somewhat actively?
Imagine if the rolls were reversed for PvP and PvE. Can you imagine on a mythic kill that only your top 75% of your raid got the achievement. Well for RBGs that actually happened, there were not enough Hero achievements awarded for even a full RBG team.
Lastly, which is the biggest thing for me, lack of communication from Blizzard. Seriously? lack of blue posts, blizzard still not answering or even acknowledging our questions. All, I wanted was post saying yes or no these results are correct, and the here is the total pool number, here are all the cutoff numbers. I know so many people on the verge of quiting WoW over this.
So finally we reach my questions for the r/wow community. Did you know these even happened yesterday before I or a member of the active PvP community said something? How do you feel about Blizzards lack of response? Do those of you who primarily just PvE care about what happened?
Thank you so much for reading and Happy Holidays!
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Posted: 23 Dec 2016 02:03 PM PST
Honestly, whats even going on at blizzard. Are they trying to make WoW terrible so they sell more copy's of overwatch?
Seems like blizzard wants you to gather 50 shards from nighthold to upgrade legendaries to ilvl 940.
What happens if you use your essence on your bis legendaries then it gets nerfs. Or that spec becomes subpar. What if you feel like switching specs? Oh wait, you can't because you're stuck behind artifact power and legendaries. You wasted several weeks of boss kills on a item that will probably rot in your bank. What if you got awful legendaries? Do you upgrade it just for the iLvls? Do we grind one per spec? Or will we only get the quest once? Apparently if you get a new legendary it'll be 940 by default. This is going to cause people to reroll AGAIN because it will probably be faster to start a fresh 110 and grind mythic +'s until you get new 940 legos.
Legion is the best expansion we've had in a long, long time. The lore, zones, raids, mythic system, and just about everything else is great. Two expansions down the road I promise you the memories of legion will be "one of the best expansions, too bad about the artifacts and legendaries".
Yes. Thats a great idea. Lets put a time sink on top of our RNG. If everyone wasn't already upset that massive upgrades are locked behind a vague changing drop rate
Legendaries are awful. Coming from someone with the BiS frost DK legendary. The system has been kind to me personally. But its absolutely the worst part of this expansion.
Edit: Totally forgot English is my first laungaue and had "Legendarys" instead of "Legendaries". Good thing this isn't /r/writingprompts /endrant
submitted by /u/papadirty Honestly, whats even going on at blizzard. Are they trying to make WoW terrible so they sell more copy's of overwatch?
Seems like blizzard wants you to gather 50 shards from nighthold to upgrade legendaries to ilvl 940.
What happens if you use your essence on your bis legendaries then it gets nerfs. Or that spec becomes subpar. What if you feel like switching specs? Oh wait, you can't because you're stuck behind artifact power and legendaries. You wasted several weeks of boss kills on a item that will probably rot in your bank. What if you got awful legendaries? Do you upgrade it just for the iLvls? Do we grind one per spec? Or will we only get the quest once? Apparently if you get a new legendary it'll be 940 by default. This is going to cause people to reroll AGAIN because it will probably be faster to start a fresh 110 and grind mythic +'s until you get new 940 legos.
Legion is the best expansion we've had in a long, long time. The lore, zones, raids, mythic system, and just about everything else is great. Two expansions down the road I promise you the memories of legion will be "one of the best expansions, too bad about the artifacts and legendaries".
Yes. Thats a great idea. Lets put a time sink on top of our RNG. If everyone wasn't already upset that massive upgrades are locked behind a vague changing drop rate
Legendaries are awful. Coming from someone with the BiS frost DK legendary. The system has been kind to me personally. But its absolutely the worst part of this expansion.
Edit: Totally forgot English is my first laungaue and had "Legendarys" instead of "Legendaries". Good thing this isn't /r/writingprompts /endrant
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All aboard the Felwort Express! CHOO CHOO
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 01:34 PM PST
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The long carpet in the mage order halls is uneven.
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 11:52 PM PST
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Christmas in WOW
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 07:19 PM PST
Used to wake up on Christmas with Star Wars lego set from my parents when i was a kid. Everything changed few years later, my dad became abusive and somewhat domestic violence but i'm grew up in south east asian country so no one bats an eye. I remember getting canned to the point of I can barely hold anything for days from the pain and so much more of these bad memories. It dint bother me much, I always tried looking on the positive side of things.
But recently we moved away from our country to a whole new environment. I barely have any friends here, everything seem so dark. Last week he threaten to drive us into a tree, driving fucking insane on the road. Christmas ain't the best for me I guess :(
But I recently joined WOW everyone seem so nice, I even got a wrapped present from my guildies, It was a pet nothing much but i feel so good :) I just want to thank and appreciate the WOW community for being such a nice people. You guys made my Christmas so much better ! MERRY CHRISTMAS !
submitted by /u/Idintpulltrash But recently we moved away from our country to a whole new environment. I barely have any friends here, everything seem so dark. Last week he threaten to drive us into a tree, driving fucking insane on the road. Christmas ain't the best for me I guess :(
But I recently joined WOW everyone seem so nice, I even got a wrapped present from my guildies, It was a pet nothing much but i feel so good :) I just want to thank and appreciate the WOW community for being such a nice people. You guys made my Christmas so much better ! MERRY CHRISTMAS !
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Damnit, Helya, what do you want from me?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 11:48 AM PST
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Lok'tar o'gar! Early Xmas present :)
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 08:05 AM PST
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I'm giving away 5 Mischiefs: Ad-hoc Transmog contest!
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 04:33 PM PST
Happy holiday of your choice. To be eligible, all you have to do is provide me a message (To my inbox, not a comment on this post!) with a screenshot of your character in the most Christmas-themed transmog you can put together, along with your battle tag. The 5 winners will receive a reply and their reward sometime Christmas evening (Depends on when I get home from hanging with the family on Christmas, but expect it to be around 8-9 PM US Central time).
Good luck!
submitted by /u/AdrimFayn Good luck!
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Dreadlord cosplay
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 02:09 AM PST
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The original Transmog System preview showed a legendary transmogged
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 08:53 PM PST
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Gear wise, is there any reason to complete M+ dungeons above +11?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 02:49 PM PST
Just a short question.
If you've already completed a +12 for the weekly chest, is there any reason to complete M+ dungeons above +11? Gear caps from M+ at 870, so it doesn't seem like there's any incentive to complete dungeons higher than that. Are there any other incentives, like higher warforge/titanforge chance?
submitted by /u/Hecatonchair If you've already completed a +12 for the weekly chest, is there any reason to complete M+ dungeons above +11? Gear caps from M+ at 870, so it doesn't seem like there's any incentive to complete dungeons higher than that. Are there any other incentives, like higher warforge/titanforge chance?
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Updated faction crest
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 08:05 AM PST
Hey guys there's something that's been irking me for a while; the faction's crest haven't been updated since vanilla (except the garrison thing in wod) and I think its a really nice concept so here's my attempt at updating them. But warning; my photoshop skill is non-existent so if anyone with better skills wish to take a shot at them go ahead, plus I didn't add Pandaren cuz I couldn't find there race icon. So here's the Horde and here's the alliance
submitted by /u/khalip [link] [comments]
Found this old thing while I was cleaning stuff out. I can officially be that guy.
Posted: 24 Dec 2016 12:15 AM PST
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Christmas blood elf fan art
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 08:08 PM PST
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Summary of much needed improvements to PvP.
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 07:08 PM PST
PvP has hit an all-time low and I feel like I need to get this off my chest somehow.
I will repeat some of the points that this thread pointed out, but I truly feel like it needs more attention.
Paging: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/5jxl5f/current_state_of_pvp/
Merry christmas everybody :)
submitted by /u/hondraeu I will repeat some of the points that this thread pointed out, but I truly feel like it needs more attention.
Paging: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/5jxl5f/current_state_of_pvp/
- Need more rewards, currently there is not a single reason to do PvP rewardwise, no enchants, no tabards, and now you need 2900 rating for gladiator, which is next to impossible cause people will sit rating, and when there is such a low amount of players actually doing PvP you'll queue into the same people every time, which will bring me into my next point.
- There shouldnt be comps you will lose to 100% of the time. If a spec that revolves around posions (assasination rogues) queue into a paladin, you have lost from the beginning.
- Low skill cap, especially in 2s the skillcap is insanely low and mostly revolved around which spec you play. Its pretty much about who can put out the most damage, and certain specs do more damage than others. I've witnessed many times that people just spam /wait and just sit around for 10 minutes for dampeding to hit 70%.
- Unbalanced PvP, the PvP scene is so unbalanced right now that there is just no point playing certain classes because you will get dumpstered. Classes need to bring something unique, why play with a demonhunter when you can have a feral or a monk. There are many cases of this where no one would want x because they could just ALWAYS bring x.
- Dont let people sit rating for the entire season, this pretty much speaks for itself. People will find the best classes and get super high rating with it before it gets hotfixed and just sit their rating for safe gladiator the entire season.
- Gearing system revolving around 100% RNG and honor talents grind. You should be able to level honor levels on your alts faster depending on what pristige your main is. Or atleast something that will speed it up.
- Mobility is a huge issue I think, some classes have nothing at all where some have everything (perma passive slows) and 3 (4 including arcane) blinks.
- There are also minor other things that need improvements, like duels are completaly unbalanced and is nothing like any other PvP. There is no point trying to practice with duels because you will not be able to apply it to your gameplay due to what i stated above.
- Considering ALOT of WoW's promotion on twitch comes from PvP, I think it diserves more attention. ANY attention really, because its been unspoken of for a long time. Alot of people remembers Reckful 3 or Braindeadly/Jimos as amazing content. Now we barely see anything.
Merry christmas everybody :)
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