A minor thing I love about Fallout 4 - The loot mini-menu
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 09:57 AM PST
This was a great addition imo. It makes looting bodies/containers so easy, with no transition to a user interface where a mouse is needed, instead relying on the scroll wheel to cycle through all the items.
Just a nice addition I thought I'd mention.
submitted by /u/Apterygiformes Just a nice addition I thought I'd mention.
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TIL the US (possibly, depending on canon) sent two orbital bombardment stations, capable of launching a payload of 24 nukes, into orbit and that one of them could still be operational. They are called the "Ballistic Orbital Missile Bases", or, fittingly enough, B.O.M.B.'s
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 02:59 PM PST
I'm a jerk in Fallout 4: Survival Mode
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 02:33 AM PST
So, I was heading up to the Parson's Asylum for the Cabot quest, and I had killed several enemies, gotten a couple of legendary items I wanted to keep and needed to save badly. I then came across Greentop Nursery. I was so happy to find a settlement and I went to the bed to sleep, only to find that I couldn't.
I talked to the guy and he told me to clear out some super mutants nearby... So, I got behind him and killed him, and his wife.
I then slept in the now unowned bed to get my save.
Damn, I'm a jerk. But it's necessary!
submitted by /u/SolarDragon94 I talked to the guy and he told me to clear out some super mutants nearby... So, I got behind him and killed him, and his wife.
I then slept in the now unowned bed to get my save.
Damn, I'm a jerk. But it's necessary!
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Roleplaying ideas for Fallout 3/4/NV
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 04:55 AM PST
I'll try to make most of these interesting rather than just "use X weapons".
Mods for FO4: 1 2
Anyone else have any suggestions for altering/combining these, or something new?
submitted by /u/PM_ME_NUDE_PICS_OF_U .
- Deaf and Visually Impaired
- No Healing
- Pacifist
- Luddite
- Time traveler
- Serial Killer
- Junkie
- Spontaneous Personality
- Crippled Leg
- Pyromaniac
- Cryomaniac
- Explomaniac
- Taking immersion too far
- Social Anxiety
- Lives
- Hoarder
- Co-op
- Limited Fast-Travel
- Soulmate
- Santa
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Mad Chef
- Vampire
- Alien
Mods for FO4: 1 2
Anyone else have any suggestions for altering/combining these, or something new?
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Fallout 5 opening I want
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 08:42 PM PST
You are born into vault 7 where they have created the perfect humans (think all specials maxed out) and the perfect society You are ine of the few failures but because it is the perfect human society the people in the vault are caring and compassionate so they don't kill.
A deathclaw makes it into the vault you don't know why it is irrelevant. you and a couple of other failures make it into a safe room while you watch the rest of the vault gets slaughtered trying to kill the beast. The brotherhood if steel takes notice of the recently opened vault and come to loot the place when they arrive they kill the deathclaw and discover you and 8 other failures survived. While they try you to convince you to come out one their knight in power armor gets shot by a sniper in the fusion core he managed to eject fusion core and save the power armor, the BOS are being attacked by faction X
very coincidentally there is an other fusion core in the room you are hiding. they urge you to open that door and give them the fusion core because if you don't faction X will kill you.
Now you are given the option, do you open the door or not if you do the BOS wil win if you don't faction X will win.
If the BOS wins they will thank you and send you to their head
If faction x wins they will hack open the door and do the same thing
Your choice won't have out come on the main story but the vault does turn into an outpost for the faction that one.
The 8 other failures will survive and will be found trough out the world I thought it would be funny to have each of the failures would have one special maxed out and can be found at places that have to do with those specials for example:
Mr strength can be found in a boxing ring
Miss perspective will become sniper for faction X
Mr endurance can be found in the most radiated place on the map
Miss charisma will become mayor of a small settlement
Mr intelligence will become scribe for the BOS
For miss agility I gave no clue maybe a juggler for the local circus
Mr luck will ofcource be hanging around in a cassino
submitted by /u/coltblod A deathclaw makes it into the vault you don't know why it is irrelevant. you and a couple of other failures make it into a safe room while you watch the rest of the vault gets slaughtered trying to kill the beast. The brotherhood if steel takes notice of the recently opened vault and come to loot the place when they arrive they kill the deathclaw and discover you and 8 other failures survived. While they try you to convince you to come out one their knight in power armor gets shot by a sniper in the fusion core he managed to eject fusion core and save the power armor, the BOS are being attacked by faction X
very coincidentally there is an other fusion core in the room you are hiding. they urge you to open that door and give them the fusion core because if you don't faction X will kill you.
Now you are given the option, do you open the door or not if you do the BOS wil win if you don't faction X will win.
If the BOS wins they will thank you and send you to their head
If faction x wins they will hack open the door and do the same thing
Your choice won't have out come on the main story but the vault does turn into an outpost for the faction that one.
The 8 other failures will survive and will be found trough out the world I thought it would be funny to have each of the failures would have one special maxed out and can be found at places that have to do with those specials for example:
Mr strength can be found in a boxing ring
Miss perspective will become sniper for faction X
Mr endurance can be found in the most radiated place on the map
Miss charisma will become mayor of a small settlement
Mr intelligence will become scribe for the BOS
For miss agility I gave no clue maybe a juggler for the local circus
Mr luck will ofcource be hanging around in a cassino
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I heard there is a way to allied with the BoS, Railroad, and Minutemen at the end of the game. How do I do this?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 07:18 AM PST
Yet to finish the whole game, but I don't really want to HAVE to choose between them, I like them all for various reasons.
submitted by /u/Jonezzzzzzzy [link] [comments]
What's the funniest thing you've heard an NPC say in a Fallout game?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 09:30 PM PST
Mine would have to be fighting raiders in Fallout 1, if you missed a melee hit or unarmed hit on them they would say "loser."
submitted by /u/SirBamboozled Also the one from Boone "HEY I FOUGHT WITH THE NCR, DON'T KILL THEM ANYMORE OKAY?"
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My Fallout 4 characters in honor of The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly's 50th anniversary
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 02:14 PM PST
I play on PS4, so I had to go to Nuka World and beat the Gauntlet and Dry Rock Gulch each time I wanted to get the items.
The first one, Blondie, is an actual character that I got to level 95 without mods, but the other two are just characters that I made after I first starting using mods a week ago.
submitted by /u/ereid35 I play on PS4, so I had to go to Nuka World and beat the Gauntlet and Dry Rock Gulch each time I wanted to get the items.
The first one, Blondie, is an actual character that I got to level 95 without mods, but the other two are just characters that I made after I first starting using mods a week ago.
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Danse hates what his whole mission is about, appearently
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 11:22 PM PST
So on my Brotherhood playthrough I came and talked to a trader and his son, who wants to join the Railroad. I select the option "Synths are the enemy," which has my character say "Synths are weapons created by the Institute." Afterwards a message pops up saying Danse hated that. Is this a glitch or am I missing something? You hate that I agree with your mission?
submitted by /u/bombalamb [link] [comments]
10 glowing ones break into Your house. What do You do?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 10:49 PM PST
It's night time and You're asleep when this happens. You do get one weapon of Your choosing. Keep in mind You're in Your house, so a fat man mayyyyy not be the way to go... Unless You wanna go... So how do You escape? Get creative:3
Edit: scenario edit
submitted by /u/SergeantSanchez Edit: scenario edit
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(Xbox one code) Merry Christmas /r/fallout! Have a free digital download for fallout 3!
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 04:43 PM PST
There is only one code and it's First come first serve, happy holidays, guys.
submitted by /u/Molag-Ballin There is only one code and it's First come first serve, happy holidays, guys.
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Where should the next Fallout game be set?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 03:00 PM PST
Nuka Cola Mini Fridge Unboxing & Review!
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 05:36 PM PST
Wish there was a Wild Card option for FO4
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 01:12 PM PST
Wouldn't it be satisfying to beat the institute, Railroad, Bos and The minutemen to be top dog and basically own the commonwealth plus Diamond city or atleast make it Independent like New Vegas.
submitted by /u/Drypegasus [link] [comments]
Finally completed my bobblehead collection
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 06:18 PM PST
I'm so happy!
I was able to find most of them at Hot Topic, Target, and occasionally the Bethesda Store (when on sale or shipping was free).
submitted by /u/WaywardArmorer I was able to find most of them at Hot Topic, Target, and occasionally the Bethesda Store (when on sale or shipping was free).
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What Would You Guys Say is the Best Non-Powered Armor in Fallout 3?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 05:15 PM PST
Replaying Fallout 3 and I want to keep myself protected while still being able to sneak effectively.
Edit: Forgot to mention I'm playing vanilla, so I can't get the Chinese stealth armor.
submitted by /u/poopdemon64 Edit: Forgot to mention I'm playing vanilla, so I can't get the Chinese stealth armor.
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Trying Fallout 3 again!
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 12:28 PM PST
As the title says, I'm going to try fo3 again. I've tried it 2 times earlier but haven't really enjoyed it, so any tips when I give it a last chance?
submitted by /u/Edward2987 [link] [comments]
What was missing from fallout 4
Posted: 24 Dec 2016 12:16 AM PST
For a while, I really hit a wall in fallout four. I kept comparing it to the fun I had in new Vegas, and dwelled on this comparison for longer than I should have. What was different, I asked. What was missing?
Well, it's 12:09 at night and I can't sleep, but I figured it out. New Vegas was the dusty wild west, an atmosphere I could really get behind. Fallout four was just... Soggy. Real soggy. You're probably thinking, "well, no shit Sherlock". No shit indeed, I don't know why that took so long to put together. Anyhow, any mods you can recommend (XBone) to restore that wild west feel to four?
TL;DR: I liked the dusty wild west feel of new Vegas. How can I bring that to fallout four?
submitted by /u/TheGoodestBoy Well, it's 12:09 at night and I can't sleep, but I figured it out. New Vegas was the dusty wild west, an atmosphere I could really get behind. Fallout four was just... Soggy. Real soggy. You're probably thinking, "well, no shit Sherlock". No shit indeed, I don't know why that took so long to put together. Anyhow, any mods you can recommend (XBone) to restore that wild west feel to four?
TL;DR: I liked the dusty wild west feel of new Vegas. How can I bring that to fallout four?
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Finally completed my bobblehead collection
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 06:18 PM PST
I'm so happy!
I was able to find most of them at Hot Topic, Target, and occasionally the Bethesda Store (when on sale or shipping was free).
submitted by /u/WaywardArmorer I was able to find most of them at Hot Topic, Target, and occasionally the Bethesda Store (when on sale or shipping was free).
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[FNV] D3D9.DLL is crashing my game, but I really want to use an ENB, any way around this?
Posted: 24 Dec 2016 12:02 AM PST
Please help: changing language from german to english
Posted: 24 Dec 2016 12:00 AM PST
I just bought Fallout 3 and NV, only to find out my version doesn't support english language. I'm from germany, so Steam automatically gave me the german-only version of the games. I purchased these:
Is it possible to change to english language, and how do I do it?
I actually own both games on CD already and now bought them again because I believed it allowed me to play in english. Since it doesn't, it's a waste of money.
The german voiceover is awful, please help me. I don't know if I can accept my cruel fate and play this game in german.
submitted by /u/AmaLucela - Fallout 3 - GOTY Edition
- Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition
Is it possible to change to english language, and how do I do it?
I actually own both games on CD already and now bought them again because I believed it allowed me to play in english. Since it doesn't, it's a waste of money.
The german voiceover is awful, please help me. I don't know if I can accept my cruel fate and play this game in german.
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Big fan of modern FO, but haven't played classic games before. Any suggestions before I start Fallout 1?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 07:51 PM PST
How to expand fo4's settlement mode
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 11:18 AM PST
Now if someone has already said this just ingnore this post but I was playing nuka world and I thought of some interesting ideas that could be implemented in the next fallout game. I think that settlers should be able to build up their settlements as long as you provide resources. Also it might be cool if a settlement isn't provided enough resources they could become raiders and start to pillage your other settlements.
submitted by /u/Rcktlegue [link] [comments]
Bought FO:NV Ultimate Edition awhile back and has no DLC with it...
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 06:09 PM PST
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