I hate scrolling in my inventory to find the item i want, so I changed it to something that would fit better, what do you think?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:19 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Kanista17 [link] [comments] |
This is my longest run without any player encounter...
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:29 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/zaretix [link] [comments] |
Managed to escape wolves by using zombies
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:20 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/cd66312 [link] [comments] |
Servers with their own rules- how are they enforced?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 10:50 AM PST
So after getting KOS 2 times on a server called "NO KOS- PVE ONLY RP ENCOURAGED" (or something to that effect) I am starting to wonder if these kind of rules can even be enforced at all. There were no instructions on how to go about making a complaint or anything so a part of me thinks these rules are just there so an admin can punish players who shoot them. It just sucks because I was really considering these rules during my play and all I got for it was getting shot in the dome. So what are your experiences? Did you ever get kicked for breaking a server rule? Have you ever got another player kicked for breaking a server rule? How is "NO KOS" enforced?
submitted by /u/heavyonthesyrup [link] [comments]
I did not expect to find a VSS in the boot!
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:06 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/smit0183 [link] [comments] |
From Dusk Till Dawn - My love affair with this game at these special times of day. Please server owners lets not have 100% daytime. Dusk and Dawn are beautiful!
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 10:35 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/BeaverProductions [link] [comments] |
Will there be a hotfix for status bug???
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 09:04 AM PST
Because it is extremely annoying not to know if my character is hungry or well fed or thirsty...
submitted by /u/SageKnows [link] [comments]
The Mod is Alive and Well! Mission 2 : Three Down, One in a Bush.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 09:22 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Jeakins [link] [comments] |
First Wolf Encounter - 0.61
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 09:52 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/RAV3N_7 [link] [comments] |
Lucrative Community Farm Day! No more hunger for anyone?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:51 AM PST
This is how we solve world hunger folks. We need to find a public server and all get together for a community farm day. Each pumpkin plant produces 2 pumpkins, and each pumpkin gives 10 seeds. Here are some numbers to show how productive a community farm can be!
Each pumpkin can be cut into multiple slices that each take up one inventory slot. Each slice gives you 400 energy and 200 water, that is about 1/4 of a can of baked beans. We could feed everyone in every server in less than one hour of work!
I propose we all get together on a server on day at a predetermined location for a community farm day. Everyone will have more than their fair share of pumpkin slices, so nobody will go hungry. Everyone needs to bring any farming equipment they can find. Hoes, fertilizers, water storage equipment to water the plants, maybe even a few barrels for storage!
What do you think? Is a community farm day viable, or just server crash bait?
submitted by /u/Nickvr628 This is how we solve world hunger folks. We need to find a public server and all get together for a community farm day. Each pumpkin plant produces 2 pumpkins, and each pumpkin gives 10 seeds. Here are some numbers to show how productive a community farm can be!
0 hour: 9 seeds. plant 9 seeds 19 min: 18 pumkins, 180 seeds. plant 180 seeds 38 min: 360 pumpkins, 3600 seeds. plant 3600 seeds 57 min: 7200 pumpkins, 72000 seeds.
IN LESS THAN ONE HOUR WE HAVE OVER SEVEN THOUSAND PUMPKINS. Each pumpkin can be cut into multiple slices that each take up one inventory slot. Each slice gives you 400 energy and 200 water, that is about 1/4 of a can of baked beans. We could feed everyone in every server in less than one hour of work!
I propose we all get together on a server on day at a predetermined location for a community farm day. Everyone will have more than their fair share of pumpkin slices, so nobody will go hungry. Everyone needs to bring any farming equipment they can find. Hoes, fertilizers, water storage equipment to water the plants, maybe even a few barrels for storage!
What do you think? Is a community farm day viable, or just server crash bait?
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So how does the health / healing system work now?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 11:13 AM PST
Is there a basic guide that explains how to manage your body now? I feel like so much has changed, as I haven't played in about 1 year now.
Thank you!
submitted by /u/DarkFireDT Thank you!
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Don't throw barrels, they will disappear :(
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:11 AM PST
So, yesterday I had the run of my life with a barrel I found in Solnechnyi in a private server.
The pop was full at that time, so I had to hide like an hour from forest to forest to be able to reach my base location.
When I arrived there, happy as hell, and thrown the barrel under a tree, it just disappeared :(.
I'm pissed as f*/-/-, will not touch the game for a week now -.-
submitted by /u/eXWoLL The pop was full at that time, so I had to hide like an hour from forest to forest to be able to reach my base location.
When I arrived there, happy as hell, and thrown the barrel under a tree, it just disappeared :(.
I'm pissed as f*/-/-, will not touch the game for a week now -.-
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Hackers/Scripters back again?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 09:09 AM PST
Haven't been playing that long but I just shot someone K.O. at the military base over Servo. Suddenly his unconscious body disseapeared and I could only move very slowly even while running. This seems odd to me because the server had no lag and I searched the area for the unconscious body. Hacks? Lag? Bug? I hope no hackers.
submitted by /u/DayZKailos [link] [comments]
Old school question: tearing rags?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:54 AM PST
Can anybody help me understand the rationale behind the shift awhile back to having to use a blade to tear up your rags? In the realm of realism, why can't I tear my hand-crafted rag arm band back into a rag by hand? And why can't I use ANY bladed instrument (hoe, etc.) to do it? And why can't I shred a t-shirt with my bare hands??
submitted by /u/TheZomboni [link] [comments]
.61 Player Desync?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:28 AM PST
Hi All,
Either I had too many beers last night or I was seeing some weird desync issues in stable that I didn't notice in experimental.
Twice i was >100yds lined up on a player with a mosin and fired and they just ran off. Also a close pistol battle where bullets didn't seem to land.
Anyone else having issues? I was playing on UN with apparently every other US first person player not on underground.
submitted by /u/ZombieeDust Either I had too many beers last night or I was seeing some weird desync issues in stable that I didn't notice in experimental.
Twice i was >100yds lined up on a player with a mosin and fired and they just ran off. Also a close pistol battle where bullets didn't seem to land.
Anyone else having issues? I was playing on UN with apparently every other US first person player not on underground.
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Alcohol tincture bugged?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 10:39 AM PST
So i got some infected wounds, thankfully I had some alcohol to clean them. Little did I know, it doesn't actually work, is this a bug or was something changed?
submitted by /u/AllaPaul [link] [comments]
My weapon disappears from hands when encountering certain players..
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 04:55 AM PST
This has happened about three or four times now since .58.. The other day I had a bow in my hand and when I saw two guys running up to me, the bow disappeared and just the arrow dropped to the ground.. Why are hackers such pieces of shit?
Edit: just browsed a few hacking forums and it indeed looks like a common script is to disarm certain people. If you get disarmed, run like hell. Hackers are less likely to teleport to you because teleportation scripts are easy to detect and get globally banned.
submitted by /u/x1expertx1 Edit: just browsed a few hacking forums and it indeed looks like a common script is to disarm certain people. If you get disarmed, run like hell. Hackers are less likely to teleport to you because teleportation scripts are easy to detect and get globally banned.
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Dyeing Armbands on 0.61 Stable
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 11:31 AM PST
Has anyone else tried it yet? Yesterday I was able to dye 3 armbands for me and my buddies and now I'm trying it again on a different server and the armbands come out white every time.
submitted by /u/TLucks [link] [comments]
.61: Why opaque background in inventory screen?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:57 AM PST
I mean, I get it (I think): when someone's in their inventory, their attention should be "diverted" so that they aren't as aware of their surroundings...? Is that it? IMO, the old version where your items cover up about 50% of the screen was fair, but the new opaque background is silly. In real life, if I'm rummaging through my pants or pack, it doesn't make me oblivious to my surroundings. I can actually do that with my hands while facing up and looking around. Can't everybody else? Wtf? I know some of you will say, "Well, you can always tab back out of your inventory in a milisecond to look around." I agree. I just don't see why it's a game mechanic at all.
submitted by /u/TheZomboni [link] [comments]
Persistence Timers
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:54 AM PST
Does anybody know where they stand as of .61? I forget what they were for .60 as well.
submitted by /u/wjdoyle88 [link] [comments]
Is Wolf Steak Safe?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:11 PM PST
Is dayz worth the money now?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:10 PM PST
Let me start by saying I dont mean no hate. But as we all know this game development has been incredibly slow. With that said, I played the mod back in the day and had a lot of fun. However I hear that the standalone doesn't have a lot of loot and barely any zombies. I do understand its in alpha, but I really liked the mod and want to play again. Anyone care to fill me in?
submitted by /u/Edthebig Thanks!
[link] [comments]
Anyone playing on Iris Graphics 550 Mobile?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:06 AM PST
I know it's not an ideal option, or even a gaming set up, but I'm thinking of grabbing a smaller laptop for portability and wondering if I'll even be able to play or should I just grab a bigger one with a GPU? I have a desktop for when at home...
submitted by /u/Eightarmedpet [link] [comments]
My character spoke!
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 02:05 AM PST
I put a bear trap down too close to my feet and sprained my ankle, a few moments later my character said in a soviet accent "Shit that hurts" or something similar, can't remember the exact words.
submitted by /u/talon010 [link] [comments]
anyone got some good graphic settings for 0.61 ?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 05:43 AM PST
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