Thursday Teaching Thread - Beginners encouraged to ask questions here! | December 22 - December 28
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 09:00 AM PST
Remember to scroll down to the bottom or sort comments by new to make sure all questions are answered please.
Welcome to the latest Thursday Teaching Thread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.
This is an opportunity for the more experienced HotS players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!
If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url. If you have any additional questions after this thread starts to disappear from the front page, /r/nexusnewbies is happy to help.
Previous Teaching Threads
submitted by /u/AutoModerator Welcome to the latest Thursday Teaching Thread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.
This is an opportunity for the more experienced HotS players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!
If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url. If you have any additional questions after this thread starts to disappear from the front page, /r/nexusnewbies is happy to help.
Previous Teaching Threads
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HeroStorm Ep 21 Jaina The Frost Mage
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:07 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/lerhond [link] [comments] |
Heroes Brawl of the Week, December 23, 2016: Snow Brawl
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 10:04 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/CR0WN66 [link] [comments] |
It's official. HeroesNexus is shutting down
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 02:50 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/TheFurinax [link] [comments] |
the growing list of Rehgar Z bugs
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:41 AM PST
Blizz pls halp dogebite. The Church of Rehgar is highly displeased.
edit: more thanks to /u/Drygin7_JCoto :
submitted by /u/porcipotimus - "The YoYo" you lunge to bite a hero that is simply walking and the damage does not connect. Instead doge just rubber bands onto the enemy in repeated lunge animations while doing no damage.
- "The JK wolf" - You are spamming z to bite quickly but you spam too fast and wolf form cancels itself instantly. I didnt notice this happening in previous patches so not sure if new or not. (this needs the same treatment Zera's Wormhole QoL got)
edit: more thanks to /u/Drygin7_JCoto :
- Lunging a hero while there's any other unit in the middle of the trajectory causes rehgar to lunge to that unit, then relunging to the enemy hero, damage applies pretty randomly.
- Rehgar can autoattack the closest unit randomly when given right click commands if he stops moving (same than the nova "bug"). Simply, caused by autoattack AI. (Autolunge)
- Rehgar will lunge at his closest enemy, instead of the one that is closer to the cursor upon being given an attack command while in ghost form. General "bug" caused by attacks being coded to target based on proximity, not the position of the command cursor (A+ click).
- Lunging at gates sometimes makes you go over them (from /u/BigLupu )
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Can we have a healing fountain at mid gate on Haunted Mines?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:11 AM PST
So every other map that has three gates has a helming fountain in the middle. This also includes the maps with only two keeps Braxis Holdout & Battlefield of Eternity.
Given it is the essentially the same layout why can't there be a healing fountain at the middle gate for Haunted Mines?
You might say it's irrelevant or unnecessary but then theoretically Braxis didn't need one.
submitted by /u/Tommy648 Given it is the essentially the same layout why can't there be a healing fountain at the middle gate for Haunted Mines?
You might say it's irrelevant or unnecessary but then theoretically Braxis didn't need one.
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After seeing the new Muradin skin I just had to make this.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:44 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Wip9 [link] [comments] |
New Zul'jin Screenshots
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 10:26 AM PST
Evasion and Blind are functioning strangely.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 04:32 AM PST
Hi, I just played and tested a few games as illidan and Johanna. Evasion and blind seem to block dmg from summons (such as Zagara's E and W, Azmodan's summons, Banshees, ...). There are some strange cases however. Tychus' drill and Gazlowe's turrets still attack through evasion/blind and Zagara's W with lv16 Corrosive Saliva talent still deals 2% hp dmg even though the hydralisk's attacks miss. Tychus with trait on will not do any dmg when blinded by Joh or through Evasion. Attacks from a blinded heroes still consume your Block stacks. Maybe they are all intended but very counter-intuitive and somewhat inconsistent.
submitted by /u/1stFeeder [link] [comments]
Stepping up the design of heroes - Implementing Cleanse to the base kit for supports
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:10 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Moonprayer [link] [comments] |
Zul'Jin coming to the Nexus in early January 2017
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 10:11 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/killaor12 [link] [comments] |
Now that we're getting Zul'jin, we need a Draenei
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:34 AM PST
After we get Zul'jin, the only playable race that's still missing is draenei. As a draenei main, that makes me sad, but I can't say I'm surprised, lol. So far, we have:
Human: 5
Dwarf: 2
Night Elf: 3
Gnome: 1
Worgen: 1
Draenei: 0
Pandaren: 2
Orc: 5
Troll: 1
Undead: 1
Tauren: 1
Goblin: 1
Blood Elf: 1
People argue that Chromie doesn't count cause she's a dragon and that Sylvanas is not a real undead, etc, but at least it's something. WTB Maraad or Velen.
EDIT: What's with the downvotes? Just because I want a draenei doesn't mean I don't want characters from other franchises...
submitted by /u/NamiHeartilly Human: 5
Dwarf: 2
Night Elf: 3
Gnome: 1
Worgen: 1
Draenei: 0
Pandaren: 2
Orc: 5
Troll: 1
Undead: 1
Tauren: 1
Goblin: 1
Blood Elf: 1
People argue that Chromie doesn't count cause she's a dragon and that Sylvanas is not a real undead, etc, but at least it's something. WTB Maraad or Velen.
EDIT: What's with the downvotes? Just because I want a draenei doesn't mean I don't want characters from other franchises...
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The only thing i want for christmas is a Han'Cho skin for Cho'Gall
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 04:44 AM PST
As a seasoned Cho'Gall player, all i want to see under the christmas tree is a Han'Cho skin.
Merry christmas, BROTHERS!
submitted by /u/Laurpower As a seasoned Cho'Gall player, all i want to see under the christmas tree is a Han'Cho skin.
Merry christmas, BROTHERS!
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Since the nerf, Lava Wave has a 52.6% winrate and Sulfuras Smash has a 51% winrate
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 03:38 AM PST
Is Rag and Lava Wave still OP like people were crying it was going to be? Is everyone still gonna ban Rag for the next 4 months like they did with KT?
submitted by /u/Homicidal_HotS [link] [comments]
I'm glad we're finally getting more assassins!
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:47 PM PST
If I may, I just wanted to be the voice of the people on this one and give a great big holiday thanks to Blizzard for finally introducing a new assassin hero into the game!
I'm sure that most of you are aware of the different hero roles and the disparity that lies therein. If you are unaware, I've provided a numbering of each of the categories:
Multi-Class: 1
Support: 10
Specialist: 11
Warrior: 17
Assassin: 23
As you can see, the number of assassin heroes currently in the game was simply too small in this point. There really just didn't feel like there was much variety. But now, with the addition of the 24th assassin, we can start to feel confident that Blizzard really hears us on this issue!
Now if another assassin being added to the game wasn't enough of a stocking stuffer for you this holiday season: wait! There's more! This new hero also joins us from the Warcraft universe!
The Warcraft game series is Blizzard's budding new franchise that many Heroes of the Storm players might not even recognize for how little representation its characters are offered in this game. To again illustrate my point of the grave injustice being rectified here, I have provided the current representation of each blizzard franchise below:
Blizzard Classic: 1
Overwatch: 2
Starcraft: 13
Diablo: 13
Warcraft: 31
I think the evidence speaks for itself. We have been in desperate need for both a new Assassin and Warcraft hero now. It's been so long, I actually had to check to see what the last Warcraft Assassin released was! Turns out it was Ragnaros, the firelord! The long wait is finally over and good ole Rag can have some company this Holiday season with a familiar face.
A note from the author:
This piece is really more of a stress release mechanism. A way to decompress about feeling a little let down with the hero release. Even though it's a combination we've seen many times before I am still extremely pleased to see Zul'jin enter the Nexus.
I've never played any Blizzard game besides this and Hearthstone so my knowledge of the lore of the different franchises is a bit lacking. With each new hero released, I'm given the chance to explore different elements of a vast universe without having to spend hours in a game I don't wish to play. Each and every hero, regardless of their role or universe, is wonderful to have in the game and I am truly thankful for all the hard work Blizzard has put in to give us so much free content for so long.
I'm sorry if the post is a tad long or disinteresting but happy Feast of Winterveil to everyone, nevertheless.
submitted by /u/Tunnel_ If I may, I just wanted to be the voice of the people on this one and give a great big holiday thanks to Blizzard for finally introducing a new assassin hero into the game!
I'm sure that most of you are aware of the different hero roles and the disparity that lies therein. If you are unaware, I've provided a numbering of each of the categories:
Multi-Class: 1
Support: 10
Specialist: 11
Warrior: 17
Assassin: 23
As you can see, the number of assassin heroes currently in the game was simply too small in this point. There really just didn't feel like there was much variety. But now, with the addition of the 24th assassin, we can start to feel confident that Blizzard really hears us on this issue!
Now if another assassin being added to the game wasn't enough of a stocking stuffer for you this holiday season: wait! There's more! This new hero also joins us from the Warcraft universe!
The Warcraft game series is Blizzard's budding new franchise that many Heroes of the Storm players might not even recognize for how little representation its characters are offered in this game. To again illustrate my point of the grave injustice being rectified here, I have provided the current representation of each blizzard franchise below:
Blizzard Classic: 1
Overwatch: 2
Starcraft: 13
Diablo: 13
Warcraft: 31
I think the evidence speaks for itself. We have been in desperate need for both a new Assassin and Warcraft hero now. It's been so long, I actually had to check to see what the last Warcraft Assassin released was! Turns out it was Ragnaros, the firelord! The long wait is finally over and good ole Rag can have some company this Holiday season with a familiar face.
A note from the author:
This piece is really more of a stress release mechanism. A way to decompress about feeling a little let down with the hero release. Even though it's a combination we've seen many times before I am still extremely pleased to see Zul'jin enter the Nexus.
I've never played any Blizzard game besides this and Hearthstone so my knowledge of the lore of the different franchises is a bit lacking. With each new hero released, I'm given the chance to explore different elements of a vast universe without having to spend hours in a game I don't wish to play. Each and every hero, regardless of their role or universe, is wonderful to have in the game and I am truly thankful for all the hard work Blizzard has put in to give us so much free content for so long.
I'm sorry if the post is a tad long or disinteresting but happy Feast of Winterveil to everyone, nevertheless.
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Medivh can't fly over terrain in the mines - intended?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 02:08 AM PST
So yeah, it's clearly a cave and the cave supports reach fully up to the ceiling, but should his normal gameplay bow to realism here?
submitted by /u/Shukkui [link] [comments]
Artanis + stiches
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:25 AM PST
What happens when you q + e as Artanis then get helping handed from stich before the prism hits the enemy? Can you get like 1/2 map pull?
submitted by /u/REBTEVYE [link] [comments]
Zul'jin full talent tree revealed!
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 12:55 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Dorazion [link] [comments] |
We all know Deckard Cain will enter the Nexus at some point, but it's hard to picture how he'll fit into the game. I took a shot at creating a thematically appropriate kit for him
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 11:00 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/kid-karma [link] [comments] |
[TL.net] Ragnaros First Impressions from SPT.Wings, Zero.m, PBA.Baphomat, BLX.sCsC, and more.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:55 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/r_gg [link] [comments] |
Which side do you like Grave Keeper or Raven Lord?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:58 AM PST
Just a random question which side do you like the most especially in towers of doom. I feel like I'm on Raven Lord side but the Grave Keeper is too hard to resist. My votes on Raven Lord
Also does anyone hear raven lord lines being played instead of grave keeper after the tower rise? In gravekeeper side?
submitted by /u/ustopable Also does anyone hear raven lord lines being played instead of grave keeper after the tower rise? In gravekeeper side?
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Who is the best Heroes of the Storm in the world? FINAL EDITION! KR Results, final poll and now average player ratings!
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:44 AM PST
Thanks for those who participated in the KR poll! It was much appreciated! We are finally down to the final poll and we'll be including the top 10 players from each region! I have also added average Player Participation Rating from masterleague.net to see how some players compare to others!
And now the top 10 Korean players:
Here is the link to the top the 10 players in the world:
Link to Chinese results:
Don't forget to upvote guys!
submitted by /u/theshortone520 And now the top 10 Korean players:
Rank | Player | Total Points | First Place Votes | Average Rating |
1 | MVPBlack Rich | 1119 | 80 | 67 |
2 | Ballistix Noblesse | 875 | 26 | 53 |
3 | Ballistix sCsC | 807 | 13 | 58 |
4 | MVPBlack Sign | 458 | 2 | 52 |
5 | MVPBlack Merryday | 403 | 0 | 61 |
6 | Lockdown | 387 | 2 | 49 |
7 | Dami | 284 | 0 | 55 |
8 | Ballistix Jeongha | 254 | 2 | 53 |
9 | MVPBlack Sake | 238 | 0 | 60 |
10 | MVPMiracle CMoving | 237 | 1 | 52 |
Link to Chinese results:
Don't forget to upvote guys!
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I'm more than ok with waiting 10-15 minutes in queue for TL, however, I feel as though if someone in my draft dodges I shouldn't have to wait another 10-15 minutes
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:39 PM PST
I don't mind waiting in queue at all as long as it means i get into a fair match, that being said. I hate that 1 person dodging queue makes it so 9 other people have to go to the back of the queue to play a game...
submitted by /u/Lawlsdeep [link] [comments]
Optimize Exit Game?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 11:37 AM PST
Every time I try to close my game it takes anywhere from 5-10 seconds with absolutely no feedback just a frozen framed screen. Does the game take a little bit longer than you would typically think to close down? I think some optimization could be done here...maybe its just me.
submitted by /u/4hir3 [link] [comments]
Zul'jin up on the Heroes of the Storm official website! Check out his master/paid skins!
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 01:14 PM PST
Ragnaros goes to 10k on Friday!
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:05 PM PST
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