Just finished my placement matches

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 04:58 AM PST

I couldn't be happier! HOTS is my first and only MOBA I play and I placed Gold 2nd division! When I first started playing I was on the lower end of bronze tier easily. I think rank 49 was the highest I achieved in the old system. It's just so rewarding to see how far you've got in the lifespan of the game. This may not sound like much to all you diamond and master players here, but it made my day. Also wanted to make a positive rank placement post amongst the negative ones!
A happy Feast of Winter Veil to all!
submitted by /u/Loveforbass
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Specialists players are... weirds?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 05:36 AM PST

So yesterday, I just made some guy who play sylvana wet dream came true after telling my teammates "don't 4 vs 5, stall them so sylv can push" and the guy was like "that's the most beautiful thing i ever heard".
Same thing happen to another game later with my friend who main murky. We were on voice chat and he just laugh like a maniac when 2 enemies leave objective to kill him while my teammates blaming him for not helping obj.
Theory: Are they secretly masochist?
submitted by /u/anhquan0707
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"Normal" game brawls need something to make them shorter.

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 01:47 AM PST

The brawls that are basically just normal games with random or all one hero need some sort of tweaking to be shorter. This week is the biggest culprit but the all Hammer one and, to a lesser extent, the all Nova one. The best of three round brawls tend to take like 10-15 minutes tops, but this weeks take as long as a normal game. One of the nicer things about Brawls is that they are generally even faster than normal games.
Some examples, the Hammer brawl should have had half core health or something. And this week could have had significantly stronger golems or something, emphasizing the "brawl" aspect.
submitted by /u/StretchyPlays
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About the new brawl hate

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 05:41 AM PST

I understand it's not a brawl but I personally appreciate the ability to practice the "new" map considering there is not an increased chance of playing it in rotation. It probably would have been better last week but from what I understand most people just want 1k gold anyway. In my opinion it's good to just be able to relearn it with a guaranteed queue.
submitted by /u/Janny96
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My latest "Ragnaros in both teams" Quick Match was no doubt one of my longest and weirdest matches ever...

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 07:21 AM PST

We were playing on Tomb of Spider Queen, and had rather weird team compositions, with both teams having Ragnaros, specialist, cloaker, and two other assassins, with ranged and melee on both sides. Teamfights troughout the match were rather entertaining in a sence that divers were trying to kill Ragnaroses first, leaving them open for other teammembers to ut them of. Though Ragnaroses ended up biting the dust, fights usually ended up in only 2 members of both teams surviving and not wanting to risk losing rest of the team.
And when Rangaroses got their lava ults, things got even crazier, as couple of times both teams managed to kill each other and finish each other off with Ragnaros ults. And after that, both teams simply kept waiting fotr all to respawn, regroup and trying again, with fights again mostly ending with scenario of 2 of each team surviving.
After continuous yolo-teamfights, spiders and boss struggles, each teams finally had their every building down except the Cores. However, none of the teams dared to try to strike the other in fear of losing a fight and giving enemy team a chance to win, so their Murky started doing futile kamikaze attacks to our Core just to troll us, and our Zeratul kept hunting for his egg, ann the while we were too frighted to move outside our base because of their Nova. With well over 20 levels, both Ragnaroses kept stopping minion pushes with their lava. Both teams managed to get to opposing team's Core couple of times, but were scared away by Molten Cores.
The match ended up lasting nearly 49 minutes, but didn't quite match up to my record of 53 minutes. We ended up losing however, but this line from our Azmodan made me not to have spite at all:
"My lasagna. It's cold."
submitted by /u/Pernaman
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Aya Blackpaw - Hearthstone Hero Concept
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 06:56 AM PST
Bakery co-casting James Baker game, Zergling refuses to fight and more in week 2 of Heroes Lounge
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 03:02 AM PST
My team when the enemy Rag casts Lava wave
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 01:39 PM PST

Cannot see the edge of KT's flamestrike on the sky temple map

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 06:39 AM PST

I really like the general artwork improvement and the better visual appearance of the older HOTS maps.
However, one thing that sticks out to me is the new sky temple floor. At a shiny bright yellowish tone, it makes it impossible to see the KT flamestrike either as a KT player or if KT is on the other side. And really i believe that should not be the case.
It's just crazy when you are playing a hero like valla on this map and there is a KT on the other side.
I am Macbook Air user. Yes i have tried different level of graphics settings.
submitted by /u/JSRoc
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God that medivac felt good
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 09:27 PM PST

We grabbed all the nukes and then when we were mid lane...
submitted by /u/DoomsyDie
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Brawl feedback: most disliked the fact that Hammer time was a full match. Now they managed to make it even worse.

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 04:51 AM PST

This is how the Mines brawl goes: pick a hero, then look at the enemy team while at the loading screen to find out if you won or lost.
Choosing between three "random" heroes is an amazing idea for short fuck-everything brawls. In a normal match, it makes the game end before it begins.
Winning doesn't matter, obviously, but 30 min of one sided gameplay takes ALL the fun.
They may have reasons for putting this "brawl" out, but what ever they are, they do not include fun or listening to feedback.
You can't just put a shitty "random" pick in a normal map and call it a Brawl. If anything, put an old brawl again.
This shouldn't happen again in my opinion. What are your thoughts?
Edit: words
Edit: next time I will begin by introducing the meaning of feedback.
submitted by /u/blueoysternotsocult
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Tetcher interviews Quackniix (Fnatic) while playing Cho'gall
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 10:47 AM PST

You don't have to win every game, just think of every game as winnable (and "throw-able") plus a few tips

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 10:04 PM PST

This is a bit of a rant, but more of an educational one that comes from observation.
It seems that once a team gets a huge lead, be it your or the opponent's; play tends to get sloppy. People engage in bad fights, concede objectives, or play as if you need to defend every fort and keep instead of rushing the enemy core for a win.
If you really want to improve and climb, play your best. Don't get complacent and don't become disheartened. Even in those "throwaway" games, see what you can do better. Break down why you died (I was chasing Jaina while neglecting the Li ming poke on my flank) or what you could've done to help the team (I was soloing knights when my team was collapsed upon on the objective.)
Also, people seem to give up or throw in the towel after one bad fight, or being down a talent tier. I can say from several games, it is so easy to throw and let the other team back in.
I'm currently on a massive Alarak binge, and I perform amazing early game, My team gets a good lead, and then, I just kinda fall off late game as other people get more survivability talents and mobility options, while I have to sacrifice Sadism damage. I can't stay in fights nearly as long and my burst combo doesn't execute squishies.
Because of just one person falling off, my team plays as if we had the same power spike in the early game, and we end up on the wrong end of teamfights. Before you know it, that 3 level 1 keep advantage disappears. And it's not just our own play, the opponents keep trying, they press on. Sometimes their gameplay just tightens up so much more because they learned from their mistakes in the first half and are trying not to repeat them.
That sort of attitude will turn games around. Keep putting in effort, be willing to learn and assess, wait for a mistake; that'll be the opening to turn the game around in your favor.

But sometimes you can't win, you can do everything right and still lose. Don't be upset over bad circumstances. Although not winning that single match, just by playing as if you can, and if you don't; then take the knowledge gained from your efforts and errors into the next one.
Even when learning a hero in QM, it's important to test what your capable of.
Also, worth mentioning, we all suck at something at some point. Getting practice in is important, but again, play with a purpose. Doing the same thing over and over again, and not getting the desired results might be a sign to change something on your gameplay.
Again, Alarak kick. I couldn't nail my combo worth a damn at first (Still whiff a few) But I started to take the level 1 talent that increases the push range. Then I noticed that sometimes it would push them to my sides, so I started taking Double Cross. I started to nail my Combo more and more, but I was also dying more to to extended melee skirmishes. I needed more survivability but I have no talents. Then I remembered Force Lighting heals you per enemy hero hit. Instead of trying to poke heroes; Isolate one, hit your combo, if they fight, aim for a hero behind them to double the healing done. After that, I started dying a lot less and winning more games.
I saw issues with my own play instead of thinking "If only the support healed me" or "if the tank could keep them still.
Look inward before outward
But you still have to remember it's a team game. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. I can solo boss and merc camps with a ton of heroes, but I try not to. I look at the map, see what can be done, see if the team needs me, if the objective is about to up. And this knowledge doesn't come overnight, it's trial and error. Even with a hero I feel I know mechanically, there's still decision making with that particular hero.
As TLV, I can solo most merc camps and even sneak a boss in. It's great to know, but it's not something I'm going to attempt every game as we need exp soak and often times Early merc camps don't do much. If I'm Alarak, I learned that I can use Force Push on myself to get that last hit of Force Lightning in, but I'm not going to do it for every kill as it puts me out of position. I used to be the Murky that only merc'd and laned, it wasn't until I discovered his utility that I started bringing him into team fights.
It's really important to play with a purpose if you want to improve. If you're frustrated with your rank or MMR, I understand, I've been there. But I've also made several smurf accounts to "prove the system was broken" and well, I was wrong. You will hit the rank you belong in, it just may take longer in some cases then other.

Mentioned a few tips as well;

Try not to die:

  • Dying isn't the worst thing in the game, but dying without a purpose is. Chasing a kill, being caught away for your team, or just lack of map awareness can lead to a lot of deaths. During that death timer, your team is down a body on the map, a player that could be doing the objective, cleaning up, stopping a push, or assisting in a merc camp.
    Even dying "with a purpose" can be bad. If you die trying to get that immortal, your team is still down a body. If you're the support, engaging warrior, or poke, then the immortal and team may not get far if missing a critical component.

Look at the minimap as much as possible.

  • In transit around the map, or even during a small lull between fights, just keep your eyes glued on the minimap. (You can also hit TAB to see what resources enemy players have, such as gems or coins) Eventually you'll learn to predict those rotations. If you see 2 opponents pushing bot, and catch a glimpse on a wall of the third running to the merc camp, but you know they can't solo it (like a Nova for instance) more likely than not, the other three players are helping in the camp.
    If you hit TAB and see Rag has 14 coins, but the other 4 are shoving top and have no coins, it means that Rag is probably turning in.
    If there's an extended period where you see no activity on the map, they might be doing boss.

Despite being called "Heroes of the Storm" don't try to be a Hero.

  • This probably goes with not dying, but it's a bit more complicated than that. I see a lot of people trying to solo defend an objective or push, while the team has other plans. This often leads to a death and frustration. ("where was my team?" "Oh, I guess we're just going to let them take the shrine?")
    There's not many heroes that can defend 1v4 if the opponents have full health. It's best to concede the objective and regroup at another time. Dying on point and having them take the point is much worse than just letting them have it in the first place.
    I understand the need to poke to delay and hopefully buy some time, just know if your team is coming for back-up. If not, then slowly back away to not get collapsed upon.

The only condition for victory is getting the enemy's core at 0% before yours.

  • This is one of my pet peeves and I see a lot. If you can end the game, just end it. I see a lot of people hearth back to defend a keep from a boss, or a push when we can end the game. It doesn't matter if our Core is at 1% and theirs is at 0%, we still win.
    We don't need to defend every fort/keep/push/merc camp, you have to weigh what you're giving up and what you gain. If I see a I'll gladly let my opponents take top fort if I can get mid keep. I'll let them take a keep if we can get the core. Hell, if our lane still has a fort and keep, I'll let them take boss if we can pick them off after the cap. A 5 man wipe, and end the game.

Well, that's about it, I hope this may help some people, either with the mentality or some realizations that you may not have known.
If anyone else has any other tips on what helped you personally, feel free to share them in the comments.
submitted by /u/GetEquipped
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So many leavers nowadays

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 06:59 AM PST

There seems to be a trend in QM to just leave a game if "it doesnt feel like the team is winning"... So many games in the last 2 weeks are full of leavers. It just kills the athmosphere and the game spirit. Why not do bigger penalties for leavers?
submitted by /u/KamillenT
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Ragnaros Patch in a nutshell

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 06:37 AM PST

Quadra kill!
When loud af "DIE INSECTS!" & indicator on the minimap is not enough.
submitted by /u/Rivelon
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Medivh's commendation should say Guardian.

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 07:47 AM PST

Protector doesn't sound as cool or in line with who he actually is.He is the Guardian!
If someone doesnt know protector is the title of what you get appreciated for if you prevent enough damage done to your team:say 8% or something.
submitted by /u/naknuknik
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Srey's Solo Queue Tier List & Talent Builds - Ragnaros Patch [12/17/2016]

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 08:46 PM PST

It's been about a month since the last update and a lot has changed. Ragnaros has certainly made an impression. I think he's the best Hero that Blizzard has released for quite a while, both in terms of design and strength. If you're interested in a more in-depth look at Ragnaros, please feel free to check out this video. Diablo and Dehaka are two Tanks that are sure to make an impact, while Thrall's Earthquake is just about the most irritating Heroic in the game. Valla is still the best overall ranged DPS in the game but Gul'Dan is rising quickly. Malfurion is at the top of his class as well. Overall, the meta has shifted towards favoring melee Heroes and the ranged Heroes that counter them. This Tier List update also includes a breakdown in video form, let me know what you think of it.
As always, please let me know of any questions, comments, or concerns that you may have and I'll do my best to address them. Please also let me know of any feedback that I can use to improve my content in the future.
Solo Queue Tier List & Talent Builds - Ragnaros Patch
Breakdown & Overview in Video Form
submitted by /u/Sreyz
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Ragnaros in a nutshell
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 10:20 PM PST

Brawls need to be counted in games played for Events

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 08:32 AM PST

Not sure why they don't. They allow AI games to be counted in events I believe, but not Brawls?
Not sure why Blizzard wants to punish players by not letting Brawl count towards event completion, why should they judge what a player would prefer to play. Even more so if they are a new player and want to try out all different heroes but also want to do the event (ie, the nexus challenge is their primary objective) so instead they relegate themselves to doing it in AI because it's the fastest way to do so but at the cost of their enjoyment.
submitted by /u/myndzero
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Tassadar boss steal
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 06:46 AM PST

Let us use Hero and Role Chat Links even if we already picked a hero

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 07:32 AM PST

For everyone who didn´t notice yet, you can suggest a pick or ban in the draft screen chat by SHIFT + clicking a hero. Unfortunately this only works if you have not picked your own hero yet. After you have locked in your hero, the SHIFT + click doesn´t work anymore to suggest picks to your teammates. I don´t think this is intended and it would be great if this gets fixed.
submitted by /u/Fraisor
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Zeratul Wormhole buffer removed (bug or intentional?)

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 08:07 PM PST

Zeratul's wormhole used to have approximately a 0.5 second buffer before it could be activated. This was really useful because if you were getting CC'd you might want to spam your blink but not want to accidentally activate wormhole. This timing buffer seems to be removed now. Is it a bug?
submitted by /u/HenryAudubon
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anyone else DC?

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 09:28 PM PST

2 of us got disconnected. unable to log back in to bnet either
submitted by /u/DruidAllanon
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I did something funny with Johanna yesterday.

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 11:29 AM PST

Was messing around with friends in Team League.
- Gif
- Youtube
submitted by /u/TokuZan
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