Best Of /r/leagueoflegends 2016! Nominate and Vote here!

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 11:25 AM PST

What's up /r/leagueoflegends! It's that time of the year once again where YOU, the community, chooses the best of the best that /r/leagueoflegends has offered during 2016.
It's been a great year on /r/leagueoflegends. We've seen heartbreak, we've seen joy, we've seen shitposts (so many dear god). Now it's time to decide which of them will enter the hall of fame!

How does it work?

In the comment section of this post there will be a comment for each category. Reply to these comments with your nominations, and vote for the nominations you consider most deserving. Please vote on the nominations through upvoting it and remember not to downvote any nominations.
This thread will be in contest mode so only the mods can see which nomination is getting the most votes.
You will be able to nominate/vote until the 31st of December 2016. After that we will count the votes and reveal the winners a few days later.
The winners in each category will be given reddit gold, courtesy of reddit and a special flair here on /r/leagueoflegends.

Rules 'n stuff

  1. Every nomination must be a post, comment or person from /r/leagueoflegends in 2016.
  2. You can only nominate one post, comment or person per category.
  3. If you see that someone else has already nominated something you wanted to nominate please don't nominate it again.
  4. Please keep all discussion within replies to nominations.
  5. Every nomination must contain a link to what you are nominating (if you are nominating a person, please link their reddit account).
  6. If we catch you trying to game the votes, all your nominations will be disqualified and we'll cast lots to see who gets to throw you down a well.
  7. Any nominated submissions or comments that break our rules will be DQ'd.
  8. We will not count nominations of users who are currently banned.


The community

  • Best Fan Art - We all love to see what the community can create, now its time to choose which Fan Art is the best of 2016 that you've seen on /r/leagueoflegends!
  • Favourite Meta Discussion (Post) - Nominate the best post you've seen about the meta of League of Legends in 2016.
  • Favourite Non-Meta Discussion (Post) - Nominate the best post you've seen about games, pro players, pro teams, tournaments and more.
  • Favourite comment - Nominate a comment that you think is the best of 2016.
  • Most Valuable Redditor - Nominate the most valuable redditor you've seen here in 2016. This category excludes pro players and personalities since they have a category for themselves. Make sure to tag their username e.g. /u/IcyColdStare
  • Favourite Pro Player or Personality on Reddit - Nominate a pro player or personality you think has been a positive influence in /r/leagueoflegends.
  • Funniest moment in /r/leagueoflegends - We've had some truly dank moments. But which of them is the best? Time to find out. This can be a post or comment that you've seen in 2016 on /r/leagueoflegends. (Please use the permalink for comments)
  • Best AMA Nominate an AMA that you think deserves the best of 2016 award.

The Pro-scene

  • Favourite competitive match - Nominate your favourite competitive match in 2016. This includes pro and amateur matches, tournaments, scrims and showmatches.
  • Favourite Solo Queue Play - Nominate the best solo queue play you've seen in 2016. This includes ranked 5's and pro players not playing in a tournament.
  • Favourite Player - Nominate your favourite player of 2016.
  • Favourite Team - Nominate your favourite team in 2016.

The Game

  • Favourite Champion Release - Nominate your favourite champion from these picks: Ivern, Kled, Taliyah, Aurelion Sol, Jhin.
  • Favourite Rework/Update - Nominate your favourite champion rework/update of 2016.
  • Best Game Mode Nominate your favourite game mode of 2016.
  • Favourite Patch Nominate your favourite patch of 2016.

Moderation Feedback

We (the mod team) love hearing from you guys. It's what helps us keep this sub great and lets us know if we're doing good/bad. That's why this year we are including a Moderation Feedback section. Below will be a google form that will allow you to give us any and all feedback. All responses are anonymous so don't be shy! Think we did good? Think there's something we can improve on? Be sure to let us know! Going forward into 2017 we will be looking over every response to see what we can do better.
Submit Moderation Feedback here:

Thanks you all for an amazing year!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
The /r/Leagueoflegends mod team
submitted by /u/SimplifyEUW
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Kuro's UNBELIEVABLE 1v5 Pentakill with his Viktor
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 03:01 AM PST
TIL You can E Flash and bend the E on Camille
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 05:41 AM PST

Brazilian Riot team fails to release snowdown chest

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 05:44 AM PST

There are many reports of players buying wrong content due to "daily theme" topic being updated hours after the start of another theme. There are also reports about unknown named snowdown chest, which caused confusion.
In the fire theme day (NA was correctly updated), it was informed in their official brazilian support page that snowdown theme was up. I bought two chests and got two fire theme skins.
This issue repeated with other themes.
The support does not recognizes these fails and denies to repair.
submitted by /u/KleinIll
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ARAM rerolls not being refunded after dodges
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 01:11 AM PST

Rito pls.
submitted by /u/TheRagingWade
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24-Hour Cancer Charity Stream - We raised over €5000,-! Thank you so much everyone!

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:43 AM PST

Hey guys,
I'm pleased to announce that after a long 24 hours of streaming we as a community have raised over €5000,- in donations for the Prevent Cancer Foundation!.
I cannot thank you guys enough for all the support and well-wishes I've gotten. It really meant a lot to me and a lot of others. We have really shown the world the best side of our community.
I'd like to thank my friends, family and all the viewers who've watched, joined in, donated and otherwise supported this amazing event. You truly gave me a memory I'll never ever forget :)
I love you guys,
Tom "Awesome Possum" Besemer
Special thanks to:
xSyoss, Foxdrop, Piratechnics, PeacePigeon, Riot Games, GoMaly, Grackly, Koolein, Mithy, JFloUnknown, KagamiArata, Rivington, LiveWithSjaak, Ohbahsan, Yowkah and Homoerectusaurus.
And finally Roccat and Steelseries for giving me the opportunity to hold giveaways for the donors. You guys have been awesome! <3
submitted by /u/AwesomePossumz
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Duke joins Invictus Gaming
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 02:04 AM PST
Witnessed a masterful BM while spectating a friends game
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 03:19 AM PST

Congratulations to the IEM Gyeonggi winners!

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 03:28 AM PST

They join SKT T1, Cloud 9, H2K, Albus Nox Luna, EDward Gaming, Unicorns Of Love and the TW representative at IEM Katowice XI Finals


MATCH 1: KDM (Blue) vs SSG (Red)

Winner: SSG

Game Time: 35:58


Thresh Syndra
Zyra LeBlanc
Ashe Lee Sin
Towers: 2 Gold: 58.3k Kills: 5
Roach Poppy3 0-1-0
Punch Elise2 4-2-1
Edge Cassiopeia1 1-2-2
SSol Ezreal2 0-4-2
GuGer Braum3 0-3-2
Towers: 11 Gold: 72.4k Kills: 12
CuVee Maokai2 0-0-2
Ambition Rek'Sai1 1-2-3
Crown Orianna2 9-1-1
Ruler Sivir3 2-1-6
CoreJJ Karma1 0-1-10
1,2,3 Number indicates where in the pick phase the champion was taken.

MATCH 2: SSG (Blue) vs KDM (Red)

Winner: SSG

Game Time: 29:58


Syndra Zyra
Lee Sin LeBlanc
Cassiopeia Maokai
Towers: 9 Gold: 62.9k Kills: 24
CuVee Poppy2 3-2-8
Ambition Kha'Zix2 5-3-12
Crown Ryze1 7-3-5
Ruler Ashe3 7-3-7
CoreJJ Thresh3 2-1-12
Towers: 1 Gold: 47.8k Kills: 11
Roach Nautilus2 1-7-3
Punch Rek'Sai1 1-5-4
Edge Orianna2 5-4-3
SSol Ezreal3 2-4-3
GuGer Karma1 2-4-7
1,2,3 Number indicates where in the pick phase the champion was taken.

MATCH 3: KDM (Blue) vs SSG (Red)

Winner: KDM

Game Time: 41:21


Thresh Syndra
Ashe LeBlanc
Maokai Lee Sin
Towers: 11 Gold: 82.3k Kills: 24
Roach Poppy3 2-3-8
Punch Kha'Zix2 10-2-6
Edge Cassiopeia2 6-2-6
SSol Ezreal3 6-3-7
GuGer Zyra1 0-6-8
Towers: 5 Gold: 78.2k Kills:16
CuVee Kennen3 6-8-0
Ambition Rek'Sai1 2-6-4
Crown Orianna2 2-3-2
Ruler Jhin1 4-4-5
CoreJJ Miss Fortune2 2-3-8
1,2,3 Number indicates where in the pick phase the champion was taken.

MATCH 4: SSG (Blue) vs KDM (Red)

Winner: SSG

Game Time: 26:25


Syndra Ashe
Rek'Sai LeBlanc
Zyra Thresh
Towers: 8 Gold: 55.5k Kills: 19
CuVee Maokai2 3-1-6
Ambition Lee Sin1 6-2-7
Crown Viktor3 7-1-6
Ruler Ezreal2 3-2-5
CoreJJ Braum3 0-2-12
Towers: 1 Gold: 41.9k Kills: 7
Poach Poppy2 1-3-0
Punch Kha'Zix3 4-4-1
Edge Cassiopeia1 1-3-5
SSol Jhin2 1-5-2
GuGer Karma1 0-4-2
1,2,3 Number indicates where in the pick phase the champion was taken.
submitted by /u/DJGoatie
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Tobias Fate with the NB3 Roast
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 10:13 AM PST
Renekton 1v2 had 2 hp at one point
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 03:48 AM PST
Farewell KaSing, Hachani new Vitality support
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:23 AM PST
PoohManDu joins Vici Gaming as Coach
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 03:31 AM PST
Tobias with the HYPE after getting scammed.
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 06:31 AM PST
EDward Gaming announce 2017 roster including Coach NoFe and ex-ROX Cry as AD carry
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 05:49 AM PST
Garen is getting a new skin right after his buff
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 07:02 AM PST

Coincidence i think not
submitted by /u/SalterinoKripperino
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2017 EU LCS Spring Split Rosters (18.12.2016) [Editing NA soon]

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:07 AM PST

Team Top Jungle Mid ADC Support
G2 Expect Trick Perkz Zven Mithy
H2k Odoamne Jankos Febiven Nuclear Chei
Fnatic sOAZ/Kikis Amazing/Broxah Caps/Nisqy Rekkles/MrRallez Jeziz/Klaj
Vitality Cabochard LirA Nukeduck Steelback Hachani
UoL Vizicsacsi Xerxe Exileh Veritas Hylissang
Misfits Alphari KaKAO PowerOfEvil Hans Sama Ignar
Splyce Wunder Trashy Sencux Kobbe Mikyx
Giants Flaxxish Mightybear NighT Upset Hustlin
Origen Satorius Wisdom Mickey Tabzz/Hjarnan H1iva
Roccat Phaxi Maxlore Betsy Hjarnan Hybrid

Team Top Jungle Mid ADC Support
TSM Hauntzer Svenskeren Bjergsen Wildturtle Biofrost
CLG Darshan Xmithie Huhi Stixxay Aphromoo
Immortals Flame Dardoch Pobelter Cody Sun Olleh
Team Liquid Lourlo Reign0ver Goldenglue Piglet Matt
Team Dignitas Ssumday Chaser Keane LOD Xpecial
Phoenix1 Zig Inori Ryu Arrow Adrian
Echo Fox Looper Akaadian Froggen Keith Gate
C9C Balls Contractz Hai Altec Lemonnation
C9 Impact Contractz Jensen Sneaky Smoothie
NV Seraph Procxin Ninja LOD Hakuho
I am not sure who is NOT confirmed for some NA teams. Corrections appreciated.

bold = Rumored/Not confirmed //
striked= Left/Kicked
EDIT: For some reason the formatting is bugged. Need to edit the whole thing again..
submitted by /u/LaS_Midnight
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xPeke likely to announce Origen's roster today.

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 03:13 AM PST

xPeke is currently at Gamergy, the same event where he announced Origen two years ago and Ibai, the Spanish caster just tweeted this: "xPeke is announcing something IMPORTANT today".
edit: nvm, he just said it's not the roster:
submitted by /u/Lipilon
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TIL you can view joke, taunt, dance, or laugh animation in champion abilities page in the client by pressing Ctrl+1 to 4.

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 02:35 AM PST

I'm guessing even Riot forgot about this one because Fiora still has her pre rework visuals on it and if my guess is correct, it's even recorded on Crystal Scar </3
submitted by /u/xoushua
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Teemo Outplay in Diamond Elo EUW
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 06:01 PM PST
Challenger in 3 minutes - Cassiopeia
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 01:51 AM PST
Dardoch is too clean on Lee
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 11:06 PM PST

New AMD Crimson drivers introduce latency (ping spikes and packet loss) in LoL. Solution inside.

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 05:27 AM PST

What the hell?
I downloaded the new ReLive Crimson 16.12.1 drivers a couple of days ago and noticed terrible lag spikes in League of Legends. I initially dismissed it as my WiFi fucking up (it does that sometimes). I fidgeted with the settings, reset my wireless card and restarted the modem. The problems persisted.
The next day didn't change anything (I was hoping maybe it was something my ISP was doing), so I started troubleshooting. Checked my firewall settings, hard-reset the modem and even ran Riot's Hextech Repair Tool. Nothing helped.
The only change I had made to my system in the previous days was installing the new Crimson drivers, but how could graphics drivers mess with latency? Seems impossible. I checked the networking logs via via Riot's log inspector. This is what my connection looked like during games:
As you can see, the difference in quality is insane. The amount of packets lost after installing 16.12.1 drivers is so big, it makes the game unplayable.
Playing with high ping is a struggle, but a player can get used to the delay. On the other hand, playing with variable ping is a completely nightmarish. The game becomes inconsistent. It freezes, then accelerates to then slow down and maybe play normally for a while. It completely messes up the experience.
With 16.12.1 installed, I had a baseline ping of about 40-50ms with sudden spikes to 70-100ms every couple of seconds and huge spikes to 180-240ms every 10-15 seconds or so.
I still couldn't believe that this could be caused by a graphics driver, but today I ran out of options. I ran a test game on 16.12.1 for the last time to establish a baseline and got this:
Then I uninstalled the drivers using AMDs Cleanup Utility. I ran the game without installing any driver at all. The framerates were horrible, of course. I had to turn down all the settings to low and I was still only getting 5-7 fps on this potato friendly game.
Because of the constant stuttering it was hard to determine if the ping had improved while in game, but by looking at the ping counter, it looked like the lag spikes were gone. Inspecting the log after six minutes of low framerate torture confirmed this:
Encouraged by the result, I downloaded the previous, 16.9.2 drivers and took the game for a spin:
The game was smooth as all hell. No more lag spikes. No more freezes. It was back to normal.
Until AMD fixes the drivers, the
onlysolution is installing the previous version (16.9.2), which is a bummer, since the new drivers added some really cool features (like ReLive for background recording of games).
TL;DR: If you're having lag spikes in League of Legends (and possibly other games) after installing the new ReLive drivers, you can go back to a previous version of the drivers to fix it.

EDIT | A simple workaround by /u/Szaby59 (confirmed working) from /r/AMD

Remove or rename the
C:\Program Files\AMD\CNext\CNext\Bearer
folder and it will fix the latency issues. You will loose the streaming function in Relive though (local recording to files still works).
Additional workaround with streaming+latency fix:
submitted by /u/OmniSzron
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Jungle Meta during IEM Gyeonggi 2016
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 08:41 AM PST

H2K Rich on Selfie getting 'Kicked' from Misfits

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 11:01 AM PST
Wonder why he was kicked.
Screenshot taken from Rich's askFM
EDIT: Selfie was apparently kicked by manager Alicus because there was some kind of argument.
Before speculation that it might have been justified, worth noting that this manager is 24 years old and claims to have 4 years of 'Corporate management experience' and 'quit his job in REAL ESTATE to pursue esports'.
Seems like Misfits may have some management issues..
submitted by /u/mybigredtruck
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LGD Gaming announce their 2017 LPL Spring roster, including Korean jungler Croc
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 07:21 AM PST

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