Posted: 21 Dec 2016 05:00 AM PST

Welcome to Rant Wednesday! Time to rant, get loud, tell us what's bothering you!

  • caps lock only!
  • Keep it civil and on topic. Don't make personal attacks on others. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and people can often disagree.
  • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed.

You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.
submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Xur's Dawning Gift had quite the surprise today!

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:32 AM PST

Happy Holidays Guardians!
Edit: Updated with mobile friendly URL
submitted by /u/CrimsonHawk07
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I actually miss Dinklebot.

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 05:50 PM PST

As much as I think Nolan North has done a fantastic job, title says it all.
Edit: Hahaha, how on Earth did this make front page?
submitted by /u/Anacus
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I think I may have found all Iron Lords that fell in the RoI Opening Cinematic

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:48 AM PST

I love the Rise of Iron opening cinematic so I was just re watching it and saw someone comment on the video asking if anyone knew who the Iron Lords in the background were, it was an old comment and by now everyone knows it was the main 10 Iron Lords fighting SIVA but I wanted to actually see if I could find each one so I did a little screenshotting here and a little poor editing and photoshopping there and I think I'm able to find and identify all 8 Iron Lords that perished in the Iron Tomb :D Before I present my findings and get absolutely destroyed I just wanna apologize in advanced for the horrible editing, as you'll soon see it's not my forte, it was all done on Macbook Preview LOL. I made time stamps to coincide with the this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIfg0GNpDnM&t=18s but you'll need to be fast as some of them were there for a second then gone (e.i Felwinter). I'll shut my mouth now and present my findings :)
Once you've seen these there's a point I better make, with Lord Silimar I decided he was with Skorri by process of elimination, the one with Skorri had a butt towel so naturally I presumed a Titan, there's 4 Titans and Radegast, Saladin and Jolder were all accounted for so it could only be Silimar.
TL:DR I think I might have found all 8 Iron Lords that died in the Rise of Iron opening cinematic.
For the record I know it's highly likely that I'm just looking too deep into this but a girl can dream right? Hahaha thanks for tolerating me and my crappy editing Guardians. Have an awesome day everyone!
EDIT: Golly front page, thanks Guardians :D
Also thanks /u/7strikes and /u/Lord_Guardian for pointing out Radegast was actually holding a sword :) I honestly didn't even think about his artifact and wasn't sure what he was using so naturally the pool cue came to mind haha
submitted by /u/SPARKS_FAFA
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I found a nasty implication about the reprised nexus strike.

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 12:14 PM PST

I was browsing through internet when a thought came on me. The boss of the Nexus Strike, Sekrion is able to use the marked by the void debuff which is a Vault of Glass mechanic. Lore states that the vex cannot bring their ontological weaponry outside the Vault of Glass. Including the Mark by the void. If the vex are capable of bringing Sekrion back with this kind of power. Then it means that the Vex found a way to bring their ontological weaponry outside the Vault of Glass. Which is a really scary thought. Does this mean that we have to travel back in the Vault of Glass to put a stop to the Vex before they really can bring their ontological weaponry outside the Vault of Glass?
submitted by /u/Gwestioo77
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There's no exotic quest for hitting SRL rank 25

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:09 AM PST

Just hit rank 25 a little while ago (proof), and sadly there's no extra quest or exotic quest for doing so. Honestly, it's a missed opportunity on Bungie's end imo, considering there was that exotic sparrow in the Bungie armory ages ago, the S-99 Dawnchaser. (The original Bungie Armory page now directs to an invalid page)
The Dawning and the S-99 Dawnchaser, c'mon, it would've worked so well for those dedicated enough to race their hearts out. Well, there's always next year.
submitted by /u/AuraSoldier313
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Give us CRUCIBLE REWARD STREAK, so that ppl wouldn't leave matches before they end..

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 03:19 AM PST

Hello everyone!
Originally this idea came to my head after reading one of /u/tremblah comments ..

So yeah, imagine if we had The Crucible Reward Streak like in Strikes, ppl would stay in matches and wouldn't leave before the end.
Therefore, we would start new matches more often, rather than join the game in progress and hearing
heavy ammo is here... - Shaxx
That is just a suggestion and IMO that would be fun and more possibility in getting weapons you desire or materials for infusion :)

That's it from me, happy holidays everyone ;)
submitted by /u/ThatOneGuyWhoDubs
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Xbox are making 'Crests' for how you spent your year online - Think this may confirm I have a problem

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 11:19 AM PST

An awesome problem at that!
3 Years proud and still going strong!
Just wanted to share something that gave me a bit of a laugh

Here's the link for anyone who wants to check their 'Reign of You' on Xbox Live
submitted by /u/RiseOfBacon
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Secret Santa gives me priceless gift storing in vault for later

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 02:52 PM PST

Am I a guardian now? https://imgur.com/gallery/n3fDZ
Edit: my santa let me know another gift is on the way, so no salt
submitted by /u/prolikethat
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This game has a sick sense of humor.

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:40 AM PST

Last chance this week to obtain Ice Breaker. What do I get as a reward? The Comedian. Flavor text: A. A ha. A ha ha ha. A ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Not cool.
submitted by /u/MIDA8224
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TrueVanguard's "Why I Stopped Doing 1v3's" and its implications

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:45 AM PST

About a week ago TV posted this video in which he talks about 1v3 videos and his feelings toward them. To be succinct he states the practice more or less preys on the lesser skilled and casual base of the game's community and finds it morally questionable. With the increase in posts about how Trials of Osiris is broken, how the playlist population continues to decrease, etc., this video has added some fuel to the argument that the competitive crucible scene needs more polish.
After the changes made going into Y2 (match with players at the same point on their card, all boons at the beginning or none, etc.), there was an increase in good players finding others of similar skill and going into ToO to "farm" ELO, Scarab emblems, and other cosmetic features. This practice, I believe led to the sharp decline in the playlist population for Y2 and beyond.
After new content is released, all the new and returning players will try their hand at trials, which brings with it a little more balance and success. After a few weeks, the casuals decide they've had enough, the average to above average keep trying their luck, and the top more or less continue to skate to the lighthouse. No big deal, the playlist is meant to reward the best. The issue comes when a few months have past, and a good chunk of players have moved on to another game, and those who used to lighthouse with ease are starting to meet more fierce competition at the top. Or they become bored playing their flawless seven games and search out a better way to keep them busy and playing the game. So a number of them move to farming the system employed by ToO.
If you watched the video linked above, I don't need to delve into the process, but if you hop onto youtube and watch the "28-0 1V3 TRIALS RUN" types of videos, they start off with a fresh, boonless card and go to town on the weaker population of the community. This practice disheartens the average and under skilled players to the point of giving up on ToO, ramping up the cycle of population drop. But TrueVanguard's video brings up this point; the community's mentality toward the playlist and fellow guardians. Yes it sounds absurd to say "We as gamer's of Destiny need to care for one another and be more altruistic," because it is. We can't tell people how to play, as the entire point of video games is freedom of expression. So what then? The posts I've mentioned earlier have tried to address the issue with suggestions of:
  • Creating a second playlist or search bracket for individuals who have already gone flawless.
  • Removing boons and going to system where a loss knocks two of your wins off the card.
  • Go back to Y1 for purely CBMM and drop the card win filter.
And smaller changes including rotate maps for each game, no supers, no radar, it goes on. If players decide to abuse the system for in-game rewards or for personal fame, Bungie needs to create a way for the competition to stay fierce, yet still treat the players that enter fairly. Everyone on an equal playing field.
TL;DR - Some players are butt holes and take advantage of simple systems for their own gain and it's not cool. Bungie should make Trials or whatever future end game PVP fairer.
I want to thank /u/TrueVanguard for the inspiration to write this wall of crap and for his channel. Always entertaining and helpful. Also thanks to /u/Heheyyy, /u/IdiotSupreme, and all the other previous posts about making ToO better for their work that I used to build on.
EDIT 1: Formatting and grammar
submitted by /u/Dr3aMWeav3r
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I Ran Into My First Troll on Destiny [Surprise Ending]

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 03:25 AM PST

I was minding my own business in the Tower when this happened:
Full disclosure: I did spend money on Treasures of the Dawning to get the full set of Snow Angel armor because this event has been awesome.
submitted by /u/ChainsawOctopus
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The fans are multiplying
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:12 AM PST
If you are lost because of the Chaff modifier in heroic strikes, pull out your ghost. It will usually put a marker on the screen on where the next objective is.
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 11:09 AM PST

This comes in handy when going through the silos on the Wretched Eye.
submitted by /u/rfay00
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SIVA inspired PC build
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 11:59 AM PST

Nothing extreme, just some eye candy to play 1080 resolution games @ 60 FPS
submitted by /u/Hey_IT
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I made some Destiny emblems in Battlefield 1's emblem creator.
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:54 AM PST
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 01:49 PM PST

This guy kept following me around and using the proposal emote. Had to reply appropriately.
submitted by /u/mrP0P0
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Saved a fellow guardian from certain Death from above.

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 11:21 AM PST

I heard the titan jump and I had feeling he would be coming my way. Quick thinking I was going to sabotage his plans, I really didnt expect them to work. Im not sure if the hunter realized what happened.
Giphy for mobile
submitted by /u/magikian
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Why are there stability perks for rocket launchers?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:38 AM PST

I'm serious, why would I need stability on a rocket launcher? Do they expect me to have problems holding my launcher in my hands? If it is too low does it fly out of my hands like a tediore weapon from borderlands 2 and explode?
submitted by /u/My_rock
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Q&A with /u/Fro99yWo99y1, the World's Fastest Sparrow Racer

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:36 AM PST

This week I interviewed /u/Fro99yWo99y1, the World's Fastest Sparrow Racer, and with his permission I am sharing the full transcript here. Please enjoy!
If you don't know who he is, take a look at the SRL top times on Guardian.gg, specifically on Xbox. At the time I am writing this, Fro99y is rocking it like so:
Win Percentage of 97.89 out of 331 games (only not won 7 of them)
Campus Martius: 4:04.832, best time by 3 seconds
Haakon Precipice: 3:57.689, best time by 1 second
Infinite Descent: 3:48.229, best on Xbox & 2nd best overall by 29 thousandths of a second
Shining Sands: 4:10.675, best time by 2 seconds

How to be the very best, like no one ever was (at SRL)

So tell us about yourself: How did you get started in Destiny? What do you do when you're not setting world records in SRL? Anything else you'd like to share?
I've always been a fan of the Halo games and thought I'd give Bungie's new game a try. Little did I know it would quickly become one of my favorite games of all time. I'm currently a college freshmen looking to major in computer science so life can get busy at times, but luckily SRL lined up perfectly with my winter break.
The GameCube version of Mario Kart was my first video game ever and really started my love for racing games in general. I also have a hobby where I try to solve Rubik's cubes as fast as possible, so this combined with my racing experience fit together perfectly in SRL.
Let's talk about your SRL speedrunning methodology: What's your preferred Sparrow? Any general tips for racers looking to follow in your ion trail?
If the overdrive on the raid sparrows is used enough it ends up being much faster than trick sparrows, so naturally I prefer to use them. I specifically use the timebreaker, but the graverobber works just as well.
This year in SRL it seems that Bungie made some changes to how the raid sparrows work. The destruction overdrive (which happens if you hold the overdrive for too long) is about twice as fast as it was last year, and can be used to make up a lot of ground as you approach the finish line. Sadly, with these changes a glitch was created that causes the raid sparrows to randomly explode which I will try to explain later.
As for some general tips, I would recommend learning the maps and practicing with trick sparrows before making the switch to the raid sparrows. The raid sparrows have much worse handling and are very punishing if you miss a gate because of their inability to do tricks to regain boost.
If you are looking to try out the raid sparrows, then you'll want to make sure you're pushing the overdrive to its limit throughout the whole race to get the maximum benefit. I typically use the overdrive in between gates and let it rest as I go through them, but as long as you use it to its full potential you should be fine.
When taking a turn, you want to try and position your camera in the direction you want to go and side boost through gates to maintain top speed. Also, you're going to want to use the full racing gear, especially the helmet with the air control perk which allows you to pitch your sparrow to reach the ground faster.
Those are some great tips! Taking a quick aside, your SRL times are one thing, but you also won a contest on reddit for getting Sparrow wrecking balls in Trials – tell us about that. How much time, effort, and wiping went into it?
That was a fun little event where the challenge was to see if you could get two wrecking balls while only using your sparrow. I just figured since I was so good at hitting gates in SRL, maybe I'd try my luck on hitting a few guardians in Trials.
Finding people to do this with was hard because no one wants their kd to be ruined by some guy goofing off on a sparrow. I ended up having to search through the casual trials section on LFG and found some guardians wanting to farm for passage coins. It took about 8 hours to get both wrecking balls and a lot of luck. I just kept trying to bait the other team into the building on First Light and eventually it worked out.
Okay that's awesome! Your dedication is no less impressive than the skill it took to pull that off. Bringing our focus back to SRL, let's talk about each map one at a time:
Campus Martius: The Mars track is full of twists, turns, and obstacles, and has a well known shortcut, too. You finished 2nd in the world here last year, and have bested that time by 4 seconds already this year. What are your best tips for finishing first on the red planet?
Towards the beginning of the track there is a split in the paths, you can either go over or under. If you hit the gates properly the under path ends up being faster than the over path because with the over path you miss a gate which causes you to lose speed.
Then comes the downward spiral turn which is probably one of the hardest turns to master in the game. You'll want to have at least three side boosts to take this turn properly by cutting along the left wall and re-positioning your camera with each side boost.
I see a lot of people having trouble clearing the gap after the man cannon on mars while using the air control helmet. If you enter the center of the man cannon and pull back slightly as you go through it, you should be able clear the gap with ease.
The fans can be tricky, but aren't too bad once you get used to them. Instead of focusing on which fan blade you should avoid, try focusing on the open spaces in between the fans to try and position yourself so you can slide through them.
The reason I have been able to beat last years time on this map by such a large margin is by using a trick that I believe was discovered by Epicookiez over on Playstation. He found that if you use the destruction overdrive to blow yourself up as you enter the man cannon, it will spawn you right in front of the gate before the fans. This is likely because there's a gap between the man cannon and the cliff edge, so if you die in the air it will spawn you at the next closest area with solid ground. This saves about a second per lap if you can time it correctly.
Haakon Precipice: The Earth track takes us on a slalom course up and down the side of the Felwinter Peak area, through dangerous snowy environs filled with impressively difficult obstacles – but I notice it's your second fastest time. Do you have any advice for Guardians troubled by rotating satellite installations, the woods near the end, or that f@$&ing forklift?
The beginning of this track is fairly straightforward, just try and cut the turns as close to the wall as possible and make sure you are using the air control helmet after the large jumps to get to the ground as fast as possible.
There's two places where the paths split left and right. In my opinion the left paths are faster, but I haven't tried timing each one to confirm this.
For the rotating pillars, I try to determine where the they are going to be based on how far away I am from them. You'll sometimes be forced to slow down in order to hit the gates, but with the raid sparrows you can use the overdrive to speed up if you see that a pillar is about to get in your path.
That darn forklift has ruined a couple runs of mine, but if you angle the camera correctly and side boost through the gate before it, you should be able to pass on the left side of it every time. Also for the trees just keep your sparrow in a straight path as much as possible and you should be able to dodge them.
Infinite Descent: Venus is a location you conquered last year, and you've improved on that time this year. With sharp turns and long straightaways, it's the fastest track in the rotation. What are things to watch out for (and things to take advantage of) as we try to optimize our time in Vex territory?
This track is my personal favorite because it's the only track without any obstacles blocking gates and it also has the most potential for the raid sparrows because of the long straightaways.
After the first few turns there is a split in paths where you can go either left or right. The right path ends up being faster in this situation because it eventually crosses over to the left and lines you up with the next gate outside the cave.
After this is the waterfall drop where you'll want to use the air control helmet to get to the ground and pull back right before you hit the ground to prevent taking fall damage. The 'shortcut' on this map where you would go left through a hole in the wall instead of taking the S curve ends up being slower because you skip a gate.
Right after the S curve you'll hit a ramp where you'll want to pull back to stay in the air long enough to be able to clear another bump in the road that would slow you down otherwise.
It turns out that because Bungie buffed the speed of the destruction overdrive, on the third lap it's about a second faster to skip the last gate and instead begin the destruction overdrive right before the second to last gate and hug the wall while side boosting to the left into the finish line.
Shining Sands: Speaking of Vex Territory, deja vu! Mercury is perhaps the most unique map in the rotation, with massive jumps, teleporters, and obstacle-strewn half-pipes unlike anything we see on the other maps. Is this finally a course where you favor the trick sparrows? Are there any secrets or techniques you can share to help us navigate the course successfully?
This track is in my opinion the hardest to effectively use the raid sparrows on, however they do end up slightly beating out the trick sparrows. At the start of the track is an upward spiral with a sharp right turn. You want to try and stick to the right edge of the curve while slowly turning your camera as you go up. Then turn the camera all the way right and side boost to line yourself up for the next gates.
After this is a split in paths where you can either go to the right around a pillar or cut left through a ramp along the wall. Cutting left creates a straight path for the next gate and is much faster than going around on the right.
After this is the halfpipe and in my opinion the most annoying obstacle in SRL…the rotating panels. Because they are directly behind the gates, you are sometimes forced to either skip the gate or slow down to hit it. I can't really provide any tips for this other than hope that they aren't in your way and try not to smack into them if they are.
Next is the large half circle that connects to the other halfpipe. If you are using raid sparrows, you want to try and conserve your side boosts as much as possible in this section because you are going to need them later to cut the corners near the man cannons.
The trick sparrows can be more lenient here and can use side boosts to avoid the columns along the half circle. After the second halfpipe is another sharp turn. If you are using a raid sparrow you want to take this turn using only one side boost, but if you have a trick sparrow you could probably use more as long as you do tricks during the upcoming man cannon jumps.
For the split in paths I'm not sure if either path is faster than the other, but I usually just take the right path because that's the one I'm typically lined up for coming out of the turn. After you get launched out of the last man cannon you want to pull back enough so that you land on the downhill slope instead of the top of the hill. This will help stop you from bouncing around and missing the gate towards the bottom.
Okay, so we've covered the tracks pretty thoroughly at this point. A final few questions. First, any final tips that have come to mind from talking us through the tracks one by one?
If you are using the raid sparrows then at the start of each race you're going to want to try your best to get ahead of the pack as fast as possible to prevent getting bumped around and pushed off course. A lot of this comes down to the RNG of which position you start the race in.
The ending can make or break your race and with the raid sparrows it's even more important. You want to try and time the destruction overdrive to start early enough so that you blow up right when you pass the finish line. To keep yourself from accidentally holding the overdrive for too long what I do is listen for the beeps that happen after you've held it for a while. If you hear one or two beeps then you need to let off, because if you hear the third beep then you're going to be in the destruction overdrive mode.
How do you feel about SRL sticking around in Private Matches after the Dawning ends?
I'm happy it's going to be a permanent feature in the game, but I just hope Bungie brings the event back more than once a year in the future.
And how much room for improving times do you think is left on each of these maps?
Campus Martius and Shining Sands can be improved by a second or two because in my best runs on those maps I still didn't hit all the gates. Infinite Descent and Haakon Precipice however, are going to be hard to beat without having a near perfect race.
Finally, I have to ask: do you see a competitive future for the game mode in tournaments and leagues, or will it remain a novelty in the Destiny universe?
The competitive future for SRL is a little uncertain because of the random explosion glitch. This is where I'll try my best to explain the glitch in its entirety. Me and some of the top racers who use raid sparrows have noticed that there will be seemingly random moments where the raid sparrows will explode even though they have not entered the destruction overdrive sequence. Our theory is that there is some sort of latency/connection issue going on. If you are not chosen as host of your SRL lobby or if the host doesn't have great connection, then there will be some latency between you and the host. So, when you release overdrive it doesn't register that you have released it on their system and causes you to blow up randomly on your system. This is just our theory and we aren't sure why it's only happening this year, because it didn't happen last year at all. Because of this glitch, any competitive SRL tournaments that startup will likely ban raid sparrows because they give an unfair advantage to the host of the lobby. This glitch also is very annoying for people going for the best times possible on the tracks just to randomly explode at any moment. I've seen quite a few posts about this on the forums and reddit, so hopefully if enough people become aware of this Bungie will be more inclined to fix it.
Thanks so much to you, Fro99ywo99y1, for taking the time to answer these, and I hope you all enjoy the interview, Guardians! Happy holidays!
Shameless Plug: We analyze these tips and provide some additional advice in the Massive Breakdown podcast here.. Don't click if you don't want to, and do if you do. Fro99y himself listened and said:
Just got through listening to the podcast and I loved it, I also really liked the additional input you guys had on the things I failed to mention.
So take that for what it's worth.
submitted by /u/kyt_kutcha
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Christmas Gift from the Boss

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 05:24 PM PST

So I come into work today and my boss is standing there with a Loot Gaming Crate. He always shows us his stuff because he's an avid gamer and knows we are too. But today he had a grin on his face that was all too familiar. It's the face he makes when he's either asking me to work more hours or is very excited. Sure enough he whips out this bad boy, and I pissed myself. Along with a Mass Affect t-shirt and other goodies, me and my coworkers screamed like little girls making our fashion statements around the building. It's got the Destiny Logo in the middle and the Titan Emblem on each end aswell as their trademark date that I still have no idea what it means. So excited to rock this all winter!!!!! Thanks boss man!
TLDR: Loot Gaming Crate has a Destiny Scarf inside this week and my boss tossed it to me because he's still level 15
Edit: Didn't see but there is a large post on Frontpage covering this aswell! https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/5jn1p9/from_lootcrate_gaming_this_month_destiny_scarves/dbhmsul/?context=3
submitted by /u/LegoHashBudleaf
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From 'Lootcrate Gaming' This Month: Destiny Scarves!

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 03:01 PM PST

So apparently there are three different Destiny scarves you could get with Lootcrate Gaming, this month. There's a Hunter-themed one, a Warlock-themed one, and a Titan-themed one. Each one features the logo for the subclass.
If you subscribe to Lootcrate Gaming, which one did you get? Mine is the Hunter one, pictured here. I think I would have preferred the Warlock one, since it's what I main, but they're all fairly nifty. Makes up for the Mass Effect tshirt I got which is way too small -___- That's what I get for ordering in women's sizes...
UPDATE: So it looks like the Space LootGaming Crate is still available for purchase! You have until the 27th to get it, and share your scarf with the rest of the group!
submitted by /u/Kovitlac
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Let Us Make Donations for HoJ Reputation

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:07 PM PST

And not like the Cores of Etheric Light. Something that can be more commonly donated so it isn't ridiculously long just to get one package.
Some of my favorite shaders in the entire game are in that package, and not only are they RNG as a reward, but whether or not they even get a chance for an RNG drop is RNG.
submitted by /u/IdealLogic
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Have you ever wanted to fly your ship?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 01:04 AM PST

Now you can!
Well, MY ship, anyway- and a few of my friends' as well.
In honor of SRL and every variant of the Ether Eater, I made a time trial course to fly ships around in with Unity, and thought you lovely people might like it.
It requires a controller, but the vast majority of you have one, I'm sure. Should work with wired 360, Xbone, and PS4 controllers.
I run windows, so if there are problems with the Mac build, I apologize- kinda going in blind there.
Here's hoping that somewhere down the line we get a proper go of this...
My Belisarius Defiant is itching for the black.
*edit: Many asked for video, so I learned how to do that and got video, but no sound. Not sure why, but it took too long as it was.
submitted by /u/gnappyassassin
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The "Still no Ice Breaker" Stress Relief Club

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:07 AM PST

2nd week after the Dawning update.. 3 more Sunrise bounties.. Still no Ice Breaker. Red flag is officially up and ready for grind.
PS4: 0 for 6
XB1: 0 for 3
Still have XB1 to go this week though. Still hope.
Let the weekly ritual begin. Fuck my life.
Who else is still on the hunt & wishes it was reset Tuesday again?
submitted by /u/Soulrakk
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Radiant Treasure drops unlisted ornaments

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 04:56 PM PST

I just got a Rose of Acid ornament (Thorn) from the Radiant Treasure. It isn't listed as a possible drop. (Currently only listed under Treasures of the Dawning)
submitted by /u/drunkwoman
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