Last 2 hours for the Destiny Sherpa Marathon Charity Stream, if you have anything to give, now is the time. We are less than $300 away from $31k.
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 04:18 PM PST

Terminal MkII is hosting, doing a Touch of Malice flawless challenge.
submitted by /u/ThirdEchelon
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Where are my Taken and Siva Sparrows?!

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 08:01 AM PST

Just sayin... you got full taken armor, taken ships, taken weapons [minus a primary =( ] plus the taken ghosts! Then we got full siva armor, a full siva ship, Muh Effin ornaments to make them even more siva'd, and plenty siva weapons (with primarys...) and some siva ghosts too! But... WHERE ARE THE TAKEN AND SIVA SPARROWS? I mean... dont we need to complete the look? especially with SRL out... kinda makes me wish i could complete the motif i got going on with my guardians, yam sayin? lolz
Anyone else agree??!!
EDIT: Wow!! my second post on reddit ever, and my concern is shared with enough people that its front page! <3 you peeps!
submitted by /u/conman425
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A fourth mysterious package has appeared in the Tower... [New Destiny Wallpapers]

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 06:41 PM PST

So I created yet again, some more Destiny wallpapers, this time I present to you a Rise of Iron Collection.

Use Horizon's Tag

Previous Orders:
submitted by /u/horizon_xiv
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When your Titan skips leg day

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 08:29 AM PST

Never skip leg day [IMGUR link]
Other Titan's that skipped leg day:
/u/Tim_of_Columbus: Twitter Link
submitted by /u/Krowbar_Magik
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Simple yet awesome Hunter painting my friend made for me as my Secret Santa gift

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:46 PM PST

So I went to a Secret Santa party this last weekend and this is what my friend made / gifted me.
I didn't even know she knew Destiny existed!!! Thought you peeps might find this cool, hope you guys enjoy :)
submitted by /u/n0tm4x
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Titan Whiff, I know titan whiffs, i have best titan whiffs, nobody titan whiffs better than me

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 09:59 AM PST

Played some trials a couple of months ago, 3v1 whiffed my slam LIKE A BOSS.
-sorry for the voiceover, couldnt remove it.
Youtube link
GIF for mobile
submitted by /u/magikian
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He didn't go to Jared.

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 05:26 PM PST

I love SRL I really do. But for the love of God Bungie, fix the hot boxes on those gates.

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 06:22 PM PST

Having the gates register when I hit them off center are hit or miss, it can't just be me experiencing this right? I know i'm not always spot on and hit the sides, but sometimes it will count and others times not so much... I don't get it.
submitted by /u/R_Kingery
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TIL - You can change what cannon Taniks is using at the end of the strike. (Final showdown)

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 06:41 AM PST

TLDR: Don't like what cannon Taniks is using? Wipe and it could change.
I did a quick search and saw it mentioned that regardless what cannon he is using he will drop a scorch cannon when you kill him. This is not what this post is about.
I've been donning my Xur mask before loading into strikes to help out lower LL guardians so some strikes can be a bit challenging. This turned out to be one of those situations. When we got to the room at the end Taniks was using a shock cannon. With arc burn being active it was a bit brutal. We put up one hell of a fight, but ended up wiping.
This is when I noticed something different. He was now wielding a null cannon which made trying to kill him in a tiny, sealed room with a bunch of splicers SOOOO much less of an ordeal. Still, I'm not really looking forward to this strike having a solar burn modifier. So...many....splicers.
Given that it seems his cannon of choice is random, this will probably work in other areas of the strike as well. It's also possible that this is a bug and will be patched at some point so use it while you can.
Hope you've enjoyed my ramblings. A happy dawning to you all and to all a good night...fall drop
submitted by /u/TerminallyPsychotic
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I combined the 2 Thorn Ornaments on accident

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 10:02 AM PST

Friend of mine got Rose of Acid for his Thorn and when I went to preview Rose of Corruption, I got this
submitted by /u/TheMegaMagikarp
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Touch of Malice Needs a Taken Ornament

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 11:08 AM PST

Nearly all of the exotics are getting ornaments (which is cool) ToM can be brought up to 400LL (not that ToM is super useful atm) But it is still a fun primary exotic
I thought of this after reading Where are my Taken and Siva Sparrows?! OP: conman425
This post reminded me that almost all of our items have a taken version of them (except a primary weapon and sparrow). I suppose we don't have an artifact on either but you can't see that one so who cares i guess.
You could have an entire taken load out (all the armor, ToM taken, shotgun, sword, 2 ghost versions)
Anywho - just a random thought after reading that post
submitted by /u/JNEMS
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Is that a Glitch or are You just Happy to See Me?
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 01:51 PM PST
Scarab´s vigil - Wallpaper
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 08:02 AM PST

For your wallpaper needs :-)
submitted by /u/Serpensocietas
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You can see your individual score from a strike at the reward screen

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 12:08 PM PST

If this is already well known, please forgive me.
Press R1/RB at the strike reward screen to see how many points you and your teammates made during a strike.
submitted by /u/aslak1899
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Bungie, please allow TRUE infusion on level 3 armor

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 06:33 PM PST

The problem?
First of all, I love the look of all this amazing armor that Bungie creates for these events. I also have no problem with fair RNG micro transactions to get these pieces of armor. What I have a problem with is spending money for 10 packages to get a full set of the beautiful armor only to find out that the rolls and perks are so shit that I can't wear them anywhere but the tower! If the goal is to have a unique look for your guardian, having it only at the tower is just not worth the money in my humble opinion. It's double RNG with real money and it's brutal.
How to fix this?
I've read suggestions that Bungie should allow us to reroll these event armors like they do with the raid armor. The problem with this is that it makes it pay to win. So we need a way to make these cool armors have the perks and stats that we want once we pay for them without making them pay to win. The easiest solution is to use a mechanic that we already have - INFUSION. If it's a level 3 armor, infusion should apply all perks and stats of the fuel armor. This solves the pay to win issue completely because we first need to acquire the armor with the perks and stats we want by playing the game before trying to infuse it into the level 3 armor. If the armor is no longer level 3, infusion should work exactly as it does now where it's a simple light level infusion which should keep people who like the current infusion system happy. Overall, I think this doesn't break the game too much but also allows us to actually enjoy these new armors and show them off while actually playing the game instead of just hanging around at the tower.
submitted by /u/k0hum
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Perfectionist on Event Horizon is broken [Bug]

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 12:52 PM PST

(Story time) Recent got two EH's (in a row even) with some meh perks, but stopped dismantling them when I saw they had perfectionist. Thought to myself "Aw sweet, a proper, long-range, precision mess-around rifle!"
Lo and behold, the perk is entirely broken. 3 precision kills, no refund. Tried this probably 10 times, varying time between kills and even swapping other perks and scopes.
Haven't seen this posted anywhere before, so I hope this can get some traction.
Edit: Can't add proper flair since I'm in mobile right now, will post evidence when I get home... (edit 2) if I can actually get a decent example recorded and uploaded.
submitted by /u/Quintasoarus
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The best thing about SRL is having the armor be able to be used on all classes.

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 04:49 AM PST

As the title says this is making it very helpful to get to 400 on all characters. With the exception of the helmet I can get every item up to 400 and put them on each character to earn my sweet max level loot. Plus I don't have to worry about re-leveling armor to have good perks for racing itself. A great design choice by Bungie.
EDIT: Changed to SGA since people did not know this.
EDIT 2: Also forgot to mention this does not apply to the helmet.
submitted by /u/Anthoy7
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My Destiny Christmas Card Art!

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:30 PM PST

Hey there, I just finished painting up this Christmas Card art and I thought I'd share it to you guys. Happy Holidays!
Destiny Christmas Card Art
High-Res Unsigned (DeviantArt) | Twitter Image Link
(Bonus points if you can tell me where the scene's from)
submitted by /u/PlainBen
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First time raiding in Destiny while content is still relevant is SO MUCH FUN!

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 04:53 AM PST

So I have ran raids before but this was when older raids were easier to run or people were spamming crota heroic with gally and everyone had red death. I come from FFXIV and WoW and I have ran raids in those game but they are no where near as fun as they are in Destiny. We cleared 90% Wrath Normal last night and spent about an hour and a half wiping on Aksis Phase 2. Every second of it was a blast even though we didnt get to finish it.
submitted by /u/tokyoaro
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If higher LL guardians are helping you in strike playlists, don't go AFK

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 06:55 PM PST

Today a mate and I decided to farm some skelly's. While doing that we thought dropping our LL down to help some newer guardians out in getting their Dawning Treasures and gear would be a good idea.
Drop down to 340 and load up the Heroic Siva Strike playlist and immediately match with a strike in progress. A struggling 335 guardian was running around with his Zhalo trying his best to kill but he was pretty much getting 1 shot.
We give him a wave, pop our gear back on and shoot back up to 400. We then proceed to melt everything and pull him through. We finished and he got his treasure. Went back to match making and he or she obviously decided to stick around cos we matchmade instantly and sure enough it was our friend from before.
We were stoked to be able to help this guy level up and ran straight in to get into it...... that's when they went afk..... for another 3 strikes....
Guardians, if you're getting helped by other people, at least still participate. It's pretty bad form to just afk in my opinion.
submitted by /u/zeldasbuttplugoftime
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My Titan's First Time to Flawless
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 10:33 AM PST

So this was probably the most epic finish to a trials card as I could have thought. Did not end as expected.
Update: I checked Bannerfall this morning, the tree is still there. It's not split in two.
submitted by /u/Ecksacutioner
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Considering the netcode is not powerful enough to enable true sparring in sparrows, please consider making our own sparrows a bit less reactive to other players' movements in future SRL's

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 08:07 PM PST

I really want to love SRL, but it ends up being an exercise in frustration when I get knocked off course by the tiniest of nudges from an opponent that has no idea he's even doing it.
Because of the netcode, when I try to move an opponent off his course, he's all but impervious to my moves. When he so much as whispers my name, it throws me off-course and I miss the next gate or jump that mancannon in the wrong direction.
The reasons why became crystal-clear to me when my buddy was over yesterday and we were playing side-by-side. When I was literally up on him, I looked at his screen and could see myself about 5 feet behind. This means that anything I do to "him" on my screen will have 0 effect, and anything he does to adjust his course (without touching me on his screen) will knock me off-course with the force of a semi swerving into a VW Beetle.
The netcode and tick rate should certainly be tightened up anyway for Destiny 2, but if SRL comes back before then, please consider making us a little more stable on our own sparrows.
Thank you!
submitted by /u/cr3amy
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Treasures of the Dawning will be sticking around once the event leaves on Jan 3rd

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:11 AM PST

Haven't seen any mention of this.

Cozmo Confirmed:

Original Question: Do Treasures of the Dawning stay after Jan 3rd? As they are awarded once every weekly strike completion per account? @DeeJ_BNG @Cozmo23
Cozmos Response: Yes you will still get one per account every week for completing a Weekly Heroic Strike.

Edit -
This means you will be able to get 1 Free Sterling Treasure from level 41 PoE, 1 Free Radiant Treasure from the Weekly Crucible and 1 Free Treasure of the Dawning from a weekly heroic every week, per account.
submitted by /u/SayNoToSelfPromotion
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