Weekly Trash Talk Thread - December 19, 2016
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:05 PM PST
submitted by /u/AutoModerator CAPS ON AND LET IT ALL OUT.
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I met my hero on Overwatch today!
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 11:05 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Evil-Pirate [link] [comments] |
Zenyatta doesn't like Christmas very much
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 11:55 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/MOSTLYNICE [link] [comments] |
Overwatch Over kill (Fan art comic I made)
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 07:11 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Electricbunnycomics [link] [comments] |
I don't like candy.
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:49 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Digitallus [link] [comments] |
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 04:39 AM PST
This actually took me a few hours, what am I doing with my life...
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You will always remember this as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Symmetr-AHHH!
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 08:29 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Oro_Kais [link] [comments] |
BOOP gone wrong......soldier down!
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:42 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/DRAZZILB1424 [link] [comments] |
Looks like he went off to guide a sleigh tonight
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 05:15 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/_Aehon_ [link] [comments] |
The new 3v3 meta
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 08:51 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/blackjackns [link] [comments] |
If Mercy can heal Pharah while she's flying...
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 12:37 PM PST
Going in Hot
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 10:14 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/MetalMagic [link] [comments] |
Why we are in desperate need of a new tank
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 04:11 PM PST
So that we finally can play the 6 tank meta in competetive
submitted by /u/onlyFPSplayer [link] [comments]
christmas is early this year!
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 01:20 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/chris23399 [link] [comments] |
Get Down Ms Prezident
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 03:49 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/JK0_0132 [link] [comments] |
Who needs to heal when the enemies are already dead?
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 04:45 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/TheJasmineDragonT [link] [comments] |
Almost 100 hours on Roadhog and I've never seen this happen...
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:58 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/DushiPunda [link] [comments] |
When you're tired of Widow's shit
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 12:52 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Valkyrie170 [link] [comments] |
Made a wallpaper with all 23 heroes! [1920x1080]
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 10:51 PM PST
Before the game released, I made a similar wallpaper with the heroes at the time and have decided to update it! And here it is!
Hope you enjoy!
submitted by /u/Seirc Hope you enjoy!
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Introducing "Infiltration"; a fun new game mode we made up!
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 05:36 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/blazerthedragon [link] [comments] |
How to Deal with a Defense that Turtles Behind a Symmetra Death Room
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 12:16 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/e_0 [link] [comments] |
I did 3 new accounts, 30 games each(with the 10 placement matches), SoloQ. Result: Blizzard, please ban trolls and people that don't want to play comp correctly.
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 07:12 AM PST
1 account is diamond, 1 gold and 1 bronze. SR fluctuated between all accounts to 30 but were "placed" pretty well and not much difference between placement SR and final SR.
Placements: Diamond account had teams that actually played well and no trolling during placement.
Gold had 3 games of true trolling and 4 games of really bad players (Bastions walking into a point on attack and trying to go sentry mode... while 5+ enemies are still chilling on point). Lost some balanced games.
Bronze got trolled to hell and back. Mei ice walls in spawn for 4 games in placement; why aren't these people banned Blizzard? People idling in spawn repeatedly and other misc stuff. Outside of placements wasn't any better. I almost got this account to silver only to join one game and lose significant SR because of another troll team.
For my gold and bronze accounts, it felt like no matter how well of a player I was, eventually I'd get fucked over by a bad team and basically lose all progress. If I had no troll teams for every match, my SR would have overall risen easily. You can only "carry" so much until you get ice walled in spawn repeatedly or teammates who seem absolutely focused on shooting shielded Zaryas like it is the only objective in OW. Is my fortune just that bad? Maybe to some extent but looking at these trolls' season 1 and season 2 stats, they most likely were doing this then as well. Something has to be done. At least let people fail because they get outplayed, not because you can't matches of 3~4v6. Edit: Worst(and somewhat funny in cynicism) match I had: Was Zenyatta at Hanamura on attack. Cleared point A, start taking point... my teammates run to enemy spawn... exept there is still a symmetra teleporter. Defend the objective was spammed repeatedly. Yet no one came, I get a team kill and almost capture point A, enemy team was able to trickle back in, I survived 4 enemy team ults before dying and watching Defeat flash on the screen, no allies nearby at all. You can't keep a playerbase in comp like this if you force people to endure this crap.
submitted by /u/DiabloTerrorGF Placements: Diamond account had teams that actually played well and no trolling during placement.
Gold had 3 games of true trolling and 4 games of really bad players (Bastions walking into a point on attack and trying to go sentry mode... while 5+ enemies are still chilling on point). Lost some balanced games.
Bronze got trolled to hell and back. Mei ice walls in spawn for 4 games in placement; why aren't these people banned Blizzard? People idling in spawn repeatedly and other misc stuff. Outside of placements wasn't any better. I almost got this account to silver only to join one game and lose significant SR because of another troll team.
For my gold and bronze accounts, it felt like no matter how well of a player I was, eventually I'd get fucked over by a bad team and basically lose all progress. If I had no troll teams for every match, my SR would have overall risen easily. You can only "carry" so much until you get ice walled in spawn repeatedly or teammates who seem absolutely focused on shooting shielded Zaryas like it is the only objective in OW. Is my fortune just that bad? Maybe to some extent but looking at these trolls' season 1 and season 2 stats, they most likely were doing this then as well. Something has to be done. At least let people fail because they get outplayed, not because you can't matches of 3~4v6. Edit: Worst(and somewhat funny in cynicism) match I had: Was Zenyatta at Hanamura on attack. Cleared point A, start taking point... my teammates run to enemy spawn... exept there is still a symmetra teleporter. Defend the objective was spammed repeatedly. Yet no one came, I get a team kill and almost capture point A, enemy team was able to trickle back in, I survived 4 enemy team ults before dying and watching Defeat flash on the screen, no allies nearby at all. You can't keep a playerbase in comp like this if you force people to endure this crap.
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A message to all Junkrat Mains
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 10:41 PM PST
There comes a time in life where we must become aware of the systems that oppress us, and tackle them head-on.
Hello. I, like many other of my oppressed brothers and sisters, am a Junkrat main. It's taken me so long to find the courage to say this, but I've finally been able to say this without feeling the intense amount of shame that I would usually feel. Do I play other heroes? Yes, but imagine it like having the opportunity of eating fresh bread daily, or eating week-old bread. I'll eat the week-old bread if I have to, but I crave that fresh bread. I crave what makes me happy. I crave Junkrat.
I have been forced to endure hardships no other person should ever have to experience.
"Junkrat is the reason we lost" "Everyone report junkrat" "Junkrat did nothing for the team" "fk Junkrat we already lost" "I had gold dmg for 5 second junkrat is trash"
These words, at first, caused me great distress. It made me question weather I should even continue in this path that I have chosen. But my dedication to Junkrat keeps me strong, and at this point, the words reflect on me like a ball against a wall.
But what causes this distress? How can I teach the world that Junkrats are just like everyone else?
4 Gold Medals? No avail Multiple POTGs in a row? "potg doesnt mean anything" Being the only one dealing with important barriers such as turrets and bastions? "didn't do anything" Being a helpful team member? "shut up junkrat"
Life is an endless sea of pain and the only light is hearing Junkrat's voice. Hearing the sounds of victory after a rip-tire clears a point. Hearing him scream "Happy Birthday" as he sacrifices himself for a double-kill using only his passive skills.
We need to bring awareness to this issue. We need to let the world know that Junkrats are not things to fear. Junkrats are our friends. Junkrats are useful. Do not fear them, even if they differ so much from the norm. We have goals and ideas, and we have similar desires, to beat the other team. Let us open our eyes together as we sail to a new frontier in harmony and unity in Overwatch.
submitted by /u/CDFReditum Hello. I, like many other of my oppressed brothers and sisters, am a Junkrat main. It's taken me so long to find the courage to say this, but I've finally been able to say this without feeling the intense amount of shame that I would usually feel. Do I play other heroes? Yes, but imagine it like having the opportunity of eating fresh bread daily, or eating week-old bread. I'll eat the week-old bread if I have to, but I crave that fresh bread. I crave what makes me happy. I crave Junkrat.
I have been forced to endure hardships no other person should ever have to experience.
"Junkrat is the reason we lost" "Everyone report junkrat" "Junkrat did nothing for the team" "fk Junkrat we already lost" "I had gold dmg for 5 second junkrat is trash"
These words, at first, caused me great distress. It made me question weather I should even continue in this path that I have chosen. But my dedication to Junkrat keeps me strong, and at this point, the words reflect on me like a ball against a wall.
But what causes this distress? How can I teach the world that Junkrats are just like everyone else?
4 Gold Medals? No avail Multiple POTGs in a row? "potg doesnt mean anything" Being the only one dealing with important barriers such as turrets and bastions? "didn't do anything" Being a helpful team member? "shut up junkrat"
Life is an endless sea of pain and the only light is hearing Junkrat's voice. Hearing the sounds of victory after a rip-tire clears a point. Hearing him scream "Happy Birthday" as he sacrifices himself for a double-kill using only his passive skills.
We need to bring awareness to this issue. We need to let the world know that Junkrats are not things to fear. Junkrats are our friends. Junkrats are useful. Do not fear them, even if they differ so much from the norm. We have goals and ideas, and we have similar desires, to beat the other team. Let us open our eyes together as we sail to a new frontier in harmony and unity in Overwatch.
JunkratLivesMatter .
Hopefully my message is heard loud and clear, and the discrimination against junkrat mains can be put to an end.[link] [comments]
A message from Zenyatta's everywhere
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 08:13 AM PST
Dear everyone else,
This has been stated many manny times before, but it still has not become widespread. When I say that my Ult is ready, that means get on the fucking point so that we can team kill. That does not mean retreat and leave me floating on the point surrounded by the enemy team.
Thank you.
submitted by /u/Sarlot_the_Great This has been stated many manny times before, but it still has not become widespread. When I say that my Ult is ready, that means get on the fucking point so that we can team kill. That does not mean retreat and leave me floating on the point surrounded by the enemy team.
Thank you.
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Mei isn't supposed to be up there...
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 01:01 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Noobinab0x [link] [comments] |
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