Nature's Prophet Split-pushing, how does it work?
I've been playing a lot of Nature's Prophet for my daily hero challenge lately. However, I can't seem to buy a win. I always get blamed when my team loses. I either Teleportation in to help them in teamfights, but they get wiped and they yell at me for not split pushing instead. If i try split pushing they get wiped without me there then one of the enemy heroes rotates in to clear my wave. I can't really split push if my whole team is dead can i? and if im not farmed enough I cant 1v1 or escape any of the enemy heroes either - it's extremely dangerous for me to split push if any of the enemy heroes, say Storm Spirit, Slark, Chaos Knight, ... come in to gank me when i dont have Blink Dagger Blink Dagger or Shadow Blade Shadow Blade. It can't be just me right? I dunno if im just in bad teams or playing incorrectly somehow. No matter what decisions i make it seems to be the wrong one.

Playing Nature's Prophet means that you must be a selfish rat who shits on his teammates. Farm, push, destroy tower. If you see a possibility to stay on this lane and push it even more - do it. If you think you can die if you continue - push another lane. If you got nothing to push - farm jungle (or take rosh if you can).

Try the Bulldog build: rush Power TreadsPower Treads and MjollnirMjollnir. Then get Blink Dagger Blink Dagger and Orchid Malevolence Orchid Malevolence. Then Scythe of Vyse Scythe of Vyse and DaedalusDaedalus. Save your Wrath of Nature for fights. It deals a lot of damage.

You should be pushing a lane with treants while your team tries to start a fight in the opposite side of the map.
Unless the fight goes extremely wrong, you should tp there to fight. Nature's Prophet deals a lot of damage with treads and MjollnirMjollnir in the early levels.

Ignore your teammates. They are just using you as a scapegoat. Mute them if necessary and focus on what you have to do. Watch game 2 of Alliance vs C9 from ESL one Frankfurt. You can download the replay for free from the tournament tab. AdmiralBulldog was the MVP that match with Nature's Prophet.

On a more serious note. If the enemy team has long range initiation and/or global spells, your ratting life will be a lot more difficult. If there is no Treant on the enemy team. Try as much as you can to apply pressure on multiple lanes simultaneously. Also try to co-ordinate with your team to push one lane while you push another. If the enemy team has lots of 5-man teamfight, you will be wrecking through their base in no time unless your teammates are losing fights really hard.

In the early game, your global presence means a lot. Try to make ganks happen using your TP and Sprout. Sprout can be useful for saving team-mates even if you stop the enemy for just a fraction of a second.

Don't get involved in big teamfights but always try to TP in for small skirmishes. If you see a recent match between EG and Na'Vi (spoilers ahead if you plan to watch) at ESL One playoffs, you'll see Funn1k playing the Nature's Prophet. He was playing well, but in the mid-late game he prioritized fighting with his team over split pushing. I think Na'Vi would have probably won if Funn1k decided to push other lanes while his team were diverting the enemy team in another lane, especially since he wasn't doing MUCH in teamfights anyway.

For your items, you want to focus on items that will give you pickoff and pushing potential. Items like  Scythe of Vyse Scythe of VyseOrchid Malevolence Orchid Malevolence, Necronomicon are what you want.

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