I see pro players use Storm Spirit's Ball so efficiently and I don't understand how they do it. Whenever I ult I lose all my mana travelling 100 units but S4 can travel across the map and use only 100 mana. Can someone explain how to do it? Also if you have treads on Storm Spirit what should you tread switch to?
you're casting anything at anytime on any hero as any hero, use int Power Treads . When you're bottling up on any hero, use Agi Power Treads. When you're
just CS'ing or casually farming, use Str Power Treads. That's how to use Power Treads efficiently.
What i can tell you is, don't jump unless you absolutely have to in the early game. Jump short distances instead of popping a remnant for Overload damage. Make perfect use of every Overload hit you get. Don't just spam out your spells one after another, hit in between.
What i can tell you is, don't jump unless you absolutely have to in the early game. Jump short distances instead of popping a remnant for Overload damage. Make perfect use of every Overload hit you get. Don't just spam out your spells one after another, hit in between.
In terms of tread switching, use int when you cast remants or static links, since your Ball is a percentage of your total mana it won't matter what you're treads are on.
For mana efficiency, instead of ulting to initiate when you are more than 1000 units away. Try getting as close to the opponent you're ganking without being visible in fog, then initiate. This should save you some mana and you'll notice it.
Also, when you're laning its useful to bottle crow and stack and do camps. Maximize that farm efficiency, Storm Spirit needs items. Build situationally.
Treads to Orchid Malevolence. After Orchid, the next item will depend on the situation and
draft. If opposing team decides to go for Orchid themselves or they have
several reliable single-target disables, go for Linken's Sphere beforeBloodstone. OR you can abandon Orchid altogether and just go for Linken's Sphere straight. If you do go for Linken's Sphere first, then next item can be either
Scythe of Vyse or Bloodstone.
Basically, you play around by choosing between Orchid ,Bloodstone, Linken's Sphere and Scythe of Vyse and gauge which items should be priority. Sometimes, you can abandon Linken and rely on Ball Lightning to reset your enemies' targetting.
About how to use Ball Lightning efficiently, you don't have to Ball all the way from where you're currently standing. You can just run to your enemy, bind, Orchid Malevolence (if built), attack, Static Remnant, attack and go nuts. Of course this applies to lone targets. When you do this when there are other enemies nearby, use your Ball to proc Overload instead. This way, you're protecting yourself from single-target disables trying to be cast on you.
Basically, you play around by choosing between Orchid ,Bloodstone, Linken's Sphere and Scythe of Vyse and gauge which items should be priority. Sometimes, you can abandon Linken and rely on Ball Lightning to reset your enemies' targetting.
About how to use Ball Lightning efficiently, you don't have to Ball all the way from where you're currently standing. You can just run to your enemy, bind, Orchid Malevolence (if built), attack, Static Remnant, attack and go nuts. Of course this applies to lone targets. When you do this when there are other enemies nearby, use your Ball to proc Overload instead. This way, you're protecting yourself from single-target disables trying to be cast on you.
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