Assuming your teammates really are awful, the likelihood is that the other team is also awful - they're both picked from the same pool after all. If you're better than the other players in that pool, then your team should have a massive advantage if you play your cards right - you should be able to win a lot more than you lose, and your MMR will go up.

If that's not happening, then there are two possibilities: either you're not as good as you think you are, or you really are better than the guys you're playing with but are simply not doing the things you need to do for your team to win.

The best advice that I can give you is not to just play your own game, and stay focused on the objectives.

For example, one mistake that I've seen a lot of people make is spend too much time chasing kills and not fighting or pushing with their team. You get an amazing score, but since your team can't win fights without you they all get a bunch of deaths and you end up losing all of your towers. Make sure you're present for the fights, and similarly try to have allies present when you get your ganks too - they'll benefit from the XP and gold, and be less useless as a result.

Be the leader. You're probably the most knowledgeable player, so try to keep your team coordinated. Even if they don't speak english, there's a lot you can do just with pings and leading by example - be the one who initiates fights and pushes. Again, focus on the objectives - if you can push, get everyone pushing.

If one of your lanes starts badly, don't just write it off - gank the enemy heroes in that lane (and try to do it with your allies present, so they get the gold and XP). New players don't often rotate, so whichever team is behind in the lane will probably feed - if you can get your allies a headstart, even a bad player can win their lane.

Avoid picking heroes who need too much team coordination, but similarly try not to just pick gankers who can't accomplish anything with the farm they get other than more ganks - there's nothing more annoying than being 5 levels ahead but unable to achieve anything with that lead. Instead, try to pick heroes who can win teamfights and push down towers - that way even if you're the only farmed hero on the team, you can still achieve objectives.

You can try to lastpick in allpick and counterpick the enemy and pick the last needed role with high impact, like countering a Batrider/Tinker with Nyx Assassin or so. With this low gamecount in ranked I can't say more than just keep playing all roles and face the fact you will lose almost 50% of your games no matter what. 

Dont pick heroes in ranked which you never play.

Have a pool of 5-10 heroes for ranked, not more. you cant get better if you play all heroes, but you play them equaly bad.

Finally, never rage at your teammates and try to keep criticism to a minimum - you won't change their mind, but you will piss them off and make them play worse. Try to keep everyone focuses and positive, and your team is less likely to fall apart.

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