Laning safely with Spectre

Are there any tips or tricks to help me not get outlaned, especially when I don't have a good support?

The most support-dependant hero in the game

Spectre is the most support-dependant hero in the game, even more so than Medusa. Don't pick him/her/it(?) if your team can't give you the space to farm.

That said, providing farm space doesn't mean that one or two supporters constantly stay on your lane, it means winning fights 4 v 5 for the first 15-20 minutes and ganking the hell out of the enemies, maybe even push towers. They also have to carry Town Portal Scroll Town Portal Scroll in case you get ganked.

You should carry a TP too. Only use your Reality for either multiple safe assists or a safe kill for you. Then Town Portal Scroll Town Portal Scroll back and continue farming. Use Spectral Dagger to escape into the woods/above cliffs and Town Portal Scroll Town Portal Scroll out to escape.

Just a followup on this, don't play Spectre if you can't cs. Spectre requires the same amount of farm as Anti-Mage, possibly more depending on the situation, but lacks the ability to flash farm it all quickly, at least not until you get a Radiance Radiance. Therefore, every CS counts in the early game.

For items, I would recommend:

  • If you can farm it up quickly (20 min max) an early Radiance Radiance is very good for farming and gives your illusions some good burn damage, which can bring supports dangerously low in fights.
  • Diffusal BladeDiffusal Blade works if you're going a more mid-game oriented Spectre. Late game Spectre can also pick it up, but whether or not it's your first item depends on the game.
  • Vanguard Vanguard is rather situational. It's good in the early game, but once you hit mid game it drops off rather hard, and it's rather costly. I'd only purchase it if you are having an excellent early game and need the extra tank.
  • You should get a heart at some point. Spectre is already very tanky with her passive Dispersion, adding on to it makes her very dangerous to fight, potentially killing the enemy supports just with the pure damage from Dispersion alone (Sounds ludicrous, but late game Spectre is a very scary thing)
  • Butterfly Butterfly is good on her too. Evasion is great, and the extra damage for your illusions are nice too.
  • Manta Style could work in some situations. It can dispel some status effects, and Spectre illusions are traditionally pretty powerful. The extra stats are nice too.
  • If you want you and your illusions to hurt like absolute bitches in the late game, DaedalusDaedalus is good. Your illusions do get the crits, and combine d with the pure damage of Desolator Desolator that's a lot extra damage your illusions are potentially doing.
  • Power TreadsPower Treads are the traditional choice on her, since she needs stats rather badly for her illusions and her stat gain is rather meh.
  • Boots of TravelBoots of Travel in the late game, as per usual.

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