How do you counter illusion heroes, in particular Terrorblade and Phantom Lancer?

There are some abilities that deal bonus damage to illusions

These include Pugna and Medusa (ultimates instantly kill illusions, Pugna ult also has no cooldown with Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter) and Outworld Devourer (orb attack deals huge bonus damage to illusions).

There are also abilities which deal damage based on the number of heroes in their target area, including Earthshaker's ultimate and Legion Commander's  Overwhelming Odds. These are pretty devastating to any hero who uses massed illusions.

Illusions actually scale fairly poorly compared to actual heroes

Not only do they take bonus damage and deal reduced damage, but they also don't benefit from items that give +damage or +attack like heroes do. The illusion-spawning heroes themselves are also typically pretty weak, since they're balanced around having their illusions available. In most cases, illusion heroes need to build 2 or 3 big items (typically Heart of Tarrasque, Diffusal BladeDiffusal Blade / Radiance Radiance, and something else) before their illusions genuinely become scary. Compare that to many non-illusion heroes who can start to have an impact much earlier.

In other words, the problem isn't that illusion heroes are overpowered

It's that you're waiting way too long to start to punish them. Leave a Phantom Lancer or Naga Siren farming in lane for 20 minutes, and of course he's going to start snowballing down your lanes. Spend the first 10 minutes killing him because he's useless in lane though, and the whole game is pretty much a 5v4.

The easiest way to stop these illusion radiance split-push heroes is to just shut them down as much as possible in the early game

Whenever I play against Naga Siren or Phantom Lancer or Terrorblade, I tell my team "first 20 minutes we kill Naga Siren repeatedly". Sometimes this forces a rage quit lol. But more importantly, you HAVE to delay the radiance/items as long as possible, so you need a pick off hero/assassin like Nyx Assassin, Clinkz, Clockwerk, and some early rotations/

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