How LVL? Death works? (3rd spell of Doom)

LVL? Death is extremely strong, as it's a high damaging nuke that scales into the late game. It does regular damage (125/175/225/275) + 20% of the enemies max HP as damage if they're a level multiplier

  • Level 1 LVL? Death = 125 Damage + 20% of the enemies max HP if the enemy is level 6, 12, 18, 24 and 25
  • Level 2 LVL? Death = 175 Damage + 20% of the enemies max HP if the enemy is level 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25
  • Level 3 LVL? Death = 225 Damage + 20% of the enemies max HP if the enemy is level 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 and 25
  • Level 4 LVL? Death = 275 Damage + 20% of the enemies max HP if the enemy is level 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 ad 25.

Which means you ideally have either level 1 or 2 in it when levels 5 and 6 role around so you can hit that sweet spot. Then when level 8 comes around you want enough free stat points to hit lvl 3 in it if you can take advantage (otherwise you want to hold it to level 2 until level 10s come up)...

Basically you want this... for all enemies over 250 hp (read everyone save shenanigans from a free reigning imber + undying pair) that are the correct level, the bonus is worth more than the upgrade, so the proper way to play with LVL? Death is to always know your target's level and leave skill points free until right before you want to use it.

It turns out that the only places this really matters most of the time is in getting the bonus on a level 5d2 or 6d1 hero, or 8d3, 9d4, 10d2 or 12d4 hero. The rest of the game you will have LVL? Death 4 and it is important to use it on the correct hero (the one who happens to be at a multiple of 3).

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