When should I buy a Magic Stick/Wand?

My question is, when should you pick it up in a standard laning situation? I feel like going to lane with a Magic Stick is pointless as I could have a salve and get more regen especially since most people won't be spamming spells before level 3. So if I go to lane with 1 pack of Tango Tangoes , Healing Salve, Ring of ProtectionRing of Protection, and 3 Iron Branch, by the time I have the gold to buy a Magic Stick, I typically haven't burned through my Tango Tangoes or Healing Salve and I hate dropping/selling a Branch as the small stat gain is nice. Should I just ditch the Branch or is there a more ideal situation?

  • For a carry, you can probably live without one until you think it will start getting charges fairly quickly, or that they are going to start ganking you
  • For the offlane, I find the sooner the better if the lane is hard. Unless they can harass you out with auto-attacks alone, it will help keep you in the lane.
  • For support I like to get one as soon as I can. I generally get Boots of Speed Boots of Speed first, but if I feel my movement speed will not be an issue right away I might get the Magic Stick first. I find it is useful early on supports since you will be aiming to kill people fairly often. 

As for upgrading the Magic Stick to Magic Wand, I do it if I find the Magic Stick is filling up quickly, and often, or if I have money to burn.

You buy Branchs if you are laning against nuke intensive heroes and/or need them to perform several spells at low level (for instance tiny needs a few Branchs to perform stun+throw at lvl 2). You also get Branchs if u intend to build a MekansmMekansm/ Pipe of InsightPipe of Insight/ Magic Wand.

I usually buy the regen i'm 100% sure to use and keep the money to either buy faster Boots of Speed Boots of Speed or Magic Stick. If u need regen you can always get some with the Animal Courier Animal Courier latter. Generally i just buy Tango Tangoes; sometimes a clarity when i'm gonna spam spells or roam ; a salve if i think i'm gonna have a tough lane.

You always buy a Magic Stick unless you are a free farming hard carry and you know you can't be threatened. You can get Magic Stick before Boots of Speed Boots of Speed if you are facing a tri-lane or a spamming hero. You upgrade to Magic Wand if you know you are going to fight a lot early game, and if money is not a problem. The point of a Magic Stick/Magic Wand is the instant heal and mana. Very few things gives you instant heal in dota, it is priceless, escpecially early game.

To conclude, at the beginning of every game you have to ask yourself : - what regen do i need ? buy the minimum you need (sometimes if you play support you can buy some more if you think you carry is gonna have a hard time). - can i be bursted down and/or will i roam ? don't buy Branchs if you don't need to, even if you are gonna build something with it latter. Sometimes it's better to have earlier Boots of Speed Boots of Speed, that will prevent you from getting caught out of position, and saves you some regen. Plus having room in your inventory is very important and 3 Branches is half your inventory.

Also don't hesitate to sell Branches, it's only half a creep lost. And a Magic Stick is way better than a Branch

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