Can IO tether and teleport a Tusk snowball?

Can IO tether and teleport a Tusk snowball with people in it?

  • If Io Tether to an ally and that unit goes inside Snowball ( Tusk himself included ), Tether Break instantly.
  • If Io starts Relocate then goes inside Snowball , Relocate will not work.
  • If Io starts Relocate then goes inside Snowball but gets out before Relocate teleports, Relocate will give off sound effects but still not work.
  • If Io is inside Snowball while Relocate teleports Io back, Io will be put out of the Snowball and teleported back.
  • If Io is Tethered to another unit and Io goes inside Snowball, the Tether will remain.
  • If Io is Tethered to another unit and Io goes inside Snowball as Relocate teleports Io back, both units will be teleported back.

Basically, you can't teleport a Snowball. You can however teleport yourself when going back with Relocate and you can teleport a Tethered unit that isn't in theSnowball Tether Break if target is in Snowball, doesn't break if you are in Snowball. Relocate's first teleport gets completely cancelled as well as the return of Relocate but if you are in Snowball while returning it will work as intended only for yourself and any outside Tethered ally.

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