Farming as Puck? General Tips and Tricks

Puck can afford to farm really aggressively

You are your strongest just when you have your two nukes maxed out, so at that point you should be really active on the map and try to get as many kills as possible. If that goes well you can go into a DagonDagon next. If not aim for other items like Eul's Scepter of DivinityEul's Scepter of Divinity, Linken's SphereLinken's Sphere, Scythe of Vyse Scythe of Vyse maybe Shiva's GuardShiva's Guard.

Since Puck is a very elusive hero you can afford to farm really aggressively, which means you can farm in the enemy jungle and in far pushed out lanes. But you have to make sure that they can't catch you: instant disables and instand silences are your worst nightmares.

Puck can easily get gold from the number of ganks you can make happen

Puck is definitely one of the mid heroes that should be making ganks happen so long as your sidelanes cooperate by not pushing the lane under tower, by not feeding the lane early, and by not diving before you get in position. You can easily get gold from the number of ganks you can make happen.

Pushing the lane, as long as it's safe to do so, is preferable in the mid to late game, as you don't want our towers pushed down. You can, however, pop into the jungle for more farm after pushing the lane.

You are first and foremost, an initiator for your team, though

You are first and foremost, an initiator for your team, though. If they are forcing bad engagements on the other side of the map, that's one thing, but if you are farming a lane when the team says the enemy is pushing and we should stop them here and you have time to Town Portal Scroll Town Portal close, then that's bad. As Puck, you have the ability to Blink Dagger Blink in, silence and damage multiple heroes, tether them in place, nuke them, and escape, all in one go. This is huge for your team. So while, yes, you do want to farm, if you can help your team, you should. Puck is not the main source of damage, but he/she is the reason you win teamfights. You get tons of gold from kills and assists, so go for that gold!

Puck need to gank early game

You need to gank early game (preferably after hitting level 6), by that your Carry or jungle will have more space to farm. Usually a Puck doesn´t really have a high impact on the late game (teamfights) just because Black King BarBlack King Bar´s ... Core items on Puck: Blink Dagger Blink Dagger, Scythe of Vyse Scythe of Vyse, Linken's SphereLinken's Sphere (Just when there are really good initiators or deadly ultimates). You can share it with your carry. Alternative items on Puck: DagonDagon (If your team is ahead), Eul's Scepter of DivinityEul's Scepter of Divinity. A good tip will be to just roam around the map baiting supports in lane or carries and Smoke of DeceitSmoke ganks.

Puck doesn't scale as well with items as he does with levels

Puck doesn't scale as well with items as he does with levels. Your priority, if you win your lane, and have started getting some successful ganks is to sustain your snowball. Items help keep him viable into the late mid-game and beyond, but don't underestimate how quickly your snowball can end if the enemy catches up to you in levels.

Puck need some form of mana sustain

Puck is most certainly capable of securing quick gold in every situation. Farming the jungle, however, isn't the most efficient way to farm as Puck. He can clear creep waves easily with maxed Illusory Orb and Waning Rift. However, you need some form of mana sustain (Eul's Scepter of DivinityEul's Scepter of Divinity or Scythe of Vyse Scythe of Vyse, situationally Arcane Boots Arcane Boots) to justify using these abilities to farm. You must also consider the cooldown on Waning Rift if you use it to clear creeps.

Ideally, you should seek to, secure your "farm" by picking off heroes and transitioning that into tower gold. This helps your supports keep ward vision up, which helps keep your snowball rolling.

Try to communicate with your teams so that they push when you create space.

If you're falling off mid/ late game, watch your replays and see if you were securing kills that opened objectives. If you are, see if your team is using those openings to push. Try to communicate with your teams so that they push when you create space.

And above all else, don't be afraid to use  Dream Coil on one person in the first 15 mins to secure kills!

A couple general tips for Puck

  1. Always plan your escape before you go in. Know the instant-disables that could interrupt your combos, and watch for the animations accordingly.
  2. Always remember which direction you are facing when you  Phase Shift, as you can be stunned  or have your Blink Dagger Blink Dagger canceled due to Puck's abysmal turn rate. Practice using Shift + your Blink Dagger Blink Hotkey in the direction you are facing to INSTANTLY Blink Dagger Blink when  Phase Shift ends. You can even escape from Chronosphere assuming it is dropped during your Phase Shift in this way.
  3. Phase BootsPhase Boots are handy if you need chase. If they don't have high-mobility heroes, get Power TreadsPower Treads for Stat swapping.
  4. If you fall behind, consider getting a Necronomicon to split push versus farming damage items. Puck is quite capable of doing this quickly because of his ability to clear waves in seconds then Blink Dagger Blink to safety.
  5. Building into 4, think out your  Illusory Orb. If you fear a gank, get in front of the wave and Orb back to safety so that if they do go on you, you can Ethereal Jaunt to the Orb and then Blink Dagger Blink further to get away.

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