Dota 2 Update - July 10, 2014 - New entries for a All-Star Draft game mode

Backend Update

  • New entries for a All-Star Draft game mode. Preparation for the All-Star match at The International.
  • Techies now has a loadout entry and scaling.

UI Updates

  • New advertisement banner for The International Bundle that tells you all the stuff you get when you buy the Compendium now and the upcoming items.

Portrait Updates

  • Elemental Baby Roshans now have new portraits.
  • All the full body portrait values now have been increased to have up to 5 decimal points for some reason. Complete accuracy. For eg: what used to be "-369.59" is now "-369.589996".


A couple of points I see many threads about. As this thread gets some attention, I thought I will mention them here.
  • Pennants do not need to be equipped anymore. The fan slots have been removed. They work and do their job as long as they are owned by you and in your inventory.
  • The Player Card Packs you get when spectating games are bonus rewards for just watching. They are not the spectator rewards. So when it reads "50 people have won a prize .." and you got a Player Card Pack, you did not get lucky.

Raw Schema: None
No changelog yet.
Patch Size: 32.3 Mb

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