Farm with Faceless Void?

Faceless Void is only a good when he can Chronosphere someone who is 100% health and kill them before it runs out (excluding tanks). I tried a game with Faceless Void and failed. How do I farm with him?

I notice mana problems than notice I was squishy so I think next time I'll grab a Medallion. I used  Quelling Blade Quelling Blade and Stout Shield Stout Shield and Stout Shield Stout Shield didn't feel like it was enough. Like I needed the 350ring. This is straight tanking after lvl 5 or 7 w/o using creeps.

Cause Mask cancels  Quelling Blade Quelling Blade I bough 450 than ended up making cryalist than made mask and sold  Quelling Blade Quelling Blade. I felt maybe I should have Maelstrom instead of cryalist than Mask of Madness but $450 for +9dmg (12 after  Quelling Blade Quelling Blade) is nice and 1600 is a bit away from 450 so I feel like I should make the 450 than I dont know if I should buy 500 or wait til I make 1600 for Mithril Hammer.

Whats the order? Do I want to make Maelstrom before Power TreadsPower Treads? I think Medallion of Courage is needed by the 10mins mark but I dont know if I can farm up Mithril Hammer before than or what.

Start Items

Stout Shield Stout Shield, Tango Tango, Healing Salve or  Quelling Blade Quelling Blade (depending on what lane and who i expect to lane against).

If you are solo offlane, you have one goal, 0 deaths before 6. If you can squeeze some cs in, great, but dont sweat it if you cant. As an offlaner with an escape and Backtrack you are pretty hard to kill, so on occasion i will skip Boots of Speed Boots of Speed and go Hand of Midas Hand of Midas first. This is HIGHLY dependent on getting it before 15 minutes and the pace of the game. If they are pushing towers, you cannot go Hand of Midas Hand of Midas. If they are farming/slow pushing get the Hand of Midas Hand of Midas then Boots of Speed Boots of Speed. When you hit 6, coordinate a gank in some lane, as at least one person on your team has to have ranged damage/spells and you cannot solo kill as offlane Faceless Void at 6 unless your facing idiots. Refer to farming Faceless Void below:

Faceless Void can realistically go in any lane, but safelane is where he should get the most farm, if you have farm this is the build I typically go. Your first non-starting item should be boots, boots do jack shit for damage or regen or whatever, but as a farming Faceless Void you may not always be under your tower and you may need to run from a gank or more importantly use timewalk to get an early kill.

Time Walk + Boots of Speed Boots means youll probably outrun your enemy for 3s, combine that with a lucky bash or two, your support doing stuff, and you probably got yourself a kill. After Boots of Speed Boots, get Mask of Madness, at level 6 the Mask of Madness + Chronosphere bash is about the same as Maelstrom on average (to one target), its also 800g cheaper and provides lane sustain as well as pursuit and escape. Depending on how well you farmed you may only have Mask of Madness and Boots of Speed Boots, around 6, if an enemy is squishy you can 1v1 under Chronosphere with a couple of bashes, if they arent, you should wait for your support. After Mask of Madness I do not finish my Power TreadsPower Treads, I do not think the +2 attribute + 15 AS BONUS is worth completing them at this point. Start making Maelstrom, once you have both items you farm extremely fast and jungle is now open for decent farm. You should be able to solo most heros with some good luck and a Chronosphere with both items. Power TreadsPower Treads are next as teamfights will occur more often and you need the hp from the STR.

Mid to late game items

Faceless Void is pretty open to item choices, it really depends on what is causing you the most problems. This is where you would build Black King BarBlack King Bar if they are shutting you down in fights, if they arent, I typically finish MjollnirMjollnir as you are already built around procs. I've usually decided most games by now, so this isnt as solid of advice, but after you built your Black King BarBlack King Bar or MjollnirMjollnir (or both), its time for your late game item, several choices: manta which i tend to avoid due to not synergy with AS, AC makes your team tankier and more AS but you do a fair amount of magic damage so the minus armor isnt amazing, Heart of Tarrasque great for extended fights but Faceless Void excels in Chronosphere and it does nothing for that, Butterfly Butterfly evasion armor AS damage this is the default choice, and my personal favorite (not go to, but favorite) Refresher Orb Refresher Orb. Refresher Orb Refresher Orb is as common as Shadow Blade Shadow Blade on Faceless Void in pubs according to dotabuff.. WhyRefresher Orb Refresher Orb ? If you land a perfect Chronosphere its a 10s Black King BarBlack King Bar piercing disable. If you fuck up you can immediately place a second one and trap the other heros. Refresher also refreshes Black King BarBlack King Bar and Boots of TravelBoots of Travel, it provides 40 damage 10 AS and regen 5 hp/s. If the game is close and you land two decent Chronosphere , you should win that fight hands down. The downside is, once you use both Chronosphere refresher doesnt do much in terms of damage or sustain so if they mass buyback, you cannot fight that. Also, you need Boots of TravelBoots of Travel in certain games, its situational early but obviously needed replacement when you 6 slot.

Not Recommended items

 Battle Fury Battle Fury, the buildup is too high, it requires your opponent to clump up, and does nothing for early/mid game. Yes it scales better, but Faceless Void can easily start winning games before the scaling matters. Crit, I used to pick up crit all the time as Faceless Void, its a great item but there are better choices. You cant crit towers, it doesnt increase your proc chances which means less aoe damage and bashes, it just doesnt contribute to my build like other items do and you can only have 6 slots. Hand of Midas Hand of Midas, Faceless Void has great solo killing potential at 6, and can continue to farm heroes via  Chronosphere. Hand of Midas Hand of Midas will delay your damage and farming items, if you can get it early and know you dont need to fight, then by all means, but if you are unsure, go damage/farm, you dont lose out that much if you play properly. I get it on offlane Faceless Void because you are so far behind on farm and you probably wont get farm priority after the laning phase ends, so it really is just an injection of levels and some reliable gold. Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter, I hate Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter. It's a 4200 gold item that gets worse as the game goes on. If you are the 1 position carry youve just given up a huge amount of early/mid game damage.

If you are the solo offlane, good luck farming that. I've done and posted calculations of this before, and even if you have a Witch Doctor using death ward you only come out slightly ahead in the early game in terms of damage, but you rely on 2 heros instead of 1. I understand why its picked up in competitive games, because it is a team fighting item, but good luck coordinating your pub teammates to fight every 60s and to carry you. Nobody will argue the effectiveness of good  Chronosphere, but Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim significantly weakens Faceless Void in terms of farming and killing, and like i said, its too much reliance on your teammates in pubs.

Skill build

Pretty simple, if you are getting uncontested free farm 1 into Time Walk, then max Time Lock then Backtrack, taking Chronosphere when available. If you are offlane, 1 into timewalk then max Backtrack then Time Lock . Time Walk is underrated, the slow and distance are very good, but you need your other skills maxed first to fight, so you only pickup 1 value point for escapes/chases.

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