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How to counter Faceless Void? Dota 2 Void

How someone can pick heroes accordingly to mitigate the threat that he is. The majority of Faceless Void’s threat comes from his gamebreakingly low cooldown ultimate Chronosphere. This is why Mask of Madness is such a popular item on the guy in the first place. Anyone caught in a Chronosphere is immediately bursted down with his double damage bashes, while he can’t be touched. In my opinion, heroes that can react once Chronosphere is dropped are safer picks than silencers like Skywrath Mage who might be jumped upon in the first place.

How do I deal with Faceless Void?

It seems that whenever I play against Faceless Void, we can never stop him before he gets his items, then in the end we can't splitpush or anything because every time Chronosphere and we all die.

What are some heroes and/or strategies that can stop him before he gets to this point? (I'd assume it's possibly best not to ask how to beat him once he gets there, not sure if it's really possible).

Farm with Faceless Void?

Faceless Void is only a good when he can Chronosphere someone who is 100% health and kill them before it runs out (excluding tanks). I tried a game with Faceless Void and failed. How do I farm with him?

I notice mana problems than notice I was squishy so I think next time I'll grab a Medallion. I used  Quelling Blade Quelling Blade and Stout Shield Stout Shield and Stout Shield Stout Shield didn't feel like it was enough. Like I needed the 350ring. This is straight tanking after lvl 5 or 7 w/o using creeps.

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