Why do pro games play Faceless Void as an offlane?

For many games, I've been seeing Faceless Void being played as the hard carry, in the offlane. I'm confused, why?

He's not the hard carry in the offlane.

Faceless Void's there for initiation and massive disables, that's why you'll often see Faceless Void players getting Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter or whatever. If the game goes late enough obviously he turns into a huge farmed carry like Faceless Void always does, but that's not usually the purpose at the start of the game going into the early / mid game
His escape combined with Backtrack make him quite hard to kill and if he is not playing as the main carry, all he needs to do is level up Chronosphere and make ganking opportunities
Please don't try and play Faceless Void in the offlane if you do not have a team that can effectively deal damage during a Chronosphere. The idea is that in the mid game Faceless Void doesn't have too much in the way damage, so you probably aren't going to take anything more than one hero per Ulti.

Unless... Your team actually has abilities that can deal damage effectively inside of or nearby the Chronosphere. Some examples are: Witch Doctor, Razor, Sand King, Lich.

That said, please be aware that this REALLY relies on the Faceless Void player being able to ulti really well. It's surprisingly harder than you think to land a really good Chronosphere.

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