Anyone can help me with Broodmother mid?

I was doing some pratice with her in 1v1 mode, but since people always gg out when see a Broodmother I don't really know how to lane her mid.

Can anyone give me some tips?

Harass the enemy mid as much as you can, have rune control with the advantage of free pathing and even buy your own wards if you need to. Push tower as soon as the enemy mid goes to gank or leaves lane. Use spiders to farm jungle. Its not very conventional but play style wise, play it like Dragon Knight (farm, push). Your main disadvantages are you can't really leave your lane to go help because of  Spin Web. On top of that Mid lane is a lot more vulnerable to ganks. So while Broodmother mid can be pretty good I would stick to the offlane unless you party up with people. Random pubs will probably just rage most of the time.

Start with  Quelling Blade Quelling Blade/Tango Tango/Stout Shield Stout Shield, have support buy Sentry WardSentry Wards. Check opponents inventory, if you suspect sentries, ward your high ground and deward with  Quelling Blade Quelling Blade. Rush Boots of Speed Boots of Speed and Poor Man's ShieldPoor Man's Shield, BottleBottle not really needed unless you go spiders.

Choice between leveling bite and nuke, most of the time level bite unless they can't waveclear spiders. Rune control with Spin Web speed and pathing. Harass the fuck out of people with bite when they go for hits, no one can really trade with a Broodmother

Check for supports off the map, players always shit the bed asking for help in Broodmother games and you'll often get 'babby's first support rotation to mid' if you're not high MMR bracket.

You can gank lanes easy once you have Insatiable Hunger. It's kind of hard to track where mid  Broodmother is from the sidelane using minimap and dumbfucks expect you to stay perma camped on your  Spin Web; see this thread. Good runes for gank are Invis, Haste, DD. Having a smoke helps for the last two.

You can gank sidelanes without rune as well if your team can initiate with a disable to allow you to gap close.  Town Portal Scroll Town Portal Scroll to tower, smoke if you expect vision, come in though jungle with  Spin Web Insatiable Hunger, and eat them. Good items are YashaYasha, Black King BarBlack King Bar, Skull BasherSkull Basher, CrystalysCrystalys, Sange and Yasha Sange and Yasha, Orchid Malevolence Orchid Malevolence, Diffusal BladeDiffusal Blade(more for the active) even Blink Dagger Blink Dagger. It's all situational of course.

Weaknesses against some wave spammers who like to push the wave onto you tower forever. But a lot of them are soft food who dont like you manning up on them so it can be a tradeoff. You falloff hard when people get Monkey King Bar so end the game or create an insurmountable lead before then.

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