Learn Dota 2 - Dota 2 Patch 7.19b Discussion Thread

Dota 2 Patch 7.19b Discussion Thread

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 02:03 PM PDT

I don't understand DoTA anymore...

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 02:23 PM PDT

I'm not even mad. Me and my 2 friends just collectively agreed to stop playing DoTA because we can't seem to win, either solo or together anymore. I don't want to quit but I just feel like I need to start over because there's something basic I'm not understanding about how to play Dota now, like it can't be possible that we can lose so many games. I've been playing since DOTA1, and I've never really felt like this. I've felt completely lost in this game for the last 6 months, like nothing I do ever seems to work out. I'm actually even too moritified of what has transpired to show my dotabuff. I don't even know what kind of response I want or expect from a post like this but maybe somebody understands this meta? It seems like everygame I go mid, I'm 1v1 against a hero with 20 health regen like Invoker or Alchemist or 1v3, or against a Sniper and 2 supports. When I play supports all my movements feel completely wasted when I try to roam, and when I sit in lane, I feel like stacking and pulling is all I'm good for because I'm 1v2 if I try to zone them out, but even stacking and pulling is no good because they will have rune control and have jungle camps to recover off of. When I play carry, I feel like just as I come online every support already has 2 defensive items, I teamwipe the enemy and they just buyback like zombies and prevent me from taking high ground forever until someone on my team is stupid and out of position and the entire game spirals out of control. That or I end up with no map control within 5 minutes of the game starting and can't even stay near my tower. When I play offlane, I can't get any levels because I'm zoned out and have a "support" in my offlane, and can't get any gold.

Basically, I recognize that I'm getting severely outplayed on some kind of macro level no matter what lane I go to. Like, I'm not even sure I'm getting outlaned, and I'm definitely not getting outfarmed and it seems like my enemies have no clue how to teamfight, I just feel like I'm throwing every game just by choosing a hero because I don't know how to play this game anymore.

submitted by /u/wreathe_everyst
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As a support, I sometimes HAVE TO intentionally steal your last hit.

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 07:50 AM PDT

Especially at the safe lane, by the first creep wave, the enemy offlaners have the chance to stop by the side shop and purchase the quelling blade. You, my position 1 carry, don't get to have a quelling blade at the moment.

If I am Crystal Maiden, and you're Spectre, I will use my Crystal Nova to :

  1. Harass the enemy

  2. And, at the same time, to last hit at least one creep if I see it is being contested by the enemy, which makes it extremely unlikely for you to take the last hit due to having low base damage at level 1.

Please do not rage ping me for doing this. I am preventing the enemy from denying your farm, which will significantly affect our laning phase in long term. On the same concept, if you're not using Spectre Dagger to secure the last hit of the ranged creep, I will highly consider using my Crystal Nova to sap that last hit.

As a position 5 support, I do not want to steal your farm. I don't need any farm. But you're forcing me to take initiative, because you're not securing your own farm.

submitted by /u/profHam
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Old Dota 1 player trying to learn Dota 2

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 03:38 PM PDT


So I'm a veryyy old Dota player, I used to play in the dota league days, most of my time being spent on private leagues like RGC/Garena and mostly EEDL (European Elite Dota League).

When Dota 2 beta came out the game felt absolutely awful and it made me drop Dota and start playing League where I was a top 0.2% player (D3)... well that's enough context.

After TI I've decided to try to get back into Dota 2. To my surprise not that much has changed, most heroes are the same as I remember, same spells, a lot of the items were kept, but there's still quite a bit of new things.

I'm mostly doing very well in pubs so far but I wanted to ask you guys for things I SHOULD know about when switching from Dota 1 to Dota 2.

The new map especially is a big thing I have to say with the gold bounties...

submitted by /u/Virtymlol
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Moving from League to Dota 2

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 02:56 AM PDT

I have recently started playing Dota after taking a break from League. This game feels pretty different - could anyone explain the meta and how things work in this game in a way a league player would understand?

Also, I haven't found a way to use camera lock which I dont use all the time but am pretty used to toggling alot. is that not an option in Dota?

submitted by /u/The_Hammy_One
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100lh 10 mins

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 02:10 PM PDT

This is supposed to be easy, but I have no idea how to do it. If I push the lane to go to the camps, I miss lane creeps dying before I can get back. I have no idea how to not let this happen.

submitted by /u/rtkierke
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How to Huskar

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 01:29 PM PDT

Whenever I'm playing Huskar i feel like the entire team has to carry me through the game after the laning stage. The armlet is supposed to be my major powerspike item, but it doesn't really save me because when if i'm not mistiming it - that can be worked on - i get banged by million TPs to their lane and can't do shit afterwards.


I feel like i'm doing okay on the lane by myself, but after we leave the it, that's it - i'm total shit at the hero

submitted by /u/Apple_gun
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What are the strongest split-push heroes and why?

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 04:44 PM PDT

Can you help me with weaver

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 09:48 AM PDT

I am currently trying to learn how to play with weaver. Can you tell me what's his pros, what's his cons, what should i be doing in teamfight (with that much mobility I guess I should be killing supports and lowhp heroes first - am I right?). Is he ultimate late carry (I guess not, cause of low hp pool), or it's more like 'get kills early -> end game as soon as you can'? Should I even participate in teamfights or rather try to split push since they may be too much spells just floating around? Just anything you can tell me about weaver, random tips, general knowledge, I am grateful for anything.

Oh, I already know that while escaping I shouldnt use shukuchi and then time lapse :P

Edit: currently Legend1

submitted by /u/SharlieCheen_
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How is Grimstroke doing as a position 5?

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 08:28 AM PDT

Both as a pos5 with another support to act as 4, and playing solo support with 4 cores.

How does he do in both situations?

submitted by /u/Yelenee
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I'm in over my head

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 06:52 PM PDT

All the "new" posts talk about things i don't understand. I played DOTA for years as a WC3 mod. I've also played LoL for years, hitting plat. But I don't see any resources for "real" new players, only people trying to adjust to a new meta. Am I crazy, or can you point me in the right direction?

submitted by /u/Chutterskins
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Hey guys. Been playing for two years and still suck. I have some questions.

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 06:37 PM PDT

How do I change my mouse sensitivity? Do I just have to use my DPI settings?

-how do I get to the point where I can choose items without using guides?

I'm so trained to only use builds from like lolpro and shit like that with zero variation and I hate feeling trapped.

Should I feel trapped to the in game guides or should I/can I experiment with different items all the time?

When should I roam and go in the jungle. Seems like this game doesn't have like set junglers accept for like a few who have abilities thatbuse the jungle but even then it doesn't seem like anyone flames you when you farm jungle creep. Is it cause it's free game usually?

Best key binds??

I want to be able to play meepo if I so please and don't want to have to switch my key binds too much.

Is there a solid key bind guide?

My binds are decent right now but when I play brew master I kinda wish I had separate keys for each guy.

Is that necessary? I have all my characters on 1 and just move them as a group. Then select my own guy with space.

I would like to be more flexible with my micro especially with different units so I can split push and trap people better with illusions.

Anyways thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Neuromancerrr
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Items for offlane MK?

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 06:13 PM PDT

Should i just get treads>vangu>sb>echo>crimson>blademail>heart. I really like deso on him but it doesn't really help him to get tanky

submitted by /u/grayscalejay
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Could anybody review this game for me please?

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 05:53 PM PDT


I was Sven. Were there any better heroes i could have picked? Could I have itemized differently? I know I died a lot which isn't good. I feel like teamfights were really hard to take because every fight was taken on their terms. I could never get into the backlines and I just got kited so hard. Zeus had such a high impact and did so much damage. We lost 2 lanes out of 3 and I couldnt really do much during the early game. How should I have played this game?

These types of games always make me feel bad, especially since this game broke my win streak.


submitted by /u/Golden_Garfunkle
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A returning dota player from 2016, slowly getting back into the groove, looking for any help or advice that might aid me.

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 09:17 AM PDT

I used to play a lot of slark and PA back then, as well as some timbersaw, but getting unrusted by playing cores seems to not generally be a good idea as that diminishes my team's victory, having trash on a carry hero, so I wanted to try heroes like phoenix to start playing a 3/4 position, do you guys have any advice on how to start over?

submitted by /u/Ephermeral
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What are the positions in dota?

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 02:29 PM PDT

I always see people talking about things like position 1-5 but I have no idea what those are. What are the positions?

submitted by /u/poppo987
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Can't carry my team, help?

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 09:18 AM PDT

So here I am again. I know that not all games are winnable but this is ridiculous. I was playing furion and ganking all lanes so hard and did well. I really don't know if I have just hit a wall in terms of winning games. I can't win unless there's a legitimate second carry in my team, if not it all goes to trash.

https://www.opendota.com/matches/4094739215, help please!

Should I be playing Furion in this mmr, or should I just switch to hardcarry/midlane?

submitted by /u/bikinbutler
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How do you stop the enemy creep wave from dying so fast when trying to double wave?

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 11:29 AM PDT

I am struggling to get the double wave effect at the mid lane because my creeps just kill the eenmy creeps way to fast and die under the enemy tower before my next wave arrives.

How do I remedy this?

submitted by /u/WanderingCatDOTA
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How to stop going on autopilot?

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 04:55 AM PDT

Hey /r/learndota2!

I've decided to play ranked again (tnx for grimstroke balance changes icefrog), and I skimmed through a replay of a ranked match earlier. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/4093706476

The match went ok and I won, but one problem I noticed was I go on autopilot for a couple of times.

I've read a lot of guides and advice to know how to position myself and how to avoid getting ganked, but I still died a couple of times (got hooked by pudge 2 times). The good part is I noticed that I went on autopilot and played safe for the whole game until I got 6-slotted.

I feel like most of my losses, the main reason is I forgot some important things that I learned and go autopilot. Whether it be on farming, positioning, map awareness, etc. How do I avoid this?

submitted by /u/axl2468
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1K Drow replay analysis - but more importantly ��NEW MIC �� So you can actually understand me from now.

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 08:10 AM PDT

Old Player wanting to get back into this game

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 06:48 AM PDT

Haven't played since TI6, what did I miss? And what's the hero meta right now?

submitted by /u/Chandra-huuuugggs
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What should I do as safe lane support when my lane is losing hard

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 01:31 AM PDT

Just had a game where I first picked Shadow Shaman and my Carry last picked Slark. We were against Skywrath Mage and Grimstroke and were absolutely destroyed the first minutes. Slark got so behind that the game was not recoverable for him. I asked for lane swap with Bristle and Nyx, but they didn't answer .

What should I do to save this type of games?

submitted by /u/raff100
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How to improve teamfighting and team coordination?

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 05:16 AM PDT

As a 5 stack, how can we train to improve general combos or teamfighting? Who to focus and whatnot. I heard that pros use overthrow to practice so we've been trying that.

submitted by /u/boybente
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