Civilization - [Civ of the Week] Japan

[Civ of the Week] Japan

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 03:06 AM PDT


Unique Ability

Meiji Restoration

  • Districts gain adjacency bonuses for every district instead of every two districts

Unique Unit


  • Unit type: Melee
  • Requires: Military Tactics tech
  • Replaces: none
  • Does not require resources
  • 160 Production cost (Standard Speed)
  • 3 Gold Maintenance
  • 48 Combat Strength
    • Does not suffer combat penalties when damaged
  • 2 Movement

Unique Infrastructure

Electronics Factory

  • Infrastructure type: Building
  • Requires: Industrialization tech
  • Replaces: Factory
  • 355 Production cost (Standard Speed)
  • 2 Gold Maintenance
  • +4 Production
  • +4 Production to all City Centers within 6 tiles
  • +4 Culture upon researching Electricity tech
  • +1 Great Engineer point per turn
  • +1 Citizen slot

Leader: Hojo Tokimune

Leader Ability

Divine Wind

  • Land units gain +5 Combat Strength on land adjacent to coastal tiles
  • Naval units gain +5 Combat Strength on coastal tiles
  • Halved Production costs to Holy Site, Theater Square and Encampment districts



  • Likes civilizations with both a strong military and strong Faith or Culture output
  • Dislikes civilizations that are strong in military but weak in Faith or Culture

Vote for the next Civ of the Week.

Check the Wiki for the other Civ of the Week Discussion Threads.

submitted by /u/Bragior
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Here is your daily [Indonesia & Auckland] tile porn fix.

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 11:23 AM PDT

Last Pharaoh

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 03:52 PM PDT

TIL Pedro II has met 2 ingame leaders, Victoria and Teddy Roosevelt

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 04:04 PM PDT

Now that's a Great Wall. Thanks Mongolia!

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 01:35 PM PDT

The Celts have two random hexes in their border cut off by a city state.

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 05:29 AM PDT

Well, what does this means...

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 04:09 PM PDT

Civilization 6: Most Expansive Mods

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 10:06 AM PDT

Who’s the one Civ leader you just want to punch in the face?

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 01:35 PM PDT

Mine's probably Catherine. She's somehow in every game I set up to play Her annoying spy bull shit and just her voice makes me claw my ears out.

Second would be Mzemba. Some how he's also in every game I play and he ALWAYS has huge empires and has good science so they're never easy to conquer in domination.

Hate them both. What about you guys?

submitted by /u/Inowannausedesktop
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How are people going about their Science Victories (Sub 170 turns)

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 10:11 AM PDT

I took a big break and a lot seems to have changed now with R&F, so just wondering how the low turn players amongst us are going about SV now?

Used to be that a gold/science based strategy that involved banking around 30k+ and buying all the scientists asap seemed to be the optimal strategy. Coupled with exploiting Carl Sagan + overflow was enough to complete SVs in 120-160 turns depending on how well you played (my PB was 165).

But Carl Sagan received a stealth nerf meaning his overflow doesn't go anywhere (this seems dumb since why give someone 3000 production if nothing costs that much?).

Is anyone managing to achieve super low SVs with other strategies? Magnus chops perhaps? Ive yet to play to endgame in R&F as I'm just feeling my way through early and midgame but I'm clueless in how to approach SVs optimally now. Seems like there's no way to avoid the production bottleneck of space parts.

submitted by /u/Friedbeaver
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[Mod Request] Build Canals pls (Civ VI)

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 08:27 AM PDT

Does anyone know if it is possible to make a mod for buildable canals in Civ VI. Maybe via builder actions or as a district, I don't really care which. Does a mod that does this already exist?

submitted by /u/cory-balory
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So I just watched Quills beginners guide videos...

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 05:33 PM PDT

....and still feel completely overwhelmed.

don't get me wrong, the video series was much more info than the tutorial. i read before getting the game that civ VI actually had a better tutorial than the previous games. which means i'd be scared wondering how i would have navigated those earlier games. yikes.

anyways, i certainly feel like he's give a solid starting point for complete newbies such as myself. yet at the same time...feels like theres more he left out.

obviously a lot of this game seems to be adjusting/adapting to whats going on around you. so in that sense you gotta be prepared to make the correct moves once you run into those scenarios.

is the best bet for a complete newbie such as myself to just play on the easiest setting/small map/quick time and just work on getting games under my belt?

submitted by /u/ScubaSteve_
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Some art my mother did of our favourite civ leader

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 08:02 PM PDT

Culture heaven!

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 09:42 AM PDT

Favorite mods that don't disable achievements?

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 11:02 AM PDT

I am a 'Chieveophile, I love gaining them. I also love mods just as much. I have a couple mods that don't affect save games, which, according to the internet, means that they don't affect Achievements. I have Quick Turns, Music Changer, and EUI. You guys have any suggestions? Follow up: Is the community patch (not the balance overhaul) worth it for no achievements?

submitted by /u/DoYouEvenMaxRank
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That production

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 01:39 PM PDT

New leaders released for Super Civs VI!

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 03:07 PM PDT

Hey Reddit! I've just released 7 new leaders for my Super Civs VI mod, bringing the total up to 32 unique Civs and 64 unique Leaders! If you like superheroes and supervillains, Marvel or DC, give it a look! Plus, a number of leaders now have custom dialogue, and I've updated the colors of every leader to be more readable!


NEW Leaders:

Domino, Killmonger (2 versions), Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Swamp Thing, Winter Soldier.

[Steam Workshop](

[Google Doc](

(This is where all the documentation and abilities are listed, give it a look!!)

Give it a look! Have fun! I love you!

submitted by /u/luei333
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[Mod request] wealth

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 12:24 PM PDT

I miss wealth from civ 5 I love the super late game where i just out off winning having fun the the a.i. I hate how I have to still micro manage all of my city's and miss setting most of them to wealth

submitted by /u/MoresMutual
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[Mod request/search] Canals or Destroy/create land tile (Civ 6)

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 06:58 PM PDT

I like to play island and archipelago maps, and one thing that frequently frustrates me is having a long serpentine island separating two bodies of water, with narrow points that are two land tiles wide. When a strip of land is one tile wide you can place a city on that tile and pass ships through it, but two tile peninsulas are impenetrable.

What I would love to find is a mod that allows me (at great expense) to create a passage across these narrow land bridges to allow my navies free access to both bodies of water. I'm not interested in crazy OP instantaneous terraforming technologies, I think the right way to build a canal is either as a wonder (or wonder-level) construction project in a city or as an improvement that requires multiple worker units to complete. A strategic asset like the Panama Canal is something that could dramatically alter the course of world history, and should not be granted easily.

Are there any mods that do this (or similar) available? I'd love to get your collective advice.

submitted by /u/ProjectGO
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Civ VI has been out 2 years, and I still can't push AI out of my borders

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 07:34 AM PDT

Oh and I still can't protect suzerains.

I can kinda look past the suzerain issue, as you can, if being super super SUPER generous, put it down as a mechanical choice. But not being able to push AI out of your borders once friendships expire, or hell them simply being able to stay in your borders in any case, is unforgivable.

I just had an AI upgrade their units within my borders, even though I stopped being friends with them 50+ turns back.

(Yes, before someone says it, I am absolutely salty! More than once, not being able to push the AI out of my borders has seriously hindered my gameplay. It's an unforgivable coding error on the devs' part)

submitted by /u/Nandy-bear
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Deity Science Victory Tips

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 05:35 PM PDT

So I recently won my first Deity Science victory as Barbarossa around the turn 300 mark (standard speed). Is there any useful things/tips to know that will decrease this time?

submitted by /u/jhloveday
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Is Rome a good civilization in Civ VI ?

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 12:09 PM PDT

First time playing Aztecs and I'm very pleased... Heaven help whomever is on the other side of the Aztecs army.

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 08:37 PM PDT

Anyone playing Superpower: CoC for V? What is your favorite civ, map, playstyle?

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 03:24 PM PDT

I'm pretty fond of the 3% global culture building from Russia...

Curious if I might be overlooking some cool ones.

submitted by /u/KuntaStillSingle
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Does anyone else find the science beeline in Civ 6 to be ridiculously fast?

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 03:08 PM PDT

The main techs in the science path to victory seem to me to be writing, education, scientific theory, and chemistry. Chemistry especially can be beelined three techs away. You can be atomic before others are renaissance.

I certainly don't begrudge the advantage, especially on higher difficulties against the AI, but with another human player it seems like you're asking to lose the game if you don't beeline to these techs and get your campuses buffed out. I feel like chemistry should have another tech requirement or something from the bottom of the tree so that you can't be doing chemistry while the rest of the world is researching gunpowder.


submitted by /u/insipid_comment
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