Guild Wars 2 - Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - September 01, 2018

Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - September 01, 2018

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 06:11 AM PDT

This thread is dedicated to questions that you've never really felt the need to start a thread for, but would still like to see answered/discussed.


Please also consider sorting the comments in this thread by "new" so that the newest comments are at the top, since those are most likely to still need answers.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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I hope they remember you.

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 06:28 AM PDT

Fear Not This Night. Fear the Asura.

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 06:10 PM PDT

Can we have more punch/kick skill?

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 09:27 AM PDT

After all this years, after wardrobe, novelties, please give us build templates

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 01:33 AM PDT

Anet, you did the wardrobe, the novelties, outfits and so much more. After 6 years we deserve build templates. We demand it for over 6 years now. Since the first beta and we really need it.

We are all sick of switching gear, stats on legendaries, traits. We know you can do it, you know you can do it. Please give us this huge quality of life support we need so much. I'm tried of changing all my gear multiple time a day. (6 times yesterday)

submitted by /u/kintetsu
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Bobblehead endgame

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 08:14 AM PDT

I'm about to throw some Kung Fu Tea into the Boston Harbor

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 04:56 AM PDT

I know this "promotion" was well intended and was just meant to be something nice for the community, but by god if this hasn't turned into a hot mess by now.

Instead we have thousands of players impatiently refreshing this shitty app in hopes of getting a shot at a long lost outfit or some free heroic upgrades. Meanwhile some people happily abused the system getting dozens of codes, the first ones can already be found on ebay.

Noone cares about the tea, I would be surprised if they get even one new customer from this.

By the time they fix their hilariously bad app the codes will be gone and they have all our data regardless (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).

Maybe this can still be fixed, but I'm not holding my breath.

I personally don't care about the outfit since I already had it for years, but this whole "promotion" is just causing more negative responses than anything else.

Suggested Solutions: Provide more codes or do another giveaway with a company that knows what the heck (removed swear word since they are working on it :P) they're doing.


EDIT 2: It seems that Kung Fu Tea has recognised the delay and is working on the problem, so maybe they do know what they're doing. Boston Tea Party cancelled for now...

submitted by /u/Gahro
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A Feelgood post for the Weekend. Equinox Weapon giveaway

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 06:23 PM PDT

I sometimes roll my eyes a little when people post about how awesome the community is in this game - but I have experienced it first hand just now and have decided to pay it forward.

While loitering in Tangled Depth waiting for the Chak Gerent to turn up the Commander at SCAR noticed that she and I were wearing very similar armour (different dyes but close enough). We got to talking, and then she very kindly (and without any begging / prompting from me) sent me the new Dragon Throne to complete my look.

I offered to get her something in return but was assured that there was no need. So I decided to pay it forward. So here we are. I have a Black Lion Ticket sitting in my bank just waiting for the right opportunity to use and this seems like the perfect time.

GIVEAWAY TIME! Please let me know which of the Equinox weapons you would like, and if there is sufficient interest I will pick a poster and send them the Equinox skin of their choice.

submitted by /u/nuclear_herring
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2B, 9S and A2 perform the Amusement Park theme ♪ ♪

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 12:25 PM PDT

PSA: Copped-Fed in 530 gems today.

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 12:36 PM PDT

EDIT: Silver-Fed in 325 gems too

submitted by /u/Mr_Stellarium
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How I Got My Kung Fu Tea Rewards

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 02:50 PM PDT

Here's a little explanation to help people who are trying to get the rewards from the Kung Fu Tea Promotion.

1: Have a smart phone and a social media account prepared (Instagram or Facebook. Twitter doesn't seem to work.)

2: Download the Kung Fu Tea App, open it and make an account.

3: At the top left of the main page, you'll see 3 white bars- press them and go to "Social Rewards."

4: You'll see 3 titles, "Rewards" "Activity" and "Profile." Press profile and hit "Connect Social Media Accounts"

5: (First tricky part) There will be 2 sliders- One for Facebook and one for Instagram, press the one that you use. Enter your login information for that social media account and hit enter (you may want to highlight your username and copy it for this part). After you hit enter, you'll WANT to see your social media profile name listed under the "profile tab." If you don't, your login did not work and you'll have to try again (most likely again and again and again like spamming a Tangled Depths map)

6: (Second tricky part) After you've successfully logged in and your social media name appears under the "profile" tab, click the "rewards tab." MOST LIKELY, you'll see a message saying "There are no Rewards available etc." If you see this, press the back button at the top left. Press the 3 white bars at the top left. Press "Social Rewards" and then the "Rewards" tab. This process refreshed the rewards list. Keep doing that over and over until you get a loading screen on the "Rewards" tab. Wait for the loading screen (3-20min).

7: When the "Rewards" tab finally finished loading, you'll have a few options to select. Press the "Free Gw2 Outfit" option. MOST LIKELY, you'll get an error message. KEEP PRESSING. Press the outfit option again and again until you get a loading screen. Wait for the loading screen. (2-10min)

8: Once the Loading screen goes away, the option for the free outfit should have disappeared. If it has, you've most likely secured the outfit. In 2-30 minutes, you'll get a red "1" next to the "Profile" tab. Press profile and then press messages. Wait for the messages list to populate and you should see a message with your codes. SCREEN SHOT THIS MESSAGE so you don't lose it.

Good Luck!

submitted by /u/kron1116
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Chaos Condition Chronomancer | 8k - 11k DPS

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 04:43 PM PDT

I did it.

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 08:54 AM PDT

New WvW web tools on

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 06:51 AM PDT

Hi everyone!

It's been a few months since the last time I posted about on reddit. Since I rewrote the website into a more modular codebase I've been able to look into adding more features and more tools. Today I'm releasing the GW2 Ninja World vs. World section in public beta (since there might still be bugs etc I haven't caught).

Check it out on

If you don't see World vs. World in the menu, give the page a refresh and it should show up.

About the World vs. World section

There are 4 bigger parts to the World vs. World section:

  • Region Overview: Shows you a brief overview of all the matches in EU and NA at a glance. Nice for getting some insights into another match quickly if you're talking with a friend from another server.
  • Live Map: As most other World vs. World sites, GW2 Ninja is also sporting a live map. See which towers belongs to which world and click objectives to open a dialog that shows you more information, such as guild upgrades and tactivators.
  • Matchup Stats: Do a deepdive into the match of the world you have selected. See the overall stats, stats based on map or dive into the numbers from skirmish to skirmish.
  • Leaderboards: The weekly leaderboards allow you to get a comparison between EU and NA. Sort the table based on Kills to see the most deadly worlds this week, the ones that die the least or just the ones that managed to get the lowest score so far.


As always I highly appreciate feedback either here in the thread or on Github. This can be anything from feature requests to bugs or just small changes that would improve the site for you.


Since I've made a few updates since last time I wrote on reddit, here you'll get a small rundown on some of the other things I have released since April on For a full changelog, click here.

  • Settings: In the top right corner you'll find a Settings-icon.
    • Currently you can choose a website theme color for colors that match the different Guild Wars 2 released (Core, HoT and PoF).
    • Choose the language that all API requests will return. By default it's in english, but if you prefer to see german weapon names, then this is where you change it.
    • Add your API key to get a nice little welcome message in the menu and have your own server automatically selected on the WvW section. Your API key is only stored in your own browser in what's called the LocalStorage.
  • Add-ons: The directory now sports a new category: Add-ons. So far there's only 4 entries, so if you have suggestions, please let me know about them. If they're officially approve by a public ArenaNet statement, I would like a link to that as well.
  • Streaming Tools: If you're a streamer like I am myself and want to hook your chatbot up with the GW2 API, then you can easily do it for nightbot and Streamlabs Chatbot under Streaming Tools. If the data you want about your account is not available in the tool, please let me know and I'll look into adding what you're looking for.
  • Other: A bunch of style changes and small optimisations for mobile and tablet users has also been made recently. Hope that can help improve the experience across all devices.

You've managed to get to the end. Thanks for reading through and thanks to everyone who uses my website each month. Oh and if you're a nerd like me who likes to stalk other peoples code, the source is available on Github.

submitted by /u/rediche
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HardCore Guardian - 30,183

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 11:06 AM PDT

Caution To Anyone Trying The Kung Fu Tea - GW2 Promotion

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 01:58 AM PDT

Hey everyone. I just wanted to give a quick warning up to anyone trying to grab the DLC from this promotion:

Seems pretty straight-forward, except 1) You have to link a social media account with their app (even though it says you don't,) because of course you do. & 2) The app doesn't actually let you claim any of the DLC. Will likely crash out, and then once it logs you back in won't let you try to claim that DLC reward again.

I tried to get this to work with both my work & personal email & on both my & my friend's phone & same deal each time. Other people in my guild are also having problems with it.

I should clairfy: I definitely hope it works for people. I just wanted to give everyone a heads-up it may not be as straight-forward or bug-free as one might hope.

Just thought I'd let you know! See yall in Tyria!

submitted by /u/PseudoOAlias
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Anet PLEASE fix your Special Action Key in Golem Training Arena

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 12:38 AM PDT

That shit broke 80% of the time save me the blood pressure.

submitted by /u/SirRan
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[GW2 Lore] The History of The Zephyrites

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 05:23 AM PDT

Anet should do a recruit a friend promotion!

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 07:54 AM PDT

Anet should have a recruit a friend promotion where if you can sign someone up to buy a expansion from a promotion link tied to your account they will give you an exclusive mount skin, glider, armour skin, title etc..

I am sure this will see a huge influx of players as people will really try hard to convince their friends to get the game so they can get the exclusive items.

submitted by /u/Raxzor
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Trading post illuminati - I'll lay my hands on you one day 10k rare scepter!

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 07:46 PM PDT

Draconis Mons mystery

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 06:52 AM PDT

So guys, I haven't played in a while but I remember something from "Flashpoint" last year.

In draconis mons, lowest level, on the shore of the lake, there's a dead Largos body.

Did we get any information about it since then ? Does it have any importance at all ? :/

submitted by /u/lulucassoul22
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The legendary I'm looking to craft isn't on this list!

Posted: 31 Aug 2018 07:56 PM PDT

Power Scourge PvP Pentakill

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 09:06 AM PDT

Herald Facet of Nature - Dragon new bahavior analysis

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 02:05 AM PDT


After discussing a bit with some friend and people here it seemed that the new Facet of Nature - Dragon behavior and effect were not really clear so I made some tests.


I am using 3 characters during this test process:

  • Source, the character emiting the boon
  • Target, the character recieving the boon
  • Herald, the Herald with the Facet of Nature - Dragon pulsing on a 600 radius

Base hypotesis

Here are some preliminary results to take out of the way eventual testing issues (for the rest of the post FoN will be used instead of "Facet of Nature - Dragon"):

  • FoN from the Herald and from the Console in the Special For Training Area have the same behavior and potency
  • The class you have as Source or Target of the boon has no impact on the behavior and potency of the FoN (tested with an assortment of guard, mesmer, warrior, necromancer, elementalist and revenant on various elite specs)
  • The Source, Target and Herald Boon Duration have no impact on the potency of the FoN
  • No Herald trait (here I specifically mean the traits of the Herald elite spec) has any influence on the FoN's behavior or potency
  • The boon applied by Source on Target has no impact on the behavior or potency of the FoN

I am not providing any figures for these because that would just mean pasting tables of equal numbers everywhere so not very useful to read.

Testing scenarios

Now for the fun part!

In order to refine the behavior (after assessing all of the above) I used a Herald, a Mesmer (Source) and a friend on a Guard (Target) (1st I tested with clones but it was tricky to check the focus speed on them :p). I tested by sharing Might, Speed or Fury with the SoI and applying Speed with the Focus. I played with the following parameters:

  • Source Boon Duration ==> 0% or 100%
  • Is Source affected by the FoN?
  • Is Target affected by the FoN?

Here is the data I managed to produce.


The potency of the FoN is around 20% Boon Duration, maybe it comes as a 300 Concentration buff and not a 20% Boon Duration buff but it does not matter because of the behavior explained right after that.

FoN is a buff that, if applied to you, increases the duration of boon you recieve EXCEPT if the Source was already capped at 100% boon duration. The application of FoN on the Source does not matter at all.

On a personal note I find this behavior a bit strange because it kinda goes against the boon application mechanics we usually use in 99% of the rest of the game so far. But then maybe it's not yet working as intended because reworking Herald may have left some unexpected odd behavior.

Anyway I hope this helped some players and theorycrafters better understand what's up with this recent change!



submitted by /u/BackIsBachus
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