Factorio Playing Factorio has made me really paranoid when crossing train tracks irl. |
- Playing Factorio has made me really paranoid when crossing train tracks irl.
- Hello fellow factorians! I have designed a self sustaining tileable laser defense system.
- August 2018 Community Map result, 65 hours
- I think we made a nice Spagetti-Base
- Spreadsheet for Turret Research - shots to kill
- [Request] Wiring trains to be called as needed?
- First solo launch! 13 hours.
- Factorio Monthly Community Map - September 2018
- Should I get Factorio?
- Minimum stack size?
- This was fun doing all these achievements together.
- Trains vs Mainbus
- Just got me a mobile power gaming system
- the train madnes
- I can't believe how much raw ingredients it takes to make modules.
- 36 hours on the august community map
- Factorio guide?
- Binary Search Signal Picker Circuit - Demo video included
- Any noobs wanna play with another noob?
- Playing on Light Laptop
- Crafting Shortcuts
- First Screen-Shottable Map
Playing Factorio has made me really paranoid when crossing train tracks irl. Posted: 01 Sep 2018 01:04 PM PDT | ||
Hello fellow factorians! I have designed a self sustaining tileable laser defense system. Posted: 01 Sep 2018 12:15 PM PDT
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August 2018 Community Map result, 65 hours Posted: 01 Sep 2018 08:57 AM PDT
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I think we made a nice Spagetti-Base Posted: 01 Sep 2018 08:30 AM PDT
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Spreadsheet for Turret Research - shots to kill Posted: 01 Sep 2018 05:16 AM PDT
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[Request] Wiring trains to be called as needed? Posted: 01 Sep 2018 12:48 PM PDT Right now I have 2 trains at any given drop-off, one actively unloading, one waiting to unload, so there is rarely a shortage of active drop-offs (I set up so supply exceeds demand). I am looking to have a more robust setup, instead of dedicated trains for specific drop-offs. What I am looking to achieve: - Standby Station with multiple trains (I have a 40 train standby currently set up, all train stops named "Standby"). - A "call" set so if any drop-off is beginning to get low (train getting ready to leave for more resources), another train is called to that location. This way, I can name ANY train stop with iron (for example) as only "Iron", and disable train stops that are not currently in need. - Set the stops to enable when getting low and call a train, without sending 15 trains already loaded in standby to the same stop. - The goal is to have trains load resources (in excess)(these trains can be resource dedicated, though it would be interesting to even alleviate that need, but one step at a time), and send them to standby and await any station that requires the resource loaded. I am new enough to the game to have not played too much with circuitry and making algorithms using the combiners, but I imagine this would be a requirement for such a setup. I would imagine I could simply send a signal through the network for "Iron" and have it send a train, but it should only send one train per "call" (as opposed to sending every awaiting train to said station) (maybe a pulse? first check to make sure there is a train waiting with the required contents, and then pulse a single train?) Is there any existing setup for this, and/or could someone help me make such a setup? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 01 Sep 2018 07:24 AM PDT
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Factorio Monthly Community Map - September 2018 Posted: 01 Sep 2018 02:00 PM PDT What is this? The idea behind the monthly community map is to share a map exchange string at the beginning of every month, and get as many people as we can to start a new world with it. Then at the end of the month (or even periodically if you'd prefer!) we share screenshots and saves of our factories so that we can see how different people approach the same spawn; how they set up their base, how they deal with aliens, and how they arrange their science, power, and everything else. I hope it can highlight how many different ways there are to do things, inspire some new designs, and maybe seeing how veteran factorio players tackle problems will help out new players facing the exact same problems. (Of course, there's also the fact that it'll just be plain cool to see all of the different possible factories - the good, the bad, and the ugly.) Last Month's Results The Community Map It's time for a new map already, huh? I guess I'll keep you in suspense no longer: that scenario I said we'd be playing this time? Frontier by MagmaMcFry over on the Factorio forums. There's a description of the scenario as well as a download link and instructions on how to add a scenario to your scenarios list in that link, but the gist of it is: Download the scenario, go to your Factorio data folder - the same place your saves and screenshots are stored, and the same place you'd go to add a mod to the mod's folder - and add the scenario to the scenarios folder. (If a scenarios folder doesn't exist, just create one.) Lastly, instead of hitting Play->New Game on the main menu, hit Play->Scenarios and choose Frontier down at the bottom under "user scenarios". If you need a hand getting this to work, comment below and I'll be happy to help. To go along with this, I thought I'd throw in a few mods as well - nothing crazy like a huge Bob's mod pack or anything, just a handful of interesting mods I thought would make a map like this more fun. Required Mods It's been a bit interesting trying to find a map seed for this month, since I can't load the scenario into freeplay and just look around. That being said, I did look around a fair bit on the biter free side, and everything seems pretty ok. So hopefully no one's running out of coal by hour 2 or something~ In addition, I've added a few interesting mods to the optional mods list since last month. I'm not going to require you to have atomic artillery shells per se, but... well, that choice is yours. ; P Exchange string: What your starting area should look like: https://i.imgur.com/t98sDKS.png I have a good feeling about this month, and I hope it looks interesting to all of you guys as well. As a side note, the wall the scenario spawns that separates you from the biters is unmineable: You'll have to destroy it to get through. In addition, the structures that the ruins mod adds are neutral to you. In other words, if you see any turrets, they might just start firing at you. Be careful~ Exchange String Help If anyone isn't sure how to use an exchange string, just go to new game like you're going to generate a new world, and at the bottom there's a text field labelled "Exchange String", just under seed and world type selection. Just copy the exchange string above and paste it into that box. That's it! You're good to go. Just generate the world and come back in a month to show us how your factory turned out! If you paste the exchange string in and the text turns red, check to make sure that you copied the whole string, including the three greater than/lesser than signs at the beginning and end, and make sure that your Factorio is up to date with the most recent version installed. (As of the time of this post, the most recent version of Factorio is 0.16.51.) Let's Players If you are a streamer or let's player who will be recording yourself building a new factory on a community map, I'd be happy to add a link to your channel here! FactorioMMO /u/Factoriommo has generously volunteered to host the community maps. Make sure to check out their sub and their Discord to stay up to date with them. Multiplayer Servers If you have an open public server, let me know in the comments below or send me a PM and I'll add your server here! About Mods Since mods can affect how a world spawns and ores are distributed, as well as add or change items and functionality, it's important to make sure that we're all playing the same game by the same rules. There are a few select mods that either don't add any new items or change terrain, or that simply don't change the base game in a significant way, and I've decided to put together a list of these "Optional Mods" that I think are ok to use on any map. These will likely all be nothing more than convenience mods. Even Distribution is a wonderful example of a mod that, while very useful, does not inherently change the way the game is played. Then there are also mods like RadarPlus for RSO that do add new items, but still don't really change the way the game is played. Of course this list is by no means comprehensive, so if you think you know of a mod that fits this criteria, please suggest it. Likewise, if you think I've added something that I shouldn't have, please let me know why. Optional Mods Note: I can't conceive of any situation where this could be an issue, but if you're the author of one of the mods listed here (and can offer me some proof of this) and for whatever reason would like me to remove your mod from this post, I'd be happy to comply. It's entirely possible some of these mods either don't work with the current version of Factorio, conflict with each other, or in some manner just don't work. I can't test them all, let alone every configuration of them, so you might wanna back up your world before adding one of these. Dirt Path - Factorissimo2 Compatible Natural Tree Expansion Reloaded Previous Threads -- 2017 -- -- 2018 -- [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 01 Sep 2018 07:56 PM PDT I've heard from many people that's it's a good game and I enjoy these types of games. I wanted to ask if it's worth it's price. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 01 Sep 2018 12:52 PM PDT Is there a way to make an inserter not move until it has x number of items in hand? I know you can limit the stack size, but can you set a minimum? I feel like it worked that way in early versions of .16 (or .15 I forget when stack inserters were add) Edit: looks like they were added in .13 [link] [comments] | ||
This was fun doing all these achievements together. Posted: 01 Sep 2018 04:39 PM PDT
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Posted: 01 Sep 2018 05:31 AM PDT So I've played through the game a couple of times, and in both playthroughs I relied very heavily on trains to move resources around (picking up ore, moving it to a foundry; for example), maybe having two or three for each resource to ensure deliveries are frequent enough. It seems to work pretty well, as my factories are never starved and it makes expanding as simple as adding a few train stops to bring the materials I need over to the new area. I tend to have a main base built on top of the starter resource patches, where I put production plants for the early-game science packs, my science labs, a foundry, maybe an oil refinery if I've got room (usually shipping in oil from further afield) - but after that I build each plant as a separate factory (example screenshot here). It wasn't until joining this subreddit that I came across the idea of a mainbus, and I was wondering if for my next playthrough I should stick to what I'm used to or give the mainbus a go. Are there any major benefits/drawbacks to a mainbus compared to the way I do things now? Am I completely off the mark with my design, and could I be much more efficient if I used a mainbus? [link] [comments] | ||
Just got me a mobile power gaming system Posted: 01 Sep 2018 04:58 AM PDT I bought me the 2018 Razer Blade 15, with the GTX 1070 version. Amazing performance ! I can now run every game for the notebook on the go in ULTRA Graphic Settings. The first game I started is Factorio, the only game I played since I got the notebook is Factorio. I looked at other games ... considered buying ... naaah not as good as Factorio. I might as well return the notebook and get back to my old shit system. Factorio is amazing [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 01 Sep 2018 05:32 PM PDT
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I can't believe how much raw ingredients it takes to make modules. Posted: 01 Sep 2018 12:09 PM PDT
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36 hours on the august community map Posted: 31 Aug 2018 08:25 PM PDT
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Posted: 01 Sep 2018 11:29 AM PDT I was looking trough google play and saw that there were no apps dedicated for providing help with factorio. Is there demand for an app like this? [link] [comments] | ||
Binary Search Signal Picker Circuit - Demo video included Posted: 01 Sep 2018 01:21 PM PDT Hi guys, EDIT: For anyone who may be confused about what this circuit does, it outputs just one signal out of a bus of signals. so if you input 5 Iron Ore, 3 Copper Plate, 20000 water, 300 Red Science, it will output them one at a time instead of in a combined bus. I was using a linear search type signal picker algorithm in my LTN in Vanilla designs, and I was thinking that the signal picker is one of the slowest parts of the design, especially in the case where there's only a single input signal coming in, but in multiples. So I measured just how long it takes, it turns out its worst case performance (time it is just cycling and not outputting a signal), is 1039 ticks for the case of a single input signal. This is about 17.5 seconds, which isn't horrible, but it isn't really great either. So I decided to use a Binary Search Algorithm instead. Worst case performance (time between any signals being output) is about 33 ticks, which is WAY better than the other case. Overall cycle time increases if you get a very large number of input signals, though in my case I don't care since I need some time to dispatch trains anyway. This circuit is probably not optimal, but it's significantly faster than any other solution I've seen to this problem so far, and can handle the full circuit network signal space, with the exception of the control signals I'm using. Circuit Demo Video!blueprint https://pastebin.com/bjPJA0Sh [link] [comments] | ||
Any noobs wanna play with another noob? Posted: 01 Sep 2018 12:47 PM PDT Just vanilla, no mods add me if you are interested https://steamcommunity.com/id/M4SKkickback/ [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 01 Sep 2018 05:38 PM PDT So for various reasons, I got a cheap little laptop. one that is basically aimed to compete with Chromebooks. so it has windows 10. ... 32bit. now, it can play factorio, but apparently since its 32 instead of 64, it limits it to an older version? is there any way around this other than upgrading to 64 bit? is there enough difference between versions to matter if I'm only going to play it on this one machine in small bursts? anyone tried this sort of thing before? any recommendations? I have also considered giving the modded stuff a try, but it sounds like that stuff is pretty intensive, would that be likely to be hard to remember/keep track of if it was played gradually over a longer time rather than in a concentrated way? would this old version bit be a problem with that? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 01 Sep 2018 06:58 AM PDT I know that left click=1 and shift+left click=all you can craft but is there any for like 10x,50x, 100x,...? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 01 Sep 2018 04:16 AM PDT https://factoriomaps.com/user/sakatagintoki_321/MainBusCrossSpaghetti/2018-08-30/index.html There we go. Nigh on 50 hours, in my third attempt at a rocket. A big thanks to FactorioMaps for this amazing map generation tool. Any ideas that spark in your heads? Inefficiencies? Ratio errors? Do tell. Apart from trains. I will set those up in due time (although after fifty hours, I think it's rather freaking due.) [link] [comments] |
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