Heroes of the Storm - Hero Discussion: The Lost Vikings

Hero Discussion: The Lost Vikings

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 06:29 AM PDT

Welcome to the Tuesday Hero Discussion, where we feature a rotating hero discussion about popular Warriors, Supports, and Specialist every Tuesday. This Tuesday we are going to focus on Specialists.

The Lost Vikings Triple Trouble

  • HotS Birthday & Cost (Link): Febuary 10, 2015 & 750 Gems / 10,000 Gold
  • The Lost Vikings Wiki Entries Wikia (Link) Gamepedia (Link) Liquipedia (Link) Nexus Compendium(Link)
  • Balance History (Link)
  • List of Pro Builds (Link)
  • Hero Spotlight (Link)
  • The Lost Vikings Grandmaster HL Match w/Grubby Season 2 2018 (Link)
  • The Lost Vikings Hero League Play w/Chu8 (Link)
  • A-Z The Lost Vikings w/MFPallytime (Link)

The Lost Vikings have not gotten any balance changes in 2018 and is currently a Tier 3 Specialist in HGC Phase 2 (Link) selected two times with a 100% win rate. The Lost Vikings popularity on the HotS ladder based on Heroes.report (Link) and HotsLogs (Link) is around 1% with a win rate of about 44% over the past seven days.

  • The Lost Vikings are classified as Very Hard difficulty to play, do you agree?
  • What strengths and weaknesses do you think pros consider when choosing The Lost Vikings in HGC 2018 matches, and do those considerations apply to ranked and unranked matches?
  • When do you prioritize drafting The Lost Vikings and on what maps?
  • What heroes do you draft to counter The Lost Vikings pick?
  • Are there any particular hero synergies to complement The Lost Vikings pick?
  • Are The Lost Vikings an early, mid or late-game hero, and where are the significant power spikes"
  • Is there a particular build you would recommend to someone wanting to learn the basics of The Lost Vikings?
  • Is there a high skill cap build you favor to optimize The Lost Vikings performance and create flashy plays?
  • Do you have any tips or tricks for positioning The Lost Vikings in team fights and on rotations?
  • Which of The Lost Vikings heroics do you favor?
  • Do you use the "On Release" keybind feature for any of The Lost Vikings abilities, if so which ones?
  • Do you think The Lost Vikings are balanced; if not, what abilities or talents should be reworked?

Previous Hero Discussions (Link)
The sidebar for /r/Heroesofthestorm is updated to include the Hero Discussions wiki.

Please Upload Your Replays to HotsAPI.net & HotsLogs.com
Uploading your replays to these sites provides better data for the HotS community to analyze and learn from. Stats of the Storm (Link) is a utility that works for both PC and Mac that allows you to view replay stats locally on your computer and automate uploading replays to both HotsAPI and HotsLogs.

submitted by /u/LDAP
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Heroes of the Storm Patch Notes – September 4, 2018

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 10:13 AM PDT

Almost lvl 100 with Sonya, this is what i learned

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 05:57 PM PDT

Hanamura Temple: The Third Lane by Cavalierguest

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 02:52 PM PDT

Mephisto needs to able to use the magical cloud mounts

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 05:31 PM PDT

Blizz Pls. Mephisto needs to be able to use the angry cloud! Why you no allow this?!?!?!?!

submitted by /u/PR0MeTHiUMX
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Blizzard, don't hold out important game fixes for Blizzcon announcements hype.

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 07:34 AM PDT

Most of all last year announcements were things that weren't necessarily broken (eg: 2018 gameplay update). This is good. This means the Blizzcon announcements weren't actual fixes, they were new features.

I fear however that this year's Blizzcon will feature nothing but announcements of fixes that should not be advertized as features.

To list a few:

  • Role rework should not be advertized as a feature, it's a game fix.
  • QM and TL improvements are also just fixes to the modes.
  • Edit (oops I forgot): "fixed" Performance-based MM. It was already announced last year
  • Etc. Anything that isn't fixing something that has been broken for a long time

For reference, here's a short list of things that would actually be new features:

  • Clan system
  • Spectator mode
  • Loadout improvements/overhaul
  • Reconnect/Replay system overhaul
submitted by /u/Ultrajante
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Li-Ming, Tal Rasha's Elements, and today's patch -- an unexpected buff?

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 12:45 PM PDT

(tl;dr: Li-Ming may have gotten a huge buff to her level 20+ combo burst damage as a possibly-unintentional effect of today's patch)

Today's patch notes feature this bit:

  • Dynamic Spell Power Updating

    • Ability Damage is now calculated while abilities are in flight instead of only at the time of cast.

If you are unfamiliar with Tal Rasha's Elements, it is a level 20 talent for Li-Ming that reads:

Using Abilities grants 5% Spell Power, to a maximum of 20%. This bonus is reset when the same Ability is used within a chain.

Today's change leads to really weird behavior of this talent. It used to be that the talent was all about chaining your skills to focus damage into whichever your main damage skill is (usually Arcane Orb). Now, though, it's a challenge to spam skills quickly to get all of them damage-boosted.

To exemplify this, consider an E-W-Q-Disintegrate skill rotation:

  1. Start at +0% bonus spell power.
  2. Cast an E to get in position. Now at +5% spell power.
  3. Cast W. Now at +10% spell power.
  4. Cast Q before the W hits. Now at +15% spell power.
  5. Cast Disintegrate. Now at +20% spell power.

Before today's change, the W would hit with +5% damage, the Q with +10% damage, and the R with +15% damage. Now, the Q and W will have +15% damage, and the R will have +20% damage. The Q might get +20% too, if R gets cast before it lands.

The old way to use Tal Rasha's Elements -- carefully cycling skills to boost the big damage ones -- is still there, mostly unaffected. However, this quick rotation is new and gives Li Ming huge new damage potential at level 20.

I have not confirmed this as the actual behavior, though. Has anyone playtested this in PTR, or seen it in action? Is it as strong as it seems?

Edit: I pulled out my trusty spreadsheet and crunched the numbers. https://i.imgur.com/vrD117C.png

It looks like Tal Rasha's Elements used to give a 10% boost to a E-W/Q-R combo, and it will give a 16.48% boost to it now. With an orb build at level 20, that's 441 extra damage, and that 3120 total damage is more than enough to gib most squishy heroes, with plenty to spare in missed skillshots. "Hah! That was entertaining."

Edit 2: Note on Disintegrate -- the TRE stack only ticks after the cast is finished. I don't think it be like it is but it do.

submitted by /u/Blackshell
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Gul'dan's Darkness Within is super buggy with new spell power changes

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 07:22 PM PDT

Interestingly, some buff and some nerf. Fel Flame gets no buff from Darkness Within. Lifetapping then casting Q wastes the spell power buff.
Corruption can be cast on a target, then life tapped to increase the damage of the dot damage, without consuming the DW buff. So cast lifedrain right after, and you benefit from the buff twice.
The buff should last a couple of seconds after the spells are cast, I guess, to work with the way spell power now works.

submitted by /u/BraveSirRobinGG
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Tyrande Teammate Tip: stop killing minions

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 02:26 PM PDT

Fast tip if you have Tyrande on your team:

While fighting the enemy heroes, don't go damaging minions, beetles, zombies, and walls for no reason. You might be in the habit of attacking minions whenever you're not in range to hit a hero, but that's counterproductive.

Tyrande wants those enemies left alive so she can reduce healing cooldown without exposing herself to enemy heroes / structures. When you're disengaging after a fight, hold off on clearing waves so Tyrande can shoot them and heal the group.

submitted by /u/Senshado
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Drek'Thar goes for a long walk

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 08:54 PM PDT


Was playing QM when Drek'Thar decided he needed to take the objective himself

submitted by /u/kjcags
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I don't like banning the new hero in Unranked Draft

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 04:18 PM PDT

To me Unranked is not only a much better coordinated Quick Match, but also a training ground for Ranked play.

If there are big changes like a hero rework or a new hero added or a new battleground, you can use Unranked to test against those and find synergies, counters, pros and cons and new strategies.

So I'm really against banning the new heroes, cause that's where you can learn to play with/against them, and avoid bad surprises when eventually you will be playing with/against them in Hero/Team League.

Let me know what you think.

submitted by /u/jejeba86
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Jaina's Frostbite quest tracker has received some love!

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 09:22 AM PDT

There's now a much more noticeable and usable circle bar above the health bar like some other important trait quests.

submitted by /u/CastIronJ
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Madlife (retired Korean league pro) played hots on stream again

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 11:11 AM PDT

And in his second Medivh game he's already a better Medivh than I'll ever be

was fun to watch him loading up a Rich Medivh video on youtube before queuing.

Full Vod
First Medivh game

submitted by /u/vorr
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It's been a few hours, what's your opinion on Mephisto so far?

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 03:11 PM PDT

I'm loving his spell power + consume souls build, I got a nice triple one game as the enemies where backing.

I find his E teleport to work great with the right positioning but it's a little obvious if you teleport while enemy has vision on you and can just patiently wait with a CC chain. Also it's not an escape tool if you're being chased down, still getting used to that.

His damage outside of W is pretty mediocre, Q is a nice slow but nowhere near the damage I think it should be.

Maybe I'm not building him properly. ¯\(ツ)

What's your experience so far?

submitted by /u/Dawgz
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Abathur confirmed to be OHKO with Mephisto’s Spell Power talents + Nano Boost + Consume Souls

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 11:56 AM PDT

It's more than 50% off on Deckard for now!

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 10:32 AM PDT

The most recent Diablo hero (before Mephisto) is 50% off in the new bundle :D Awesome bundle :D 302 gems to be exact https://imgur.com/a/JKBQxiK

submitted by /u/tdsredsoc
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I have an issue with a particular group of players

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 04:01 AM PDT

I am a player in the singapore region. There is a notorious group of skilled players which spams quickmatch, stomping all opposition with coordination and the ability to draft team comps with no bans and no counter drafting whatsoever. After getting fed up with getting matched against them, I looked up the most prominent players of the group (some players aren't present every time) and discovered that they are part of an esports team in SEA and apparently practice is hard to come by.

This is a brief match history of one of the players. I doubt they can get much practice from practically stomping quick match 6 hours a day. I'd love for blizzard to add an option to avoid opponents or avoid matching soloq against 5stacks in quick match so that I get more matches where I can stand a chance of winning, but then they'd never find a match for their practice. How do you think this should be resolved?

submitted by /u/SentientSupper
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Draft modes should allow you to queue as a role (exactly how it is done in League of Legends).

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 03:54 PM PDT

Would fix alot of BS where people who are last pick are forced to play roles they don't want or last picks trolling by not picking support when it is the only role needed.

The system would work as follows (merging HOTS roles with the LoL system):

Queue as a primary and secondary role, the roles are (Tank, Support, Damage, Flex).

If you are forced to play a role you didn't want due to long queue times (ex. You select Damage/Tank but are put in as a support), you will be guaranteed to get your primary role in the next match that you queue for.

EDIT: To clear things up... FLEX isn't a role, it just means you will be placed as a Tank, Damage, or Support because you have no preference.

EDIT #2: You are not LOCKED into the role you get, you can pick any hero based on your team needs, including swapping roles with your teammates if you want. This system just helped to remove toxicity at the start of a draft.

submitted by /u/SalvanusHOTS
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09/04 - 37.0 Patch Notes - BlizzTrack

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 09:42 AM PDT

So apparently even after her rework, Tyrande is still not considered a support in qm

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 03:01 PM PDT

Had multiple games where she is the only healer in a game, not even one on the other team

submitted by /u/Gallifreyan101
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Brawl with the Blues: Mephisto

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 09:28 AM PDT

[HHE] AlexDidz - Reworked Tyrande Build

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 01:22 PM PDT

Made the decision not to tilt and it pays off

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 10:04 AM PDT

Had a lot of streaky play lately. Finally concluded that I was the common factor since the streaks were big so I made the conscious decision to not get tilted playing HL and to take a break if I lost two in a row or if I tilted in chat. Climbing through plat and went 28-12.

  • It's paying dividends.
  • I'm having more fun.
  • It's the hardest thing to keep doing.

There were many temptations and I nearly lost it a few times...

  • Team drafted no healer. (won)
  • Team drafted three tanks into Tycus. (won)
  • Team drafted four squishy into first pick greymane. (lost)
  • Team gave up a keep by level 10. (won)
  • First pick xul that didn't know two lane rotation and kept diving enemy towers (won - after failed core attempt by other team)
  • Convection KT into a hyper gank comp (lost - and yes he never even half stacked)

That's six games which we should have lost no matter what, but thanks to the comeback mechanics and late team wipes, won four out of six when I normally would have joined the tilt war and blame game.

submitted by /u/zultimatenova
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Horizon Clash Sends First Team to HGC Finals

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 03:32 PM PDT

Why can't you cleanse a hook target while they're being pulled?

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 09:34 PM PDT

Cleanse will end all other stun and root effects early, but not Stitches' Hook. You can definitely pre-cleanse the hook so that it bounces off of the target, but even a split second too late and your cleanse target continues to be dragged all the way across the screen. Seems strange that this ability won't end early like the rest of them.

submitted by /u/darkshark9
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